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in the region
Taking note of the high-level meetings which took place in Moscow on 8 October 1993 
and expressing the hope that they will contribute to the improvement of the situation 
and the peaceful sett lement of the confl ict, 
  rming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaij ani Republic and 
of all other States in the region, 
  rming also the inviolability of international borders and the inadmissibility of 
the use of force for the acquisition of territory, 
Expressing once again its grave concern at the human suff ering the confl ict  has 
caused and at the serious humanitarian emergency in the region and expressing in 
particular its grave concern at the displacement of large numbers of civilians in the 
Azerbaij ani Republic, 
Calls upon the parties concerned to make eff ective and permanent the cease-
fi re established as a result of the direct contacts undertaken with the assistance of the 
Government of the Russian Federation in support of the CSCE Minsk Group; 
Reiterates again its full support for the peace process being pursued within the 
framework of the CSCE, and for the tireless eff orts of the CSCE Minsk Group; 
Welcomes and commends to the parties the Adjusted timetable of urgent steps 
to implement Security Council resolutions 822 (1993) and 853 (1993) set out on 28 
September 1993 at the meeting of the CSCE Minsk Group and submitt ed to the parties 
concerned by the Chairman of the Group with the full support of nine other members 
of the Group, and calls on the parties to accept it; 
Expresses the conviction that all other pending questions arising from the confl ict 
and not directly addressed in the adjusted timetable should be sett led expeditiously 
through peaceful negotiations in the context of the CSCE Minsk process; 
Calls for the immediate implementation of the reciprocal and urgent steps provided 
for in the CSCE Minsk Group's Adjusted timetable, including the withdrawal of forces 
from recently occupied territories and the removal of all obstacles to communications 
and transportation; 
Calls also for an early convening of the CSCE Minsk Conference for the purpose 
of arriving at a negotiated sett lement to the confl ict as provided for in the timetable, in 
conformity with the 24 March 1992 mandate of the CSCE Council of Ministers
Requests the Secretary-General to respond favourably to an invitation to send a 
representative to att end the CSCE Minsk Conference and to provide all possible assistance 
for the substantive negotiations that will follow the opening of the Conference; 
Supports the monitoring mission developed by the CSCE; 
Calls on all parties to refrain from all violations of international humanitarian 
law and renews its call in resolutions 822 (1993) and 853 (1993) for unimpeded access 
for international humanitarian relief eff orts in all areas aff ected by the confl ict; 
Urges all States in the region to refrain from any hostile acts and from any 

interference or intervention which would lead to the widening of the confl ict  and 
undermine peace and security in the region; 
Requests the Secretary-General and relevant international agencies to provide 
urgent humanitarian assistance to the aff ected civilian population and to assist refugees 
and displaced persons to return to their homes in security and dignity; 
Requests also the Secretary-General, the Chairman-in-Offi
  ce of the CSCE and the 
Chairman of the CSCE Minsk Conference to continue to report to the Council on the 
progress of the Minsk process and on all aspects of the situation on the ground, and on 
present and future cooperation between the CSCE and the United Nations in this regard; 
Decides to remain actively seized of the matt er. 
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3292nd meeting, on 14 October 1993
Resolution № 884
November 12, 1993
The Security Council, 
  rming its resolutions 822 (1993) of 30 April 1993, 853 (1993) of 29 July 1993 
and 874 (1993) of 14 October 1993, 
  rming its full support for the peace process being pursued within the framework 
of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), and for the tireless 
eff orts of the CSCE Minsk Group, 
Taking note of the lett er dated 9 November 1993 from the Chairman-in-Offi
  ce of the 
Minsk Conference on Nagorny Karabakh addressed to the President of the Security 
Council and its enclosures (S/26718, annex), 
Expressing its serious concern that a continuation of the confl ict in and around the Nagorny 
Karabakh region of the Azerbaij ani Republic, and of the tensions between the Republic of 
Armenia and the Azerbaij ani Republic, would endanger peace and security in the region, 
Noting with alarm the escalation in armed hostilities as consequence of the violations of 
the cease-fi re and excesses in the use of force in response to those violations, in particular the 
occupation of the Zangelan district and the city of Goradiz in the Azerbaij ani Republic, 
  rming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaij ani Republic and 
of all other States in the region, 
  rming also the inviolability of international borders and the inadmissibility of 
the use of force for the acquisition of territory, 
Expressing grave concern at the latest displacement of a large number of civilians 
and the humanitarian emergency in the Zangelan district and the city of Goradiz and 
on Azerbaij an’s southern frontier, 
Condemns the recent violations of the cease-fi re established between the parties, 
which resulted in a resumption of hostilities, and particularly condemns the occupation 

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