Ministry of education and science of ukraine

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UDC 373(091)

I. Barbashova,

Ph. D., Associate Professor

(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University)
The Accumulation of experience children’s sensory development in ancient times
Formulation of the problem in general. Creating of effective didactic and methodological conditions for the younger children’s sensory development, the formation of their abilities to perceive color, shape, spatial position of objects of reality, their physical and mechanical properties, properties of distinguish speech sounds and music belongs to the urgent problems of modern primary education. An important condition for a comprehensive understanding of this problem is to study the experience of teaching students perception of ancient times.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Analysis of national and foreign historical and educational resources (L. Artemova, O. Dzhurinsky, I. Zaichenko, V. Kravets, M. Levkovsky, L. Medved, A. Sbruyeva, D. Skilsky, O. Sukhomlinska, F. Hoffmann, M. Yarmachenko etc.) allows to define various aspects of preparing young people for life in a primitive society and functioning of school education in the era of the ancient world, but that the improvement of the individual sensory areas not adequately display and require a separate study.

Formulation of objective article. The purpose of the article is to determine the evolutionary trends of children’s sensory development in ancient times.

The main material. Formation of youth in the processes of perception epoch of primitive human society was subject to the conditions of natural survival happened spontaneously, by imitating specific forms of human activity (hunting, fishing, cooking, manufacturing tools, utensils and primitive clothing, home improvement, communication of religious rituals, song and dance acts, etc.). With the growth of productive forces, the complexity of human knowledge perceptive child development is an integral part of intellectual education, which is separated from the physical labor and shall function that exists eternally, – transmit to new generations the accumulated social experience.

Orientation in the properties of objects and phenomena taught in these times in the first institutions to prepare for life and work – a kind of “youth homes”. Based on data from historical and educational research about the functioning of such schools prototypes [1; 2; 5; 6], we can state that the target areas of perceptual development of children covered to improve many senses, at least visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory, and implemented through mastery of pupils connected speech, oral tradition or tribe, different types protowriting (eg, objective writing – «wampum», «kip» – in which carriers served as color, shape, relative position and number of shells, filaments and knots and then – pictographic writing when the necessary information transferred through visual images, shapes, patterns, simplified and generalized images), the foundations of fine art and music, of skills (mainly boys trained to hunting, farming, military operations; girls – to collect plant food, housekeeping, braiding, weaving, pottery work).

Teaching methods perception were to show, demonstrate various properties of objects and environments modes of action with them multiple reposition and gaming operations of differentiation and reproduction traits external objects of perception, as a means of improving the child’s sensory processes used various toys – rattle, fistula, figurines of animals and birds, balls, tops, household items, weapons etc.; organizational forms of broadcasting culture in general and in particular sensor were training sessions ritual ceremonies.

The content and methodology of repcepyual development were mide and deep in the era of the ancient world, territorial and temporal boundaries of which encompass the existence of ancient civilizations of the East (Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt, India, China, Persia, etc.). And ancient Europe – Ancient Greece (Sparta, Athens), Northern Black Sea and Azov Sea (Olbia, Tyras, Chersonesos, Pantikopeya, Phanagoria, Tanais), ancient Rome. Despite some isolation, these countries were characterized by a fundamental unity of approaches to teaching youth perception: improvment of sensory processes pupils performed at school, which operated under the auspices of the state and gradually acquired the status of a stimulator of social progress.

Yes at Schumer schools (III millennium BC) majority of all the list of training courses were items that had significant potential for the development of feelings of pupils, namely: language (Sumerian, Akkadian), geometry, astronomy, music and chants, in addition, children had to master the skills measured land well distinguish fabrics, metals and plants. Particular importance was attached to teaching pupils of writing: cuneiform children cut wood chisel on the damp clay plakettsi, which is then baked. Cuneiform system was complex, consisted of about 600 characters and was a combination of vertical and horizontal bars. Later in schools began to use wooden plates: they were covered with a thin layer of wax, which scratch out written symbols.

In ancient Egypt (III millennium BC) there were several types of specialized schools – for priests, writers, musicians, servants, doctors, artisans. More research into the history of pedagogy proved school of priests. The most effective touch for development was teaching pupils of hieroglyphic writing, reading, foreign languages, astronomy, mathematics, geography fundamentals combined with geometry (for developing abilities to draw the plan area) worship. Proportion occupied while mastering literacy, namely calligraphic technique image characters: pupils need to remember to 700 characters, simplified and differentiate their classical form, the basic material for writing were originally ceramic plaques, skin and bones of animals, and then – papyrus , hieroglyphics depicting reed stick, main text written soot for punctuation and selection of semantic phrases used ocher.

The first school of ancient India (III millennium BC) largely resembled Sumerian: development of perceptual processes students performed mainly during mastering their skills in writing on palm leaves, as evidenced by the seal found with peculiar inscriptions, pottery inkwell. With the normalization of society caste system (II–I millennium BC) school program differentiated according to social division. Yes, schools Brahmins (priests) improve sensory children contributed mastering writing, reading (mostly sacred vedic texts), mathematics, astronomy, various arts, schools Kshatriya (military elite) quality perception was possession of weapons, riding, performing gymnastic exercises, learning mathematics, poetry, music and dance (children are usually the lowest castes schooling winning). In the Buddhist period (from the I millennium BC) becomes two-stage education system – primary function and complete school, the latter were like communities gurus and disciples, high sensory and developmental effect was teaching Sanskrit (ancient Indian literary processed forms of speech) local languages, geography, mathematics, modeling, painting and other arts.

In ancient China (III millennium BC) presented secondary schools and specialized military schools or integrative forms. The content of education, which had some potential to develop in students the processes of perception, were at least five of the six arts: music, writing, archery, arithmetic, riding (sixth form of art was morality). The main practical purpose in the Chinese educational traditions considered assimilation of hieroglyphic writing, which numbered several tens of thousands of characters. We know that this used split bamboo, bound in plates and silk, which wrote the lacquer tree sap through heightened bamboo sticks and later began to write on paper with ink and brush hair.

Pedagogical mentality of classical Greek civilization started two educational models – Spartan and Athenian (VI–IV century BC). Perceptual development Spartans certainly was conquered ideal formation courageous, spiritually and physically strong man, was carried out in paramilitary boarding, mainly through physical exercises, to a lesser extent – through teaching literacy (reading and writing), counting, music (these subjects was not given priority, their assimilation was utilized character). Under the Athenian system of education that children can attend (both series) musical and gymnastic school. In musical schools, pupils gained literary and musical education, often syncretic way: by reciting passages of poetry with parallel playing cittern – musical instruments played. Acquiring literacy drafting letters carried out on the basis of (name of individual letters synthesized in warehouses, then – in the words) used for writing waxen boards on which pupils chopsticks – «styles» – struck letters. In addition, the training program was included arithmetic, geometry and drawing. In gymnastic schools or palаestra, improving perceptual processes directly contributed to discus and javelin, fencing, war games and more.

School System has developed in Ancient Rome VI–I century BC. At its structure significantly affected social class stratification of the population: the poor children there basic (trivial) school sensory development they ensured during training the younger generation to read, write and count, children of privileged groups trained in grammar schools, the perception of students been formed while studying Latin and Greek, rhetoric. Note that the list of subjects that are taught in Roman schools were almost completely eliminated physical education and music, which corresponded to popular while conception of practical orientation, «usefulness» of education, but much impoverished perceptual capabilities of children.

Ancient civilizations other than educational systems, provided the world a lot of philosophical theories, which originated in the bowels of the first scientific study of perception important processes in the knowledge of reality and general mental development of the child. For example, Heraclitus (540–480 years BC) – creator of ancient dialectics – expressed the opinion that the most important instruments of knowledge is sense and reason: with a sense of student bodies in contact with the external world and acquires the ability to think [3, p. 118]. Following the materialist view of the world and man, Democritus (460–370 years BC) believed sensual experience beginning of knowledge, that is “vague knowledge”, which can be explained by thinking [3, p. 119]. Many prominent philosophers of antiquity (all of them also were the teachers, even the founders of schools) – Confucius (551–479 years BC), Plato (427–347 years BC), Aristotle (384–322 years BC), Quintilian (42–118 years AD), Plutarch (46–120 years AD) – identified in his writings general approaches to selecting the content of primary education, the proportion of which was a huge potential for the touch of schoolchildren. This mastery of reading, writing, geometric material, singing, playing technique for musical instruments and dance, gymnastics, military skills (archery, throwing darts, etc.) drawing.

Conclusions. So, in the old days to improve sensory areas younger pupils acquire certain specificity, namely general purpose sensor of pupils formed three major target areas – the rise of visual, auditory and tactile perception – the formation of the same smell and taste is the prerogative of the family education; initiated philosophical Principles of understanding the nature of perceptual processes and their importance in the knowledge of things and events around them; collection methods were touch of verbal instruction, imitation action teacher, exercise, active games and competitions; encouraged to consider the ability of students to encourage them to test various objects requests and praise (Quintilian, for example, advised to apply for this unique awards – carved ivory letters or other items that touch child would be looked at, called [4, p. 64]), teaching pupils to distinguish between external properties of objects and phenomena organized by poliobjective from: to form visual spatial perception are most effective such training objects and activities like writing (cuneiform, hieroglyphic), geometry, astronomy, gymnastics and military reposition, measurement of land, for color – painting, colorful images of written characters, development of speech hearing facilitated the assimilation of phonetic systems of several languages, reading, reciting oratory; musical ear improved in singing, instrumental playing, dancing, worship, tactile sensation formed through examination of materials for writing (clay, papyrus, bamboo, silk, palm leaves and paper) distinction fabrics, metals, plants, the formation of the individual perceptual processes carried out in parallel in school education and family education facilities, which traditionally covered most privileged girls and children of humble origin.

Prospects for further research in the study is to highlight the organization of children’s sensory development in the following historical periods.

1. Артемова Л. В. Історія педагогіки України : підруч. [для студ. вищ. пед. навч. закл.] / Любов Вікторівна Артемова. – К. : Либідь, 2006. – 424 с.

2. Джуринский А. Н. История педагогики : учеб. пособ. [для студ. педвузов] / Александр Наумович Джуринский. – М. : ВЛАДОС, 2000. – 432 с.

3. Зайченко І. В. Історія педагогіки : навч. посіб. [для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] : у 2 кн. / І. В. Зайченко. – К. : Слово, 2010. – Кн. І : Історія зарубіжної педагогіки. – 2010. – 624 с.

4. Квінтіліан М. Ф. Про виховання оратора / М. Ф. Квінтіліан // Хрестоматія з історії педагогіки : в 2 т. / [за заг. ред. А. В. Троцко]. – Х. : ХНАДУ, 2011. – Т. І. – 2011. – С. 61–72.

5. Левківський М. В. Історія педагогіки : навч. посіб. / Михайло Васильович Левківський. – [4-те вид.]. – К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2011. – 190 с.

6. Скільський Д. Історія зарубіжної педагогіки : посібник / Дмитро Скільський. – К. : Смолоскип, 2011. – 376 с.

UDC 81’233: 811.161.2

О. Bozhko,

post-graduate student of the Department

of linguistics Kherson State University

(Mykolaiv Regional Institute Post-graduate

Pedagogical Education)
Statement of the problem. Linguistic personality is a global universal phenomenon. It’s seen as a "cоgnitive-communicative invariant generalized image of the media cultural-linguistic and communicative-pragmatic values, knowledge, attitudes and forms of behaviour [9]". It is through the idea that ... pervades all aspects of language learning and destroys the border between all the disciplines which study a person, because it is impossible to study the person outside of his/her language [6, p. 3]. Naturally, that the problem of forming the language personality is the key and in the modern linguodidactic. One of the main tasks of the educational field «Language and literature» in the main school of the new state standard of basic and complete secondary education determines "elaboration of skills and in all kinds of speech (listening, reading, speaking, writing) ... activity of different spheres of communication (personal, public, educational); formation of communicative competence ... [2, p. 10]". So, the study of the Ukrainian language is aimed at formation of students sustainable needs to communicate in the native language, the skill to create the picture of the world with the help of linguistic means and demonstrate effective communicative behavior taking into account the situation of communication in the process of perception and creation of the various texts, as well as instill in the students a respectful attitude to the language.

Well-developed ability to comprehend the text by ear (listening) and visual (reading), to disclose the author's intent serve as a solid basis for the formation of all speech skills. Their improvement positively affect the further work with the construction of its own statements. It encourages teachers to strengthen the practical orientation of the subject "the Ukrainian language", a substantial foothold in the activity approach, that is learning the language as speech activity, which is impossible without consideration of the leading psycholinguistic theory of speech activity and textual activities.

Analysis of research and publications. In the works by Ukrainian lingvodidactics` authors (O. Belyaev, M. Vashulenkо, E. Goloborodko, O. Goroshkina, R. Druzhenko, S. Ermolenko, L. Zlativ, L. Matsko, V. Melnychaykо, M. Pentylyuk, T. Symonenko, L. Skurativsky, I. Yuschuk and others) language personality is treated, first of all, as a deeply national phenomenon. Its education cannot take place without the support of national culture and national language, which provides the possibility of active use of the language means of all levels in all styles and all kinds of speech activity, including receptive. Because on the level of man's entry into the meaning fabric of the text the effectiveness of the communication largely depends on.

Considering the increase in the modern communicative space volumes of verbal information the problem of its quick "production" at the same time a deep comprehension are of special relevance. So, the question of the understanding of the text has become Central in the research since the mid-twentieth century, and now especially is intensified (M. Bahtin, T. Deyk, V. Demyankov, L. Dolbayeva, A. Zagnitko, G. Ivanytska, L. Murzin, V. Rizun, O. Selivanova, A. Smyrnov, N. Chepeleva, I. Schirova and many others).

Textual activity is fully speech in its nature (though not identical to it), as implemented in the process of thinking activity. So, it is advisable to refer to the results of domestic and foreign research of the speech activity and the textual activities. Patterns of these processes are actively studied by psycholinguists V. Belyanin, L. Vygotsky, V. Gluhov, I. Gorelov, T. Dridze, M. Zhynkin, A. Zalevska, I. Zymnya, L. Kalmykova, O. O. Leontyev, O. M. Leontyev, T. Ryabova (Ahutina), K. Sedov, I. Synytsya, T. Sharadzeidze and others, psychologists O. Luriya, S. Rubinshtein, G. Kostyuk, M. Kondratyev, L. Prokolienko, T. Ushakova, G. Chystyakova and others; linguists F. Batsevych, N. Bolotnova, I. Domracheva, A. Zagnitko, Yu. Zemska, Yu. Kosenko, N. Panchenko and others.

As a result, the main provisions of the speed activity and the textual activities (in particular the direct dependence of the mental and speech development on the development of the person’s mental sphere, about the mutual dependence of productive (speaking, writing) and receptive (listening and reading) types of speech activity) are formulated, the mechanisms of their implementation are studied. But in the modern practice of the formation of a linguistic personality in the school of advanced scientific achievements of communicative linguistics and psycholinguistics are considered more unsystematically and not enough, there is no clear linguodidactic comprehensive system of work on the improvement of textual skills of the students. This testifies the urgency of the given theme and encourages us to the study of psycholinguistic’s basics skills of the language person, which we consider fundamental, indispensable for the development of production of own statements – skills to perceive and understand the texts.

The aim of the article is to determine the main psycholinguistic factors influencing nature and quality of textual perception as an activity. This should solve a number of problems:

  • find out the peculiarities of implementation’s model of the secondary textual activity, describe its components and activate mechanisms;

  • to prove their impact on the development of relevant skills and the students’ skills of the process perception of oral/written texts and their logical processing;

  • an outline of receptive skills of students, necessary for their successful secondary textual activity.

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