Nhbs autumn & Winter Catalogue Our Wildlife, Science and Conservation Catalogue

The Forests of Vu Quang Nature Reserve

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The Forests of Vu Quang Nature Reserve 
A Description of Habitats and Plant Communities 
Andrei Kuzunetsov
Highlights the high biological value of Vuquang Forests (Central Vietnam). .... 
102 pages | Col photos, illus, tabs, 
maps | WWF Indochina Programme
Pbk | 2001 | #127727A | 
Human Impacts on Amazonia: The Role of Traditional 
Knowledge in Conservation and Development 
Darrell A Posey and Michael J Balick
From the pre-Columbian era to the present, native Amazonians have shaped the land around 
them, emphasizing utilization, conservation, and sustainability. These priorities stand .... 
368 pages | 16 illus | Columbia UP
Hbk | 2006 | 0231105886 | #138357A | 
Pbk | 2006 | 0231105894 | #154478A | 
Human Impacts on Tropical Forests 
Biodiversity and Genetic Resources 
Edited by J Poulsen
Evaluates the current knowledge of the impact of disturbance and fragmentation on tropical 
forest biodiversity and genetic resources. Themes covered include: Biodiversity .... 
500 pages | CABI
Hbk | 2006 | 0851996922 | #138321A | 
The Maya Tropical Forest 
People, Parks and Ancient Cities 
James D Nations
The Maya Tropical Forest, which occupies the lowlands of southern Mexico, Guatemala, and 
Belize, is the closest rainforest to the United States and one of the most popular .... 
323 pages | 32 b/w photos, 6 maps | 
Texas UP
Hbk | 2006 | 0292712820 | #158422A | 
Pbk | 2006 | 0292713185 | #158421A | 
Nature and Nation 
Forests and Development in Peninsular Malaysia 
Jeya Kathirithamby-Wells
Explores the relations between people and forests in Peninsula Malaysis, where the planet's 
richest terrestrial ecosystem collided with the most rapid economic .... 
485 pages | B/w illus | NIAS Press
Hbk | 2003 | 8791114225 | #144515A | 
Pbk | 2006 | 8791114497 | #153476A | 
Sara Oldfield
From the secret forests and exotic mammals of Madagascar to the multi-coloured bird and 
butterfly life of Central America, this stunning book, published in association with .... 
160 pages | 200 col photos, 1 map | 
New Holland
Hbk | 2002 | 1843300117 | #127559A | 
Pbk | 2006 | 1843301474 | #160691A | 
A Photographic Journey 
Thomas Marent
Rainforests are the most complex, productive, dynamic and diverse places on Earth. In this 
stunning volume these largely unexplored ecosystems are revealed through the .... 
360 pages | Col photos | Dorling 
Hbk | 2006 | 140531530X | #160501A | 
A Rapid Biological Assessment of the Terrestrial 
Ecosystems of the Draw River, Boi-Tano, Tano Nimiri and Krokosua 
Hills Forest Reserves, Southwestern Ghana
Edited by Jennifer McCullough, Jan Decher and David Guba Kpelle
This Rapid Assessment Program Bulletin reports the findings of an expedition in 2003 into four 
forest reserves in southwestern Ghana that were recently designated as .... 
154 pages | Conservation International
Pbk | 2006 | 1881173909 | #161038A | 
The Social Ecology of Rainforests 
Edited by Ken-ichi Abe, Wil de Jong and Tuck-po Lye
An important contribution to understanding the relationship between migration and 
deforestation, this book brings together various analyses from the three major tropical .... 
350 pages | Trans Pacific Press
Hbk | 2006 | 1920901108 | #157664A | 
Tropical Forest Genetics 
Reiner Finkeldey and Hans Heinrich Hattemer
Tropical forests harbour much of the planet's genetic resources, and therefore their 
conservation and sustainable utilization are matters of global concern. Evolutionary .... 
316 pages | 44 illus | Springer
Hbk | NYP 11/2006 | 3540373969 | 
#155169A | 
Tropical Forests 
Michael Allaby
There are many different types of tropical forests - lowland wet forests, seasonal forests, cloud 
forests, bamboo forests, mangrove forests, and monsoon forests. The .... 
288 pages | 55 full-color photographs 
and line illustrations | Facts on File
Hbk | 2006 | 0816053227 | #158671A | 
Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield 
Edited by D Hammond
The Guiana Shield is an ancient geological region located in the northern part of South America, 
covering an area of 2 million square kilometres. Despite its hostile .... 
528 pages | B/w photos, figs, tabs | 
CABI (Consignment)
Hbk | 2005 | 0851995365 | #116725A | 
Tropical Rain Forests 
An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison 
Richard B Primack and Richard T Corlett
Examines rain forests in different tropical regions - including tropical Asia, tropical America, 
Africa, Madagascar, New Guinea and Australia - emphasizing their unique .... 
319 pages | Figs, col and b/w photos | 
Hbk | 2005 | 0632045132 | #147918A | 

Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change 
Mark Bush and John Flenley
The goal of this book is to provide a current overview of the impacts of climate change on 
tropical forests, to investigate past, present, and future climatic influences on the .... 
440 pages | - | Springer
Hbk | 2006 | 3540239081 | #162013A | 
Tropical Rainforests 
Past, Present and Future 
Edited by E Bermingham, CW Dick and C Moritz
Important collection of new papers on tropical rainforests. .... 
672 pages | 8 col plates, 133 b/w illus, 
46 tabs | Chicago UP
Hbk | 2005 | 0226044661 | #148891A | 
Pbk | 2005 | 0226044688 | #148892A | 
 Habitats & Ecosystems: Urban & Built Environment
City and Environment 
An Introduction to Urban Environmental Issues Around the Globe 
Christopher G Boone and Ali Modarres
"From ancient Mesopotamia to post-modern Los Angeles, Boone and Modarres provide a broad 
sweep of the relationship between urbanization and the environment. Their goal is .... 
240 pages | 10 tabs, 7 figs, 5 halftones 
| Temple UP
Hbk | 2006 | 1592132839 | #161441A | 
Pbk | 2006 | 1592132847 | #161440A | 
Urban Wildlife Management 
Clark E Adams, Kieran J Lindsey and Sarah J Ash
While much has been written about the factors that either promote or prevent proliferation of 
wildlife in urban settings, forward-thinking professors instructing in .... 
311 pages | illus | CRC Press
Hbk | 2006 | 084939645X | #155025A | 
 Habitats & Ecosystems: Soils & Soil Ecology
Biological Diversity and Function in Soils 
Edited by Richard D Bardgett, Michael B Usher and David W Hopkins
Comprehensive guide to biological diversity and function in soils. Topics covered include: 
Developing new ecological perspectives from advances in soil biodiversity .... 
411 pages | 40 tabs, 140 figs | CUP
Hbk | 2005 | 0521847095 | #151103A | 
Pbk | 2005 | 0521609879 | #151104A | 
The Biology of Soil 
A Community and Ecosystem Approach 
Richard D Bardgett
Soil science has undergone a renaissance in recent years with an increasing awareness of the 
importance of soil organisms and below-ground biotic interactions as drivers of .... 
242 pages | 43 halftones, 78 line illus | 
Hbk | 2005 | 0198525028 | #144647A | 
Pbk | 2005 | 0198525036 | #144650A | 
Encyclopedia of Soil Science 
Edited by Ward Chesworth
The written history of humanity over the last 10,000 years is little more than a footnote to the 
Neolithic Revolution which brought about the exploitation of soil for .... 
900 pages | Springer
Hbk | NYP 11/2006 | 1402039948 | 
#156679A | 
Footprints in the Soil 
People and Ideas in Soil History 
Edited by Benno P Warkentin
A valuable contribution to the history of science, this book traces our knowledge and 
understanding of soils through time. .... 
548 pages | B/w illus | Elsevier
Hbk | 2006 | 0444521771 | #157322A | 
Handbook of Soil Analysis 
Mineralogical, Organic and Inorganic Methods 
Marc Pansu and Jacques Gautheyrou
This handbook is a reference guide for selecting and carrying out numerous methods of soil 
analysis. It is written in accordance with analytical standards and quality control .... 
993 pages | 183 illus | Springer
Hbk | 2006 | 3540312102 | #158994A | 
Molecular Approaches to Soil, Rhizosphere and Plant 
Microorganism Analysis 
Edited by JE Cooper and JR Rao
Many techniques are now available for analysing the microflora of soils, plants and their 
rhizospheres at the molecular level. They are however, widely dispersed among .... 
352 pages | CABI
Hbk | 2006 | 1845930622 | #158855A | 
Soil Atlas of Europe 
A Jones, L Montanarella and R Jones
More than 20 years of collaboration between European soil scientists has resulted in the 
publication by the European Commission of the first ever "Soil Atlas of Europe". .... 
128 pages | Maps, tabs, figs | Joint 
Research Centre
Pbk | 2006 | 928948120X | #154281A | 
Soil Erosion in Europe 
Edited by John Boardman and Jean Poesen
Provides a unique and comprehensive assessment of soil erosion throughout Europe, an 
important aspect to control and manage if landscapes are to be sustained for the future. .... 
856 pages | Wiley
Hbk | 2006 | 0470859105 | #158868A | 
Soil Respiration and the Environment 
Yigi Luo and Xuhui Zhou
The global environment is constantly changing and our planet is getting warmer at an 
unprecedented rate. The study of the carbon cycle, and soil respiration, is a very .... 
328 pages | 99 line illus | Academic 
Hbk | 2006 | 0120887827 | #160741A | 

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