Karl Marx and the Anarchists Paul Thomas

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  1. Marx, ‘Conspectus of Bakunin’s Statism and Anarchy' in The
    First International and After,
    ed. with an introduction by
    David Fernbach (henceforward cited as Fernbach), Harmonds-
    worth, Penguin (Pelican Marx Library, vol iii), 1974, p. 334;
    also in H. Mayer, ‘Marx on Bakunin: A Neglected Text’,

Etudes de Marxologie (Paris, Cahiers de 1’ISEA, 2nd series,
no. 2, October 1959, pp. 109-10.

  1. Marx and Engels, The German Ideology, trans. Clems Dutt, ed.
    Salo Ryazanskaya, London, Lawrence & Wishart, 1965, p. 358.

  2. Fernbach, p.338; Mayer, ‘Marx on Bakunin’, p. 114.

  3. See Boris Nicholaevsky and Otto Maenchen-Helfen, Karl Marx,
    Man and Fighter,
    trans. Gwenda David and Eric Mosbacher,
    Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1976, pp. 387-8.

  4. Marx-Engels Werke (henceforward cited as MEW), Berlin, Dietz,
    vol. xviii, pp. 159-61.

  5. Marx, ‘The Chartist Movement’, New York Daily Tribune, 25
    August 1852; quoted in Solomon F. Bloom,
    A World of Nations,
    New York, Columbia University Press, 1941, p. 91.

  6. Marx to Sorge, 19 September 1879, in Marx-Engels Selected
    (henceforward cited as MESC), Moscow,
    Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1965, p. 328.

  7. Marx, ‘Introduction to the Programme of the French Parti
    Ouvrier’ (1880) in Fernbach, p. 377.

  8. Documents of the First International 1864-72 (henceforward
    cited as
    Documents), trans. Nina Nepomnyashchaya, Molly
    Pearlman and Lydia Belyakova, Moscow, Progress Publishers,
    vol. iv, p. 445; Fernbach, p. 270.

  9. Documents, vol. i, p. 345; Fernbach, p. 89.

  10. Fernbach, p. 17.

  1. Marx to Lafargue, 19 April 1870, MEW xxxii, p. 675;

Anarchism and Anarcho-syndicalism, Selected Writings by
Marx, Engels and Lenin,
ed. N.Y. Kolpinsky, New York,
International Publishers, 1972, p. 46. The entire letter is a
valuable source.

  1. Marx to Sorge, 23 November 1871, MEW xxxiii, pp. 332-3;
    MESC, pp. 254-5.

  2. On the principle of plenitude, see Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Great
    Chain of Being,
    Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press,
    1957, chs 1 and 2.

  3. George Plekhanov, Marxism and Anarchism, trans. Eleanor Marx
    Aveling, Chicago, Charles Kerr, 1918, p. 73.

  4. Documents, vol. i, p. 284.

  5. Marx, The German Ideology, pp. 93-4.

  6. Marx, ‘Conspectus’, in Fernbach, p. 355; and Mayer, ‘Marx on
    Bakunin’, p. 110.

  7. Shlomo Avineri, The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx,
    Cambridge University Press, 1968, p. 204.

  8. Marx to Weydermeyer, 5 March 1 852, in MESC, p. 60.

  9. Albert O. Hirschmann, The Passions and the Interests: Political
    Arguments for Capitalism Before its Triumph,
    University Press, 1977, p. 128.

  10. Octave Mirbeau, quoted by Noam Chomsky, ‘Introduction’ to
    Daniel Guerin,
    Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, trans.

Mary Klopper, New York and London, Monthly Review Press,

1970, p. vii.

  1. Barrington Moore, Jr, Social Origins of Dictatorship and
    Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern
    Boston, Beacon Press, 1966, p. 505.

  2. Charles Taylor, ‘Feuerbach and the Roots of Materialism’,
    Political Studies (Oxford University Press), vol. xxvi,

September 1978, p. 421.

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