Illuminati Bloodlines

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book changed their name to Bower. That is exactly what the Rothschild relatives named 
Bauer did. The name Collins originated in the British Isles, in Ireland it began as O’Collins, 
and in Scotland as Kollyns. Today, a prominent figure in Wicca is the Wiccan reformer 
Kollyns, whose name was originally Collins. Two significant Collinses were Sara Aynn Collins 
and her older brother. Her older brother was a member of the Satanists who called 
themselves the Hell Fire Club. He belonged to the Boston Hell Fire Club. The Hell Fire Club 
has been discussed in previous newsletters. It has been pointed out in the past articles how 
BenJamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were members of this purely Satanic group who 
practiced satanic sexual occult rituals. Sara Aynn Collins (bn. c. 1730) was deeply attracted 
to the occult. Her family was a generational Witchcraft/Satanic family, but many of them 
wanted to abandon the occult. Besides not wanting to leave the old family traditions of 
witchcraft, Sara did not want to marry the man her father tried to sell her to. Neither the 
arranged marriage nor forsaking witchcraft was for Sara. She went to Scotland to get to the 
heart of learning the occult and became a leader in the oldest form of Wicca, the Elven 
Path. (Other traditional types of Wicca in the U.S. come from Ireland, Wales, and Greece.) 
After the American Revolution she left Scotland skilled in occult power, and came back to 
the United States, where she formed the first Covendom of Wicca. She and her brother 
were powerful Wiccans, and their descendants are the main group of Collinses that practice 
Wicca and Satanism. A wild woman stabbed Sara Aynn Collins to death in a Boston store. 
What you have just received is the important link in tracing the Satanic Collins bloodline. 
Sara Aynn Collins (and there were several Sarah Ann Collins in her day-it seems the name 
appealed to the Collins family) is in turn a descendent of Francis Collins of the 17th century. 
Francis was the head of the family when it came over from England. The Todd family seems 
to have Satanic undertones to it, even in the days just after the Revolutionary War. For 
instance, John Jacob Astor married Sarah Todd who had a fair amount of money attached 
to her. The Todd surname is not an extremely common name-until one begins researching 
the conspiracy, and then it pops up with frequency. It is known that during the time of the 
Civil War the Collins bloodline went into the surnames of Todd and Putman. 
It needs to be brought out here that the Putman family also has spelled their name Putnam! 
One genealogy book which ties the Putman/Putnam family to the Collins family is Putnam, 
Thomas Russell (1897). Putnam genealogy; recording the descendants of Thomas Putnam. 
The Be Wise As Serpents book exposed the early Clinton family of DeWitt Clinton as an 
illuminati family. Interestingly, there was a Collins boy born in 1824 who was named after 
that Satanist. His name was DeWitt Clinton Collins (1824-1909). Another interesting tidbit 
was that the Phelps family of Virginia is related to the Collins. The Phelps family arrived n 
Mass. in 1630 and became a prominent family in the Skull & Bones. And don’t forget men 
like Skull & Bones William Collins Whitney (unit. into S&B 1863) of the Collins family. Ths 
member of the Collins lineage had two sons, who both became members of the Illuminati’s 
Order of the Skull & Bones. William Collins Whitney (1841-1904) and his two sons are the 
core of the Whitney influence in the Order of the Skull & Bones. This Collins blood of the 
Whitney’s then went into the Harriman family. Anyone who has been reading this newsletter 
this year knows how important the Harrimans are! Pam Harriman is the person behind Bill 
Clinton. Further, the Collins blood of the Whitney’s went into the Payne family and the 
Vanderbilts by intermarriage! The Payne family has been a big part of the Rockefellers and 
Standard Oil. (It is a small world at the top.) William Collins Whitney had a lack luster career 
as an inspector of schools. But then beginning in the 1870s, he amassed a fortune from 
who knows where very quickly. William Collins Whitney was the power behind Pres 
Cleveland, who was his puppet. He also directed a group of powerful important capitalists 
called the Whitney Group. W.C. Whitney married Flora Payne. Their son Harry Payne 
Whitney married Gertrude Vanderbilt in 1896. Their son (and remember he still has Collins 
blood) Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney married Marie Norton who later married W. Averell 

Harriman (unit. into S&B in 1913), the man who helped finance Hitler to power. The 
Harrimans also helped bring the Bush family from oblivion back in the early 1920s. When 
Prescott Bush (George Bush’s father) lost all his money in the 1929 stock market crash, the 
Harrimans again came to financially helped Prescott Bush back on his feet. During the 
1920s, the W. Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, Fritz Thyssen and Friedrich Flick created 
several entitles to help finance Hitler and to produce the weapons Hitler would need to fight 
W.W. II.. One of these companies was the German Steel Trust (in German called Vereinigte 
Stahlwerke. This company produced 35% of Nazi Germany’s explosives, 50.8% of 
Germany’s pig iron, 38.5% of Nazi Germany’s galvanized steel, 36% of Germany’s heavy 
plate, 22.1 % of Germany’s wire, and many other things essential for Hitler, if it had not 
been Harriman’. and Bush’s money helping Thyssen who was Hitler’s major backer, Hitler 
would never had been able to have launched W.W. II. Thyssen even wrote a book in the 
1930. I paid Hitler (now rare) telling about how he financed Hitler and the Nazis beginning 
in Oct. 1923. As I have said numerous times Hitler was of the Rothschild bloodline. 
An understanding of the top 13 families opens up a whole new understanding of history. In 
fact, the full extent of the power of the top 13 families is far greater than what I am able to 
communicate. This is because of their skill at secrecy. Allow me to explain. It was no 
accident that Hitler’s Rothschild blood was hidden. A common practice among the top 13 
families is to have an important child secretly or quietly without fanfare, and adopt the child 
out to another family. The child then takes on another last name, which hides the 
genealogy, in the occult ceremonies, the biological parents will step forward. For instance, 
for Mothers of Darkness the biological father must impregnate the young daughter who is 
being initiated into the Mothers of Darkness. The first baby by the girl must come from her 
biological father and must be sacrificed by her to Satan. Many of the Illuminati children are 
adopted out, (in fact our President Clinton was). To try and trace the genealogy of the 
Illuminati is most difficult. What I am trying to lead up to saying is that due to a number of 
reasons-many people with last names which are different than the top 12 surnames (as well 
as the several names I’ve given for the 13th bloodline) I have given are ALSO part of the 
top 13 bloodlines. Last names are not the criteria--the magical occult power in their blood 
is. It is more than just having the correct blood--but the magic power in that blood is 
critical. Once a branch loses its occult power its blood is nothing. This is why even though 
my wife is a descendent from the Holy Blood line, the 13th family, her branch of the family 
has had nothing to do with the occult for centuries, and could never be part of Illuminati. In 
summary, this article has given some critical names in the early genealogy of the Satanic 
branch of the Collins family. This article has discussed how important events in our world 
are being molded by those 13 families secretly, for example the Collins family. Finally, it was 
discussed how the Illuminati have a number of ways that they hide their genealogies, and 
one of these is the common practice of adopting out a child, so that it gets a different last 
Satanist Bonewitz calls the leading Illuminati families "Fam-Trads." He spells out that Fam-
Trads mean the very powerful families that have been the actual ones to pass witchcraft 
down from one generation to the next. Bonewitz’s article clalms that the only coherent 
lineage of witchcraft was what these powerful families have given us. They were able to 
pass down witchcraft uninterrupted because they were so powerful. He writes, "There is 
plenty of evidence of ancient Pagan traditions surviving under thin Christian veneers in 
isolated parts of Christendom, but there is almost nothing logical to suggest that the people 
leading these traditions were in touch with each other..." How did the leading powerful 
families continue to practice their witchcraft? Bonewitz’s answer is interesting, He states, 

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