Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

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What corresponding changes to the derivative system are required? 

Exercise 2.74.  Insatiable Enterprises, Inc., is a highly decentralized conglomerate company consisting

of a large number of independent divisions located all over the world. The company’s computer

facilities have just been interconnected by means of a clever network-interfacing scheme that makes

the entire network appear to any user to be a single computer. Insatiable’s president, in her first

attempt to exploit the ability of the network to extract administrative information from division files, is

dismayed to discover that, although all the division files have been implemented as data structures in

Scheme, the particular data structure used varies from division to division. A meeting of division

managers is hastily called to search for a strategy to integrate the files that will satisfy headquarters’

needs while preserving the existing autonomy of the divisions.

Show how such a strategy can be implemented with data-directed programming. As an example,

suppose that each division’s personnel records consist of a single file, which contains a set of records

keyed on employees’ names. The structure of the set varies from division to division. Furthermore,

each employee’s record is itself a set (structured differently from division to division) that contains

information keyed under identifiers such as 




. In particular:

a.  Implement for headquarters a 


 procedure that retrieves a specified employee’s record

from a specified personnel file. The procedure should be applicable to any division’s file. Explain how

the individual divisions’ files should be structured. In particular, what type information must be 


b.  Implement for headquarters a 


 procedure that returns the salary information from a

given employee’s record from any division’s personnel file. How should the record be structured in

order to make this operation work?

c.  Implement for headquarters a 


 procedure. This should search all the

divisions’ files for the record of a given employee and return the record. Assume that this procedure

takes as arguments an employee’s name and a list of all the divisions’ files.

d.  When Insatiable takes over a new company, what changes must be made in order to incorporate the

new personnel information into the central system? 

Message passing

The key idea of data-directed programming is to handle generic operations in programs by dealing

explicitly with operation-and-type tables, such as the table in figure 2.22. The style of programming

we used in section 2.4.2 organized the required dispatching on type by having each operation take care

of its own dispatching. In effect, this decomposes the operation-and-type table into rows, with each

generic operation procedure representing a row of the table.

An alternative implementation strategy is to decompose the table into columns and, instead of using

‘‘intelligent operations’’ that dispatch on data types, to work with ‘‘intelligent data objects’’ that

dispatch on operation names. We can do this by arranging things so that a data object, such as a

rectangular number, is represented as a procedure that takes as input the required operation name and

performs the operation indicated. In such a discipline, 


 could be written as

(define (make-from-real-imag x y)

  (define (dispatch op)

    (cond ((eq? op ’real-part) x)

          ((eq? op ’imag-part) y)

          ((eq? op ’magnitude)

           (sqrt (+ (square x) (square y))))

          ((eq? op ’angle) (atan y x))


           (error "Unknown op -- MAKE-FROM-REAL-IMAG" op))))


The corresponding 


 procedure, which applies a generic operation to an argument,

now simply feeds the operation’s name to the data object and lets the object do the work:


(define (apply-generic op arg) (arg op))

Note that the value returned by 


 is a procedure -- the internal 


procedure. This is the procedure that is invoked when 


 requests an operation to be 


This style of programming is called message passing. The name comes from the image that a data

object is an entity that receives the requested operation name as a ‘‘message.’’ We have already seen

an example of message passing in section 2.1.3, where we saw how 



, and 


 could be

defined with no data objects but only procedures. Here we see that message passing is not a

mathematical trick but a useful technique for organizing systems with generic operations. In the

remainder of this chapter we will continue to use data-directed programming, rather than message

passing, to discuss generic arithmetic operations. In chapter 3 we will return to message passing, and

we will see that it can be a powerful tool for structuring simulation programs.

Exercise 2.75.  Implement the constructor 


 in message-passing style. This

procedure should be analogous to the 


 procedure given above. 

Exercise 2.76.  As a large system with generic operations evolves, new types of data objects or new

operations may be needed. For each of the three strategies -- generic operations with explicit dispatch,

data-directed style, and message-passing-style -- describe the changes that must be made to a system in

order to add new types or new operations. Which organization would be most appropriate for a system

in which new types must often be added? Which would be most appropriate for a system in which new

operations must often be added? 


 In actual computational systems, rectangular form is preferable to polar form most of the time

because of roundoff errors in conversion between rectangular and polar form. This is why the

complex-number example is unrealistic. Nevertheless, it provides a clear illustration of the design of a

system using generic operations and a good introduction to the more substantial systems to be

developed later in this chapter. 


 The arctangent function referred to here, computed by Scheme’s 


 procedure, is defined so as

to take two arguments y and x and to return the angle whose tangent is y/x. The signs of the arguments

determine the quadrant of the angle. 


 We use the list 


 rather than the symbol 


 to allow for the

possibility of operations with multiple arguments, not all of the same type. 


 The type the constructors are installed under needn’t be a list because a constructor is always used

to make an object of one particular type. 

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