How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life pdfdrive com

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@miltonbooks How Successful People Think Change Your Thinking, Change

Appreciates the Power of a Dream:
A creative environment promotes the
freedom of a dream. A creative environment encourages the use of a blank
sheet of paper and the question, “If we could draw a picture of what we
want to accomplish, what would that look like?” A creative environment
allowed Martin Luther King, Jr., to speak with passion and declare to
millions, “I have a dream,” not “I have a goal.” Goals may give focus, but
dreams give power. Dreams expand the world. That is why James Allen
suggested that “dreamers are the saviors of the world.”
The more creativity-friendly you can make your environment, the more
potential it has to become creative.

4. Spend Time with Other Creative People
What if the place you work has an environment hostile to creativity, and you
possess little ability to change it? One possibility is to change jobs. But what if
you desire to keep working there despite the negative environment? Your best
option is to find a way to spend time with other creative people.
Creativity is contagious. Have you ever noticed what happens during a good
brainstorming session? One person throws out an idea. Another person uses it as
a springboard to discover another idea. Someone else takes it in yet another,
even better direction. Then somebody grabs hold of it and takes it to a whole
new level. The interplay of ideas can be electric.
I have a strong group of creative individuals in my life. I make sure to spend
regular time with them. When I leave them, I always feel energized, I’m full of
ideas, and I see things differently. They truly are indispensable to my life.
It’s a fact that you begin to think like the people you spend a lot of time with.
The more time you can spend with creative people engaging in creative
activities, the more creative you will become.

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