Colville River, Fiord Oil Pool
Oil‐stained sand currently assigned to the Fiord Oil Pool was first encountered in the Nechelik No. 1
exploratory well in 1982.
However, the Fiord No. 1 exploratory well is considered to be the discovery
well because it tested oil at an average rate of 1,065 barrels per day from the upper portion of this
pool and 180 barrels per day from the lower portion of the pool.
This discovery was confirmed by
Fiord No.2 in 1994, and then delineated by the Fiord No.4, Fiord No.5, Nigliq No.1, and Nigliq No. 1A
wells that were drilled between 1999 and 2001.
The Fiord Oil Pool is common to, and correlative with, the interval between the measured depths of
6,876' and 7,172' in the Fiord No. 5 well. This pool is unusual in that it encompasses two reservoir
sandstone intervals that are in direct contact and in hydraulic communication within the oil column.
The deeper reservoir interval, informally termed the "Nechelik zone," is Jurassic‐aged (Oxfordian) and
lies within the Kingak Formation. The shallower reservoir interval, informally named the "Kuparuk
zone," lies within the Cretaceous‐aged (Hauterivian) Kuparuk Formation.
Colville River Field, Fiord Oil Pool
Average Daily Production Rates
rrels of
per Day
Avg Prod Oil Daily
Avg Prod Water Daily
Avg Prod Gas Daily
# Wells x 1000
lls x
Regular production began from the pool in early August 2006,
and with the addition of new wells,
production reached 24,355 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) in June 2007, 26,325 BOPD in May 2009, and
peaked at 32,906 BOPD in April 2010. For the first six months of 2011, the pool has averaged 20,452
The Fiord Oil Pool consists of three intervals. They are, in ascending order, the Nechelik interval, an
intervening wedge of non‐reservoir shale and sandstone, and the Kuparuk interval.
The Nechelik interval consists of fine‐grained, quartz‐rich, sandstone that was deposited in
environments ranging from marine‐shelf (at the base of the zone) to middle shoreface (near the top).
Detrital matrix constitutes 10 to 30 percent of the sediments at the base of the Nechelik, but decreases
in abundance upwards as sand content increases. The best‐quality reservoir sandstone occurs near the
top of the zone. Detrital matrix is predominantly mixed‐layer illite/smectite, discrete illite and kaolinite
clays with some localized siderite cement. Clay swelling is not expected to be significant based on core
flood studies and experience with similar clays in the Alpine Field. Nechelik porosity averages about
16%, and air permeability averages approximately 8 millidarcies. Average water saturation is about
34% in the Fiord No.4 and Fiord No.5 wells.
Between the Nechelik and Kuparuk intervals is a wedge of non‐reservoir shale and sandstone that
thickens to the south. The top of the non‐reservoir wedge is the Lower Cretaceous Unconformity
("LCU"), which at one time was a regional erosional surface. In the northern and northwest part of the
development area, the LCU dips to the north and cuts down into the Nechelik zone, and the reservoir
sand of the Kuparuk zone directly contacts reservoir sandstone of the Nechelik zone. The base of the
wedge is the top of the Nechelik zone, which dips southeast within the proposed development area.
Along the southeastern edge of the affected area, within portions of Sections 13, 14, and 15 of TI2N,
R5E, UM, the wedge of sediments separating the Nechelik and Kuparuk zones contains a thin interval
of Alpine sandstone. This sandstone is 5' thick in the Fiord No.2 exploration well, where it was
described as being fine‐to medium‐grained, calcareous, and glauconitic with spotty, medium to dark
brown oil staining. In this area, which is situated more than 2 miles from the nearest Alpine
development well, the Alpine sandstone appears to be of fair to poor reservoir quality.
The Kuparuk interval consists of a transgressive, shallow‐marine lag deposit that is situated directly
atop the LCU and is typically less than 5' thick. It consists of fine‐ to medium‐grained, quartz‐rich
sandstone containing varying amounts of glauconite and siderite cement. Initial drilling results indicate
the Kuparuk sandstone thickens locally on the western (downthrown) side of northwest‐trending
normal faults that occur in the development area. Kuparuk zone porosity averages about 22%, and air
permeability averages approximately 110 millidarcies. Average water saturation is about 22% in the
Fiord No.5 well.
Within the Fiord development area, the structure at Kuparuk level dips to the northwest. During early
Cretaceous time, faults were active creating accommodation space for accumulation of sediments.
The main fault in the development area is termed the "Fiord" fault. Therefore, as stated above the
Kuparuk reservoir is thickest on the downthrown, western side of this northwest‐trending normal fault,
and it thins toward the west.
Well log and seismic information indicates that the oil in the pool is trapped by both structural and
stratigraphic elements. The trapping mechanisms for oil within the Kuparuk reservoir are the Fiord
Fault to the east and stratigraphic pinch‐outs into very fine‐grained, non‐reservoir rock in all other
directions. The Nechelik reservoir is truncated by the LCU to the north, and it degrades to non‐
reservoir quality to the south and west.
Geochemical analyses of reservoir fluids recovered from well tests of Fiord No.5 and RFT tests of Fiord
No.4 indicate that oils trapped within the Nechelik and Kuparuk zones are likely the same oil. Oil
viscosity ranges from 0.79 to 0.92 centipoise, solution‐gas ratio ranges from 538 to 609 standard cubic
feet per stock tank barrel, and the formation volume factor ranges from 1.299 to 1.333 reservoir
barrels per stock tank barrel. Crude oil produced during testing measured between 28.6 and 31.3
degrees API gravity. Neither gas‐oil nor oil‐water contacts have been observed within the Nechelik and
Kuparuk zones within the proposed pool area. Original Nechelik zone pressure is approximately 3,200
psi at 6,900' true vertical depth subsea ("TVDSS"). Reservoir temperature is approximately 163°F at
6,850' TVDSS.
(Conservation Order 569)
Revised July 26, 2011
SOHIO Petroleum Company, 1982, Nechelik No. 1, Core Description; AOGCC Well File number 1811490, p. 76‐81
ARCO Alaska, Inc., 1992, Fiord No. 1, Formation Tests; AOGCC Well File number 1911470, p. 15
Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2006, Fiord Oil Pool Rules, Conservation Order No. 569, July 21, 2006
Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2006, Fiord Oil Pool Rules, Conservation Order No. 569, July 21, 2006
PI/Dwights, 2006, Alpine Field’s First Satellite Pool Placed into Production, PI/Dwights Drilling Wire, Volume 52, No. 33, 16‐
Nelson, K., 2006, Fiord Participating Areas Approved; Petroleum News, v. 11, no. 42, October 15, 2006
Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2011, Production Database
Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, 2006, Fiord Oil Pool Rules, cited above.