Judaism discovered

Papal Treason Symbolizes General Apostasy

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Papal Treason Symbolizes General Apostasy

Journalist Robert K. Dahl says that the late Pope John Paul IPs acquiescence to Judaism "has the appearance of treason, regardless of intent." 1024 Indeed, in 1999, when John Paul II, who is currently on the Vatican's fast-track to canonization (sainthood), made the unprecedented decree that "the seeds infected with anti-Judaism" must "never again take root..." what he was actually doing was forbidding opposition to the religion of the Pharisees and proscribing the basis of the mission of Jesus Christ. 1025 Given the vast repository of documents, manuscripts, learned treatises and privileged correspondence pertaining to Judaism dating almost to the foundation of Christendom which are on deposit in the Vatican archives, John Paul II cannot be speaking from ignorance when he claims, as he did in the synagogue of Rome on April 13, 1986, "Jews are our elder brothers in the faith." 1026 Since adherents of the religion of Judaism do not have faith in either Jesus or the Old Testament law and prophets, but in the Talmudic and Kabbalistic traditions, exactly what "faith" is it that the pope shared with these "elder brothers" of his? When this pope claimed that opposition to the



religion of Judaism was opposition to the Old Testament, that the religion of Judaism is "a response to God's revelation in the Old Covenant" and that the "Eucharistic prayers" of Christian worship are "according to the models of Jewish tradition," he was either babbling dementia or proclaiming his treasonous affiliation with those "elders" who, as Isaiah stated, "mix the wine with the water," i.e. diluting the Law of Yahweh with man-made traditions.1027 When, on Good Friday, 1998, Pope John Paul II turned the Christian Gospel upside down and proclaimed that "Jews have been crucified by us for so long," it was an atrocious and diabolical example of the modern Catholic hierarchy's betrayal of the Gospel. John Paul II was pretending that Judaism is the Old Covenant faith, minus Christ. The movement within the Catholic Church to declare opposition to Judaism to be an accursed form of "antisemitic racism" is, in its inspiration and praxis, thoroughly Talmudic, for it either extinguishes the New Testament's teachings or distorts them to such an extent that they are effectively made "of none effect." This movement must also ignore or negate 2,000 years of faithful Christian exposition of these teachings. The extra-Biblical and anti-Christian nature of this fifth column inside Catholicism is patent. It derives its credibility almost entirely from the blind allegiance it commands from Christians duped by usurpers and traitors occupying high ecclesiastical office, and by the tremendous glamor which the media accord it. Since the great criterion of Jesus Christ for assessing the diabolic or the divine was "by their fruits ye shall know them," we discern that the fruits of today's Protestant and Catholic leaders are mostly rotten in this regard. As such, their actions reveal that they are neither "vicars of Christ on earth" nor His ministers and saints. They are in fact agents of Judaism in all but name. Therefore, the various anathemas these impostors and apostates thunder against Christians, whose only crime is to believe as all the apostles, martyrs and saints of the Church always did, has about the same moral authority as a pronouncement from the Secretary General of the U.N. or the Master of the Masonic Lodge.

The hidden hand of Talmud and Kabbalah is revealed wherever Judaics are made the objects of veneration and sanctity above the rest of humanity. Judaic supremacy was opposed from the earliest days of the Church. John Chrysostom wrote: "Jesus said to them, 'If you are children of Abraham, do



the works of Abraham, but as it is, you are seeking to kill me/ Here he repeatedly returned to their murderous design and reminded them of Abraham. He did this because He wanted to detach them from their racial pride and to deflate their excessive conceit, and to persuade them to no longer place their hope of salvation in Abraham or nobility of race, for this was the thing that prevented them from coming to Christ; namely that they taught that the fact of their descent from Abraham sufficed for their salvation." 1028 St. John's warning has fallen on deaf ears when it comes to the Protestant fundamentalists who, from despicable racial motives, ally with Israelis against the Christians of Palestine.


Judaic Opposition to Judaism

Among illustrious Judaic opponents of either Judaism or one of its component sects, we number the eminent Joseph Perl, an eighteenth century Talmud prodigy and dissillusioned Hasid who was the author of the anti-Hasidic work, Tiber das Wessen der Sekte Chassidim ("On the Nature of the Hasidic Sect"). In 1816 Perl sought permission from the Austrian government to publish this book, which uses direct citations from rabbinic texts to implicate the Hasidim in a "variety of crimes" (Dauber). The government of Austria, taking the side of the Hasidim, denied Perl permission. Thus a major opportunity to convert Judaics from the Talmud and Kabbalah was missed by the lay Catholic leadership of Austria. Consequently, Perl's book was published anonymously.1029 Perl also sought permission from the Austrian government to publish Israel Loebl's 1798 polemic against Hasidic Judaism, Sefr Vikuakh. Perl called on the Austrians to censor Talmudic libraries, close Talmud schools and close down the mikvah. 1030 Perl died in 1839 on the Simcha Torah holiday and legend has it that the Hasidim took the occasion to dance on his grave.

Perl was a pioneer of Yiddish literature. He translated Henry Fielding's Tom Jones into Yiddish. The translation is now lost, presumed to have been destroyed by the rabbis, as Mendl Lefin's devastating Der Ershter Khosid ("The First Hasid"), a biographical lampoon of the founder of Hasidism, the Ba'al Shem Tov, almost certainly was. Perl could be extremely circumspect concerning his own Yiddish exploits, however. Speaking in Yiddish no less, to the congregation of a synagogue in Tarnopol (a mostly Judaic city in old Galician Austria, 80 miles southeast of Lemberg), Perl denounced Yiddish as an uncouth language! Perl used Yiddish for purposes of his public relations campaign, in order to dissuade the mostly non-Hebrew literate, Yiddish-speaking Judaics of Galicia from Hasidism. In his novel Bokhen Tsaddik ("Test of the Holy Ones"), Perl "attacks Galician Jewry for not resisting the power of the rabbis, and locates the salvation of the Jewish people in


agricultur(e)...". Perl's Yiddish writing that has survived includes a satirical parody of the revered Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, and Perl's epistolary classic, Megale Temirin (1819), supposed to be letters written by a pious Hasid, but actually a commentary on the Kabbalah's superstition, immorality and sexual transgression, as practiced by Hasidic Judaism. In one passage, written in Yiddish, Perl, posing as a Hasidic author, writes in the style of a Kabbalistic rabbi-magician:

"Veyadua shebekhol hadvarim asa kashem yitbarakh ze lumat ze velakhen neged natan haazati bara et natan han'l, vehu gilgul minatan hanavi, vegam yesh lo khelek minatan haazati letakana mah shekilkela beet hazot, veal yedey shenatan haazati gila devarim misitra akhra, hu yegale devarim misitra dikedusha, lenatan haazati haya azut dikelipa, lakhen yesh lo azut dikedusha."

Here Perl mocks the complex chain of reincarnated beings (gilgul) that thread their way through Hasidic lore in the person of Rabbi Natan, the alleged reincarnation of Natan the prophet. With clever word-play on the phrase azut dikedusha ("the audacity of holiness"), Perl links the two Natans and the revered Kabbalistic gaon, Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, whose signature epigram was azut dikedusha, to the antinomian Sabbatean movement. Other "letters" in Perl's Megale Temirin, mock Hasidic Judaism's predilection for astrology as personified by the Judaic whose stars have been determined to be unlucky (shlim mazelnik), and whose astrological destiny is that of doom {roa mazal). Perl's letters continued to build in the magnitude of their satirical pointedness, until his fourth letter, a complex composition that burlesques Orthodox Judaism's celebration of deception.

Nachman of Bratslav's corpse is considered a radioactive magnet of power by his Kabbalah-steeped followers, who are known as the "dead Hasidim" because these "Bratslavs" have no living Grand Rabbi, preferring instead to commune with Rabbi Nachman's corpse for the spiritual answers they seek. Every year thousands of his followers travel to his grave in Uman, Ukraine where they gather for this purpose, "...when Rebbe Nachman was on his deathbed in the year 1810, he proclaimed, 'If someone comes to my grave, gives a coin to charity and says these ten Psalms (the Tikkun Haklali), I will


pull him out from the depths of Gehinnom (hell).M 1031 "He was buried in Uman at his explicit instructions. His tomb projects magic..." 1032


Rebbe Nachman's tomb in Ukraine



Judaism's pagan obsessions with dead bodies, cemeteries and tombs is typical of

religions like the necropolis that was Pharaonic Egypt as a whole, and the Tantrics of

Hinduism whose sadhus live in cemeteries so as to draw on the "power" emanating

from the dead bodies. Judaism has synthesized these traditions.

"SAFED, Israel—....Safed regards itself as Judaism's second-most holy city...If the dead are to be raised, they may be raised here first. So say those who follow cabala, the Jewish mystic tradition that flourished in Safed more than 400 years ago. According to Rabbi Isaac Luria, the leading 16th-century cabalist, the messiah will reveal himself here, which means those buried here will be first to be resurrected. It may be no coincidence that Rabbi Luria, who is known as the Ari, or Lion, is buried in this cemetery. 'There are people to whom it is important to be redeemed first,' Mr. (Itamar) Bouhnik said. In line with this, the Web site promoting the cemetery — www.justtrustg-d.org — declares: 'The resurrection will start here.' Some overseas Jews long to be buried in Israel for Zionist reasons. Some also hold the belief, Mr. Bouhnik noted, that the bodies of Jews buried elsewhere will have to travel through underground tunnels to Israel before being redeemed....Among the tombstones, an occasional young man in a black hat and coat prayed, with a back-and-forth swaying motion. In the general stillness, the one slightly discordant sound was the rustling in the icy breeze of hundreds of plastic bags knotted around the otherwise bare branches of some trees. The trees were near the graves of holy men, and their roots are believed to reach down to the bodies. People seeking blessings — for health, marriage, safety — knot the bags, or handkerchiefs or hair-ties, to branches to communicate more directly with the deceased.

Some Jewish liturgy describes Safed as the refuge for priestly families after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago...In May 1948, during the Arab-Israeli war, Jewish troops drove out Arab troops, as well as most of the Arab residents...Oren Afriet, 29, purified himself today by immersing himself in the mikva, or ritual bath, near the top of the cemetery. Then, with a damp yellow towel over his shoulders, he made his way to the tomb of the Ari. About four years ago, Mr. Afriet's father was near death when his son prayed here for his recovery, promising to embrace religion in exchange. The father recovered two days later; the son kept his word. He has become a regular worshiper at the Ari's grave..." 1033



Moses Hess and the Secret Relationship between Judaism, Zionism and Communism

"My Communist Rabbi"

In some cases the Kabbalistic rabbis seems to be so intoxicated by their own hermeneutical brilliance that they subvert their own agenda; so eager are they to force reality into their occult framework that their Biblical exegesis, when the full implications of it are evaluated, calls for their own destruction. Among cognoscenti of conspiracy theory, the enigmatic Zionist leader Moses Hess (1812-1875) has always been suspected to be the real founder of the Communism that would plague the world in the twentieth century. The role of Hess as Communist founding father challenges a dogma of mainstream modern history, that Zionism and Communism are incompatible ideologies and lethal rivals. This seeming contradiction betrays a failure to grasp the deeper postulates of the Cryptocracy.

Hess, like the late Pope John Paul II, was a product of Hegelian phenomenology. Those who aspire to approach an understanding of the inner mechanics of the Cryptocracy's mill, wherein are ground whole nations and faiths, must study the difficult works of G.W.F. Hegel and the even more abstruse writings of his follower, Edmund Husserl. Hegel and Husserl parse complex Kabbalistic epistemology in a modern scientific milieu obsessed with the alchemical "conjunction" (unity) of opposites; and the derogation of immutable truths to mere "normative criteria," in favor of a phenomenological gloss on reality, the "special criteria," which sets up idea-traps, anticipates the reactions to them; and then blends the resulting phenomena of action and reaction into a new creation, among which may be classed Marxism-Leninism, Hitler's National Socialism and in some respects, certain features of post-Conciliar Novus Ordo Catholicism.

The management of revolution and counter-revolution is a behavioral science predicated on the Kabbalah, refined in the nineteenth century by Hegel, and incapable of decoding by those who cannot think outside the Left-Right box. The management of opposing ideologies for a higher arcane objective is personified in the career of Moses Hess, Talmud enthusiast, pioneer of Zionism, architect of Soviet Communism and covert shaper of Nazism.


On October 9, 1961, the 'Israel Federation of Labor' (Histadrut) transfered the mortal remains of Hess, the man Karl Marx referred to as "my communist rabbi," from a Judaic cemetery near Cologne, Germany, to the Zionist kibbutz at Kinnereth, by the Sea of Galilee, in the Israeli state. This reburial is symbolic of the Alpha and Omega of Moses Hess, from Judaism to Communism to Zionism, in the course of which he even shaped the future Nazi opposition to these movements with the consummate skill of a master conjuror.

To might-is-right power grabbers of any race, religion or nationality, Judaism has a magnetic attraction —due to its powers of longevity and survival— as a compelling organizing principle, or ism: "An idea such as Judaism, which has developed and remained in existence for so many centuries, which has been alive and productive for such a long period in the history of the world...must for this very reason...be of the greatest significance and importance for the thinking spirit." 1034 Judaism is venerated by the masonic imperium as the living embodiment of the will to power. In his 1862 masterwork, The Revival of Israel (which is usually referred to only by its subtitle, "Rome and Jerusalem"), Moses Hess advocated the establishment of a Zionist government in Palestine, and it was Hess who first introduced the young Marx to Communist ideology. 1035

In The Revival of Israel: Rome and Jerusalem, Hess states: "Innocent III (at the fourth Lateran Council) evolved the diabolic plan to destroy the moral stamina of the Jews...Papal Rome symbolizes to the Jew an inexhaustible well of poison. It is only with the drying up of this source that German Anti-Semitism will die from lack of nourishment" (p. 35). Should Catholics take this bait? Not if they are thinkers, rather than blind partisans. Papal Rome was not entirely a "well of poison" for Judaism. During the Renaissance, as we have seen, elite Catholic prelates and philosophers were pivotal in reviving Judaism's prestige by kindling interest in the "wisdom" of the


Talmud and the "Christianity" of the Kabbalah. Hess is manipulating militant, anti-Judaic Catholics — who he anticipated would view his book as an insider's manual— to rally around the popes. He foresees what will be coming out of the papacy in the twentieth century and he does not wish to undermine the institutional authority by which the drastic, overt philo-rabbinic changes inside the Church will be promulgated. What is more, he wishes to continue to fuel the fires of fratricidal religious warfare between Catholics and Protestants, by planting the idea that Protestantism is "soft" on Judaism. Of course, some modern Protestants would welcome Hess's implied endorsement of their creed as being less oppressive toward Judaism. But German opposition to Judaism can hardly be said to be exclusively Roman Catholic. Martin Luther's 1543 Biblical exegesis, Of the Jews and their Lies is, as we have already noted, medieval Catholic in its essential theology. It constitutes a renewal of the teaching and policies of popes such as Innocent III (ca. 1160-1216). As such, it served as an impediment to the very goals Hess accused only the papal church of obstructing.1036 Since Hess was aiming his recruiting appeal to liberal German Protestants, and among the French to enthusiasts for scientific materialism and secularism, he glossed over Lutheranism's historic opposition to Judaism. Hess is extraordinarily slippery and cannot be easily pinned down. We must resist the tendency to pigeon-hole him as indubitably Rightist or Leftist, inexorably anti-Catholic or pro-Protestant. His sole, non-negotiable allegiance was to Judaism, everything else was up for grabs. The task of any astute student of Hess is to detect when he is talking to the goyishe audience and when he is addressing his own crowd.

Hess was tasked with a delicate objective: the resuscitation of the Talmud in the wake of the liberal reform which sought to lead Judaic people toward enlightenment, free of the micro-management of Judaic daily life demanded by the Talmud. Israel Shahak writes: "Since the time of the late Roman Empire, Jewish communities (in Europe) had considerable legal powers over their members....a power of naked coercion: to flog, to imprison, to expel — all this could be inflicted quite legally on an individual Jew by the


rabbinical courts for all kinds of offenses. In many countries — (Catholic) Spain and Poland are notable examples — even capital punishment could be and was inflicted, sometimes using particularly cruel methods such as flogging to death. All this was not only permitted but positively encouraged by the state authorities in both Christian and Muslim countries.-This was the most important social fact of Jewish existence before the advent of the modern state: observance of the religious laws of Judaism, as well as their inculcation through education, were enforced on Jews by physical coercion, from which one could only escape by conversion to the religion of the majority...However, once the modern state had come into existence, the Jewish community lost its powers to punish or intimidate the individual Jew. The bonds of one of the most closed of 'closed societies,' one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind were snapped...1037

Hess's task was to see that Judaics did not succumb to the new winds of reform and religious indifferentism with which Catholics and Protestants under the spell of Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite, had fallen. This has been a perennial problem for Judaism: how to insulate their own nation from the liberal toxins which they themselves sow among the gentile nations. For Hess, the cardinal sin of the Judaic people was to abandon their heritage, while the cardinal objective of his Communism was to persuade all other people to abandon theirs.

Forged in the crucible of the German Rhineland, where he was born into an Orthodox Judaic family, and at a period of time that marked the beginning of the Prussian reaction against the legacy of Napoleon, Hess approached this dilemma through the vehicle of his Zionism, the religious nationalism which embraces the Talmud not necessarily as a code for daily living, but as a totem of racial cohesion and a prophylactic against liberalism. Hess wrote: "Many who have emancipated themselves from dry orthodoxy have recently manifested in their studies a deepening conception of Judaism; and have thus brought about the banishment of that superficial rationalism which was the cause of a growing indifference to things Jewish and which finally led to a total severance from Judaism." 1038


Hess termed as "nihilists" all liberal Judaics who sought to abolish the influence of the Talmud, which he regarded as the "fountain of life."1039

Hess endeavored to build a Hegelian-Kabbalistic bridge between the Judaic liberals and the rabbinic traditionalists: "The new seminaries, modeled after the Breslau school...ought to make it their aim to bridge the gap between the nihilism of the Reformers, who never learn anything, and the staunch conservatism of the Orthodox, who never forget anything." The bridge consisted of Communist leadership for the reform-minded, and what came to be called modern Orthodoxy for the conservatives, with these two, seeming opposite tendencies, eventually reconciled, far in the future, in the racial patriotism that is Israeli Zionism. As Hess stated, "The pious Jew is above all a Jewish patriot. The 'new1 Jew, who denies the existence of the Jewish nationality, is not only a deserter in the religious sense, but is also a traitor to his people, his race and even to his family." 1040

In his early 1837 work, The Holy History of Mankind, Hess advocated an occult, Talmudic two-tier hierarchy of Adamic man (humans, i.e. "Jews"), contrasted with subhuman creatures, the Nephilim. "This tradition," observes Hess, "leads toward a higher and clearer consciousness." 1041 In 1841 Hess began to gain support from a wealthy clique of Rhineland capitalists. They appointed him the head of a leading masonic newspaper which they funded, the Rheinische Zeitung, in whose offices Hess made the acquaintance of Karl Marx, whose mentor he became and in whom he discerned messianic qualities. In a letter written before Marx had published anything, Hess predicted of him, "...he will give the final blow to all medieval religion and politics...Can you imagine Rousseau, Voltaire, Holbach, Lessing, Heine and Hegel combined..in one person? If you can — you have Dr. Marx."

After the Prussians drove Hess into exile in France, he joined with the German-Judaic expatriates there to lay the groundwork for the Communist ideology in such works as Kommunistisches Bekenntis in Fragen und Antworten ("A Communist Credo: Questions and Answers"); Uber das Geldwesen ("On Money") and Sozialismus und Kommunismus. Though attributed to Marx and Friedrich Engels, Moses Hess himself wrote the first


draft of The Communist Manifesto and sections of The German Ideology, which is officially said to have been written by Marx and Engels. Hess the Communist sought to extirpate the gentile's connection to the land by weakening private property rights and in particular, the right to inherit land. In keeping with the conjunction of seeming opposites, in which Communism sometimes is bankrolled by predatory capitalists, Hess believed that the modernizing trends of "free trade" and commerce would contribute to Communism through the demise of property rights. He also favored the factory system which he believed would "guarantee abundance."

The Nazi Connection

German National Socialism's antecedents can be found in the circles around Houston Stewart Chamberlain and the teachers of Dietrich Eckart, among many others. Moses Hess stressed a Darwinist racial science and placed Judaics at the top of the genetic helix as the fittest of all survivors. Though Judaism is a spiritual and ideological contagion that consists of a racial ideal, nineteenth century European theorists of the newly emergent Darwinian concept of "favored races," and Houston Stewart Chamberlain's racial science, along with their counterparts in the western occult gnosis, adamantly adhered to the belief that Judaics were above all, a race. If true, this belief destroys the basis of Christianity, for if Judaic evil has its origin not in a disordered ideology or a corrupt spirituality, as Christian assert, but in an indelibly race-based, genetically-determined proclivity, as the Nazis asserted, it cannot be altered through spiritual and intellectual reform and conversion, but only through extrusion, or in the most extreme circumstance, extirpation.

According to this particular strain of Aryan racial theory, as Jews, the Pharisees Nicodemus and Saul of Taursus were possessed of an ineradicable genetic predisposition toward evil, upon which the preaching of the Gospel and the grace of God could have no salutary effect. As a result, total and eternal race war is the only effective response to the evil of the "Jews." Therefore, Christ was wrong. There can be no true conversion of racial Judaics. An examination of this supposedly European or "Aryan" racist philosophy will show that in its merciless disregard for the humanity of the soul of the individual, it is neo-Talmudic. While this philosophy was always current in the western secret societies, it made its way into public discourse

and mass belief through Moses Hess, who stated, "The converted Jew remains a Jew no matter how much he objects to it...the Jews are something more than mere 'followers of a religion,' namely, they are a race brotherhood..." The forefathers of Nazism were reading these words with their eyes hanging out.

Hess planted this racialism among the Germans and they accepted it because they felt that he, above all other Judaic liberal and socialist agitators of the day, acknowledged "racial realities." In doing so, Hess was careful to flatter the Germans he targeted while pandering to the dogma of the racial-Darwinian scientism which was beginning to flex its intellectual and cultural muscle. At first, Hess didn't lay it on too thickly. He accused German nationalists of being "Teutomaniacs" and then with the next stroke of his pen, complimented their "mania": "The real Teutomaniacs of the Arndt and Jahn type will always be honest, reactionary conservatives."

Though he placed the French far above the Germans racially, the German conservatives expected nothing less from the likes of Hess, but at the same time they grudgingly regarded him as a high level operative and insider, and when he talked "racial realities," in terms of the anti-Christian evolutionary science then coining into in vogue, he had their attention. There are many ways to skin a cat — in his case, to lure a people away from the eternal Biblical verities and historic axioms of Christian civilization. In the case of the orderly, law abiding, well-educated Germans, the lure was racial "science." Hess proclaimed: "Life is a product of the mental activity of the race, which forms its social institutions according to its inborn instincts and typical inclinations. Out of this primitive, life-forming source springs later the life-view of a race, which in turn influences life or rather modifies it, but is never able to alter essentially the primal type which continually reappears and takes the ascendancy...Without the contribution of the race-genius of the Northern peoples, Christianity would have never occupied that position in universal history which it has occupied for centuries." 1042

This is clever flattery but like most flattery, it has a poisonous core, in this instance, the implication that John the Baptist was wrong when he said God can raise up "stones" to be His chosen people (Matthew 3:8-9). If Hess was correct, then the Apostle Paul erred when he said God uses the weak to



confound the worldly and powerful to spread His kingdom (I Cor. 1: 26-28). While it is certainly true that European people have many attractive characteristics that can rightly be called biological traits, the importation of rabbinic racial conceit into the self-image of the "Aryan" was a masterstroke of subversion on the part of Hess; the ultimate manifestation of which was the Nazi political movement of Adolf Hitler.

It was important to the Cryptocracy that Hess undo the damage that Johann Andreas Eisenmenger had done when he declared, as had the early Church before him, that the Old Testament was the property of the Christians, not Pharisaic Judaism. Hess countered this Apostolic Christian teaching by asserting that Moses was the first Communist. Hess spoke a brazen lie, but it had the magnetic attraction for which the "big lie" is infamous. A little more than fifty years later, Dietrich Eckart, Hitler's personal mentor, wrote his immensely influential pamphlet, Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, which parroted Hess's teaching almost verbatim. Thus was the scholarship and wisdom of Prof. Eisenmenger overthrown and displaced in Germany by rabbinic rubbish, through the medium of a leading Nazi ideologue! This was a sting of cosmic proportions on the part of a trickster of phenomenal ability.

The Communist-Zionist Link

The theoretical basis for the Communism and Zionism of Moses Hess is in the Hegelian concept of "mediation," which is itself a "scientific" version of the human alchemy of medieval, Lurianic Kabbalah. The seeming opposites, the egalitarian utopia of Communism and the race-based colonialism of Zionism, are mediated through Judaism, which brings to the world the recognition of Judaic mankind as the Communist conscience and Zionist judge of the world. For Hess, the Judaic people were uniquely qualified for this exalted role due to their strong communitarian tradition of solidarity, and their "divine spirit," upon which the future Israeli messianic-Communist worldly kingdom would be founded.

Hess wrote: "Of the two most significant original races, only the Israelites, with their grounded historical consciousness and ethical-religious spirit, recognize the divine plan that guides humanity toward a more


perfected messianic age...Modern Jews...are identified by their passionate struggle for social equality and worldly redemption." 1043

With his knowledge of the impact of race and nationalism on history, during the formative years of the Communist conspiracy Hess crafted a special leadership role for Judaics and Talmudic Judaism. He presented them as intellectual and cultural forces indispensable to the success of the Leftist movement. Hess-the-ideologue who disdained the rights of inheritance, upheld the unique right of Judaics to inherit the leadership of the Communist conspiracy.

Among advanced academics in Germany, including the "Young Hegelians," were influential students of Eisenmenger's Entdecktes Judenthum. German philosophers such as Georg Friedrich Daumer and Ludwig Feuerbach were influenced by Eisenmenger's monumental opus. Based on Eisenmenger, Feurerbach correctly termed Judaism, "a religion of egoism" and protested "Jewish ethnocentrism" in his 1854 work, Essence of Christianity. 1044

Daumer meanwhile, was described by critics as "neurotically obsessed with researches into human sacrifices as practiced by Jews, ancient and modern."1045 Eisenmenger's work had been intended for Christians, not the atheist-oriented Hegelians whose philosophical system was a kind of perpetual motion machine that harnessed the energies of committed Leftists and Rights to advance a higher, unseen objective.

The Hegelian process was a natural extension of the Talmudic-Kabbalistic dynamic. Post-Christian modernists like the "Young Hegelians" could not effectively build on Eisenmenger's research using the situation-ethics of the Hegelian model, which was tailor-made for a Talmudist like Moses Hess.


Moses Hess and Judaism

The Judaic founder of Communism was an unabashed, fanatical proponent of the Talmud. He was dead set against Judaic reform of a Karaite orientation, i.e. one which placed the Old Testament above rabbinic Talmudic traditions. He warned his fellow Judaics against such reformers: "Imitating Christian reformers of an earlier age, they set up the Bible, in contradistinction to the Talmud, as the positive content of regenerated Judaism, and by this anachronism, which was merely an imitation of a foreign movement, they only made themselves ridiculous. It is, in reality, a narrower point of view than that of orthodox Judaism, to declare the living, oral tradition to be a 'human fiction,' and because it was written down at a later time, to discard it, while admitting the law of the Bible to be divine. This view is also unhistorical. Everything tends to show that until the Babylonian exile...no distinction was made between the written and oral laws...one thing is firmly established, namely, that the spirit which at the time of the restoration inspired the Sopherim and the sages of the Great Synagogue, was freer, holier and more patriotic, than the spirit which inspired Moses and the Prophets." ,046

Hess says that the "sages of the Great Synagogue" were "freer, holier and more patriotic than Moses and the Prophets." Moses and the prophets criticized Israel whenever this people strayed from God's law. For Hess, the rabbis possessed more virtue due to their racial ("patriotic") attachment to Israel. This supremacist self-worship, which situates Moses beneath Chazal, even in defiance of God Himself, makes the Judaic people "freer" and "holier." Communism was to be the means by which this exalted Talmudic status of "the Jews" would be established. Communism was the vehicle through which what Hess called the "creative genius of the Jewish nation" would perfect the world: "There are two epochs that mark the development of Jewish law: the first, after the liberation from Egypt; the second, after the return from Babylonia. The third is yet to come, with the redemption from the third exile. The significance of the second legislative epoch is more misunderstood by our reformers (who have no conception of the creative genius of the Jewish nation), than by our rabbis, who place the law-givers of this period even higher than Moses...Nothing entitles the written law to a holier origin than



the oral. On the contrary, the free development of the law by oral tradition„.was always considered of greater importance than the mere clinging to the written law. The reason for this is quite evident. The national legislative genius would have been extinguished...it is to this oral development of the law that Judaism owes its existence during the two thousand years of exile; and to it the Jewish people will also owe its future national regeneration." 1047

As their own god, the Judaic people — possessed of a "legislative genius" — are qualified to make up their own laws, rather than "merely clinging" to God's law. This is the spirit behind the "activist" judges who interpret the U.S. Constitution in such a way as to nullify the original intent of the Founders. It is the essence of the man-is-god conceit of Soviet Communism. But as Hess hints, Communism is only a stage on the path to the "redemption of the third exile" as represented by the Zionist state, illuminated by Judaics, who are themselves the Holy Spirit: "We have to restudy our history, which has been grossly neglected by our rationalists...Then also, will we draw our inspiration from the deep well of Judaism; then will our sages and wise men regain the authority which they forfeited from the moment when, prompted by other motives than patriotism, they estranged themselves from Judaism and attempted to reform the Jewish law. We will then again become participants in the holy spirit, namely, the Jewish genius..And then, when the third exile will finally have come to an end, the restoration of the Jewish state will find us ready for it." 1048

In the cosmos of Hess, every idea, every concept, every political faction and party must serve the end of preserving Judaic racial-nationalism. This is what he means when he speaks of "patriotism." Hess did not personally practice Judaism. Neither does Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz or former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greespan in our time. Observance of ritual is beside the point. Over the centuries, allegiance to the Oral Traditions is credited with having preserved the purity of the Judaic race and that's what counts: "You who declare the teachings and ordinances of our sages to be foolish inventions, pray tell us what would have become of Judaism and the Jews if they had not, through the institutions of the Talmudic sages, thrown


a protecting fence around their religion, so as to safeguard it for the coming days? Would they have continued to exist for 1800 years and have resisted the influence of the Christian and Mohammedan civilization? Would they not long ago have disappeared as a nation from the face of the earth...?" 1049

Hess refers to the "law" of the sages. Since we know this is not God's law that is being referred to, exactly what is this rabbinic law? "The law of the universe is the law of generation and development, or to use a better-known expression, 'the law of progress'...thanks to the religious genius of the Jews...continually manifested...in various forms: first in prophetic utterances, then in mysticism, and finally in philosophic speculation—the human spirit was constantly brought nearer to the recognition of this law."1050

This "law" of "progress" reaches its apex in revolutionary, messianic, Kabbalistic times, commencing with the notable precursor to the Bolshevik Revolution, the French Revolution: "The revelations of the holy spirit point to no other future but to the mature age of the social world. This age will begin, according to our historical religion, with the Messianic era...The Messianic era is the present age, which...finally came into historical existence with the great French Revolution...With the French Revolution, the third and last stage of development of humanity began...The third manifestation of history, namely, the present age of the social-life sphere, corresponds to the epoch of perfected organisms...The year 1789 was the first step in the process of rehabilitation. Pursuing its mission, liberation, the eye of France searched after all the persecuted races and it found you (the Judaics) in your ghetto and shattered its doors forever." 1051

The French Revolution was the beginning of the violent stage of the Judaic revenge. Hess set Communism in motion partly as ritual revenge on the goyim: "You feudal kings branded the Jews with the mark of shame — the Jews, who, in spite of all your persecutions, supplied you with the necessary gold wherewith to arm your vassals and serfs.. .You grand Inquisitors, searched among the children of the dispersed people of Israel for your richest victims, with whom to fill your prisons and coffers...And finally, you modern nations have denied these indefatigable workers and industrious


merchants civil rights. What persecutions! What tears! WTiat blood you children of Israel have shed in the last 1800 years! But you sons of Judea, in spite of all suffering are still here!...You have escaped destruction in your long dispersion, in spite of the terrible tax you have paid during eighteen centuries of persecution. But what is left of your nation is mighty enough to rebuild the gates of Jerusalem. This is your mission." 1052

For Hess, the cardinal sin of the Judaic people was to abandon their heritage, while the cardinal objective of his Communism was to persuade all other people to abandon theirs.

"The holy spirit, the creative genius of the people, out of which Jewish life and teaching arose, deserted Israel when its children began to feel ashamed of their nationality." W5S What terrified Hess is that which terrified the Pharisees of first century Palestine: that a Christ-like spirit of renewal would lead them to cast off the chains of Talmudic tribalism. As an antidote to this potentiality, Hess proclaimed that, for the racial "Jew," true conversion is impossible: "The Jewish religion, thought Heine...is more of a misfortune than a religion. But in vain do the progressive Jews persuade themselves that they can escape this misfortune through enlightenment or conversion. Every Jew is, whether he wishes it or not, solidly united with the entire nation." 1054

This doctrine is similar to that of the Judaic-hater. The Judaic-hater does the work of the Talmudic rabbi when he declares the impossibility of a sincere Judaic conversion to Christianity. Hess warns his fellow tribesmen to use revolution, but not to believe in its rhetoric. He taught that French Revolutionary/Enlightenment/Liberal-Humanitarian beliefs, out of which he would develop Communism through Marx, were not for Judaic people: "At the height of the movement of enlightenment, when everybody was intoxicated by it, people could be easily fascinated by the illusion that it is best for the entire Jewish people to surrender its national religion and devote itself to humanitarianism..." 1055 Communism was the means for achieving Judaic supremacy over gentiles. The gentiles were fated to be reduced to a faceless,


deracinated mass. Capitalism was also capable of producing this effect, through free trade and the unfettered financialization of society, in which the management of money becomes a vast business in itself, and where the highest virtue, after obeisance to Judaism, is profit. Hess again reminds his fellow Judaics that submersion in the Brotherhood-of-Man racial melting pot is not for them: "...no Jew, whether orthodox or not, can conscientiously refrain from cooperating with the rest for the elevation of the entire Jewry."1056 But in literature intended for non-Judaic revolutionaries, like the double-dealing Pharisee he was, Hess put forth a different message: "The age of race dominance is at an end...along with the cessation of race antagonism, the class struggle will also come to a standstill. The equalization of all classes of Society will necessarily follow the emancipation of the races, for it will ultimately become only a scientific question of social economics." 1057

"...In the heaven of our ideas...all men are brothers and members of one family, here no institutions originating in the blind egoism of barbaric times exist and absolute quality reigns supreme...in our deepest feelings we are convinced of the essential equality of all men. We discern this in our greatest poets, we recognize this in our most exalted thinkers..." 1058

The Communist Ideology of Moses Hess Communism as a modern ideology existed before Moses Hess, but primarily as wishful thinking. It was Hess who turbo-charged it with the Wissenschaftslehre (loosely translated as "the science of science") of Hegel's gifted contemporary, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), forming it into what Hess termed Wissenschaftlicher Kommunismus ("scientific Communism," based on the whole realm of knowledge and social analysis), which was then transmitted to Marx in whose hands it became "scientific socialism/' an enthralling epistemology possessed of brutal logic and a ruthless political machine. Hess sought to transmute the French Revolution's rule of reason into the Talmudic rule of the law (Rechtsstaat) of progress, as envisioned by Hegel: "...the politics of the ancien regime, the old form of


government, was overthrown, but no new 'Rechtsstaa? was successfully consolidated. Ever since...the French Revolution a constant quest for a rational and just basis for state and church was futilely undertaken; it was futile for the simple reason that these medieval forms of social life are based neither on reason nor on justice, but arise out of...the blind struggle of egoism and the needs of egoistic individuals. In the meantime, while one was striving in public life for a new form for the overthrown medieval institutions...one form drove out another, without the latter offering more satisfaction than the former..." 1059Hess proposes that the modernization and effectiveness of the new revolutionary movement depends upon forming it into an atheist and Communist ideology, distinguished first and foremost by the elimination of all private property. He cites several pioneers of an abstract movement which, through the mediation of Hess, will be made concrete, "...we see in Germany the emergence of Schelling and Hegel...from Fichte one dates the beginning of atheism, in France from Baboeuf the beginning of Communism...that of St. Simon and Fourier...The principle of the new age...which manifested itself in Germany as abstract idealism and in France as abstract Communism, begins now to develop out of itself its own concrete content...the Hegelian idea of the 'absolute personality' achieves only in atheism its true meaning and is saved from misinterpretations." 1060

Hess, the advocate of atheism for the goyim, was a great admirer of the most extreme, gentile-hating Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic rabbis, including the hyper-racist doctrines contained in the Tanya: "The philosophical aspect of Hasidism, from the point of view of theoretical Kabbalah, is developed...in...the Tanya. The disciples of this philosophy call themselves Chabad...This sect is widely scattered among the Jews...The great good which will result from a combination of Hasidism with the national movement is almost incalculable...there are only two alternatives for the great Jewish masses of Eastern Europe; either to be absorbed along with the reformers, by the gradually penetrating external culture, or to avert this catastrophe by an inner regeneration of which Hasidism is certainly a forerunner." 1061



Hess was determined to create a mass of godless, landless, subject-gentiles in a Judaic-ruled Communist system in which Judaics alone would preserve their religion's prestige and their race's heritage. What of Judaic Communists who became infected with the atheism Hess had hoped to spread only among gentiles? The leading Bolsheviks were sufficiently faithful to the ideology of Hess to preserve the racial-national component of Judaic egoism in the USSR, if not its overtly religious trappings. Engels, Lenin and Stalin all declared that opposition to Judaics ("antisemitism") was a vice of capitalist society and a weapon of reactionary ideology; as such it had no place under Communism and was banned as a subversive enemy doctrine and punished as a capital crime. In view of these facts, does anyone actually believe that Communism failed to serve Judaic supremacy as envisioned by Hess, simply because Marx ranted against rabbis in a pamphlet? Does one pamphlet cancel decades of anti-gentile massacres carried out in Soviet-occupied territory? Moses Hess forged Marxist economic determinism in order to strip the gentile of his God and his land. Karl Marx could cavil about Judaism all he liked. The end-result of Marxism-Leninism was catastrophe for the goyim and their Christianity. Out of this catastrophe would come the Israeli state, after which Communism would be discarded and disavowed. Marx was a valuable means to an esoteric end.

In his 12,000 word essay "On the Jewish Question,1062 Marx did not demand the elimination of Judaics, but rather predicted the disappearance of their religious consciousness, commensurate with the demise of capitalism. He did not view Judaics negatively for racial reasons, but rather for economic ones. "Marx was the great secular rabbi of his century," observed Edmund Wilson, "in whom the blood of several lines of Jewish rabbis were concentrated. He was too profoundly and completely a Jew to worry much about the Jewish problem in the terms in which it was discussed in his lifetime." 1063

At the time Marx wrote, many Judaics were indeed as he described them, engaged in exploitation. Why is it supposedly racist of him that he acknowledged a commonplace of his time? How does the recognition of a


glaring fact indicate malice or bias? Marx's father had converted to Christianity and Marx did not view himself as a Judaic on the basis of his patrimony. In spite of his alleged "antisemitism," according to his rival Mikhail Bakunin, Marx "...attracts whether in London or in France, but especially in Germany, a whole heap of Yids..." 1064 The proverb that "Communism is Judaic" does not and should not rest on the ethnicity of Marx, but rather on his thoroughly Judaic philosophy, which he promulgated with a rabbinic-like certainty of his own moral superiority: that human emancipation would come about without Jesus Christ, through the self-worship of a chosen people (the proletariat), who would be their own god; with economic-determinism serving as the man-made religion. As Britain's preeminent Zionist newspaper, The Jewish Chronicle, has noted, "Only a Jew could have written Das Kapital." 1065

"...Karl Marx as a 'historic personality' was worshipped by the Jewish youth of Eastern Europe as 'liberator of the world,' as the righteous savior of the ghetto...this worship was brought to Palestine by the young pioneers. To give but one example, when Melford E. Spiro carried out his research in an Israeli kibbutz, he described how the kibbutz saw Marx as the true prophet, Lenin as his interpreter and the Soviet Union as the mediator of both...To the kibbutz members, the Soviet Union was a 'combination of Vatican and heaven,' a paradise on earth to be emulated." 1066 Franz Jona Fink was a Marxist and an Israeli Zionist. He wrote: "...in 1948, through the agency of Russia's foreign minister, Gromyko, it was established that the Jews of the world 'came forward together' to fight and suffer in the battle against fascism and in the war of liberation against imperialism which led to the foundation of their State (of Israel). This (Israeli) State represents and achieves the 'concrete, historical conditions of our situation through productivization (Chalutziut), ingathering of the exiles (Zionism) and the struggle against social and national oppression." 1067

According to another Israeli Marxist kibbutznik, Yehuda Nini, "Israel would not have come into being without the Jewish Left...the second and


third aliyot (Judaic arrivals in Palestine, many from Russia)...brought with them the socialist ideologies of Ber Borochov, Nachman Syrkin and Aaron Gordon who created Israel, because they combined the Zionist-national with a socialist vision. Without this leaven of revolutionary socialism, Israel would be no more than a ghetto..." 1068

At the turn of the twentieth century, the challenge to Zionism was how to appeal to the increasing number of young Judaics who were joining the growing Communist movement in Russia. In Nationalism and Class Struggle, Ber Borochov attempted to demonstrate that a Judaic nation in Palestine would be the best institution through which to conduct the Communist struggle. His Marxist version of Zionism attracted many Russian Judaics caught up in the revolutionary fervor of the Bolshevik movement. Judaic nationalism became an Israeli reality partly due to the preponderance of Communist-Zionists who infused the fledgling Israeli state with the ideals of Marxism, precisely the synthesis of Judaism and Communism which Hess had envisioned through the instrumentality of Marx.

Marx agitated for civil rights ("emancipation") for the Judaics of Europe and in an article published in the April 15, 1854 edition of Horace Greeley's New York Daily Tribune, wrote about the Judaics of contemporary Palestine in the familiar exaggerated "holocaust" style of an archetypal Judaic nationalist: "Nothing equals the misery and the sufferings of the Jews of Jerusalem...constant objects of Moslem oppression and intolerance, insulted by the Greeks, persecuted by the Latins, and living only on the scanty alms transmitted by their European brethren."1069

It is important to remember that Marx was quite content to be mentored by Hess, "an extreme Jewish racist" 1070 and to act as his mouthpiece, repeating Hess's key concepts in such works as The Communist Manifesto and Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts.1071


Loosely affiliated with the famous circle of "Young Hegelians," lon Hess used the philosophical system of Hegel, to give the weak, abstract Communism of St. Simon and Fourier, fangs and claws. Hess applied Hegel's concept ofAufhebung both to the development of Communism and then to its triumph over Christianity and liberal democratic socialism. Aufhebung signifies "abolition, overcoming and raising to a higher level, all at the same time...(it) is a key concept in (Hegel's) dialectics which sees development as occurring by constant internal changes which, by realizing a principle—or stage of development—also transcend and overcome it." 1073

This is the "scientific" command strategy of the Cryptocracy which is utilized against the always clueless, "Right wing conservatives." Montini (Pope Paul VI) and Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II), were masters of it, as is Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI). Moses Hess realized a principle, "or stage of development," Communism, only to transcend it at the next stage, Zionism. As each old skin is shed by the reptile, the new creature resembles nothing of the old. Yesterday's Communists are today the neo-conservative anti-Communist Zionists who were "persecuted by "that antisemite' Stalin" in their youth, etc.

This command ideology of the Cryptocracy owes almost as much to Fichte, Hegel's university contemporary, as to Hegel. In Fichte's philosophy, the self is not a static thing with fixed properties, but rather, a self-producing process which owes its existence to nothing but itself. Fichte's concept is of a rational agent that constantly interprets itself in light of normative standards that it imposes on itself, in both the theoretical and practical realms. Notice Fichte's phrase, "normative." The concept of the "normative" underscores the extreme relativism of the whole of the Hegelian theory of knowledge which would be further synthesized and refined by Edmund Husserl in his theory of phenomenology. When one of God's immutable laws becomes inconvenient for the self-invented, self-worshipping Fichtian-Hegelian man, he dismisses it as "normative," i.e. a mere temporal custom,


"culturally conditioned" and mistaken for an enduring truth. When Pope Paul VI was asked why the Church of Rome had dropped certain aspects of the Apostle Paul's teachings, he is alleged to have replied, "Because they were only normative." In 1987, when Pope Benedict XVI, then Cardinal Ratzinger, was confronted by French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with the need to fight against what Lefebvre believed to be Vatican Council II's spirit of modernism, and on behalf of the Kingship of Christ, as exemplified by the doctrine expounded in 1864 in the papal encyclical Quanta Cura, Cardinal Ratzinger replied to Archbishop Lefebvre, "But, Your Grace, we are no longer at the time of Quanta Cura" To which Lefebvre gave the devastating riposte, "Then I will wait until tomorrow, because tomorrow we will no longer be at the time of Vatican II!" With one blow, the "normative" principle of Hegelian relativism was shown to be ridiculous and bankrupt.1074

Fichte and Hegel were the fathers of a new social science. In the nineteenth century, science, whether racial or social, began to exert the force of religion. Racism was respectable because it was considered a science: "For Hess, race science offers a pragmatic and authoritative (because scientific) defense for progressive Jewish politics." Communists like Hess, "regarded the natural sciences as an essential 'motive power of social development." The Communists "easily manipulated the scientific critique of religion and metaphysics to further their own radical agenda. The scientific method thus became an 'ideological weapon for the penetration of the political and social goals into the labor movement'...In the hands of the social revolutionaries, natural sciences authorized and legitimated political radicalism..." 1075

Hess advocated for the goyim "progress" toward the alien, man-made creed of Communism, with appeals to gentiles to turn their backs on their religion and their heritage. But the test of the legitimacy of any philosophy or code of law is its universality —does it apply to everyone? The evidence of the evil of Judaism and of the western secret societies that descend from it, is that it has one law for "Jews" and allied insiders and initiates, and another for the "gentiles." Hess had absolutely no intention of having his own Judaic people fall for the spiel about the Communist reform of humanity. The Revival of Israel: Rome and Jerusalem is a book written mainly for his fellow


tribesmen in which Judaic racial supremacy forms the core of the argument. "It represents Hess's attempt to restore the lost heritage of the Jewish people. For this reason, betrayal is the most destructive vice in Hess's theory of the good. The Reformer is a traitor to his people, race and family. To make sense of this, Hess relies on a racial history of purity..." 1076Hess upheld bedrock Talmudic principles of fidelity to race and nation for Judaics, while selling the goyim a Utopian dream, if they would only have enough "love" in their hearts to "reform" and let go of their allegiance to their faith and family. A popular criticism of Communism in the time of Hess was that it was too Utopian and "presupposes not men but angels." Hess replied:

"Fourier and Hegel have recognized that there exists only one human nature, just as there exists only one principle of life and not a good and a bad one, neither angels and devils, nor virtuous and lascivious men...through Hegel the German spirit reached the realization that the freedom of the person should not be sought in the uniqueness of the individual, but in what is common to all human beings...But in order to actualize this truth in life itself, those two moments—personal freedom and social equality—have to be reunited. Without absolute equality, without French Communism on one side, and without absolute freedom, without German atheism on the other, neither personal freedom nor social equality can become an actual, realized truth." 1077

This is absolute poison, injected into the European body-politic by an agent of Orthodox Judaism. Nota bene, that in our time, an alliance has formed between "conservative Christians" and Orthodox rabbis like Daniel Lapin and Yehuda Levin because they supposedly agree to fight against abortion, sodomy and secular liberalism. But whereas for the orthodox Christian the fight against abortion and sodomy are fixed and eternal values and verities, for the Orthodox rabbi, whose Talmud dehumanizes unborn babies and permits homosexuality in certain circumstances, and for whom the secular-liberalism of Bill and Hillary Clinton was not a problem when those two were a means for granting pardons to Judaic felons at the New Square rabbinic settlement in New York, the current alliance with Judeo-Churchianity is just the Rightward side of the Hegelian coin. Judeo-


Republican church-goers happen to be among the most ardent supporters of war-Zionism and the Israeli state, and as such, the chameleon rabbis have adopted the banner of that Judeo-Republican church-going constituency, predicated on the situation ethics and contingencies of the moment. Hess is the personification of this process in its manifestation on the Leftward side of the coin.

Let us read what advice Hess, the foremost proponent of the modern Orthodox movement in Judaism (preserving strict Talmudic religion in the modern world), offers to the goyim: "Just as in Communism, in the condition of community no religion is conceivable...so, on the other hand, no politics is conceivable under atheism, the condition of spiritual freedom." 1078 What a liar! This is the atheist toxin that in the twentieth century would be whispered in the ears of the formerly devout Russian Orthodox Christians, a spiritual virus that would lead them down seventy years on the road to nowhere. In his Communist catechism ("A Communist Credo"), the question is asked: "Which religion should we all confess?" Hess answers: "The religion of love and humanity." Question: "Is this universal human religion unchristian?" Hess answers: "No, rather it is the fulfillment of the Christian religion....once we unite and live in Communism, hell will no longer be on earth and heaven will no longer be beyond this world; everything which has been presented to us by Christianity in prophecy and fantasy is about to be wholly realized in the true human society according to the eternal laws of love and reason." 1079

The Communism of Hess abolished God but claimed for itself a "progressive" myth about Christ. On the one hand Hess quotes approvingly a view of Jesus as an ignoramus, who: "...could not have stood high in that knowledge of the Law which through the schools of Shammai and Hillel had become prevalent in Judea. His small stock of learning and his corrupt half-Aramaic language point unmistakably to his birth place in Galilee...The description of the later writers of the corruption of the Jews and of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, in the time of Jesus, is pure fiction. The disciples of Shammai and Hillel, the followers of zealot Judas, the bitter foes of the Herodians and of Rome, were not morally sick and were not in need of a


physician..." 1080 On the other hand, Hess holds up a false Christ, Jesus the wimp, as a Communist inspiration: "Above all things, he taught his male and female disciples the Essene virtues of self-abnegation and humility, of the contempt for riches, of charity and the love of peace. He bade them become as sinless as little children, if they would become members of the approaching Messianic Kingdom. The law of brotherly love and forbearance he carried to the extent of self-immolation...Jesus made no attack on Judaism itself. He had no idea of becoming the reformer of Jewish doctrine...He sought merely to redeem the sinner, to call him to a good and holy life and to make him worthy of participation in the approaching Messianic time." 10S1

After stripping Jesus of His Gospel and the gentiles of their heritage and their God, Hess next takes aim at their property, dangling the bait of heaven on earth: "It is however one of the major achievements of Communism that in it, the contrast between pleasure and work disappears. Only under the conditions of alienated property is pleasure divorced from work.. .the condition of alienated property is the practical actualization of egoism and immorality...The principle of private property means that everyone can dispose of his property freely according to his will: I can bequeath or give away my property, otherwise it is not my property; usually I will leave it to my children or my next of kin, or even my friends—but not to the state, not to the commonwealth. Should inheritance be abolished, as the St. Simonists wish, then private property as such would be abolished, and what is then left is only to understand the meaning and essence of Communism." 1082 Hess said he wanted to achieve the abolition of property through "peaceful" means, such as Americans have witnessed in the last several decades, e.g. confiscation through exorbitant property taxes: "Society should be in a position to...buy up all the land...which would be achieved through a property tax, accompanied by essential changes in the law of inheritance." 1083

The standard retort to the charge that "Communism is Judaic," rests on an identification of Stalin and Marx as "antiSemites." Yet, throughout his



career, Stalin promoted and cultivated Judaics in remarkable ways. The assistance he gave to the founding of the Israeli state was crucial to that entity's successful establishment. Furthermore, Stalin's regime was replete with Judaics in top posts. Few would claim that Hitler was an "anti-Germanite" because he sometimes liquidated dissident Germans. Yuri Slezkine in his book, The Jewish Century, makes the important and overlooked point that the Stalinist state was run by Judaics who persecuted other Judaics. It was no less Judaic for having done so.

The deception at the heart of the misconceptions about Communism is that it was "founded by Karl Marx." By this scam, Communism, the spiritual plague let loose in modern history by Moses Hess, a Talmudic-Zionist, is reduced to a mere generic tyranny, with threadbare, ambiguous, "discredited" ties to Judaism through its "founder" Marx, a man who allegedly "couldn't stand 'Jews." As long as Karl Marx, and not Moses Hess, is identified as the architect of Communism, the cheat will prevail. The obscurity of Hess in our time is deliberate. Any man possessed of the powers of mind and will sufficient to create Communism, and the vision to foresee within Communism the rise and success of Zionism, would be a hero of the media universe, were it not for the fact that widespread knowledge of the details of his career, would undercut the very propaganda empire that sought to make him famous. For this reason, the diabolical Hess, pied piper of Communism and Zionism, who also shaped the views of Nazi architect Dietrich Eckart, sleeps largely unknown in the soil of the racial imperium he made possible, and which even now, threatens the peace and security of the world. The impact of Hess's legacy has yet to be fully measured. It may be incalculable.1084

In 1845, in his essay on money, Uber das Geldwesen, Hess made a startling and haunting admission that was intended to serve as the Communist mandate. It was so completely accurate a prophecy, that it qualifies as among the most fitting of all epitaphs for the nations of eastern Europe, in the mass grave that Communism made of the twentieth century:


"The Jews, in the natural history of the social animal world, had the world-historic mission to bring out the predator in mankind."
"Uber das Geldwesen," in Philosophische und Sozialistische Schriften (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1961). This statement gave certain disinformation operatives in the past the opportunity to claim that Hess was "antisemitic"! Contemporary Judaic writers however, such as Shlomo Avineri, Professor of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, no longer credit that defensive posture, and now celebrate Hess as a hero of'Israel' and "a major figure in the development of Communist and Zionist thought." Nota bene: Avineri's statements are intended mainly for a Zionist and specialty academic audience, not the cover of Newsweek.


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