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acid-dissociation (acid-ionization) constant (

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acid-dissociation (acid-ionization) constant (Ka)

An equilibrium constant for the dissociation of an acid (HA) in H2O to yield the conjugate base (A ) and H3O+:


– bir modda zarrachalarining ikki modda ichida uz-uzicha bir tekisda taksimlanishi


Свойство атомов данного элемента присоединять определенное число атомов других элементов с образованием химических связей.


The Period 7 elements that constitute the second inner transition series (5f block), which includes thorium (Th; Z = 90) through lawrencium (Lr; Z = 103). (256) activated complex (See transition state.)

Ekzotermik reaksiya

– issiklik chikishi bilan boradigan reaksiya.

Вещество -

То, из чего состоят физические тела.

activation energy (fa)

The minimum energy with which mol­ecules must collide to react. (519)


– eritmalari yoki suyuklanmalari elektr tokini utkazadigan moddalar.

Внутри молекулярные окислительно-восстановителные реакции -

Реакции, в которых окислитель и восстановитель находятся в одной и той же молекуле, являются атомами разных элементов

active site

The region of an enzyme formed by specific amino acid side chains at which catalysis occurs. (532) activity (^) (also decay rate) The change in number of nuclei (П) of a radioactive sample divided by the change in time (t). (772) activity series of the metals A listing of metals arranged in order of decreasing strength of the metal as a reducing agent in aqueous reactions. (138)


– elektr toki ta'sirida elektrolit eritmalarda yoki suyuklanmalarda boradigan oksidlanish-kaytarilish prosessi;

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