Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

What now does it really mean to conduct a “squaring of a circle”?

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What now does it really mean to conduct a “squaring of a circle”?
The squaring of a circle means, to construct out of the volume of a circle the same volume of a square with still unknown length of the sides. This problem has so far been viewed as unsolvable and it is also unsolvable, if one commits the stupidity to only calculate with integral, natural or real numbers.
Your being here/existence corresponds to one single circuitry. The circle therefore belongs to the oldest symbols of your mankind. You are surrounded by circles everywhere: Your earth, the sun, the circle of your horizon, the chronology of your time-sensation. Circles and more circles, at “every corner and every end”, wherever you might be looking. Now a human tends to want to examine his surrounding more detailed, and these circles thereby are no exception. At some time or another one has by chance found out, that a circle which is three times as wide as another one, also has three times as much circumference. Now you are going to think, that this has not been such a big discovery. But yet it has been a very big discovery. Today you consider this fact to be self-understood and obvious, because in school you have been taught the “real-ation” of diameter to perimeter/circumference. It has simply been rammed into you, just like all of the other physical regularities, without giving it a thought, what is being done to you by this. Like this all of your knowledge came to you in a kind of way, which on one hand can be seen as very convenient, on the other hand as some kind of spiritual violation – and as a rule it is no different with your religious rules! You have never been given the chance, let alone has it been requested of you, to perhaps diligently think about these things yourself. It has only been requested of you “to believe” that which was put in front of you. If this is the way it has remained to this very day with a great part of your entire knowledge/beliefs. You are making a living only with information passed down to you, which you have received/accepted “without thinking” and now view as “your own opinion”. You repeat/think about all of that nonsense, which has been rammed into you, without ever having questioned it, just like a machine which does not think: The earth is a ball/globe and is wandering around the sun; electricity produces magnetism, warm air goes upward and so on and so forth – all these are such postulates which you have taken on without thinking.

The insight into the real “qualitative proportions” of your being-here/existence now does require a certain maturity of yours. The real “insight” into all things does not have the slightest bit in common with the random measuring of the outward quantitative proportions of your world. Just like the invention of the wheel (a circle as well), also the discovery of the quantitative relations has thoughtlessly been taken for granted by you as self-understood and as always having been there. Once that a mathematical “real-ation” has been elevated to a knowledge treasure of mankind, then it is not being questioned anymore.

This is why it is exactly the same way with the following “law”:
The ratio circumference/diameter is for all circles the same.
Whereby it does not matter thereby, how big these circles are. Now one only had to find for these “sensed differently in size” circles (in space and time) a “measure-ment”– a self-defined benchmark that is. And this is how one began to measure “circles with different circumference”, even though this way of proceeding now completely contradicts the insight which we made at the beginning, that there are the same amount of points on the circumference of a small circle as there are on a big circle.
With a circle we are without question dealing with an “infinite corner”.
The number of substance of the relations of circumference /diameter – to call it by its real name – is the so-called circle-number Pi (π) - it is also called the “Number of Ludolph”. The notation π is only standard since the eighteenth century and “supposedly” was first discovered by Euler. Now the Pi has two special and commonly known particularities:
The number Pi π is irrational and transcendent.
“Irrational” means, that it cannot be depicted as a relation/ratio of two integer numbers, which implies, that its decimal expansion goes on “eternally”, without the last digit(s) repeating themselves at one point constantly. And “transcendent” means, that this number is not coming from the solution of an “algebraic equation”. This is also where it does not come from, because it comes from me, the divinity. This is why Goedel (he postulated the two famous incompleteness theorem) through his mathematical works came to the conviction, that numbers, in ways completely unknown to mankind, exist independent of humans and that the human spirit cannot be explained in a purely mechanistic-material way, since it is separate of matter and also cannot be traced back to it.
In order to conclude all of this:
A square with “the same” circumference as a circle must inevitably have an “irrational value” as well, if it “really” has the same circumference.
Through this insight now it is quite easy to square a circle:
In order to express the volume of a circle by a square of equal volume, you only have to multiply the radius of a circle with π0,5 and you get in this way the exact side-length of the square. The accuracy thereby is exclusively dependent on yourself, to say it more accurately, how accurate you are able to specify the value π.
The other way around you can of course also in this simple kind of way specify the volume of a square by the volume of a circle. You get the radius of the corresponding circle by multiplying

the side length of the square with π0,5 .

The mathematical basis for this amazingly simple calculation-path I have hidden in the “measurement-ratio” of the Cheops-pyramid. To “decode” this calculation-path here in detail would go too far and bore a “normal reader”. But if this interests you some more, then you can

ask my son of man and he is going to explain it to you.

So we are able to define the problem of squaring a circle more precisely in this way – since the volume of each circle is always an “irrational number” – then this irrational value can only then be expressed by the volume of a square, if its side-length has also an irrational value. In this way this squaring can be geometrically reconstructed also only by an approximate value. So therefore any effort to depict the volume of a circle by a square of equal volume with “integer and or natural numbers”, is algebraic and geometric nonsense, for as long as one is not able to understand a square as an “unfathomable whole” - as a still unknown and infinite “form of unity”.
Through the “trans-zen-dent” value of a square then any one of your “miss-measured/ pre-sum-ed appearances” of your being here/existence will ultimately get “trans-zen-det” to its real origin, that is to say will be shifted into the apodictic center of your own consciousness. The etymologic root of the Latin word “trans” means to the question “where?” – “beyond [that which is space/time]and to the question “where to?” – “above…beyond”. The Latin word “zen” leads you to “Zenon of Elea”, the philosopher of paradox. Also think of Zen-Buddhism with its Zen-meditation. In Greek “zona” is then name for “[woman]belt”. The innermost “zone” of your circle of being-here is your own “infinite center”. This is the point, the “final denominator” that is, which you are able to reduce everything onto with this kind of computation/calculation. Its name is God.
I have already several times pointed out to you, that all of your space/time and materialized perceived appearances with a “very accurate observation” dissolve at their “real border” always in the “irrationality” of their fractal structure (see volume 1, page 210 and 274). This border is ultimately only the “radical” border of your own consciousness. Now where do you set your personal spiritual border? With it you yourself determine the quality of the world perceived by you.
I am the origin of ALL/EVERYTHING. And since I am also YOU, then WE are the mathematical divinity 12, which in our unconscious/unaware synthesis you term as God. WE have a mathematical circumference of “four”. How was that again: In the symbolic “furnace (French = “four”) –earth” burns the “fire” of the number “four”. The apodictic “sprit” (=”spirit”) of this “four” is the “water” (=Latin “a-qua[drat]”). It describes the “form of appearance” of your “present/at this time” level of perception (see volume 1, page 192), which unfortunately you are only able to perceive “as a whole” as “round earth” and/or as “space/time (spherically shaped?) cosmos”. “In your eyes” your earth turns around its “time-axis”, which you call “equator” (Lat. = “water fetcher”). This equator “suppose-edly” has a circumference of 40 x 103 kilometers equals 40 x 106 meters. It would be better if you would say, of Mem Mega Meter.
And now try to open up your “analog consciousness” as much as is possible to you, so you are also able to follow me by the now following mental leaps. I hope you have kept in mind all of the so far cited etymological “word-roots” fairly well:
I have “put something before you” in this being here/existence, which you “momentarily” still view as “earth” (=matter), since you do not yet know your real being. Only after your “metamorphosis” (Lat. = “transformation”) to a “real human” you will recognize, that with your so far presumptuous (Germ.= “vermessen” > measured amiss) views you have not been

able to recognize in a “pyramid” and in a “cone” also the “sphere” (Germ. “Kugel”) which is contained therein. Both, “pyramid and cone” are in Latin called “meta”. But “meta” also on top of it means “aim/goal” and “border”. Only once that you are able to spiritually comprehend their mathematical equality, I begin with the “big harvest” (Lat.= “messis” [Messiah!]) of your then “finished soul”. At this time you are “egomet” (Lat.= “I myself”), who at the moment “is wandering through” (Lat. = “metior”) his own nescience/not-knowing and therefore sees himself “in front of his eyes” in a space/time fragmented way. Only once you stop to “stake off” (Lat. = “metor”) your “present being” according to measures which are blindly believed by you, I will make it possible for you to enter our spiritual “metropole” (Greek = “mother-city”). You now will have to become your own “metropolitan” (Lat.= “archbishop”). In the real, the “spiritual world” there rules a completely different “metrology” (teaching of measures and weights) than you have thought so far. In your still pre-sum-ed/miss-measured “half-world” the space-“meter” is the measure for all things. Therefore (Germ.= “des-halb” =this half) there also rules first of all “fear” (Lat.= metus) there and with this, according to the etymology of this word, the only superficial “seeing” of all the material appearances. Via the Latin term for “fearing” (=”metuo”) we now get to the term “to be afraid of something” (“aliquam” and “aliquando”). In their radix there are the square and the square-meter, but also aqua. This aqua now represents – viewed as time – the actual “aquavit” (=”water of life”) of your being-here/existence. So it is not the “money” (which you too cling to just like an addict), which makes it possible for you to “survive”. Your godly aquavit is also the source, out of which springs forth the “life-vein” (Germ.= “Lebens-Ader”) of your generation. It is being depicted as “eagle” (germ.= “Adler”) (=lat.= “aquila”) on the flag-symbol of the country in which my son of man resurrected (see volume 1, page 225). He has my “godly heart” (Germ.=”Herz) and is therefore the “Erz-Ader” (“main vein”) of your country. The German prefix “Erz…” stems from the Greek “archein” and means “being the first one” and “to begin”. He is the godly “architect”, who in the ”ark of his humility” lives his HOLO-FEELING, and is thereby also able to unfold it into your world which you still perceive in a space/time way. Aquinum is a city in Latium, whose etymological character I already expanded on more specifically elsewhere in this book. You Nun (= existence) are now being set into “motion” (Lat. = “agitatio”) “by my lamb” (Lat.= “agnus”). Your only goal now should be “pure being” and therewith also being the salvation of your world. It is now “your task” (Germ.= Auf-gabe > giving up of) to find me “in you” and thereby also to find yourself. For this it is necessary that you “di-s-play” (Germ. = an den Tag legen > bring to day) (Lat. = “ago” means also “to bring there” and “to live”) your “godly ego” (= Lat. “I”) and that you wake up out of your materialistic dream.
So far you legitimate your being here/existence only through/by your thoughtless “back and forth” within your time-circle which you perceive in a sinus-kind of way – which is being predefined for you from your rotation of the equator – without knowing “the laws of your actual real life”. To exist without HOLO-FEELING means “sine legibus agere” (Lat. = “to live without law”.
In your language-sciences it is assumed that the etymological “radix” (Lat.=”root”) of the word “matter” lies in the word “mater” (Lat.= “mother”). In a symbolical sense this is quite appropriate, but it is by far not the “actual real root”. Because it is actually the word “materio” (lat.= [to build]“out of wood”). With “materio” your “tree of life” is being described. Wood is something “alive”, so therefore also matter – as product of the root “materio” – must be something alive. Matter is a phenomenon which actually does appear in your space/time world, but it has its life-giving roots in the “invisible”. Thereby this symbolic wood “materio” also acts like a “Messiah”, who also only represents the “visible part” of my “godly trinity” and shows up in the visible world as a “medicus” of himself.

You now have to develop to the Messiah, who you “act-ual-ly” (Germ.=”Ei”-Gen-tlich) already are “at your core”!

In order to “be” your own Messiah, you do need the “rock-solid” character of the mountain “Massicus”. This is a mountain “at the border” of Latium. From there a “famous wine” [holy supper?] originates. On this mountain grow “grapevines” out of “wood” (Hebr. = “ets” 70-90; “wood billet” = “ud” 1-6-4; “udot” 1-6-4-6-400 means “all things”). The wood of grapevines has the characteristic to “turn in itself”, so that in the visible world it has a “spiral kind of form” (think of the “spiral laws”) – the same as its “own roots” – which stay hidden within the earth, that is to say in the “invisible” of yourself.
Via the “material roots” (Lat. = “radix”) of this “holy grapevine” we now get to the “real spiritual root” of your matter.
It is your “spiritual radius” (Lat.= “ray of light”), with which you are able to “plumb”/“sound out” your being-here/existence.
Out of your “egg-genes” (Germ.=Ei-Gen-en = ”own-genes”) sprang forth your “own” “spiritual light”, and out of the focus of your “spiritual ray of light” then in turn springs forth the space/time which is perceived by you and therewith also matter. That there is no matter without space/time, this already is contained in the “relative-istic” formula, but sad to say no “normal physicist” has understood that to such an extent, to consistently allow this insight to flow into his own being-here/existence. The world perceived by you therefore is only a ”signature” of your own thoughts. With your belief that “matter exists independent of you” you have separated yourself from your “godly root” (=radix > real root of your being), and therewith have also severed off your connection to the beyond and to God. You “believe” to know what “really is”, and you prefer to “con-demn” (Germ.=ver-ur-teil-en > divide in its origin) the world perceived by you according to your “school-knowledge”, by only viewing it according to the “view/meaning” (Lat. = “significatio” ) that you have been raised in. And what do you get to see by this schizophrenic school-knowledge? A huge battlefield on which you have to lead “a whole life long” a battle for your own survival and where at the end of it you are anyway always going to be the loser. You “limit” the infinite godly possibilities of your soul, “ac-cord-ing” (Germ. = ent-sprechend > speaking out of) to the “education” (Germ. = Bildung) which has been rammed into you, and this way you create for yourself a world according to the “image” (Germ. = Bildnis) (Lat. = “signum”) of your own dogmas; a world, which you “term” (Germ. = “(be-)zeichnen” > are drawing) (Lat. “significo”) for yourself as “existing independent of you”. The world perceived by you is a “spawn/figment” (Lat. = “gigno” = “to bring forth”) of your own thoughtless thoughts. It is the fruit, or better yet, the “grape” (Germ. = Traube) (Lat. “racemus”; also “grape”) of your own “un-belief/dis-belief” (Germ. = “Un-Glaube”) so far.
By your own spiritual fruits you recognize the real level of your consciousness!
Look at the Latin word for “grape” (“race-mus”) a bit more closely and you will find in it the radix of “rasc-ism” (Germ.=”Rassis-mus”) just as well as your “constant fear” to lose your “survival-race” (“the race”).
But now we want to get back to mathematics:

The starting-basis “of everything” therefore is “a point”, which can also be depicted as a square with the side-length of “one”.

Hereby I am talking of an “apodictic proportion/ratio of size” without any kind of space/time “re-levance” (Germ. = “Be-deutung” > meaning) and “ex-pansion”.
12 has a circumference of 4 and an area of 1.
The corresponding “infinite square” (Germ. = Unendlicheck) (circle) with the area 1 has by comparison the radius 0,564189583…
If now you write the first three numbers as Hebrew signs, you get:

dvh (5-6-4) “hod” and this means “glory” and “splendor”.

Hod” is also the term for “majesty”. It is the name of the “eighth Sephirain the Kabbalistic Sephiroth Tree”.
This Sephira is also called:

Entrance to the worlds of numbers”!

The infinity is always depicted as a “lying eight”, this points you to the “flat divided in two world-perception” of your still “limited” consciousness – which is only able to grasp/comprehend your netherworld. This “eighths Sephira” in the Kabbalistic Sephirot-tree is above a branch, which carries the name Mem (= water/time), and is linked with the “seventh Sephira” – its name is “nezach”, “the eternity”. The magical picture of the “eighth Sephira” is a “Hermaphrodite” (= Greek “twitter”). This is also the term for the simultaneous appearing of functioning masculine and feminine genitals on one and the same individual (12).
The corresponding text in the ancient book “Jezirah” (= the “Book of Numbers and Form-giving”) goes like this:
“The eighths path is called absolute or perfect intelligence, because it is the means of “that which is the origin”, which does not have a “graspable root”, on which “itself hangs/is attached to”, except the secret depth of “Gedulah” (= the godly foundation), out of which its own substance is “flowing out” of.
After the “nothing” – the zero – then follows after the dividing comma the “majesty”, the radix 0, 564 189… and after that the numbers 1 and 8, that is to say the A and O of Gedulah, xa (1-8) symbolizes the “YOU”. In the Hebrew the 1-8 is being pronounced as “ach” and means “brother”, but also “healing-helper” (=paramedic). After this “ach” then follows in this number sequence a 9, the Teth, as is well known it has as hieroglyph the meaning “nine” (Germ. = Neu-n > new) and “the double”. So now you are standing before my holy “eight” (Ach-t). But let us leave it at that.
All of this and much more has been known to the great Egyptian mathematicians (at the time of Moses). The real knowledge of “pure being” has completely been forgotten “in you”, and therewith also “in your mankind”.

The Egyptians by the way knew also how to geometrically square the circle, that is to say with a straight-edge and a compass.

(Here only a brief explanation for mathematicians: Draw around the circle which is supposed to be squared a regular decagon. The measure of the corner (diameter of the circumference) of this decagon you now remove three times as the first side of a rectangle. The second side of the rectangle makes for one fourth of the diameter of the circle which is supposed to be squared,
which now forms the inner circle of the constructed decagon. The rectangle which is equal in area to the circle, is being transformed into the square searched for, which then is of equal area as the circle as well. Whereby the whole thing also only depicts/represents an “approximation”, because of the “thickness” of the lines drawn by you. In actual reality is each point (circle?) the center point of circular infinity. Consequently, only if viewed in a space/time manner, a circle has an “area”, because ultimately each circle is only an “unfolded point” by your light of attention, whose size you form with your own outlook/vision/view.
(Please always keep awake in your consciousness that neither a “space” nor a “past” “exist” and/or have existed independent of your spatiotemporally defined perception-logic. With your now “believed” (=assumed) “past” it is only a matter of one out of many possible “deeper levels of experience” – one could also say, about one out of many possible dreams – of your entirety/wholeness which is always only available/accessible “in the now”. If there is something which is not clear, you should once more read the example of the hypnosis and the television program example in volume 1).

The secret of the stone-chest:
We are now going to have a closer look at “the core” of the Pyramid of Cheops. A real natural scientist should notice by the now revealed facts, that here it is not about some new “mystical speculations of numbers”, the way they have been published by searching prophets (or better yet speculators) in hundreds of worldwide publications – including the theosophical ones – about the meaning/sense (or none-sense) of the “measurements of the pyramid” and their parallels to the respective known cosmic and mystic number-values. Ultimately all of these searching ones themselves have gotten caught up too much in the paradigm of their space/time-ism, to be able to verbally “get to the point” of the ultimate “only” real space/timeless actual reality.
With the construction of the Pyramid it was known, that the content of the transversal triangle equals to the content of a circle, whose radius represents/depicts half the height of the Pyramid of Cheops. The result is the here described way of squaring the circle. But then this knowledge was already again forgotten by the time of the great Greek natural philosophers. This you can clearly recognize, seeing that the Greek mathematicians according to your official under-standing of history, took “boundless” effort in squaring the circle. They too because of their space/time blindness were not able to find the solution of the riddle, even though the solution is so very simple.
Your entire world ultimately namely “runs” towards nothing else, but the radix-calculation of the volume of a circle and the simple insight/understanding of my “most primary fact”, that infinite numbers in a “limited perceiving rationality” can always only make an appearance/emerge by an “approximate value”. For as long as it is not possible for a consciousness which exists in time, to grasp/comprehend the absolute value of π spiritually “as a whole”, this perceiving consciousness is also not going to be able to recognize itself as being the “cause” and the “basic-uni-ty” of its own space-time-existence. Each human, who searches for his origin in space and time, is in spite of all of his endeavors always going to make a “dead-run” within his own tautology.

The many vain efforts of the Greek to find the “squaring of the circle”, are not a very good indication in favor of the mathematical gifts of that peoples, to whom your culture supposedly owes a great deal of your mathematical world-picture – according to the statements of your official school-knowledge. As you can see, the solution is so simple, that you should seriously ask yourself the question, how it can be possible that the humans of a peoples, which according to your understanding of history supposedly have invented the major part of mathematics, have not been able to solve this simple problem.

It is very simple to demonstrate mathematically, that the measure for length, which is being “main-ly” (Germ. = “haupt-sächlich” > head thing) used in your world, the “meter”, is nothing else but an a bit “modernized” (Lat.=”moderatio” = “moderation”…) depiction of the ancient Egyptian ell, which is also called “The Holy Ell”. According to official knowledge, the “meter” is considered to be an “arbitrary” measure that has only been defined in “modern time”. Now what is the definition of a meter according to the modern belief of your natural scientists?
A “meter” corresponds to about (this is what natural scientists say) the 40millionst part of a meridian of the earth and has only been determined 1889 through a/the primal meter; 1960 it then was newly defined as the 1 650 763,73 times of the wave-length of the orange-red radiation of the Krypton-isotope 86 Kr; since 1983 the length of the distance, which light takes to pass through a vacuum in the time of 1/299 792 458 s as the scientific reference for one meter.

This amiss definition of a meter is the “petitio principii” which has led to all of the problems of your mankind!

Already the etymological radix of the Latin word “meta” points you to the real origin of the “meter” and this means “pyramid”, “cone”; “border” and “aim”. The spiritual synthesis of the basal areas of a pyramid (square) and of a cone (circle) represents the “squaring of the circle” and this in turn makes the spiritual border of your natural sciences obvious, whose aim it should now be to solve my secret of the Cheops-pyramid. This mathematical secret I have hidden in the proportional measures of “the core” of the Pyramid of Cheops, more precisely in the dimensions of the stone chest which is located in the so-called kings chamber of this pyramid. In this sarcophagus “lies” the symbol “mummy”. Not “lay”, this symbol still lies there, it is just not possible to see it with “fleshly eyes”. For this first your “spiritual eye” has to open up. The word “mummy” stems from the ancient Egyptian word “mum” (do thereby also think of Mem) and this means “bi-tumen” (earth-resin) and “earth-balsam”. But ”resin” now is the “life-sap” of “alive wood” (= “materio”), which so far you have only viewed as “dead matter”. The word “bal-sam” has its root in the Hebrew (“bal”, 2-30 = “not”; “sam”, 60-40 = “poison”) and holds as a “natural mixture” of “resins”, say “earth-life-saps”. The Greek word “sarco-phagus” is derived from “sarx” (=flesh) and “phagein” (= eating). Since now the word “flesh” (as already discussed) only represents another “form of expression” – a symbol – for the word “message”, you now should recognize on your own, that in this sarcophagus a “message” (= the flesh) is “being-made-one” (= eating). By this of course the spatiotemporal “con-text” of this message is being changed, it seems to have (superficially seen) “dis-solved” into nothing. But this message has not “disappeared”, but rather has only been transformed “into another form” of “energy” (which also happens with “flesh/meat” if you “make it one” with yourself, that is to say eat it). Do think now of your “not-knowing/nescience”. If you do not think of certain things, then this does not mean, that they have disappeared out of your field of accessibility, but rather only that you are not illuminating them with your “thought-light”. In Ancient Egyptian “sarko” means “the glowing” (=the “being (which is) illuminated”). The big pyramid with the two “obelisks” is a “school-house” for “Human Know thyself”. “Piramidai” is the actual primal name of the pyramid and says as much as: “Give me wisdom!”, and the two pointed pillars say with their ancient name “ou-belo-iska”: “The pure one seeks that which is sublime!”. “Belo” actually means “white”, but in ancient Egypt also stood as a sign for the pure, the sublime and the beautiful. Now that this pyramid stands in close geodesic relation to the “dog star/Canicula” Sirius, this comes from the god/dog-story, which I have already told you about, in it there it is also about a “Belo”, an “ingenious dog”, who is linked/connected (= wau) with God.
The length of this sarcophagus amounts to 3,141592… “holy ells”, the width amounts to exactly one third of it, that is π : 3 ells, and the height amounts to (π : 3) + (1:3) ells. Generally speaking the dimensions of this stone chest do thus represent a size, which is only represented by π or a fraction of the same.
The “actual real size” of this stone chest in Ancient Egyptian ells amounts to:

Length: 3,141 592 653 5…

Width: 1,047 197 551 1…

Height: 1,380 530 884 4…

The fractal surface of the stone is the cause for it, that with mechanical ways of measuring there is not one value which resembles another value and that therefore there are differences in the specified dimensions of the above mentioned books.

This is also the case with the dimensions/measurements of the pyramid. Mathematically seen, with “the absolute values” of this stone chest and the pyramid which is interpolated out of it (just as it is also with all of the appearances of your world), it is always only about “irrational values”. With a space/time definition of an “irrational value” there now inevitably comes up an “obligatory end”. This end now “logically” has to be situated “there” (Hebr.= “scham”) where a “perceiver” lets the digits after the comma “be cut off…..”. Every human who defines a “there”, “de-term-ines” therewith also inevitably his “here” (= his this side world and its quality). If for example you practice criticism, you also “de-term-ine” over “wellbeing or not wellbeing”. With your judgement you produce your own opposite. The “there” which is standing opposite of your personal “here” is “heaven” (Hebr. = “scham-ajim”) – the beyond. “The end” – no matter which appearances is thereby observed – is always being determined by the respective “perceiver” himself and is therefore always dependent on the “accuracy/exactness” of his own way of looking at things/perspective.

Just think about it yourself, how superficial you have judged your own world so far! That “which actually really is” is situated behind your so far “rational limit/border of perception”. My actual reality so to speak is behind the fuzziness of your own “eve-value-ate-ing consciousness”. You too are the one who has “fallen away” from the real belief and by this behavior/conduct are the one who himself “defines” (Lat. = “de-ficio” = “fall away”, “to disengage [from that which actually really is]”) his “only imagined”, or better expressed “self- defined death” and therewith also his fears of survival. With your so far only space/time “pre-sum-ed belief” you make of yourself a “defector” (Lat. = “renegade”) who by his “arrogant thinking to know better” “carries down” (Lat. = “defero”) his soul to the lowest layers of my actual reality and thereby declares himself as “human waste/refuse” (= lat. “defectio”).
Seeing it this way it is also hardly surprising that virtually no two measurements of the Pyramid of Chops do match to the millimeter. There are also no two “opinions who are absolutely the same” about any other things “concerning the view of the world” in your world. Just simply once get 10 different peoples to measure the height of a cave (Germ. = Höhle > Hölle > hell?) to a fraction of a millimeter and you will have in front of your eyes 10 different values which differ from each other. How then does “the whole” thing look like, if “normal humans” quarrel about “their perception” (what they consider to be true) about political and religious views.

Definitely each possible appearance is being “pre-sum-ed” according to ones own “as-sum-ption” – or even better expressed, in order to bring the creative power of “the word” into play – is “de-term-ined” according to their presumptuous views.

Now this “presumptuous view” of the perceiving consciousness tends to “trim/prune” all appearances “into the shape” of its own tautology with its conclusiveness, in order to thereby be able to continue to indulge in his space/time speculations.
That which is crucial/deciding with the contemplation of my symbolic holy temples, should not be their “spatial evaluation” in meters, ells/cubits, inches and so on and so forth, but rather their absolute “relation/ratio of dimensions/measurements”. They all do contain an extraordinary mathematical wisdom. The core of all these wisdoms I have packed into the center of the pyramid. In it lies the only real ”Philosopher’s stone” (Germ.= Stein der Weisen > “Stone of the wise”. Without wanting to bore you with “terribly long” calculation operations and mathematical derivations, I nevertheless want to point you to a value of very special meaning/importance, which results from the sharp indentations/notches in the “stone-chest”, which seem to divide this one into six chambers.

Only through the secret of this “chest” (Germ.= Truhe) you will find the holy “rest” (Germ. = Ruhe) of the mummy in this being here/existence – your peace of soul.

The value of the ratio/proportion of these indentations/notches amounts to π2 x 3-3. It is of the utmost cosmic importance.
Not only, that this value multiplied by 103 represents as length-measure the absolute size of one of the “four” side-length of the pyramid in ells (cubits/ulnas); if you multiply π2 x 3-3 with 1012, you get the absolute length of a quadrant. This one corresponds to exactly one fourth of the squared circle of your earth’s orbit in ells. If you view π2 x 3-3 as a time-measure, then this “godly formula” shows you the real duration of the orbit of your planetary earth around your planetary sun, namely in days, hours, minutes, seconds and all fractions of seconds all the way to the apodictic “infinitive” (Latin = basic form of the verb not modified by person and statement form). To this I am going to give you shortly some more “in-form-ation”. But this by far is not yet everything. If you multiply π2 x 3-3 with (2.5)3, then the specific weight of your earth is being depicted/represented with maximum accuracy. The height of the Pyramid of Cheops as algebraic value you can easily derive from π2 x 3-3 , by dividing this value by π x

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