World War 1 Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross

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Born: at Ocean Grove, New Jersey

Home Town: Ocean Grove, New Jersey

*White, Walter D.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Walter D. White, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 309th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division, A.E.F., near the Bois-des-Loges, France, November 1, 1918. While acting as runner, Private White volunteered to carry a message across a long stretch of open country which was subjected to heavy machine-gun and artillery fire. He successfully crossed the space and delivered his message, but in an attempt to return, he was killed by a rain of machine-gun bullets. His conduct served as an inspiration to other runners.

Born: at Byron, New York

Home Town: Byron, New York

*White, Wilbert Wallace

(First Award)


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Wilbert Wallace White, Second Lieutenant (Air Service), U.S. Army Air Service, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 147th Aero Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., in the regions of Etain and Chambley, France, September 14, 1918. While protecting three allied observation planes in the region of Etain, Lieutenant White was attacked by three Halberstadt fighters. He engaged them immediately, successfully fighting them off and leading them all away from the observation planes, which were thus permitted to carry on their work unmolested. While returning home he dived through a cloud to attack an enemy balloon near Chambley, bringing it down in flames. Two Fokker scouts then attacked him; and, although he was alone, with intrepid courage he attacked the first Fokker head on, shooting until it went down into a vertical dive out of control. Pulling up sharply, he fired a long burst at the second Fokker as it went over him, putting it to immediate flight.

  • General Orders 71, War Department, 1919

Born: 5/1/1889 at New York, New York

Home Town: New York, New York

Other Award: Distinguished Service Cross w/OLC (WWI)

*White, Wilbert Wallace

(Second Award)


The Distinguished Service Cross (First Oak Leaf Cluster) is presented to Wilbert Wallace White, Second Lieutenant (Air Service), U.S. Army Air Service, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 147th Aero Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., near Toul, France, October 10, 1918. Lieutenant White was in command of a patrol of four planes, which was attacked by five German Fokkers. He attacked the enemy plane which was hard pressing a new pilot. The German Fokker had gotten at the tail of the American plane and was overtaking it. Lieutenant White's gun having jammed, he drove his plane head-on into the German Fokker, both crashing to earth, 500 meters below.

  • General Orders 71, War Department, 1919

Born: 5/1/1889 at New York, New York

Home Town: New York, New York

Other Award: Distinguished Service Cross (WWI)

White, William P.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William P. White, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 165th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., in the Argonne, France, October 14 - 29, 1918. Attached to the regimental liaison group, Private White, time and again traversed three kilometers to the front lines, proving the swiftest and surest runner. For three days and nights he worked unceasingly under terrific artillery and machine-gun fire accomplishing his mission, when other runners failed.

  • General Orders No. 59, War Department, 1919

Born: at New York, New York

Home Town: New York, New York

Whited, Homer


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Homer Whited, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 167th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., near Ancerviller, France, March 4, 1918. Corporal Whited was a member of a patrol of five men which encountered an enemy patrol of eleven men, which it attacked and routed, taking two prisoners.

  • General Orders No. 126, War Department, 1919

Born: at Cedar Blend, Alabama

Home Town: Bessemer, Alabama

Whitehead, Frank


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Frank Whitehead, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action near St. Etienne, France, October 4, 1918. Although severely wounded, Captain Whitehead showed exceptional coolness and bravery in his selection of machine-gun sites and in routing the enemy while under heavy machine-gun fire.

  • General Order No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Camden, New Jersey

Home Town: Chelsea, Massachusetts

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

Whitehead, Lewis E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Lewis E. Whitehead, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Machine-Gun Company, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division, A.E.F., at St. Juvin, France, October 16, 1918. Sergeant Whitehead, then corporal, after giving first aid to his platoon leader, who had been wounded, took command of the platoon and led it in an attack in the face of concentrated enemy artillery and machine-gun fire, reaching the objective and effectively protecting the exposed flank of the assaulting battalion with his two guns.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Elmira, New York

Home Town: Elmira, New York

Whiteman, Ralph A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Ralph A. Whiteman, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 312th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division, A.E.F., at Grand Pre, France, October 18, 1918. When his detachment had become disorganized by sniper and machine-gun fire, Sergeant Whiteman, without regard for personal danger, reorganized his command, and by his gallant example led his men against the enemy machine-gun position, capturing it and bringing the gun back to our lines.

  • General Orders 98, War Department, 1919

Born: at Williamsport, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Clearfield, Pennsylvania

*Whiting, Charles W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charles W. Whiting, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Headquarters Company, 308th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division, A.E.F., near Barbonval, France, September 10, 1918. Private Whiting had charge of maintaining a telephone line from Barbanvale to Blanzy. The line was under direct observation of the enemy, and the appearance of a lineman was the immediate occasion for shelling by the enemy with field artillery and one-pounders. Private Whiting stuck to his work repairing break after break, until he was mortally wounded by the enemy shell fire.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Avon, Massachusetts

Home Town: Avon, Massachusetts

Whiting, Clinton L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Clinton L. Whiting, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 308th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division, A.E.F., near La Harazee, France, September 26 - 28, 1918. During the advance in the Argonne Forest, Lieutenant Whiting exposed himself fearlessly to enemy machine-gun and sniper fire while leading his men and consolidating his position, which was in a marsh covered with wire grass and stunted brush. He continued to lead his men with utter disregard for personal danger until he fell seriously wounded by a machine-gun bullet on the afternoon of September 28 near Binarville.

  • General Orders 87, War Department, 1919

Born: at Elizabeth, New Jersey

Home Town: Brooklyn, New York

Whitman, Guy


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Guy Whitman, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 127th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Gesnes, France, October 4 - 20, 1918. During this period, Private Whitman, although many runners had been shot down, repeatedly volunteered and carried messages through heavy enemy barrages, successfully accomplishing his work and thereby saving the lives of many of his comrades.

  • General Orders 87, War Department, 1919

Born: at Shawano, Wisconsin

Home Town: Shawano, Wisconsin

Whitman, Walter Montieth


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Walter Montieth Whitman, Colonel (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 325th Infantry Regiment, 82d Division, A.E.F., near Fleville and St. Juvin, France, October 11 - 12, 1918. When his regiment was attacked in column before reaching the line which it was to hold Colonel Whitman took command and personally led his men into action. Always on the firing line, he led four attacks under heavy fire from artillery, machine-guns, and snipers on the hill east of St. Juvin, the fourth of which was successful. He maintained his post of command on or near the front line throughout the engagement and by his personal example of courage inspired his men to valiant and successful combat.

  • General Orders No. 126, War Department, 1919

Born: at New York, New York

Home Town: New York, New York

Whitney, Le Roy F.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Le Roy F. Whitney, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company M, 108th Infantry Regiment, 27th Division, A.E.F., near St. Souplet, France, October 17, 1918. Voluntarily carrying messages under heavy shell and machine-gun fire, Corporal Whitney displayed great bravery and gallantry. In one instance he completed the mission of a runner who had been wounded and returned with very important information as to where the barrage would fall.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Auburn, New York

Home Town: Auburn, New York

*Whitney, Ralph L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Ralph L. Whitney, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 112th Machine-Gun Battalion, 29th Division, A.E.F., near Montagne, France, October 15, 1918. During an attack, Private Whitney was tireless in his efforts to bring food and water to his comrades. On October 8 he captured 13 Germans without assistance and without regard to his personal safety. Later, while aiding a wounded comrade he was severely wounded.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Detroit, Michigan

Home Town: Ann Arbor, Michigan

Whitson, Lester C.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Lester C. Whitson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company E, 131st Infantry Regiment, 33d Division, A.E.F., at Hamel, Belgium. July 4, 1918. Although severely wounded in the shoulder at the beginning of the engagement, Corporal Whitson continued forward as squad leader, exhibiting great gallantry and setting an inspiring example to his men.

  • General Orders No. No. 14, War Department, 1920

Born: at Chicago, Illinois

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Whitson, Robert Kenneth


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Robert Kenneth Whitson, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., near Soissons, France. July 19, 1918. When his major was killed, Captain Whitson took command of his battalion and, although wounded, led it forward for the succeeding three days to its final objective, and, although wounded again, refused to be evacuated until he had directed the consolidation of his position.

  • General Orders No. 15, War Department, 1919

Born: at Union City, Tennessee

Home Town: Union City, Tennessee

Whitthorne, Harry S.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harry S. Whitthorne, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 140th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division, A.E.F., near Exermont, France, September 28, 1918, and October 1, 1918. Captain Whitthorne organized a detachment to go 1200 yards in front of our lines to rescue the wounded in a wood previously occupied. He brought back over 20 of the wounded, who would otherwise have been captured or died from exposure, the rescue being effected under heavy machine-gun and artillery fire. Later, when he was the only officer with the battalion, he refused to be evacuated, though wounded and burned by mustard gas, remaining in command until the battalion was relieved.

  • General Orders No. 59, War Department, 1919

Born: at Vallejo, California

Home Town: San Francisco, California

Whittington, Charles E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charles E. Whittington, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company I, 28th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., during three days at Cantigny, France, on May 28 - 30, 1918. Private Whittington performed with great bravery the duties of battalion gunner without rest. Although wounded, he remained on duty under fire until his battalion was relieved.

  • General Orders No. 99, War Department, 1918

Born: at Martinsburg, West Virginia

Home Town: Sumpter, South Carolina

Whitworth, Thomas J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Thomas J. Whitworth, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 167th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., on Hill 212, Ourcq River, near Sergy, France, July 28, 1918. Corporal Whitworth accompanied by another soldier volunteered to rescue his platoon commander who had been seriously wounded. Although under severe enemy artillery, machine-gun, and rifle fire these soldiers, with utter disregard for their own personal danger, advanced to the rescue of the fallen officer, and with great difficult carried him to safety. This heroic action on the part of Corporal Whitworth and his companion without a doubt saved the officer's life and set a splendid example of heroism, self-sacrifice, and devotion to duty.

  • General Orders No. 7, War Department, 1929

Born: at Ft. Payne, Alabama

Home Town: Gadsden, Alabama

Wiberg, Albin


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Albin Wiberg, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 131st Infantry Regiment, 33d Division, A.E.F., during the Somme offensive, France, August 15, 1918. Blown over the parapet of an outpost when an enemy shell made a direct hit, Sergeant Wiberg, upon regaining consciousness, carried the wounded members of his squad through heavy shell and machine-gun fire to a dressing station. He then drew a new automatic rifle from a nearby dump, and, making his way through heavy fire, established a new outpost, holding it alone against the enemy for 14 hours until relieved.

  • General Orders 71, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sweden

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Wichart, Georges


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Georges Wichart, Second Lieutenant of Infantry, Army of France, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 372d U.S. Infantry (Attached), 93d Division, A.E.F., near Monthois, France, September 27 to October 7, 1918. During the attack on Monthois Second Lieutenant Wichart voluntarily undertook the most hazardous missions, fearlessly traversing ground swept by machine-gun fire and severe bombardment to secure liaison between neighboring French units and to reconnoiter our first line positions. His reports were invaluable. On the night of October 2 he led a battalion to its position of attack and personally reconnoitered the line under intense machine-gun and artillery fire, furnishing a splendid example of coolness and utter disregard of danger to the men of the battalion.

  • General Orders No. 13, War Department, 1919

Born: at France

Home Town: France

Wickham, Gordon


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Gordon Wickham, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Headquarters Company, 131st Infantry Regiment, 33d Division, A.E.F., at Chipilly Ridge, France, August 11, 1918. Private Wickham was on duty with a carrying party, which was severely shelled and gassed while passing through Grassier Wood. In utter disregard of his own personal safety, this courageous soldier made repeated trips into the woods under heavy shell fire and rescued wounded soldiers.

  • General Orders No. No. 128, War Department, 1918

Born: at Chicago, Illinois

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Wickliffe, Robert E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Robert E. Wickliffe, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 4th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., near Grand Ballois Farm, France, July 14 - 15, 1918. After being severely wounded Private Wickliffe remained at his post performing his duties as a relay runner until relieved.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Warsaw, Missouri

Home Town: Spencer, Iowa

Widdifield, Cecil J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Cecil J. Widdifield, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action near St. Etienne, France, October 5, 1918. Second Lieutenant Widdifield voluntarily went forward for a distance of 800 meters under heavy shell fire and rescued a wounded soldier who had been left there the night before when the advance patrols had been withdrawn.

  • General Order No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at East Tawas, Michigan

Home Town: Troy, Montana

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

Wiechmann, Walter H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Walter H. Wiechmann, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 103d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., at Marcheville, France, September 26, 1918. Corporal Wiechmann climbed out from the top of a trench, under machine-gun fire from all directions, to take prisoners in another trench who had thrown up their hands and shouted that they had surrendered. Approaching, he was met with a shower of hand grenades, but he nevertheless stood his ground and opened fire.

  • General Orders No. 126, War Department, 1919

Born: at Detroit, Michigan

Home Town: Detroit, Michigan

Wiedmaier, Benjamin P.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Benjamin P. Wiedmaier, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 4th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., near Grand Ballois Farm, France, July 14 - 15, 1918. During a heavy gas and shell bombardment, Private Wiedmaier repeatedly volunteered and delivered messages over routes other than his own, when the runners assigned to those routes had been killed or wounded.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Clarksdale, Missouri

Home Town: Clarksdale, Missouri

Wiese, Edwin


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Edwin Wiese, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 355th Infantry Regiment, 89th Division, A.E.F., at Essey, France, September 12, 1918. Private Wiese displayed conspicuous gallantry by creeping forward alone under machine-gun fire and capturing two enemy machine-guns, which were holding up the advance of his organization.

  • General Orders No. No. 128, War Department, 1918

Born: at St. Louis, Missouri

Home Town: St. Louis, Missouri

*Wiggins, Edwin W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Edwin W. Wiggins, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 128th Machine-Gun Battalion, 35th Division, A.E.F., near Baulny, France, September 29, 1918. Sergeant Wiggins led a machine-gun platoon to a threatened portion of the line, under a heavy enemy barrage, walking back and forth along the front under heavy enemy fire, encouraging his men and directing the construction of emplacements. He also organized a group of infantrymen, who had become separated from their organizations, and put them in the line, supervising their entrenchments. This gallant soldier was killed just as this work was completed.

  • General Orders 89, War Department, 1919

Born: at Carthage, Missouri

Home Town: Carthage, Missouri

Wigglesworth, Robert


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Robert Wigglesworth, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 132d Infantry Regiment, 33d Division, A.E.F., near Consenvoye, France, October 9, 1918. When the two platoons he was leading in attack were held up by terrific fire from two machine-guns, Captain Wigglesworth ordered his men to lie down and he, single-handed rushed one nest, killing the gunner and capturing the crew. He then forced the surrender of the second gun crew.

  • General Orders No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Chicago, Illinois

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Wight, Howard M.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Howard M. Wight, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company I, 361st Infantry Regiment, 91st Division, A.E.F., near Gesnes, France, September 28, 1918. When his battalion withdrew after attacking a hostile position under heavy fire, Private Wight, instead of falling back, organized a party and, in the face of intense machine-gun fire, rescued 15 wounded soldiers who would otherwise have fallen into the hands of the enemy. He placed the wounded men in a gravel pit and remained the entire night, administering first aid, despite the fact that he himself was nearly exhausted after three days of fighting.

  • General Orders No. 15, War Department, 1919

Born: at Harrison, Maine

Home Town: Corvallis, Oregon

Wilbur, Thomas Whiteside

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