Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic uzbekistan state world languages university

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Lexical typology deals with the units of lexical levels. It studies inter-lingual paradigms of words, inter-lingual invariance of meanings expressed by words and phrases. Some linguists combine lexical and semantic typologies. Lexical typology must be studied as an independent branch of linguistic typology, because it deals with lexical units, while semantic typology concerns to every level of language hierarchy. The terms “semantic typology” and “lexical typology” are often used as if there were self-explanatory, but are only rarely explicitly defined. Semantic typology is “the systematic cross-linguistic study of how languages express meaning by way of signs”. Many linguists will probably agree with the definition that lexical typology is concerned with the “characteristic ways in which language packages semantic material into words”. Viewed as such, lexical typology can be considered a sub-branch of semantic typology concerned with the lexicon. Other definitions of lexical typology focus on “typologically relevant features in the grammatical structure of the lexicon”.
A reasonable way of defining what can be meant by “lexical typology” is to view it as the cross-linguistic and typological dimension of lexicology. The probably most updated overview of lexicology as a field is found in the two volumes, the title of which “underlines the special orientation towards the two core areas which makes of lexicology an autonomous discipline, namely, the characterization of words and vocabularies, both as unitary wholes and as units displaying internal structure with respect both to form and content”. In the same vein as lexicology in general is not restricted to lexical semantics, lexical typology can include phenomena that are not of primary interest for semantic typology. Likewise, since lexicology is not completely opposed to either phonetics / phonology, morphology or syntax, cross-linguistic research on a number of word- and lexicon-related phenomena is – or can be – carried out either from different angles and with different foci, or within approaches that integrate several perspectives, goals and methods. There are different kinds and groups of questions that can be addressed in typological research on words and vocabularies, or lexical typology, and that can therefore be considered as the different foci of lexical typology. Some of them are listed below, but there are undoubtedly many others. What is a possible word, or what can be meant by a word? Possible vs. impossible words in different languages, different criteria for identifying words and interaction among them, universal vs. language-specific restrictions on possible, impossible, better and worse words.

  • What meanings can and cannot be expressed by a single word in different languages? Lexicalisations and lexicalisation patterns, “universal” vs. language-specific lexicalizations, categorization within, or carving up of lexical fields / semantic domains by lexical items, the architecture of the lexical fields / semantic domains (e.g. basic words vs. derived words).

  • What different meanings can be expressed by one and the same lexeme, by lexemes within one and the same synchronic word family (words linked by derivational relations) or by lexemes historically derived from each other? Cross-linguistically recurrent patterns in the relations among the words and lexical items in the lexicon – a huge and heterogeneous category with many different subdivisions, a large part of which can be subsumed under the various aspects of motivation, e.g. semantic motivation (polysemy, semantic associations / semantic shifts) and morphological motivation (derivational patterns, including compounding).

  • What cross-linguistic patterns are there in lexicon-grammar interaction?

The lexicon of a language is, of course, a dynamic and constantly changing complex structure where new words emerge, old words disappear or change in one or another way. Lexical-typological research has, thus, both synchronic and diachronic dimensions. Historically oriented lexical typology studies semantic change, grammaticalization and lexicalization processes as examples of diachronic processes showing cross-linguistically recurrent patterns.
The lexicons of most languages show different layers of origin with many words coming from “outside” – as direct loans, loan translations, etc. A particularly interesting aspect of historical lexical typology is the search for cross-linguistically recurrent patterns in contactinduced lexicalization and lexical change, e.g., differences in borrowability among the different parts of the lexicon and the corresponding processes in the integration of new words, or patterns of lexical acculturation (i.e., how lexica adjust to new objects and concepts).
Lexical-typological research can also be more local, e.g., restricted to a particular lexical field, a particular derivational process, a particular polysemy pattern, or more general, with the aim of uncovering patterns in the structuring of the lexicon that are supposed to have a bearing on many essential properties of the language. The latter includes various approaches to the issues of “basic” vs. non-basic vocabulary, or suggestions as to how characterize, compare and measure the lexical-typological profiles of different languages. In fact, some people prefer using the term “typological” (e.g., typological properties) for referring to what is considered as the more essential, central, or general properties of a language. In this understanding, a large portion of cross-linguistic research on words and vocabularies will not count as typological (this applies, among others, to what is called “local” lexical-typological research immediately above).
Lexical typology consist of following branches:

  • Lexical typology of words

  • Word-building typology

  • Comparative lexicology

  • Lexical-statistic typology

  • Lexical typology of borrowings

  • Lexical typology of phraseology

  • Lexical typology of proverbs and sayings and etc.

Types of words and phrases can be studied and compared in these types of branches of lexical typology. As an example lexical typology of borrowings in English, Russian and Uzbek can be analyzed below:

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