Judaism discovered

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Purim: Judaism Celebrates the Religious Duty of Getting Drunk

Two Orthodox Judaics are shown drunkenly cavorting, one with a liquor bottle and glass of liquor and the other doing a somersault; Purim, 2007.

Source: front page of an Orthodox Judaic newspaper. 12 Adar 5767 (March 2, 2007).


In the 1960s the leader of the Canadian Nazi Party was John Beattie. "(E)verything from his group's name to its major activities was suggested or quarterbacked by persons acting as agents for, or reporting to the Canadian Jewish Congress....The Canadian Jewish Congress, which largely created the short-lived Canadian Nazi Party, had, since the 1930s been lobbying for restrictions on freedom of speech....an agent for the Canadian Jewish Congress...proposed (to Beattie) legal maneuvers that were calculated to frighten and cause distress among Jews, thus heightening the 'Nazi' menace, which was used as the argument for the 1971 'hate law' (Section 319 of the [Canadian! Criminal Code)..." 1005

In the 1990s, Grant Bristow, an associate of the Canadian Jewish Congress t006and an agent of Canada's secret service, the CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), took a leadership role in the Right-wing German-Canadian advocacy group, the "Heritage Front," including supplying them with money. "Bristow frequently advocated violence against Jews...Bristow compiled a target list of prominent Jews. He was far more than a mere informant or spy. He was a player, a strong advocate of violence and lawlessness and an anti-Jewish agitator." l007 Heritage Front members eventually succumbed to Bristow's agitation, going to a tavern known to be a hangout for Marxists and Zionists. A fight ensued and Heritage Front members were arrested. The group eventually disbanded, but not before generating plenty of "Jew hater" publicity in the media, very useful to Zionist and rabbinic interests.

While isolated cases of spontaneous anger and violence against persons denominated as Judaics, rabbis or Israelis is sometimes tragically real, the organization and agitation of violent movements dedicated to hating Judaic people on a regional and national scale, is often a covert function of Zionist and rabbinic groups themselves, in clandestine alliance with the secret services of the western intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Canada


and the USA. The ruthlessness and treachery of these intelligence agencies cannot be underestimated. For example, the ultra-secret "Force Research Unit" of British Intelligence, whose agent, Alfredo Scappaticci, was allowed to participate in the murder of 40 persons in Britain and Ireland, including Protestant guerrillas, policemen, soldiers and civilians, in order to protect his "cover" as a British Intelligence agent. 1008 Moreover, Stephen "the Rifleman" Flemmi and James "Whitey" Bulger working with Irish-American hoodlums are alleged to have killed dozens of persons while serving as undercover informants for the FBI in Massachusetts. During this time, FBI agents protected Bulger's and Flemmi's murders as long as they continued to provide the FBI with privileged information on the Mafia. Bulger and Flemmi were tipped off to police arrest attempts and sting operations and the FBI shielded the pair of killers from prosecution. In the 1980s these two criminals became the leading gangsters in South Boston while meeting regularly with their FBI protectors.1009

Another tactic is to instigate attacks on Judaic cemeteries and synagogues. "In Cherry Hill, N.J. four men including Matthew Tannenbaum, a Jew, were charged by police with spray painting a predominantly Jewish Woodcrest Country Club with swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans." 101°

"Laurie Recht, a 35-year-old Jew, had reported to Yonkers police several acts of anti-Jew(ish) graffiti and death threats. Unknown to her, the police placed a video camera outside Recht's apartment and caught her in the act of painting 'Nig*er lover Jew' on (the) door near her apartment.10n

Carpentras Vandalism Leads to Law in France Abridging Free Speech In May, 1990 it was reported that "anti-semitic" criminals inspired by those who "deny" that Six Million Judaics were killed in gas chambers in Auschwitz, had desecrated a Judaic cemetery in Carpentras. Tombstones were overturned and the body of a recently deceased Judaic man was exhumed from its grave and tossed onto the dirt. The French media and the government, in the person of the Minister of the Interior, Pierre Joxe,


directed suspicion for these disgraceful attacks on anti-Judaic activists under the direction of the right wing "National Front" group. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people in France were mobilized to take to the streets to demonstrate against revisionist historians who question the Six Million figure and against the National Front. Among the marchers was the President of France himself, Francois Mitterand. An effigy of the leader of the National Front was ritually hanged during the massive demonstration. Exploiting the outrage generated by the desecration of the Judaic cemetery, the French legislature voted into law a statute making it a crime for historians to question either the Six Million "Holocaust" statistic, or the alleged operation of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz, and against conducting any similar skeptical investigations into the history of the 1940s in Europe.

The desecration of the Carpentras cemetery had proved exceedingly useful to the cause of Judaism and Zionism in suppressing freedom of thought and inquiry in France. Whether the National Front really was behind the attacks on the cemetery, or whether it was the work of a coterie of rebellious local anarchist youths from affluent families as reported by London's Jewish Chronicle (Nov. 17, 1995), has never been established. What is certain is that all such violence and vandalism against synagogues, cemeteries and other Judaic property and persons generates national sympathy and political and legal capital for rabbinic and Zionist groups, while cleverly rendering publication or speech which exposes the ideology of the modern heirs of the first century Pharisees, as "criminal incitement." By this cunning ploy, those Christian evangelists teaching the Gospel as Jesus conveyed it, are lumped together with various fanatics, bigots and fools and thereby discredited, maligned and the Good News of Jesus Christ cast off.

While there is assuredly no guarantee that Christian evangelists will not suffer persecution in the form of lies and sly, fabricated links to violence and hatred, by the grace of God the most effective response is to conduct ourselves as Jesus Christ instructed, and not as the right wing front groups throughout history, with their flags, uniforms and ranting rhetoric, and their claims to being "Christian" have done, to the delight of God's enemies. Let us establish for once and all time the religious and political platform of the followers of Jesus Christ when dealing with Antichrist government agents, and with rabbis, Zionists, Israelis, Communists and Kabbalists:


"I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew 5: 43-45). Whatever your station in life, whatever your role in parties and politics, business, labor, finance, industry, government or the church itself, do you strive to love the rabbis who curse you? Do you do good to those like the ADL and the Zionists who hate you? Do you pray for the reform and conversion of the media executives, politicians and police of the western governments1012 who may despitefully use and persecute you? If you cannot answer yes to the preceding questions, why then do you discredit the Gospel by calling yourself a Christian?

We do not want to be harsh. Surely as sinners we have all failed and fallen short. But it is not human frailty and back-sliding that we are addressing here, but whether or not there is present within those who profess to be Christian, a sincere desire to seriously commit to living what Jesus commanded. Some of the groups, parties, political movements and churches which we surveyed who are incensed by Judaism and Zionism, do not even have it as a stated goal to do as Christians are commanded to do in Matthew 5, much less practice it. They have no love for their enemies. Rather, they hate them, and they associate this hatred with their public espousal of Christianity, to the grave discredit of the Gospel, thus doing the work of the devil they claim to oppose. For centuries violence-prone and loveless persons have ascribed to Christ their employment of frankly stupid and deplorable, carnal warfare methods against rabbis and lately, Zionists. These persons are part of the reason why rabbinism and Zionism have so much power in the world today. These carnal "Christian" warriors are themselves a type of rabbinic agent.

Jesus was not a wimp. He understood, better than any of us, the nature of Pharisaic evil, how it gains power over souls. If there was a better way on earth to win souls, Jesus would have told us about it. Rabbis, Muslims, pagans and atheists hate and curse their enemies. True Christians bless and do good to them.1013



This is not to detract from the justice system to which the Apostle Paul alluded, concerning the Christian ruler: "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." (Romans 13: 3-4). Paul is referring to the lawful exercise of the police power of a Christian nation, not sectarian vigilante action by a mob or "movement." What is the difference between lawfully constituted Christian police-power, and vigilantes? It is the difference between God's wrath and justice, acting through His duly constituted officers on earth; and our personal wrath acting in avenging ourselves: "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" (Romans 12:19).

Rapists, kidnappers and murderers, Judaic as well as gentile, will suffer capital punishment, but not before they have the opportunity to ask forgiveness of Jesus Christ the Lord, convert and repent. On that basis the lawfully executed person, Judaic or gentile, will spend eternity with God, as did the "good thief hanging on the cross next to Jesus. Christian forgiveness and love do not entail immunity from punishment. "Woe unto the world because of offenses! For it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh!" (Matthew 18:7).


Who are the Jews Today?

Today the heirs of the Pharisees are discerned not by racial or ethnic criteria but by a supremacist ideology. Judaism is a cabal of thought, not a cabal of race. The famous statement in the book of Matthew about Christ's blood being on the children of the Jews has long since expired, for where today is there a racially pure "Jew" descended from the people of that era?1014 But for a minuscule remnant, contemporary "Jews" are mostly mamzerim, of mixed race. A substantial segment of so-called Israeli "Jews" today are North African Sephardic people who are genetically indistinguishable from their Arab neighbors, while the overwhelming majority of "Jews" in America are actually descendants of converts from the Khazar tribe of Eastern Europe; "After considering the strong evidence for cultural, linguistic and ethnic ties...one can only come to one conclusion: that the Eastern European Jews are descended from both the Khazars and other converts, as well as from Judeans...Ashkenazic Jews have the right, as well as the obligation, to rediscover and reclaim our unique, mixed heritage. Many of us are, indeed, heirs to the great Khazar Empire that once ruled the Russian steppes." 1015

"...the Turkic Khazars were ruled by a khagan (great khan, or great ruler)..For unknown reasons, around 740 the khagan and the entire Khazar nobility embraced Judaism...The Khazars ruled the eastern and southern Slavs, including the Volga Bulgars and the Kiev Russians...In 965 the Khazar empire was conquered and annexed by Kievan Rus..." 1016 "Following the disintegration of the Western Turkish Empire around 630-640 CE and the consequent migration of peoples who had once formed part of that empire, the Turkic Khazar state was established. By the second half of the Eighth Century this state controlled a vast swathe of territory between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea that extended east as far as the steppes of

  1. .


Khwarizm and west to Kiev. The Khazars were originally Shamanists, worshippers of Tengri, the god of the sky. Archaeologists note the disappearance of amulets bearing his image from Khazarian settlements and cemeteries some time after the 830s, when coins were minted to commemorate the Khazarian people's conversion to Judaism. Tradition, as recounted in several medieval sources, has it that a certain King Bulan called a dispute between the three major monotheistic faiths. On finding it to be the foundation of all three, he converted to Judaism. Thus a powerful Jewish state emerged, which was to act as a buffer between the Christian Byzantine Kingdom to the north and the Muslim Caliphate to the south...After the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centres of Eastern Europe. Here, then, we have the cradle of the numerically strongest and culturally dominant part of modern Jewry.' ...In his documentary, "Kingdom of the Khazars," film maker Ehud Yaari stops people in a Russian street and asks whether they can quote the first lines of Pushkin's Ode to Prince Oleg. All readily oblige:

Prince Oleg sought vengeance against the frivolous Khazars Prince Oleg the seer rose against the boorish Khazars

"A more detailed account of the origins and development of Khazar Judaism appears in what has become known as the Khazar Correspondence, which took place between Hasdai and King Joseph. In his detailed response to Hasdai's request for further information about the Jewish Kingdom, King Joseph describes...how Bulan's successor, King Obadiah, instituted Rabbinic Judaism by fortifying the Law, building synagogues and schools, and making his sages interpret the twenty-four sacred books, the Mishnah and the Talmud.

"For an insight into the daily life of this people we are fortunate to have the extraordinary Kievan letter, again discovered in the Cairo Genizah, in 1962. Written on parchment and believed to date from around 930 when Kiev was under Khazar rule, it is the oldest Khazarian document ever found. It takes the form of a letter of recommendation written by Khazar Jews on behalf of one Jacob ben Hanukkah after his brother had borrowed a large sum of money and afterwards been robbed and killed. The purpose of the


letter was to raise the remaining forty coins from among other Jewish communities. It was written in square Hebrew letters and in Hebrew, but with a Turkic runiform word hoqurum (T have read it') added in brushstroke at the bottom corner, indicating knowledge of both languages on the part of the Khazar official. The eleven signatories display a mixture of Turkic and Hebrew names. The existence of such a letter suggests that Judaism was widespread amongst the Khazars, not just the province of royalty as has been suggested, and extended as far west as Kiev.

"Are most Ashkenazi Jews descended from a people with Turkic origins rather than from the Middle East, as Koestler and others have suggested? Brooks concludes his book with an overview of DNA testing among Jewish communities. Our knowledge of Khazar ancestry would appear to remain unenhanced by this information, but there is one interesting twist. 52% of Askenazi Levites carry haplogroup Rial, a type associated with Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Brooks, taking his lead from Norman Golb's Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Twentieth Century, suggests that an important Khazar Jewish priestly family may have adopted the Levite title..."


"Jews were never sure of their lineage or genealogical trees (and) improvised (them) to order, a pastime for the most scrupulous of them. They loved to date back their lineage to some distinguished scholar...this is but another instance of their conceits." 1018



A sculpture depicting Ukrainian Prince Sviatoslav's defeat of the Khazar army, 968 A.D. (Note the six-pointed hexagram on the shield of the defeated Khazar soldier)

The extent to which the mixed racial character of the people who call themselves "Jews" today has been acknowledged, beneath Judaism's covert charade, by the rabbis themselves, is instructive. One manifestation of this awareness centers on the heavily shrouded teaching that the adherents of Judaism are racially descendants of Cain. The secret teaching of one school of the Kabbalah centers on the instruction of Rabbi Yitzhak Luria who emphasized the high status of Cain. Rabbi Luria taught that the spirit of Cain would increasingly prevail in the world as the realization of the process of tikkun olam is achieved: "...therefore, many of the great figures of Jewish history are represented as stemming from the root of Cain, and as the messianic time approaches, according to Isaac Luria, the number of such souls will increase." 1019 This is particularly perverse in light of the fact that rabbinic lore holds that Cain is the literal descendant of Satan, conceived during sexual intercourse between Eve and the serpent. 1020 In spite of Rabbi Luria's diabolic fantasy, as Brook and other scholars have demonstrated, the


overwhelming majority of people identified as "Jewish" have descent neither from Cain nor David. They carry no racial taint or racial stigma. Whether they come under God's wrath or His blessing is decided by the choices they make as human beings possessed of the free will to choose good or evil. To structure one's life according to the precepts of the Talmud and Kabbalah or its secular variants, Zionism, Communism and predatory Capitalism, to adhere to the man-made traditions, pride and self-worship of Judaism, dooms the adherent to the enmity of God. Like all mankind, Judaic people can choose Christ or anti-Christ, truth or lies, freedom or bondage.

The Apostle Paul's Definition of a Jew

Dr. Stephen E. Jones writes: "The Church and Judah are the same entity. The Church is the (called-out' body of people, called out of the bad fig tree of Judaism to be grafted into the good fig tree of Jesus Christ. Although there are non-Judahites who have been grafted into this Judah Church, the Church itself is the legitimate tribe of Judah. The Apostle Paul makes this very clear in Rom. 2:28, 29: 'For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly (Greek: en phaneros, 'in manifestation, or what is apparent'); neither is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly (Greek: kruptos, 'hidden'); and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.'

"Here is Paul's definition of a Jew, and he defines it both negatively and positively. He tells us that there are two groups of people, each laying claim to being a Jew (Judean). The bad figs are 'apparent' Jews..-for they were recognized by men as Jews. The good figs were the real Jews, though their identity was hidden, or not so well known to the general public. The apparent Jews were those who followed the Judaism of the day. The hidden Jews were those whose hearts were right with God. The apparent Jews laid claim to their tribal status and covenant status with God by means of physical circumcision. The hidden Jews laid claim to their tribal status and covenant status with God by means of the heart circumcision. In other words, just because unbelieving Jews were able to retain the name of Judah (usually in its shortened form, 'Jew'), this did not mean that they were really Jews at all. From the perspective of the Christians (including Paul) the unbelieving Jews had been cut off from their people and no longer had the right before God to call themselves Jews. Only those Judahites who accepted the Mediator of the New Covenant, the King of Judah, the Custodian of the tribal name, could


lawfully claim to be Judahites (i.e., Judeans, or Jews): The 'tribeship' was resident in the prince of the tribe.

"If a member of a tribe decided to go to another part of the world and establish his own tribe or nation, he could not legally claim to be the legitimate representative of the tribe from which he came. Likewise, if a man of, say, the tribe of Judah were 'cut off from among his people,' or exiled for some major violation of the law, he could not claim to be the legitimate representative of the tribe of Judah. Even so, Jesus was the Ring of Judah, not only by right of lineage, but also by right of His actions. And thus, the tribal name went with Jesus and those who followed Him. It did not remain with those who revolted against Him and killed Him in order to seize upon His inheritance. It was the majority of the people, led by the chief priests, who were in revolt and who lost their status in the tribe of Judah. But because they had usurped the throne, they were able to convince the world that they were still the 'true Jews.' And thus, the name 'Jew' has continued to be applied —in the eyes of men —to the bad fig tree that rejected the King of Judah and usurped the throne and the name of Judah.

"By the end of the first century, John the Revelator says in Rev. 2:9: 1 know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.' He repeats this idea in Rev. 3:9, saying, 'Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie — behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you.'


"It is strange that in the past few decades 'Messianic Judaism' 1021 has promoted this idea that the true Jews (followers of Jesus, King of Judah) ought to be grafted to the dead fig tree that God cut off nearly 2,000 years ago for its lawlessness. The basic error of Messianic Judaism is that they want to replace the good figs with the bad figs. This is their brand of replacement theology. They call the bad figs 'God's chosen people,' and then attempt to identify with their (bad figs') religious practices as a ploy to induce some of them to accept Christ. That is like drinking with drunkards in order to induce them to stop drinking. The apostles would have rolled over in their graves. Never did they attempt to get Christians to return to the old brand of Judaism. In fact, the Apostle Paul wrote entire gospels refuting such an idea. There is no life in the religion of Judaism, for it has rejected — and continues to reject — the only One in whom is Life. One cannot force it to become Christianized by converting to Judaism. To try to bring Judaism back to life by swarming its ranks with Christians is a fallacy of the first order.

"The book of Hebrews was written to show that, as Christians, we have something better than Judaism has to offer. We have a better covenant, a better priesthood, a better temple, and better sacrifices. To revert back to the ...rabbinic traditions of Judaism, by which they made void the law of God, is an apostasy for which there is no excuse. As we have already shown, the glory of God departed first from Shiloh, and later from Jerusalem. On the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, the glory of God came to rest upon a new temple in a New Jerusalem. Whether the Jewish Zionists succeed or not in their plan to build the third temple in Jerusalem, it makes no difference. The glory of God

1021 "Messianic Judaism" is a means for subverting Christianity by incorporating reverence for the rabbis who are heirs to the religion and customs of the ancient Pharisees as recorded in the Talmud. The claim of Messianic Judaism is that historic Christianity is "pagan" and imbued with "gentile culture," needlessly alienating and offending Judaics who might otherwise convert to Jesus Christ. Their "solution" is to fashion a supposedly pagan-free form of Judaism that allegedly believes in Jesus. 'We believe it would be the best and is ultimately necessary for all Jewish people to know their Messiah Yeshua, but we do not believe that God has called any Jewish person to become Gentile or Western Christian in custom. Rather, we believe it would be best and is ultimately necessary for Christianity to remove its pagan influences and return to the roots of Judaism, that is, to return to the way of Yeshua as He walked by example and set forth in His entire Word....How ever, this does not mean that modern Rabbinical Judaism does not have truth within it." —Rabbi David M. Hargis & Messianic Bureau International, "Basics of Messianic Judaism" www.messianic.com/articles/basics.htm (as of Feb. 25, 2008; it may be altered after that date). The Babylonian paganism of rabbinic Judaism does have some "truth within it," according to Messianic Judaism. They make this claim even as they protest the alleged paganism of Christianity, and by this double standard their double-mind is discovered.


has already been there —and has departed. Ichabod'1022 has already been written on that place. He has already forsaken it 'as Shiloh' (Jer. 7: 14). Furthermore, the glory of God has moved to a better temple made up of living stones and built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Eph. 2:20). He does not intend to move again into buildings made of wood and stone, no matter how great its architecture might be." 1023

Anyone who sincerely wishes to be a true friend to an adherent of Judaism, will do as Jesus did: expose the Pharisaic system and expound the Gospel. Only the enemies of Judaic people, posing as friends in order to gain favor in the eyes of the world, would encourage people to remain in bondage to the rabbinic system that traps them as surely as it once trapped Paul.

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