Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men

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We Salute You

Greater St. Louis Area Council

You will need 6 Cub Scouts. Have each Cub make up a card with a picture illustrating what the words on his card say or anything he wants related to the theme. Make sure the words are in LARGE print

  1. Some who we salute are obvious, local heroes who like a police officer risks life to protect us from violence or the fireman who pulls people out of burning buildings.

  2. Other we salute are the ambulance drivers, paramedics, doctors and nurses who save lives everyday.

  3. Some people around us seem like regular people, but they we salute them because they were soldiers in the military and served our country to keep us free.

  4. A hero is someone who does the right thing even when they are afraid of failure. They do it because it should be done. And we salute them.

  5. Some who should be saluted are harder to spot, but they are still there. These include blood donors, teachers who spend their time and energy helping kids, and kids who say “No” to drugs.

  6. Heroes are all around us. Please join in saluting all the heroes of our country, by repeating with me the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Heroes Flag Ceremony

Great Salt Lake Council

Setting: The Colors advance in the normal manner. A spotlight is shined on the flag while the narrator speaks.

Narrator (Hidden): Heroes, with help from God, have kept me flying in the face of threat and challenge to the democratic way of life I represent. I symbolize all the achievements of a great nation founded for freedom. I am the last hope of peace on earth. I am the American Flag.

Cubmaster: Audience arise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to be followed by singing "God Bless America."

Cub Scout Opening

Sam Houston Area Council

Setting – Each letter of C-U-B S-C-O-U-T should be cut out from poster board or printed on large pieces of paper or card stock. Write the lines on the back in LARGE print and line up the Scouts so they can read the lines in order.

  1. C – is for Comradeship. We learn to get along.

  2. U – is for Unity. Together we are strong.

  3. B – is for Boys! Sometimes they’re wild, but mostly they’re nice.

  4. S – is for Socials! You don’t have to ask twice.

  5. C – is for Courtesy. Of this we know.

  6. O – is for Outings. We can’t wait to go!

  7. U – is for Universal. Scouts are known in every land.

  8. T – is for Teamwork. We’ll lend you a helping hand.

(All the Scouts say together)

ALL: We Will Do Our Best!!

CM: Will you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance?

The Circle of Life

Sam Houston Area Council

Setting – Cubmaster (CM) or Narrator , 4 Scouts, 4 posters showing the sun, the moon, the wind, and the earth

Scene – Scouts are in a line.

CM: Everything in life has a cycle, normally represented by a circle, like the circle of life. The power of the world always works in circles and forces try to take a round shape.

  1. (holding the poster of the sun) The sun is round; it warms all living things and allows us to grow.

  2. (holding the poster of the moon) The moon is round; it gives us light at night.

  3. (holding a poster of wind) The winds, in their great power, swirl, giving coolness and strength.

  4. (holding a poster of the earth) The earth is round; it provides a home and nourishment for all living things.

CM: The life of a person is a circle from childhood to childhood. We teach our children, as they will teach their children. Would you please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Scouting History Opening Ceremony

Great Salt Lake Council

Cubmaster: Robert Baden-Powell, a British hero, started Scouting in England. He developed Scouting as an outdoor program for boys with ideals built in. It was a way of thinking, a way of living, a way of doing things.

Assistant CM: Today, Scouting is still a program filled with fun and adventure. Men who earned badges as Scouts have served on the Supreme Court, in the United States House of Representatives, and in the United States Senate. President John F. Kennedy was the first president who had been a Boy Scout. President Gerald Ford was an Eagle Scout. Many of our astronauts were Scouts. More and more men, trained as Scouts, are taking their places in today’s world.

Cubmaster: Please stand with me and in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Scout Oath.

Stars and Stripes-Our American Heritage

Santa Clara County Council

Setting: Cub Scout (or Den Chief) stands blindfolded, gagged, and bound before the audience.

Cubmaster: This is an American boy.

  • The American Revolution won him freedom. (Cubmaster unbinds him,)

  • The Constitution guarantees him free speech. (He removes the gag.)

  • A free education gives him the ability to see and to understand. (He removes the blindfold.)

  • Let us help Scouting teach him to preserve and enjoy his glorious heritage and to become a good citizen.

Turn off lights, spotlight American Flag,
and repeat the Pledge of Allegiance.

I Made A Promise

Santa Clara County Council

Six boys (or 5 and a Leader) are needed for this ceremony. Each should have his part printed on a small card he can conceal in his hand or he should memorize his part.

  1. I made a promise... I said that whatever I did I would do the best I could.

  2. I made a promise...to serve my God and my country the best I could.

  3. I made a promise...to help other people at all times the best I could.

  4. I made a promise. .to obey the Scout Oath and Law the best I could.

  5. I have done my best, and I will do my best because I am the best... I am a Cub Scout.

  6. Will everyone now join us in repeating the Scout Oath.

Heroes All Around Opening

Santa Clara County Council

The past few years have changed America in many ways. One of the most obvious to us now is the fact that we now know heroes are all around us. They are the men and women that run towards danger and disaster when everyone else is running away. They are the ones who risk life and limb to rush to our aid when we dial 911. They are the ones who train year after year to fight for our freedom at anytime and anywhere.

Would everyone who has served in the military or reserves please stand. Would everyone is now or ever has work as a law enforcement officer or a fireman or as a EMT or paramedic please stand also.

Look around, let us all now stand and salute these real American heroes.

Please join in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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