Short Stories in English for Beginners

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Short Stories In English for Beginners Book

Lucy opened the door. Walter looked around in surprise. It was a huge
room. It was full of beautiful and expensive furniture. It was also very neat
and clean.
Brian the butler soon came in. He had brought 
afternoon tea
‘Sir …’ said Brian.
‘Walter, please.’
‘Walter, would you like something to drink?’
‘Yes, a cup of tea. Thank you.’

Lucy took off her jacket. It was a very hot day. Brian spoke to Walter
again. ‘Let me take your jacket, sir.’ Walter took off his jacket. He handed it
to the butler. Brian left the room and then quickly returned. He handed
some hot tea to Walter. Then he left Lucy and Walter alone.
Lucy and Walter sat down. They looked at each other. ‘Welcome to my
home, Walter. May I ask why you are here?’
Walter drank some tea. Then he set his cup on the table. ‘I need to know
a number,’ he said calmly.
Like David, Lucy was surprised. ‘A number?’ she asked.
‘Yes, a number.’
 number?’ asked Lucy.
‘Yes. It would be on an object you have. Please make an effort to
remember it.’
Lucy thought for a while. She tried to understand what Walter meant.
However, unlike David, she didn’t remember anything.
‘I don’t know what you mean. Please, if you could explain …’
Walter looked around. The second number must be here somewhere, he
thought. Of course, the photo! He must show her the photo!
‘Can your butler bring my jacket, please?’ asked Walter.
‘Of course,’ replied Lucy.
Brian left the room. Seconds later, he appeared with Walter’s jacket.
Walter reached into his jacket. It had many pockets. It was difficult to find
the photo. It took time. Lucy was becoming 
At last, he found it. ‘Here it is!’ Walter laughed. ‘I have it! We need the
number for this.’
He put the picture of the chest on the table. Lucy took the picture in her
hands. She looked at it carefully. Suddenly, she remembered something!
‘I don’t know why … But I think I remember something,’ she said.
‘Think, Lucy, think,’ said Walter.
Lucy stood up. ‘Come with me, Walter,’ she said. ‘I don’t know who you
are or what you want. But you’ve made me think of something.’

Walter smiled. He and Lucy left the house. They entered a small building
next to it. The inside of the building was like a small private 
There were many drawings, paintings and other things of value.
Near a beautiful drawing, Lucy found a small box. She opened it. There
was a necklace inside. The necklace was just like David’s. It was very old,
but Lucy was able to open the necklace. She was still able to recognize the
number inside.
Lucy gave the necklace to Walter. He looked at it carefully. ‘OK. That’s
all I needed,’ he said calmly.
‘I still don’t understand, Walter. What is it that you want? The chest
reminded me of the necklace. But I don’t know why. Do you? Is that
Walter paused a moment. ‘I have to go now, Lucy. Please don’t ask any
more questions.’ He handed her a letter. Then Walter paused and said,
‘Remember the number. And read this. It will help.’
Walter turned and left Lucy’s house. As he disappeared, he called, ‘I’m
off to London! See you soon, Lucy!’
Lucy didn’t say goodbye. She couldn’t. She had no idea why Walter had
come. She looked at the letter. It all seemed very suspicious, but yet
somehow important. She preferred to forget everything. But she would let
the old man have his fun. She slowly opened the letter.

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