No: 17264 Friday, June 23, 2017

FRIDAY JUNE 2017 L o c a l Ice skating and theme parks

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JUNE 2017

L o c a l

Ice skating and theme parks

Beating the hot weather by going ice skating is

fun. Besides the ice skating rink of TEC in Kuwait

City, there are other smaller skating rinks too. The

Promenade Mall in Hawally has an ice skating rink

inside the mall. Shaab park also has an ice skating

rink. The Entertainment City is still closed for reno-

vations, but Shaab Park and Marah Land are open. 

Malls, shopping and movies

Most of the local shopping districts including

the malls and souks will have activities during

the first two days of Eid. Al Kout mall in

Fahaheel, for instance, will have a lifesized

Kuwaiti board game, Enhash Yal Theeb set up

and players can compete for a chance for prices.

Al Kout will also have a 'travel the world' selfie

station set up with cutouts of world famous

landmarks and games and activities for kids dur-

ing all three days of the Eid holiday.  

Strolling through Souq Al-Mubarakiya during

the evening time and enjoying tea and shisha at

one of the local restaurants can be an fun activity.

Lots of summer movies are now playing at the

cinemas - both for adults and children. 

Many malls including Promenade, Discovery,

Abd Al Wahab (Galleria 2000) and the Avenues

have dedicated areas for children's activities

that will be having Eid games and events. You

can visit Artspace cafe (in Galleria 2000 mall in

Salem Al-Mubarak street, Salmiya) and learn to

draw or paint. While there also check out the

fun new cat cafe. 

Eat, eat, eat

All the restaurants, cafes and diners will return

to normal hours starting from Eid so be sure to go

out and enjoy a yummy breakfast, brunch or

lunch at one of your favorite food hot spots. 

By Ben Garcia 


n nearly every area in Kuwait, commercial estab-

lishments that surround cooperative societies

include a nakhi and bajella shop. This takeout out-

let serves ‘traditional’ Iranian-Kuwaiti food that is a

favorite of both citizens and residents. These eateries

were opened by the Iranian community in Kuwait in

the 1950s, and from then on, became staple food

shops near co-ops. Kuwait Times visited the nakhi and

bajella shop near Khaldiya Co-op that has been in

existence since 1965. 

“My boss has owned this shop since 1992,” said

Saiful Islam, a Bangladeshi cook and attendant who

mans the eatery. He has been working with this

restaurant for the last 25 years, and confirmed that

the ingredients and menu are unchanged. “The menu

has never changed since it started operating in 1965,”

he said. The shop’s dishes includes nakhi, bajella,

aash, hares, jareesh and adas (lentil) soups. Takeout

orders are usually placed in small white plastic con-


Nakhi is boiled chickpeas cooked in water and salt,

served with hot chilli pepper. Bajella is broad beans

cooked in the same way. Aash is made from lentils and

several other ingredients like onion, garlic, pepper and

salt. Harees is an oat-based gruel cooked with beef

and several other ingredients. The beef is boiled till

every fiber separates. It is then mixed with the oats

and continuously heated on a low flame. Jareesh is

similar to harees but is cooked with chicken meat.  

“These are all easy-to-cook items. Orders triple

every Ramadan. We open our store in Ramadan at 11

am and close at 2 am. Customers also come with their

own containers or pots. Maybe they serve it to their

kids who are not fasting, or if they do not want to

cook while fasting,” Saiful Islam said. “Preparation is

easy - we mostly only need beans and water and

that’s it,” he added.

There are no tables or chairs at the nakhi and bajel-

la shops. All you find are huge simmering stainless

steel vats.  Since it is only available for takeaway,

some customers consider nakhi and bajella as street

food. Yousef Abdulla, a Palestinian born and brought

up in Kuwait, told Kuwait Times he likes most of the

dishes served by the eatery. “It’s very nutritious and

inexpensive. I’ve been a fan of this food since child-

hood,” the 36-year-old enthused. 

L o c a l

FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2017

Nakhi and Bajella: 

Unchanged ‘street food’, people’s favorite 

Bajella is broad beans cooked

in the same way. Aash is

made from lentils and several

other ingredients like onion,

garlic, pepper and salt. 


L o c a l

FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2017

KUWAIT: The criminal court sentenced

an American and a Nepalese to three

years in jail and fined them KD 20,000

each for violating the environment pro-

tection law by burying 80 dogs in the

Abdullah Port desert area after poisoning

them. The incident took place a year ago.

The environment police had received a

call from human rights activists about a

sniffer dog trainer, an American, and a

Nepalese nurse, who injected 80 dogs

with poison after they were retired, then

buried them in Mina Abdullah. Both were

charged with unethical disposal of the

dogs and sent to court. A source said the

two left the country before a travel ban

was placed on them. Interpol was asked

to arrest them.

Drug addicts fight

Police received a call from a family

asking for help after two brothers fought

after taking drugs. One of the brothers

pulled a knife when family members

attempted to break up the fight. Both

were taken to the police station.

Hospital brawl 

Three citizens and two bedoons

were involved in a fight in Taima, then

resumed the fight at Jahra Hospital.

Police received a call about a bloody

fight in Taima, so police and detec-

tives rushed to the site and arrested

the five, who all sustained critical

injuries due to stabbings. They were

taken to Jahra Hospital under guard.

While being treated, they resumed

the fight, so police were brought in

again. All five are being questioned to

find out the cause of the fight.

Drunk man caught

An Indian was very drunk that he

entered the basement of his sponsor’s

neighbor’s home in Ardhiya. A citizen

heard voices coming from the base-

ment of his house, and found his

neighbor’s driver there, inebriated

and unable to control himself. The citi-

zen took the driver to the police sta-

tion, where he was charged with pub-

lic drunkenness and entering a house.

Drug possession

F a r w a n i y a   p o l i c e   a r r e s t e d   a

bedoon ex-convict under the influ-

ence of drugs, and found a bag of

‘chemical’ (a verity of ‘Spice’ drug

with added chemicals) in his car. The

suspect was stuttering nervously

when they asked him for his ID and

was found under the influence of

drugs, and wanted on theft charges.

He was sent to concerned authori-


KUWAIT: Police arrested a Bedoon man and a Syrian national

for drug trafficking. Nearly four kilograms of shabu (metham-

phetamine) and 150 grams of heroin were found with the sus-

pects. The two men admitted during questioning that they

possessed the drugs, which have an estimated value of KD

100,000, for trafficking purposes. They were sent to the proper

authorities for further action.

Duo arrested for

drug trafficking

Duo sentenced to jail for

burying 80 dogs in desert

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti mountaineer Fuad

Qabazard succeeded, for the second time

in two years, in climbing Mount Everest.

In a statement upon arriving home yester-

day, Qabazard said that the purpose of his

two-month adventure was to draw world

attention towards Kuwaiti traditions.

Qabazard climbed up to 8,834 meters of

Mount Everest, located in the Mahalangur

mountain range in the Nepal and Tibet.

He raised the Kuwait Flag and pictures of

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-

Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His

Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf

Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.— KUNA

Kuwaiti Qabazard on Mount Everest

for second time in two years

Expert predicts oil

price to be $45-55 pb

KUWAIT: International oil prices are forecast to remain in the

vicinity of $45 and 55 until the market regains stability and

equilibrium, a Kuwaiti oil expert believes. Market balance can

be restored by means of increasing more global oil stock with-

drawals in a way that could send oil prices into future recov-

ery, Mohammad Al-Shatti said. Oil producers’ strategy aiming

at allowing market dynamics to bring the world oil market

back to earlier balance has contributed to curtailing shale oil

production, he said.

However, this plan has failed to notch up the ultimate goal

of rebalancing the oil market mainly due to the reluctance of

OPEC and non-OPEC producers to cut oil output, the oil expert

regretted. The recent agreement by OPEC and non-OPEC

countries to cut production as part of a fresh blueprint to

restore market equilibrium has actually led to the recovery of

oil prices, Shatti added. But, slowness in market rebalance

since the oil output cut deal was put in place is primarily

attributed to a hike in OPEC exports to the US market, sending

oil markets into a state of concern, he pointed out. During a

meeting last month, OPEC officials agreed to protract the oil

output accord, pushing the deadline to March of 2018. In

November, OPEC along with 10 non-OPEC members, includ-

ing Russia, struck a deal to limit oil output by 1.8 million bpd in

an effort to restore stability in the global oil market. — KUNA 

Tillerson supports

Kuwait mediation

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on

Wednesday that he supports Kuwait’s effort to help certain

Arab nations and Qatar to resolve their differences, and urged

that a list of grievances be presented to Doha as soon as pos-

sible. “In regards to the continuing dispute within the GCC, we

understand a list of demands has been prepared and coordi-

nated by the Saudis, Emiratis, Egyptians, and Bahrainis,”

Tillerson said in a statement.

“We hope the list of demands will soon be presented to

Qatar and will be reasonable and actionable, we support the

Kuwaiti mediation effort and look forward to this matter mov-

ing toward a resolution,” he affirmed. — KUNA 

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