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Title: J Hist Dent

(J. Hist. Dent.)

? Peterson, J. (1997), Solving the mystery of the Colorado Brown Stain. J Hist Dent, 45 (2), 57-61.

Abstract: The life and work of Dr. Frederick S. McKay in solving the mystery of the Colorado Brown Stain changed the objectives of restorative and preventive dentistry. McKay was an intellectually diversified man whose personal interests ranged from economics to opera. Professionally his strong commitment to research led to dedicate thirty years of his life to the search for the mysterious agent that caused the Colorado Brown Stain which mottled but also produced caries-free teeth. His discovery of fluoride in drinking water and its effect on enamel was a critical breakthrough in understanding the etiology and prevention of dental caries. This discovery is the foundation for water fluoridation which is the single most effective public health measure to inhibit tooth decay.

Title: Journal of Historical Sociology

Full Journal Title: Journal of Historical Sociology

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Publisher: Interperiodica, Birmingham

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Impact Factor

? Hodgson, G.M. (2004), Social darwinism in anglophone academic journals: A contribution to the history of the term. Journal of Historical Sociology, 17 (4), 428-463.

Full Text: J His Soc17, 428

Abstract: This essay is a partial history of the term “Social Darwinism”. Using large electronic databases, it is shown that the use of the term in leading Anglophone academic journals was rare up to the 1940s. Citations of the term were generally disapproving of the racist or imperialist ideologies with which it was associated. Neither Herbert Spencer nor William Graham Sumner were described as Social Darwinists in this early literature. Talcott Parsons (1932, 1934, 1937) extended the meaning of the term to describe any extensive use of ideas from biology in the social sciences. Subsequently, Richard Hofstadter (1944) gave the use of the term a huge boost, in the context of a global anti-fascist war.

? Joyce, S. and Schrader, A.M. (2004), Notes for authors. Journal of Historical Sociology, 17 (4), 519-520.

Full Text: J His Soc17, 519

Title: Journal of the History of Biology

Full Journal Title: Journal of the History of Biology

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Subject Categories:

Impact Factor

? Gingras, Y. (2010), Revisiting the “Quiet Debut” of the Double Helix: A bibliometric and methodological note on the “Impact” of scientific publications. Journal of the History of Biology, 43 (1), 159-181.

Abstract: The object of this paper is two-fold: first, to show that contrary to what seem to have become a widely accepted view among historians of biology, the famous 1953 first Nature paper of Watson and Crick on the structure of DNA was widely cited - as compared to the average paper of the time - on a continuous basis from the very year of its publication and over the period 1953-1970 and that the citations came from a wide array of scientific journals. A systematic analysis of the bibliometric data thus shows that Watson’s and Crick’s paper did in fact have immediate and long term impact if we define “impact” in terms of comparative citations with other papers of the time. In this precise sense it did not fall into “relative oblivion” in the scientific community. The second aim of this paper is to show, using the case of the reception of the Watson-Crick and Jacob-Monod papers as concrete examples, how large scale bibliometric data can be used in a sophisticated manner to provide information about the dynamic of the scientific field as a whole instead of limiting the analysis to a few major actors and generalizing the result to the whole community without further ado.

Keywords: Bibliometric, Bibliometrics, Citation, Citation Analysis, Citations, Co-Citation Mapping, Crick, DNA, Francis Crick, Francois Jacob, Impact, Jacques Monod, JD Watson, Journals, Networks, Publication, Publications, Scientific Impact, Scientific Journals, Time, Watson

Title: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

Full Journal Title: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0022-5045


Journal Country/Territory:


Publisher: Interperiodica, Birmingham

Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

Impact Factor

Title: Journal of the History of the Neurosciences

Full Journal Title: Journal of the History of the Neurosciences

ISO Abbreviated Title:

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Subject Categories:

Impact Factor

? Christen, M. (2008), Varieties of publication patterns in neuroscience at the cognitive turn. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, 17 (2), 207-225.

Abstract: The quantification of publication activity and impact has become a key element in the evaluation of scientific excellence. However, it is unclear to what extent this grasps the diversity of research communication that accompanies the transition of scientific fields. This contribution investigates number, categorization, and impact of publications (i.e., publication patterns) of six scientists active at the cognitive turn, which promoted the information processing perspective on neuronal processes in different communities: Horace Barlow, Theodore Bullock, Ralph Gerard, Donald MacKay, Warren McCulloch, and Werner Reichardt. The large variety of publication patterns revealed indicates the limits of standardized evaluation procedures based on publication activity.

Keywords: Bibliometrics, Citation Analysis, Computational Neuroscience, Conferences, Cybernetics, Evaluation, Impact, Information Theory, Publication, Publication Activity, Publications, Research, Science Evaluation

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