Rich Dad Poor Dad is a starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future

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Mortgage Payment
Rental Income
Real Estate
Consumer Loans
Credit Cards

Chapter Two: Lesson 2
All of these diagrams are obviously oversimplified. Everyone has 
living expenses, the need for food, shelter, and clothing. The diagrams 
show the flow of cash through a poor, middle-class, and wealthy 
person’s life. It is the cash flow that tells the story of how a person 
handles their money.
The reason I started with the story of the richest men in America 
is to illustrate the flaw in believing that money will solve all problems. 
That is why I cringe whenever I hear people ask me how to get rich 
quicker, or where they should start. I often hear, “I’m in debt, so I need 
to make more money.”
But more money will often not solve the problem. In fact, it may 
compound the problem. Money often makes obvious our tragic human 
flaws, putting a spotlight on what we 
don’t know. That is why, all too often, a 
person who comes into a sudden windfall 
of cash—let’s say an inheritance, a pay 
raise, or lottery winnings—soon returns 
to the same financial mess, if not worse, than the mess they were in 
before. Money only accentuates the cash-flow pattern running in your 
head. If your pattern is to spend everything you get, most likely an 
increase in cash will just result in an increase in spending. Thus, the 
saying, “A fool and his money is one big party.”
I have said many times that we go to school to gain scholastic 
and professional skills, both of which are important. We learn to 
make money with our professional skills. In the 1960s when I was in 
high school, if someone did well academically, people assumed this 
bright student would go on to be a medical doctor because it was the 
profession with the promise of the greatest financial reward.
Today, doctors face financial challenges I wouldn’t wish on my 
worst enemy: insurance companies taking control of the business, 
managed health care, government intervention, and malpractice suits. 
Today, kids want to be famous athletes, movie stars, rock stars, beauty 
queens, or CEOs because that is where the fame, money, and prestige 
are. That is the reason it is so hard to motivate kids in school today. 

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