The New Atlantis Foundation Dimitrije Mitrinovic Archive Catalogue

NAF 1/9 Biographical Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović

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NAF 1/9 Biographical Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: 1919 -1992

Extent: 21 files

Scope and content: Translations and originals of articles published on Mitrinović, alongside notes, unpublished pieces, reminiscences by those who knew him and some related letters. Includes material seemingly gathered as research for biographies.

Language of material: English; Serbo-Croat (Cyrillic script); Chinese

Notes: See also NAF 9/1/7 - NAF 9/1/9 and NAF 9/7/1.

NAF 1/9/1 Translation and Other Material Relating to the Biography of Dimitrije Mitrinović by Predrag Palavestra.

Date: 1977

Extent: 8 items

Scope and content: Typescript translation of chapters 1, 3, 7 and final of ‘Dogma i Utopija Dimitrija Mitrinovića’, by Predrag Palavestra (Belgrade: Slovo ljubve, 1977) (2 copies of final chapter). Translated by David Shillan and revised by E.D. Goy. Also translations of reviews of the book from Yugoslavian publications and a draft letter to the Editor of Knjizevne Novine, offering a critique of the book by the Trustees of the New Atlantis Foundation. Includes a typescript copy of an in-depth critique of the book's final chapter by the Trustees.

NAF 1/9/2 Volume. Critique of the Biography of Dimitrije Mitrinović by Predrag Palavestra.

Date: [1977]

Extent: 1 volume.

Scope and content: Bound photocopied typescript of a critique of the final chapter of Palavestra's ‘Dogma i Utopija Dimitrija Mitrinovića’ (Beograd: Slovo ljubve, 1977), written by the Trustees of the New Atlantis Foundation.

NAF 1/9/3 Single reel audiotape, marked “P. Palavestra 12-20”.

Date: [?1973]

Extent: 1 item

Scope and content: Relates to the biography of Dimitrije Mitrinović, Dogma i Utopija Dimitrija Mitrinovića by Pedrag Palavestra (Beograd: Slovo ljubve, 1977).

NAF 1/9/4 Articles on Dimitrije Mitrinović by Predrag Palavestra.

Date: [1966 - 1977]

Extent: 13 items

Scope and content: Typescript and manuscript translations by E.D. Goy and Elizabeth Hill and notes on articles. Articles include 'Dimitrije Mitrinović and the Literature of Young Bosnia'; 'Dimitrije Mitrinović in Serbian Literature'; ‘The Beginnings of Serbian Expressionism: The Poetry of Dimitrije Mitrinović’ (4 copies), with the journal Savremenik 8-9 1973 in which article appeared; biographical sketch of Mitrinović from Knjizevnosti Mlade Bosne vol.2 (4 versions).

Language of material: English; Serbo-Croat (Cyrillic script)

NAF 1/9/5 Articles on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: 1953; 11 February 1965

Extent: 2 items

Scope and content: Typescript document with notes on the journal Glas Ravne Gore from 1953 and a translation of an article describing the funeral service and commemoration of Mitrinović. Issue of the Voice Of Canadian Serbs, with a marked passage concerning Mitrinović .

Language of material: Serbo-Croat (Cyrillic script); English

Notes: Original version of item copied in NAF 1/1/1.

NAF 1/9/6 Yugoslavian Articles on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: 24 January, 1935; 1953

Extent: 17 Items

Scope and content: Typescript and manuscript translations of articles on Mitrinović by Borivoje Jevtić: ‘An Aquatic Flower: On the Occasion of DM’s death’ (2 copies); ‘Mitrinović’s Messianism’; ‘Mitrinović’s Biography’; ‘Mitrinović as Critic and Writer’; ‘Free Verse Period’ (2 copies); ‘The Cult of Ivan Meštrović. The Fine Arts Critic’; ‘Reminiscences of Mitrinović’. Also 3 issues of Zivot, nos. 13-15 October to December 1953, in which these articles were published. Manuscript and typescript copies of a translation of ‘On the Works of Dimitrije Mitrinović’ by Slavko Leovacj from Zivot no. 13 (4 copies). Typescript letter to Mitrinović from Josip S. Slavenski, 24 January 1935.

Language of material: English; Serbo-Croat (Cyrillic script)

NAF 1/9/7 Yugoslavian Articles on Dimitrije Mitrinović and his Library.

Date: 1957

Extent: 12 items

Scope and content: Issue of Bibliotekar, 1-2, 1957 containing article on Mitrinović’s bequest of books to the Svetozar Marković University Library at Belgrade, with accompanying typescript translation (3 copies) and notes. Manuscript and typescript notes concerning facts about Mitrinović (4 copies); notes about Mitrinović from the Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia and other published sources.

Language of material: English; Serbo-Croat (Cyrillic script)

NAF 1/9/8 "Duplicates", Extracts from Published Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: [c1970s]

Extent: 23 items

Scope and content: Photocopied and typescript transcriptions of an extract from “Partial Truth about the Slavs”, by Paul Selver, published in The New Age, 28 January 1915. Extracts from article by A.R. Orage (“R.H.C.”) defending the "World Affairs" columns against their critics, especially against the charge of anti-semitism, originally published in The New Age, 6 January 1921, 3 February 1921 and 19 May 1921. Typescript extracts of passages from books published between 1936 -1967 referring to Mitrinović. Authors include Paul Selver, Philip Mairet, Phyllis Bottome, S.G. Hobson, Arthur Peacock, Charles Purdom, Edwin Muir, A.R. Orage, S.C. Nott, Willa Muir, D.R. Davies, Stephen Graham, Watson Thomson, Wallace Martin, Vladimir Dedijer.

NAF 1/9/9 Extracts from Published Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: [c1970s]

Extent: 25 items

Scope and content: Photocopy and typescript copies of extracts from authors Erich Gutkind, Bedgan Popović (concerning Mostar, Mitrinović’s hometown), Alan Watts, Paul Klee, Philip Mairet, D.R. Davies and others writing between 1915 and the 1970s. Includes typescript bibliography entitled "Literatura o Dimitiyu Mitrinovića", listing extracts collected by the New Atlantis Foundation.

Language of material: English; Serbo-Croat (Roman Script)

Notes: See also NAF 1/9/8, as some material is duplicated in that file.

NAF 1/9/10 File. "Misc Notes from Publications", Biographical Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: [c1970s]

Extent: 2 items

Scope and content: Manuscript notes on books by Lady Welby and Allen Upward, referring to people and publications associated with Dimitrije Mitrinović.

NAF 1/9/11 Extracts from Published Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: [c1980s]

Extent: 12 items

Scope and content: Photocopies of extracts from autobiographies etc. which refer to Mitrinović, with accompanying typescript list. Includes material by Willa Muir, Arthur Peacock, Edwin Muir, D.R. Davies, Stephen Graham, Phyllis Bottome, Allan Watts, C.B. Purdom, Philip Mairet, Watson Thomson, and Vladimir Dedijer.

NAF 1/9/12 Reminiscences of Dimitrije Mitrinović by his Friends.

Date: [1956]

Extent: 11 items

Scope and content: Typescript, “W.G.F. copied notes”, Winifred Gordon Fraser's reminiscences of Mitrinović (2 copies). Typescript extract "From the Notebook of V.V.C." (Valerie Cooper), concerning the first time she met Mitrinović. Notebooks belonging to N. Conran, with reminiscences of Mitrinović. Manuscript of Valerie Cooper's "memoirs" and her notebook. Rough manuscript notes on people Mitrinović knew. Notes by Gordana Mitrinović [?].

NAF 1/9/13 Reminiscences of Dimitrije Mitrinović by R.G. Wrugh.

Date: 1961

Extent: 2 items

Scope and content: Manuscript and partial typescript transcript, “Vol. I: Notes on Mitrinović by R.G. Wrugh - October 1961”. Concerns Wrugh’s association with Mitrinović and his circle 1924-1934, including anecdotes about Mitrinović as a lecturer; the Adler Society, New Europe and New Britain initiatives.

NAF 1/9/14 Notes from a Talk on Dimitrije Mitrinović by Philip Mairet.

Date: 1971

Extent: 3 items

Scope and content: Typescript and photocopy of a talk by Philip Mairet, given to friends at Norfolk Lodge in October 1971, reflecting on Mairet’s meetings with Mitrinović and his circle, especially the Adler Society period in the 1920s.

Notes: 3 copies.

NAF 1/9/15 Script for a Talk given to the New Atlantis Foundation by Naoum Glasberg.

Date: 1960 -1961

Extent: 7 items

Scope and content: Typescript and manuscript copies of document, “The Significance of Dimitrije Mitrinović”, a talk given by Naoum Glasberg at Norfolk Lodge on Sunday 1 October 1961. Comprising Glasberg's reminiscences of Mitrinović and exposition of his ideas on Europe, individuality, and Senate. (3 copies of typescript, plus note to typist and earlier drafts). Includes manuscript letter from Glasberg to David Shillan, dated 12 September 1962.

NAF 1/9/16 Reminiscence of Dimitrije Mitrinović by "Kitty" [Kitty Raphael?].

Date: January 1992

Extent: 3 items

Scope and content: Brief manuscript account by "Kitty" of her involvement as a young woman with Mitrinović’s circle. Includes a covering letter from Kitty to Ellen Mayne, and brief note in Ellen’s handwriting.

NAF 1/9/17 File. "Ellen Mayne, Biographical Notes" on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: [c1973]

Extent: 7 items

Scope and content: Manuscript notes gathered from published and unpublished sources, likely in preparation for a biography of Mitrinović by Predrag Palavestra.

NAF 1/9/18 File. "Biographical Notes. E. Mayne", Research Material Collected on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: 1928, 1979

Extent: 4 items

Scope and content: Material gathered by Ellen Mayne from various sources. Includes a newspaper cutting from 1928 with memories of Milivoj Mitrinović on the back; typescript letter to Ellen Mayne from Nenad Petrović, announcing the death of Colonel Dragutin Savić; copy typescript letter (unsigned) to Mika Dragutin, expressing sympathy for the loss of his father; manuscript list of Mitrinović's visits to Europe.

NAF 1/9/19 File. New Order of Man Statements, by the Initiative of Women.

Date: 1941

Extent: 34 items

Scope and content: Annotated typescript documents concerning the "The New Order of Man", including sub-sections "The New Order of Woman for the New Order of Man", "Senate of Woman Statements", "Initiative of Woman", "Man's Present Crisis", "The Revolution of Order", "The Social State", "The Senate Function", "The Four Irreducible Principles of the New Order of Man", "The Function of Investigation: the Bureau of Civics and Statistics", "The Child. (Multiple copies). Subject matter includes gender roles, and the Senate of Women (Women's Initiative/Initiative of Women).

Notes: The placement of this file amongst biographical material on Dimitrije Mitrinović suggests it may have been assembled as part of research by his biographer(s).

NAF 1/9/20 File. "Biographical Outlines", "Concerning Biography" Material on Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: 1919 -1976

Extent: 19 items

Scope and content: Includes a typescript timeline of Mitrinović's early life with commentary (2 copies); various accounts of his life; lists of his works, people he knew, lectures he gave; timeline covering 1914-1954; document entitled "Dimitrije Mitrinović. Aims of the Movement", outlining the purposes of his work; printed leaflet with extracts from his works; document "Excerpts from the Writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity quoted in the Twelfth Foundation Lecture." Includes a letter from Ellen Mayne to Leo Kohlberg, asking for his assistance with preparing material for Predrag Palavestra's biography of Mitrinović. Notebook, "Anecdotes about D.M." Copy of a Chinese text, inscribed to Mitrinović from Peidmig [?], dated 1919.

Language of material: English; Chinese

NAF 1/9/21 "Ellen's Lists", Bibliographical Lists of Works by Dimitrije Mitrinović.

Date: [c1985]

Extent: 10 items

Scope and content: Manuscript and typescript lists, mostly by Ellen Mayne, of published and unpublished articles and lectures by Mitrinović. Includes other relevant publications e.g. ‘New Atlantis Bulletins’, and significant dates in the history of Mitrinović's circle.

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