Mr chairman: Good morning. I welcome Mr Vatskalis, and invite you to introduce the officers accompanying you, and if you wish to make an opening statement on behalf of the Department of Health and Families. Minister vatskalis’ portfolios

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organisation if they are finding now they cannot do their normal business with that amount of money. 
We are not aware of that would be, at this stage.
Mr STYLES: Thank you. I will make them aware of the answer to those questions.
Ms CLEARY: Just one more comment about that. They are part-funded by the Commonwealth 
government. I am not sure whether the Commonwealth government has sustained its funding in the 
way we have. 
Mr STYLES: I am aware there is some Commonwealth funding there. If the Commonwealth was to 
cease that funding and services like this one were to close, would the government consider assisting 
these organisations to keep their doors open?
Mr VATSKALIS: Certainly, they are valuable organisations to the community. Our government will 
consider the need to exist and, certainly, we will be discussing with them how much funding they need 
from us. We will advocate on their behalf to the Commonwealth to maintain funding.
Mr STYLES: Excellent, thanks, minister. Next question is in relation to post-school options for parents 
with children with a disability. Is there any budget allocation for this particular issue, as a lot of these 
parents - some of them - are unable to go back to work because there are no options once these kids 
leave school?
Ms FIELDING: Penny Fielding, Director Age and Disability Program. I can provide the budget for day 
options including post-school options on notice. Certainly, in both Darwin and Alice Springs, there are 
vacancies in the day options programs. I will certainly be happy for some parents to be referred to our 
office through the Office of Disability 1800 number, and we can go through that process with them.
Question on Notice No 7.21
Mr CHAIRMAN: Can you repeat that question for the record?
Mr STYLES: In relation to post school options for parents with children with disabilities, is there any 
budget allocation for this particular issue?
Mr CHAIRMAN: For the purpose of Hansard, I allocate that question No 7.21.
Mr STYLES: In relation to supported accommodation, many people in supported accommodation - 
with disabilities that is - are recorded under Category C in relation to taxi allowances, which is about 
$560 per year, I am led to believe. This does not appear to give those people many opportunities to 
get out and about as other people in the community can. Is there any proposal to review those on 
Category C in that situation, and move them to Category B, which is about $1785, thus giving them 
far more options to get out and about and enjoy community events.
Mr VATSKALIS: My understanding is these are outcomes under the DPI, so the appropriate minister 
to answer the question will be the minister who is responsible for DPI.
Mr STYLES: It is community support services for people with a disability. These people have a 
disability, and this is the community support service we provide. I would have thought it would have 
come under this category, minister.
Mr VATSKALIS: For these people with a disability, unfortunately the budget comes from DPI. They 
administer the program.

Mr STYLES: I am not saying that is the line item. So, you do not want to answer this one?
Mr VATSKALIS: Well I cannot because it is not my budget. It is DPI, Planning and Infrastructure 
Mr STYLES: This, again, are concerns from people with a disability under Community Support 
Services. People who receive concerns. This is more something you might be able to do for these 
people because they have raised it with me. Centrelink is sending out letters to people in the 
community with disabilities. Some are going to be managed and some are not - in relation to their 
income. Would you be prepared to take that on for these people and, perhaps, write to the 
Commonwealth? I will certainly be doing that, to try to …
Mr VATSKALIS: I certainly will be doing that on a case-by-case, I mean, I do not know the cases yet, 
they have not come to me, but if they come to me and I find out that they are actually disadvantaged 
unfairly, I am prepared to write to the Commonwealth.
Mr STYLES: I will encourage them to do that.
Mr VATSKALIS: Absolutely.
Mr STYLES: Thank you, minister.
Mr CONLAN: Okay, can we whiz through to get to …
Mr CHAIRMAN: I am not asking questions. 
Mr CONLAN: No, okay. 
Mr CHAIRMAN: So, you are finished with output 3.3?
Mr CHAIRMAN: Member for Nelson, do have you any questions for output 3.3?
Mr WOOD: No.
Mr CHAIRMAN: That concludes consideration of Output 3.3, Community Support Services for Frail 
Aged and People with a Disability.
Output 3.4 – Support for Senior Territorians and Pensioner Concessions
Mr CHAIRMAN: No questions? That concludes consideration of Output Group 3.0, Health and 
Wellbeing Services.
Output 4.1 - Environmental Health Services
Mr CHAIRMAN: We now move to Output Group 4.0, Public Health Services, Output 4.1, 
Environmental Health Services. Are there any questions for that?
Mr CONLAN: Yes, minister, on nuclear waste storage, just to get through this pretty quickly, not the 
waste dump, this is the storage at Royal Darwin Hospital. Minister, how much waste from nuclear 
medicine is stored at Royal Darwin Hospital? And again, for time, happy to take these on notice, or if 
you can provide them at some point.

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