Roleplaying game

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Chapter 2: Creating a Character
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Large 
Stature distinction:
•  You can easily reach objects on high shelves, are easy to spot in a crowd
can see over other people, and tend to hit your head on doorways.
•  When performing a check for which you can take advantage of your 
size (such as a Fitness [Earth] check to hold up a heavy object or a 
Labor [Earth] check to build the frame of a house), you may reroll up 
to two dice during Step 3: Assemble and Roll Dice Pool.
Paragon of a Bushidō Tenet (Various)
Type: Mental, Virtue
Description: Courage (Fire), Propriety (Air), Compassion (Water), Loy-
alty (Earth), Justice (Void), Mindfulness (Void), Truth (Void). A charac-
ter may have multiple instances of this advantage for different tenets.
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Paragon of a Bushidō 
Tenet distinction:
•  You believe utterly in the chosen Bushidō tenet, and other people can 
instinctively discern that your actions are genuine when you act in 
accordance with it.
•  When performing a check for which you need to convince others of or 
leverage your faith in the Bushidō tenet (such as a Performance check 
to recount a tale that impresses its importance upon others or a Mar-
tial Arts [Melee] check to take up arms for this cause), you may reroll 
up to two dice during Step 3: Assemble and Roll Dice Pool.
Precise Memory (Earth)
Type: Mental
Description: Almost any fact that enters your head stays there forever.
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Precise 
Memory distinction:
•  You can recall anything you have read or heard within the current 
game session exactly, and can often dredge up older facts with much 
greater ease than others.
•  When performing a check for which you must recall details precisely 
(such as a Games [Earth] check to recall the opening moves of a 
classic defensive strategy in shogi or a Government [Earth] check to 
remember the specifics of a historical event), you may reroll up to two 
dice during Step 3: Assemble and Roll Dice Pool.
Quick Reflexes (Fire)
Type: Physical, Interpersonal
Description: You have especially fast reaction time for athletic feats.
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Quick 
Reflexes distinction:
•  At the start of each scene, you can always grab an item within reach 
or reposition it a few meters within your environment. The GM is the 
final arbiter of how much you can prepare or how much distance you 
can achieve before the rest of the scene begins.
•  When performing a check for which you must act swiftly (such as a 
Meditation [Fire] check to generate initiative during a duel or a Sur-
vival [Fire] check to put together a makeshift weapon), you may reroll 
up to two dice during Step 3: Assemble and Roll Dice Pool.
Seasoned (Void)
Type: Mental, Interpersonal
Description: You’ve been a samurai for some time now and have seen 
some things.
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Seasoned distinction:
•  You are older and more worldly than most of your fellows, and have 
learned a few things along the way. While you do not start with addi-
tional experience, your experience expenditures might reflect “reveal-
ing” aspects of yourself you have held back to avoid overshadowing 
your younger companions. You have met members of many cultures 
and organizations, and you know how to properly behave in almost 
any city in Rokugan—and perhaps even beyond. You also know many 
other old people, and the breadth of your acquaintances often sur-
prises your younger companions.
•  When performing a check for which your hard-earned wisdom is an 
advantage (such as a Courtesy [Void] check to impart wisdom to an 
impetuous comrade or a Theology [Void] check to intuit whether a 
spirit will appreciate your offering), you may reroll up to two dice dur-
ing Step 3: Assemble and Roll Dice Pool.
Sixth Sense (Void)
Type: Spiritual
Description: You are especially in tune with the spirit world, even if you 
cannot hear or speak to the kami directly. If you do have the gifts of a 
shugenja, you are especially sensitive to mystical phenomena.
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Sixth Sense distinction:
•  You have an instinctive sense of supernatural beings, and you can feel 
the presence of spirits and similar beings even when they have not 
chosen to reveal themselves. This feeling is ominous in the presence 
of beings with evil intentions and neutral when the beings are simply 
going about their business as usual.
•  When performing a check for which you need to follow your hunches 
(such as a Meditation [Void] check to generate initiative during a duel 
or a Theology [Void] check to detect a snarl in the invisible threads of 
the universe), you may reroll up to two dice during Step 3: Assemble 
and Roll Dice Pool.
Small Stature (Air)
Type: Physical
Description: You are smaller than most other people.
Effects: The following apply to a character with the Small 
Stature distinction:
•  You can fit into small spaces, can hide behind other people, are hard 
to spot in a crowd, and sometimes need assistance reaching objects on 
high shelves.
•  When performing a check for which being small is helpful (such as a 
Fitness [Air] check to resist a critical strike by evading or a Skuldug-
gery [Air] check to pick someone’s pocket), you may reroll up to two 
dice during Step 3: Assemble and Roll Dice Pool.
Subtle Observer (Air)
Type: Interpersonal, Mental
Description: You have a innate sense of empathy for the feelings of oth-
ers, even when they are trying to tamp down their emotions.

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