Nhbs autumn & Winter Catalogue Our Wildlife, Science and Conservation Catalogue

Guide to Common Churchyard Lichens

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Guide to Common Churchyard Lichens 
Frank Dobson
This fold-out guide will help you identify over fifty of the commonest lichens found in lowland 
churchyards in Britain. Lichens are grouped according to growth form and the .... 
8 pages | colour illus. | FSC
Unbound | 2004 | 1851538941 | 
#157198A | 
Guide to Common Urban Lichens 1 (on Trees and Wood) 
F Dobson
This is a good time to look at urban lichens, as levels of sulphur dioxide, air pollution and acid 
rain have been falling rapidly. Many leafy lichens are growing in .... 
8 pages | 49 colour photos | FSC
Unbound | 2006 | 1851532943 | 
#158643A | 
Guide to Common Urban Lichens 2 (on Stone and Soil) 
Frank Dobson
This is a good time to look at urban lichens, as levels of sulphur dioxide, air pollution and acid 
rain have been falling rapidly. Many leafy lichens are growing in .... 
8 pages | 49 colour photos | FSC
Unbound | 2006 | 185153296X | 
#158644A | 
Indices of Ecological Continuity for Woodland Epiphytic Lichen Habitats 
in the British Isles 
AM Coppins and BJ Coppins
Lichens are increasingly used as indicators of the ancientness of native woodlands, and for the 
biodiversity and conservation assessment of woodlands. National and regional .... 
36 pages | Tabs, maps | British Lichen 
Pbk | 2002 | 0954041844 | #138566A | 
Key to Lichens on Twigs 
Wolseley, James and Alexander
This key is designed to enable you to identify lichens found on twigs and use them to assess 
local atmospheric conditions. This .... 
8 pages | Col illus, foldout chart | FSC
Unbound | 2003 | 1851538844 | 
#141380A | 
William Purvis
Explores the unusual biology, amazing diversity and ecological importance of lichens and 
explains how understanding lichen biodiversity may lead to technological developments in .... 
112 pages | Col photos, figs | Natural 
History Museum
Pbk | 2000 | 0565091530 | #105734A | 
Lichens: An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species 
Frank S Dobson
Standard British work on lichens covering 450 of the most common species and a selection of 
the rarer ones. Entries consist of full-colour photographs, a description, notes on .... 
480 pages | Col photos, illus, distrib 
maps | Richmond
Hbk | 2005 | 0855460954 | #150293A | 
Pbk | 2005 | 0855460962 | #152715A | 
Microchemical Methods for the Identification of Lichens 
A Orange, PW James and FJ White
Gives advice for the techniques used in the chemical testing of lichen specimens. .... 
101 pages | B\w illus, tabs | British 
Lichen Society
Pbk | 2001 | 0954041801 | #125507A | 
Pollution Monitoring with Lichens 
DHS Richardson
Lichens are ideal monitors of pollution, as they can be found throughout the year almost 
everywhere in Britain. This Handbook provides keys to species of lichen that grow on .... 
84 pages | Col plates, figs, keys | 
Pbk | 1992 | 0855462892 | #021624A | 
Shetland Lichens 
Kery Dalby and Claire Dalby
This book is the first county lichen flora for any part of Britain. The first half of the book looks at 
lichens, what they are, their reproduction, lifestyle, habitats etc. .... 
120 pages | photos, line drawings | 
Hbk | 2005 | 0954324633 | #158292A | 
 Plants & Botany: Fungi & Algae
Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology 
Laura Barsanti and Paolo Gualtieri
Covers the most important taxa and structures for freshwater, marine, and terrestrial forms of 
algae. It offers comprehensive coverage on topics ranging from algae's .... 
301 pages | illus | CRC Press
Hbk | 2006 | 0849314674 | #146273A | 
Algal Cultures, Analogues of Blooms and Applications 
DV Subba Rao
A thematic volume with recent developments in micro algal research, this book incorporates the 
latest findings specifically to address how best algal cultures can be .... 
954 pages | 2 volumes | Science 
Hbk | 2006 | 1578083931 | #157810A | 
Austral Hepaticae, Part II 
RM Schuster
Part II of Austral Hepaticae treats two of the largest and most complex suborders of the order 
Jungermanniales. The first suborder, the Cephaloziineae, includes some four .... 
606 pages | 224 figures | Gebr•der 
Pbk | 2002 | 3443510418 | #128549A | 
Blue-Green Algae of the British Isles: An Interactive Key 
Version 2.1 
B.A Whitton
The aim of the CD-ROM Blue-Green Algae of the British Isles is to aid the identification of blue-
green algae (cyanobacteria) present in terrestrial, freshwater and marine field .... 
CD-ROM with licence number and 
manual | University of Durham
CD | 2003 | #157992A | 

British Fungus Flora, Part 1: Boletes and their Allies 
R Watling and AE Hills
keys to sections and species are given together with full descriptions of the taxa based on 
personal observations of the executive editors or, in the case of rare species, on .... 
173 pages | Illus | Edinburgh RBG
Pbk | 2005 | 1872291899 | #154762A | 
British Fungus Flora, Part 9: Lactarius 
RW Rayner
203 pages | Colour identification chart | 
Edinburgh RBG
Pbk | 2005 | 1872291341 | #049392A | 
Champignons de Suisse, Tome 6: Russulaceae: Lactaires et Russules 
Fred Kränzlin
319 pages | colour photos, line drawings 
| Mycologia Lucerne
Hbk | 2005 | 3856041605 | #143800A | 
Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland 
Jenny A Moore and M Tebbs
Covers 39 species of large freshwater algae. Long out of print, finally available again as a 
reprint with a new preface. .... 
140 pages | 17 distribution maps | BSBI
Pbk | 1986 | 090115816X | #155043A | 
A Check-list and Atlas of the Seaweeds of Britain and 
Gavin Hardy, Michael D Guiry and Henry Arnold
Second corrected edition of the essential reference on the seaweeds of Britain and Ireland. .... 
437 pages | 629 maps, 2 figs, 2 tables | 
British Phycological Society
Hbk | NYP 12/2006 | 390616635X | 
#152583A | 
Checklist of the British and Irish Basidiomycota 
NW Legon and A Henrici
The first comprehensive checklist of the fungi of Great Britain and Ireland, providing publication 
references and brief habitat, frequency and distribution details for all .... 
517 pages | - | Kew RBG
Pbk | 2005 | 1842461214 | #156536A | 
Coastal Plankton 
Photo Guide for European Seas 
Otto Larink and Wilfried Westheide
This book, with more than 600 micro- and 40 macrophotographs on 60 colour plates, is an 
introduction to the most important and most common taxa present in the plankton, and it .... 
143 pages | 60 colour photo plates | Pfeil
Pbk | 2006 | 3899370627 | #158068A | 
Collins Need to Know? Mushroom Hunting 
How to safely identify edible wild mushrooms 
Patrick Harding
This practical guide to identifying, picking and cooking edible mushrooms gives you all the 
details you need to fully enjoy the adventure of locating and collecting wild .... 
192 pages | colour photos | Harper 
Pbk | 2006 | 000721507X | #158057A | 
Common Seaweeds of the Gulf of California / Algas 
Communes del Golfo de California 
Mark D Readdie, Marla Randelletti and Richard M McCourt
This field guide describes 78 of the most common seaweeds found in the gulf of California. The 
description for each species includes a photograph, detailed .... 
105 pages | colour photos | Sea 
Pbk | 2006 | 0930118383 | #157028A | 
Diatoms of Europe, Volume 4: Cymbopleura, Delicata, Navicymbula, 
Gomphocymbellopsis, Afrocymbula Supplements to Cymbelloid Taxa 
Edited by H Lange-Bertalot
This volume forms the fourth part of the Cymbella synopsis, containing taxa and genera 
Cymbopleura of the temperate zone with many remarks on taxa from the tropics and a 
large .... 
530 pages | 164 b/w plates | Koeltz
Hbk | 2003 | 3904144995 | #137898A | 
Ecology of Harmful Algae 
Edited by Edna Graneli and Jefferson T Turner
Harmful algal blooms are one of the consequences of the human impact on aquatic ecosystems, 
particularly the process of eutrophication. They can cause a variety of .... 
413 pages | - | Springer
Hbk | 2006 | 3540322094 | #158257A | 
The Encyclopedia of Fungi of Britain and Europe 
Michael Jordan
This is a photographic guide to 1,000 of the most important species of fungi of the British Isles 
and northern Europe. Each specimen is shown in a large colour photograph .... 
384 pages | 1000 col photos | Frances 
Hbk | 2004 | 0711223785 | #148857A | 
Pbk | 2004 | 0711223793 | #145827A | 
Exploitation of Fungi 
Edited by G Robson, Pieter van West and Geoffrey Gadd
The fungi are a highly diverse kingdom of eukaryotic microbes. Recent advances in molecular 
genetics, together with the release of whole genome sequences of an increasing .... 
350 pages | 49 line diags, 30 half-tones, 
18 tabs | CUP
Hbk | NYP 03/2007 | 0521859352 | 
#162246A | 
Field Guide Edible Mushrooms of Britain and Europe 
Peter Jordan
The fields, woods and gardens of Britain and Europe are home to a wide range of edible 
mushrooms, a number of which are not simply good but truly excellent to eat. .... 
160 pages | 200 colour photos | New 
Hbk | 2006 | 1845374193 | #160692A | 

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