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understand the German plans and distance himself was Haydar Bammat. 
Nevertheless, others with the intention of advancing the North Caucasian cause 
continued their activities. Said Shamil, who came to Berlin on 10 May 1942, 
strived to be seen as the chief representative of the emigrants in lobbying the 
Germans for support for an independent North Caucasus. Encouraged by the Grand 
Mufti of Jerusalem el Huseyni and the former president of Iraq, he sought a six 
month period to win over the support of the German government for North 
Caucasian independence which could be won under the flag of his grandfather, 
Imam Shamil.
Within that period, he instigated the establishment of the North Caucasian 
National Commission in the summer of 1942, which aimed to defend the rights and 
ideals of the North Caucasians on behalf of the German government. Nevertheless, 
with a feeling of disillusion ment, he left Germany in late 1942. From then Ahmet 
Nabi Magoma and Ali Khan Kantemir tried to represent the North Caucasian 
emigration and the activities of the Commission. Moreover, new names, prisoners 
of war joined their struggle for independence; among them Abdurrahman 
, Ramazan Traho
, and Ramazan Karcha

 All the guests were stayed in Adlon Hotel, Berlin and the meetings held in the same place, 
therefore Muhlen gave this name to this initiative. 
 Related with the activities of the Shamil and other groups in Berlin in order to Muhlen, also see, 
Müstecib Ülküsal, 1976. İkinci Dünya Savaşında 1941-1942 Berlin Hatıraları ve Kırımın Kurtuluşu 
Davası, İstanbul:n.p.; M. Resulzade, June-July 1952. “Kafkasya Meselesi V: Kafkasya Birliği Fikri 
Muhacerette,”  Kafkasya (Der Kaukasus), (Munich),  11/12: 5-9; Ahmet Temir, 1998. 60 Yıl 
Almanya, (1936-1996)Bir Yabancının Gözü İle Geziler-Araştırmalar-Hatıralar, Ankara: Kültür 
Bakanlığı Yayınları, 217-269. 
 Abdurrahman Avtorkhanov, a Chechen, (1908-). [aka Yuri Orlov, Abdurrahman Kunta] He was 
born in Grozny. A former communist who studied at the Red Professor’s College and a student of 
Bukharin, he was imprisoned for several years before making his way to the Germany in the course 
of the war. As a staunch anti-communist, scholar, educator and publicist he has numerous numbers 
of nationalist works. 
 Ramazan Traho, after finishing 4 semesters in the faculty of Medicine at Moscow University, he 
continued his studies in the Faculty of Language and Literature, which he completed in 1934. Until 

The North Caucasians, together with the other émigré groups submitted 
several notes and memorandums to the German government in which they asked 
for the establishment of independent republics of the revolutionary period but they 
gained almost nothing.
 In contrast, the Germans, in order to establish an 
umbrella organization allowed a Soviet prisoner of war, General Andrey A. Vlasov 
to organize a committee in the summer of 1944, called the Vlasov Committee. 
Under his leadership, this Committee almost at the end of the War, managed to 
establish an organization in Prague which would represent all the non-Slav 
populations of Russia, the Committee for the Salvation of the Peoples of Russia 
(Komitet Osvobozhdeniia Narodov Rossii or KONR) and in relation with it he 
founded the Russian Salvation Army (Russkaia Osvoboditel’naia Armiia or ROA) 
composed primarily of the prisoners of war.
The North Caucasian National Commission and the other émigré groups 
had never took part inthese organizations.
 They just rather carried out some 
propaganda, issued pamphlets, brochures and periodicals targeting the North 
Caucasian region
 and in October 1944 they established the Caucasian Council 
the World War II he worked in various academic and educational institutions, both in Moscow and 
the Caucasus. For his arrival in Germany see R. Traho, September-October 1951. “Stalingrad’dan 
Berlin’e,” Kafkasya (Der Kaukasus), (Munich), 2-3: 31-34. 
 Ramazan Karcha, a Karachay, (-). He studied in the Philological Faculty of Rostov University. 
Worked in various institutions and learned organizations in the Caucasus.  
 F. Daryal, March 1952. “Mecburi Bir İzah …Daha,” Kafkasya (Der Kaukasus), (Munich), 8: 29. 
 Muhlen, Gamalıhaç ile Kızılyıldız Arasında, 160. 
 See May 1952. “Kafkasya Cumhuriyetlerinin İstiklali,” Kafkasya (Der Kaukasus), (Munich), 10: 
1-3 and “Yalan ve İftira,” September-December 1951. Kafkasya (Der Kaukasus), (Munich), 4/5: 37-
 The North Caucasian emigres published two different periodicals. Severnyi Kavkaz, in Russian 
was published by Ali Khan Kantemir and the other one, Gazavat, in Turkish, was published by A. 
Avtorkhanov with the pseudonym of Manius Mansur and targetting the legion. As Bezanis pointed 
it out, the Gazavat’s masthead apparently proclaimed that ‘God is above us and Hitler is with us’ a 
typical formulation in such publications, though it caused consternation in some quarters after the 

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