Routledge Library Editions karl marx

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Fribourg, S. G., 337-8, 541, 353 Friedlander, 487 Friedlander, Max, 255, 277 Friend of the People, The, 244 Fritzsche, 399-400

Frobel, Julius, 52, 56, 61, 97, 115 Fugitives Aid Committee, The, 200

Gabler, Georg Andreas, 10 Gagern, Friedrich, Freiherr von, 285 Galileo, 53 Gans, Eduard, 3, 10

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 277, 307, 321, 323,

408-g 470 Gartenlaube, Die, 284, 287, 382 Gaskell, Peter, 105 Gastein, Treaty of, 343 Geib, August, 508 Geiger, 174 Gerlach, von, 50

German ^League, The, 162, 168, 269-70, 2 74-6

German People’s Party, The, 396, 400, 417, 420

German Workers A^ssociation (Brussels), The, 140, 144 Gejellscha/tsspiegel, Der, 112-3 Gibbon, Edward, 148 _

Gladstone, William Ewart, 325, 387, 392,

4l6, 432-3 Gneisenau, August von, 163 Goejhe, Johann Wolfgang von, 2, 6, 80, 88-g, 133, 225, 231, 233, 302, 306,


Gove^rnment of National Defence

(France), 295, 441 Graber, The Brothen, 88 Granville, Lord, 455, 459 Great Exhibition of 1862, The, 303, 319, 321, 342 Greene, Robert, i i 1 Greif, 220

Greulich, Hermann, 516 Grevy, -Mo

Grimm, The Brothers, 2gB Grimm,Jakob, 19,236 Ground Rent, 126 Grun, Karl, 89, i 12 -i'5, 120, 133 Guesde, Jules, 515, 523-4 Guillaume, j^nes, 414, 417, 430-1, 466, 468, 476, 479, 487, 489-91, 516 Guizot, Guillaume, 62, 75, 79, 86-7, 190, 194-5.

Gumpert, Dr., 501 Gutzkov, Karl, ^90-

Habsburgs, The, 266-7, 270 Hagen, 21

Hales, John, 485-8, 494-5, 516 Hallischen Jahrbiicher, Die, 17-18, 22 HandworUrbuch fur Staatswissemchtlften, Das, 264

Hansemann, David Ludwig, 157-9, 170 H ardenberg, Karl August von, 8 Harnack, Adolf von, 22 Harney, George Julian, 136, 244-5 Hasenclever, Wilhelm, 508

Hasselmann, Wilheh.1, 508 Hatzfeldt, Countes Sophie von, 176-7, 25! 3^ 333^ ^3 Hauff, Wilhelm, 88 Haussmann, 439 Hebbel, Fri^edrich, 503 Heddeghem, 487-8

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 9-10, i5-*6, 19, 23-4, 28,30, 32-^ 3^4^ 64-5, 73, 80, 91, 96, ga, I ii, 113, 120, 122, 124, 127-8, 225, 232-3, 259, 3of, 383, 51 I Hegelian Club, The Young, 12, 15, 18,

22, 44

Heine, Heinrich, 1, 3-4, I 1,43, 58, 62-3, 76, 7^^!, 86^-9<>, 109, 112, 176, 232,

249, 503, 5i3 Heineccius, I I Heinzen, Karl, 134 Helvetius, Claude Adrien, 75 Hengstenberg, 2!, 90 Henze, 188-g Hepner, Adolf, 487 Heraclitus, 24, 29 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 7 Her^^, Der, 278 Hermes, 5!

Herwegh, Georg, 45-6, 49, 54, 58, 62-3, 79,85, 129, 147, !54-5, 175,284,406 Herzen, Alexander, 407, 409, 423-4, 429,


Hes, Moses, 35, 43, 58, 106, !! 2-14, ! 16, !!8-!9, 135, 140, 142, 147, 330; 402, 4^ 423 Hinckeldey, 200 Hirsch, Karl, 519-23 Hirsch, Wilhelm, 220 Hobbes, Thomas, 132 Hochberg, Karl, 512-4, 520-1 HOdel, Max, 343, 518 Holbach, Paul Heinrich Dietrich, Baron von, 75 Holberg, 169

Hollinger, Fidelio, 279, 282, 287, 289 Homer, 8, 503 Hugo, Victor, 214 Humboldt, Alexander von, 86 Hutten, Ulrich von, 14, 163 Hyndman, Henry Mayers, 505-8, 525-8

Imandt, Peter, 175, 249, 296 Imbert, Jacques, 140, 142 Immermaim, 89

International Working-men’s .As:.ociation : First Conference, 337-4!

First Congress, 352-5 Second Congress, 387-9 Third Congress, 460-3 Fourth Congress, 415, 417-20 French “ Bomb Plot ”, The, 433 Addresses on the War in France, 450-4 Second Conference, 472-5

Intentional Working-men’s Auociation (eontilUJ) :

English Federal Council formed, 486 Fifth Congres.!, 486-91 General Council moves to New York, 4?9-^o

S^it in English Section, 495 Sixth Congres.!, 495-8 Alliance Memorandum, The, 496-9 Irish Question, The, 236, 3^^2, 432-3 Isabella of Spain, 416 Ivanov, 464-5

Jacoby, Dr., 221

Jacoby, Johann, 38, 40, 49, 58, 3^ 396 4:l7, i42

Jahrbudi fUr Soz.ial^wiserucAa/i, Das, 520 James II, 7 Jeserich, I9B, 200 Johann, Archduke of Austria, 157 Jomini, 236

Jones, Ernest, 136, 242, 244-8, 289, 319 Jonson, Ben, I 11

Jottrand, Lucien Leopold, 140, 142 JOUTNJOUTNJ de G^mke, Ie, 499 J^^od des DllJats, le, 75 Jung, Georg, 35-8, 40, 83, 136, 250, 337, 341, 352, 388, 402, 417-18, 430, 468, 485, 494-5 Jungnitt, gB Justice, la, 524

Kant, Immanuel, 20, 28, 113 Katkoff, Michael, 427, 4gB Ka^r, Max, 519 Kingsley, Charles, 318 Kinkel, Gottfried, l^6-.,')(), 211-13, 216217, 219, 278-g, 2d4, 287 Kl^ladadatsch, Der, 451 Klapka, Georg, 285, 295 Klein, 11

Klein, Jobann Jakob, 22l Kock, Paul de, 505 Kolb, 286-7 Kolliker, Al^bert, 227 Koloko/, 407

Kiilnisehe 34-8, 51, 83, 155 Koppon, Karl Friedrich, 18-21, 23-5, 34, 45, gB

Kosuth, Ludwig, 213, 216, 219, 242, 285 Kr^-Zeiticig, DU, 47, 187, 333 Kriege, Hermann, iii, 118-19, 138, 185 XWminal-

Kropotkin, Prince Peter, 516 Krummacher, go

Kugelmann, Dr. Ludwig, 346, 349, 351, 358-, 381--2, 385, 388, 428, 433, 446, 448, 454, 485, 487 Kuhlwetter, Fr. Chr. Hubert von, 301

Ladenberg, 26 Ladendorff, 388

nal^^ie, Laura, 380-1, 384, 421, 529 ^^^e, Paul, 345, 349, 380-1, 384, 487, 489. 496, 502-3, 505-8, 5:l4.


Lamartine, Alfons de, 58 Lammenais, Hugues de, 58, 76 Land and Labour League, The, 420 Lange, Friedrich Albert. 383, 388 Lankester, Ray, 531 la, 520

I Lassalle, Ferdinand, 4, 79, go, 100, 1290, 135, 177, ■ go, 192, 223, 246, 2413, 251--2, 255-8, 264, 269-78, 282, 284. 29'-3, 295-8, 299-301, 307-15, 330-l. 333-4, 342-3, 367, 382, 39&-7, 399-400, 405, 435-8, 457, 481-2, 507, 509, 511 Arrest and Trial of, I 76 Second Arrest of, 181 Dispute with Marx and Engels, 271-7 Visit to Marx in London, 305-8 Death of, 3l4 Lassalleans, The (see also the A.D.A.V.), 440, 446, 455. 47g-81, 493, 507-8, 510-1 1, 514 Lalerne, Die, 519-21 Latour, General, 285 Laube, Heinrich. 89

League for Peace and Freedom, The, 389.

403, 409-10. 412, 428

League of the Just. The. 85, 118, 136, l38-9

Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste. 77, 208

Lehmann, Andreas, 208

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm. 3,22, 28,54

Lelewel, 163

le Lubez, 323-4

Lenau, Nikolaus. 89

^eo. 19

Leopold of Belgium, 152 ^aroux. Pierre. 44, 56, 58, 76, 78 ^Lesing, Gotthold Ephraim, 2-3, 11, 148, 230, 233. 308, 336 Ressner. Friedrich, 221--2, 249, 324, 402, 487, 530 Leupold, Consul, 88 Lewy, Gustav, 251-2, 293 Lichnowsky, Felix Prince von, 285 Liebknecht. Wilhelm, 202, 247, 249, 253, 264. 278-g, 282, 285-8, 292, 297, 330-4, 347. 382, 3^-8. 400, 4l7-!°. 420, 422-3, 426, 435-40, 446, 481. 484, 493, 502, 507-9. 5ll-l2 5I4- 517,520-1,031 Limousin. 337 Lincoln, Abraham, 335-8 Lissagaray, Prosper Olivier, 508 List, Friedrich, l08, 130 Liubavin, 422, 465, 492 Lochner, Georg, 249, 324, 530 Locke, John, 3, 75

London Trades Council, The, 355 Longuet, Charles, 349, ..87-8, 4-go, 506, 524- 530-1 Longuet, Jenny, 506, 527-4J, 530 Lopatin, Hermann, 385, 465 Lord, Percival Barton, 227 Louis XIV, 117 Louis XV, 7 Louis XVI, 129, 132 Louis Philippe, 54 Lucain, 488

Lucraft, Benjamin, 321, 349, 402, 417, 458, 460 Lucreiius, 28-9 Luden, 11

Luning, Otto, 112, 114-15 Luther, Martin, 119, 231 Luxemburg, Affair, The, 359, 393

MacCulloch, john Ramsay, 109 Malmo, Truce of, 168-9 Malon, Benoit, 524

Malthus, Thomas Robert, 95, 149, 309 Manteuffel, Otto Theodor von, 1 87-4J, 200, 242, 301 Marat, jean Paul, 99, 245, 51 1 Marlowe, Christopher, 1 1 1 Mamillaise, la, 429, 433 Marlin, Henri, 34 I

Marx, Edgar (“ Musch ”), 1 74, 247, 2gB

Marx, Eleanor (“ Tussy ”), 1, 246, 2gB, 507, 528 Marx, Emilie, 1

Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute, The, 294 Marx, Eva (nee Moses), 1 Marx, Franziska, 2 1 I, 2 1 7 Marx, Guido, 210 Marx, Heinrich, 1-2, 14"

Marx, Jenny (see also von Westphalen), 56, 86, 152, 190, 192, 210-11, 217, 220, 223, 234, 247-9, 255, 288, 296-8, 304. 343, 389, 506, 526-8 Marx, Jenny (see also Longuet), 174. 210.

2gB, 421, 433 Marx, Karl Heinrich :

Birth of, 1

College Finals in Trier (Trcvcs), 4 Bonn Studies, 5

Logagement toJenny von Westphalen, 5

Matriculation, 10

Poetic Attempts, 10-1 1

Studies Hegel in Berl in, 12

Takes Degree of Dr. Phil. at Jena, 27

Editor of Rheinische Zeitung, 36

Resignation from Editorship, 50

Marriage to Jenny von Westphalen, 56

Departure for Pari.;, 56

Studies French Socialism, 74-6

Expulsion from Paris, 87

Goes to Brussels, 109

Marx, Karl Heinrich (contimut!) : Abandons Prussian Nationality, 1109 Breach with Weitling, I 19 Answer to Proudhon, 121-7 Joins League of the Just, 139 Visit to Vienna, 178 Arrested and Expelled from Belgium, ■52

Editor of the Neue ^Rhei'nische Zet^tung, 155-6

Trial and Acquittal in Cologne, i8i--3 Expulsion from ^^roany, 188 ^Leaves France for England. I go Chelsea Eviction, 210 Visits ^^^le in Berlin, 299 Value, Price and Profit, 336 Last Illness and Death, 530 Marx, Laura (see also Lafargue), 174, 2gB, 345 Marx, Levi, ■

Marx, Luise, 2 Marx, Samuel, 1 Marx, Sophie, 1-2, 5, 10 Maurice, 318

Mazzini, Giuseppe, 208, 242, 285, 307, . 31 7, 324, 389, 407-9, 470 Meissner, Otto, 358 Melanchthon, Philipp, 231 Mellinei, General, 140, 142 Mendelssohn, Moses, 3, 69 Menzel, Adolf, go Metternich, Klemens, 15, 62, 81 Meyen, Eduard, 18, 45-7, gB, 185, 250 Meyer, Julius, 116 Meyer, Siegfried, 359 Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 81 Mieroslavski, Ludwig, 163 Milke, 487

Mill, John Stuart, 351

Miquel, Johannes, 202, 250-1, 264

Mudern Thought, 526

Moll, Joseph, 85, 136, ■38-g, 14-3, '54, 171, 173, 185, igG, 201 Moltke, Helmuth, Count von, 435 Aioniteur, le, 187 More, Sir Thomas, 77 Morning Advertiser, Tk, 407 Most, Johann, 508, 512, 514, 520 Moneler, Julius, 508 Moussu, le, 496 Muller, 174 Mundt, Theodor, 89

Napier, 236

National Labour Union, The, 416 National-Verein, Der, 276, 320, 346 National Ztitung, Die, 288-93 Netchayeff, Sergei, 462-6, 409, 474, 478, 497

Neu-England Ztitung, Die, 223 Neue Rheinisck Revue, Die, 191, 195, aOO, 207, 209, 214, 234, 281

Neue ^terdsche Zeitegg, Die, '56, '58-66, '68-74, '77-80, '83-9, 212, 214, 239, 241-2, 245, 29', 299, 3'', 317, 332, 468, 4'0, 532 Founding of, '55 Suppression of, '73 Reappearance of, 178 End of, '89 Neue Sozial^mokrat, Der, 479 Neue Zeit, Die, 278 NeufchStel Affair, The, 242 New Moral World, The, '09 New Unionism, The, 32', 4'6, 461 New Tork Tribme, The, '72, 213, 227-8, 235, 238-9 243-4, 250 m 255, 258, 274, 279, 2g8, 30', 532 Nine Hours League, The, 46'

Nobiling, Karl Eduard, 343, 518 Nor^thern Star, 1109, '36, 245

North German League, The, 359, 393, 3g6, 436, 44'-2 North German Reichstag, The, 3g6, 437, 446

Notes to the People, 244 Nothjung, Peter, 2'2, 22'

O’Brien, Bronterre, 459 Observer, The, 454

Odger, George, 32'-2, 337, 34', 352, 355, 389, 392, 45or6°

Ogarev, 466

Ollivier, 433, 472

Oppenheim, Dagobert, 35-6, 5'

Orsini, Count Felice, 268 Otto, 22'

Ovid, ii

Owen, Robert, '09, 318

Paepe, Ca!sar de, 337, 339-4°, 402, 4'9, 515-16

Palmerston, Lord, 240, 243-4, 256, 321, 323, 433 Parliamentary Cretinism, 39, 42 I Party of Action (Italian), The, 267, 307 Peace of:

Basle, 275 Frankfort, 450 Tilsit, 443 Villa Franca, 277 Pecquer, Constantin, 76 People's Paper, The, 242, 244 People’s Will Party, The, 525 Perron, 424-7 Peter the Great, 24°, 339 Pfander, Karl, 138, 2rg, 206, 324.

Pfuel, General, '7°, 173, 179 Philips, Lion, 2, 299 Pieper, Wilhelm, 201-2, 218 Platen, August Count von, I I, 90 Plato, 23-4, 28

Plechanov, Georg Valentinoviich, 525

Plutarch, 28

Polish Question, The, '^^1, '63, 24', 322, 34rwi, 353 Pompadour, Marquise de, 7 Post, Die, 47 Potter, George, 389 Pressburg, Henrietta, I Presse, Die, 228, 255, 277, 301 Prltendues scissions, les, 477-9, 497 Preussische Staaisanzeiger, Der, 47 Progris, le, 4'5, 474

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 44, 58, 63, 78, 84, 94, 102, ''3, ''6-'7, ''9-28, '36, 2'4-i5, 257, 295, 307, 3'lH20.. 333, 339-40 349, 38', 385, 402,

404-5, 449, 480 Provincial Korrespon^denz, Die, 44:

Pulski, 285

Puttkamer, Elisabeth Von, 360 Puttmann, ' '2 Pyat, Felix, 40'

Radetzky, Johann Joseph Count von, '78

Radical Democratic Party, The, 157 Rahel (see Varnhagen von Ense)

Ranke, Leopold von, '9 Ranvier, Gabriel, 487, 490 Raumer, 19

Red Republican, The, 244-5 Reform Bill, The, 94, 459 Reforme, la, '36

Reform League, The, 336, 416 Reiff, 22'

Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, '6 Reimer, 508

Reinhardt, Richard, 249 Rempel, ''6, '88 Renard, 47-8 Reuter, Fritz, 63 Reveil, le, 423 Revolution :

Copenhagen, 167

French (Great), 19, 74-5, 99-100, '13, 203, 322 July '830, 16, '40 February '848, '52 March '848, '52, 154, '57, '82,317 Revolution, Die, 2 14, 217 Revolution Sociale, la, 475, 477 Revue Socialisle, la, 524 Rheinische Allgemeine Zeitung, Die, 35 Rheinische Beobachter, Der, '3rw2, 33' Rheinischen Jahrbikher, Die, 1' 2 Rheinische Zeitung, Die, 35-6, 4rw', 43-51, 53, 66, 75, 78, ^ 9'^ 97, ^ 245, 292, 532 Founding of, 34

Petition against Suppression, 50 Suppression of, 5rwi Rhenish League, The, 439 Ricamarit Massacre, The, 4 I 5

Ricardo, David, 75, 94, 109, 122-4, I50, 257, 260, 309, 372 Richard, 427

Rittipghausen, Moritz, 487 Roach, 487

Robin, Paul, 424-7, 430, 468 Rochefort, Henri, 429, 433, 520 Rockel, August, 199

Rodbertus-Jagetzow, Johann Karl, 312, 342, 344 Roon, General, 447 Roscher, Wilhelm, 233, 383 Roser, Peter Gerhardt, 221, 334 Rouher, 392

Roy, J., 385

Ruge, Arnold, 17, 19, 22, 32-4, 39-40, 45-6, 48, 50-1, 53-64,68, 74, 78, 8° 82-5,87, 92, 97, 115, 178, 208, 212, 280, 296, 384, 406-7, 409 Riistov, 307

Rutenberg, Adolf, 18, 35-6, 45, 47-9, gB

Saint-Paul, 50-1 Saint Simon, 76 Sand, George, 76, 127 Sassulitch, Vera, 525 Saturday Review, The, 386 Saxon People’s Part, The, 396 Schabelitz, Jacques, 222, 466 Schabelitz, Sen., 209 Schaible, Karl Heinrich, 290 Schaper, von, 47, 49 Schapper, Karl, 85, 136, 138-9, 143, *54-5, >7', '73, '80, 185,. 201, 206-7, 222, 224, 249 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm, 27, 56-7, 92

Scheu, 487

Schiller, Friedrich von, 2, 7, 11, 231, 287, 306, 503

Schily, Victor, 175, 249, 285, 337 Schleiden, Matthias Jakob, 227 Schleiermacher, go-i Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph, 19 Schneider, Karl, 171, 180 Schnuchel, 198

Schopenhauer, Arthur, '9, 503 Schorlemmer, Karl, 53 I Schramm, Carl August, 510, 520-' Schramm, Konrad, '91, 201-2, 206, 249,

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