When Koguryo ruled East Asia

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15. Gangseo Daemyo



Ⅰ. Representative Mural Paintings 

Red phoenixes 

_ South wall of the main chamber

A pair of red phoenixes are painted on either side of the entrance located on the south wall of the main chamber. Red phoenix is an imaginary and auspicious bird

representing the south. Here the birds are superbly rendered in bright colors and are about to soar up with wings spread out. The mountain peaks below the red

phoenixes are delineated in red, white and black, and their arrangement shows some consideration in perspective.

Ⅰ. 대표적 고분벽화

Blue dragon 

_ East wall of the main chamber

Among the Four Directional Deities depicted on the walls of the main chamber, the blue

dragon is most outstanding in terms of composition, color and design. The mural, which

conveys a sense of ferocity, boldness, and swiftness overwhelms viewers. This is one of the

best blue dragon paintings in the Koguryo tombs. 



Gangseo Jungmyo

Elevation and plan 

Gangseo Jungmyo 

Second half of 6th century~first half of 7th century

Sammyo-ri, Gangseo area, Nampo

There are three tombs in Sammyo-ri, Gangseo area.

Gangseo Daemyo (Great tomb of Gangseo) is located in

the south. Among the two other tombs situated behind

the Gangseo Daemyo, Gangseo Jungmyo (Middle  tomb

of Gangseo) is the one in the west. Its paintings of the

Four Directional Deities are as famous as the ones in

Gangseo Daemyo. Each symbolic animal is shown on

each wall of the main chamber. On the ceiling, there are

lotus flowers, honeysuckle vine patterns, cloud patterns,

the sun and the moon. This tomb is particularly known

for the superb depictions of the white tiger and the red

phoenixes. They display the vigorous spirit of Koguryo,

sophisticated colors and detailed descriptions.


16. Gangseo Jungmyo 



Ⅰ. Representative Mural Paintings 

Blue dragon

_ East wall of the main chamber

A courageous-looking blue dragon holds up its

head and moves toward the south. Instead of

depicting scales, the body of the dragon is filled

with vivid colors of red, yellow and green which

makes the animal appear more lively. 

Black warrior

_  North wall of the main chamber

The black warrior is made up of a tortoise with

thick and long legs of a crawling animal and a

snake that feebly winds the body of the tortoise

twice. The dark warrior in this painting is

depicted relatively small, and more emphasis is

given to the mountains in the background.

Red phoenix 

_ South wall of the main chamber

The two red phoenixes facing each other on the south wall each hold a

red bead in its mouth, fluttering its wings as if it is about to fly. When

compared with those in Gangseo Daemyo, they are depicted more


West side of the south wall

East side of the south wall

Mural on the eastern ceiling of the main chamber

16. 강서중묘

Ⅰ. 대표적 고분벽화

White tiger 

_ West wall of the main chamber

The white tiger appears to be dashing forward. Its powerful movement shows

the vigorous spirit of the Koguryo people. It is different from that of Gangseo

Daemyo in that it does not show its tongue between its teeth.




Elevation and plan 

Drawing of architecture painted 

on the walls

Tonggu Tomb No. 12

Late 4th century~early 5th century

Ji’an City, Jilin Province 

This tomb is a unique example of twin graves that consist of two

main chambers and a single entrance. Its murals deal with diverse

subjects such as portraits, hunting, battle and daily life scenes, and

provide important sources for the study of the Koguryo culture and

customs. Especially notable are the battle and hunting scenes that

succinctly illustrates the martial spirit of the Koguryo men. As the

murals are much damaged, the details of the paintings are difficult

to see. 


17. Tonggu Tomb No. 12


Ⅰ. Representative Mural Paintings 

Tomb entrance viewed from the

main chamber of the south tomb 

Two side rooms are seen on either side of the corridor

between the entrances of the tomb and the main chamber.

The main chamber is stably built with the upper part of its

walls slightly tilted inward. Not much of the painted

detailed are deciphered from the present condition of the


Battle scene 

_ Left side of the main

chamber in the north tomb

This is a most lively battle scene amongst the

Koguryo tomb murals. The tension of the scene is

vividly illustrated as a warrior blocks another

warrior with his spiked battle-shoes and lifts his

sword to slash the opponent

’s head off. On the

right side of the scene is a warrior on horseback

holding a long spear. The warriors are clad in

armors and the horses are harnessed with an iron


Lotus flowers 

_ Ceiling of the main

chamber in the north tomb

Instead of the common repertoire of the sun and

moon and constellations, the entire ceiling is

covered with paintings of lotus flowers and vines.

Among the curved stems appear lotus buds and

lotus flowers in full bloom, described in sumptuous

red color. This ceiling painting filled with abundant

lotus flowers demonstrates the wish for the rebirth

in Buddhist paradises. 

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