SöZLÜK “b”la : V i. ~b gapir to insert a "b" before each vowel (a kind of pig Latin). “j”la

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Qalam : (Arabic) pencil, pen, reed pen; mascara; mascara stick; chisel; (dial.) Slice, cut. Tosh ~ slate pencil (s. Po'lat ~ (arch.) Ink pen. ~ ahli or ahli ~ literati. ~ ojiz words do not suffice. ~i ojiz inept at writing. ~i o'tkir sharp witted (writer). Yosh ~lar young writers. ~ yurgiz /~ qosh or qoshi ~ straight, even eyebrows (a sign of beauty).

Qalama : stacked.

Qalamcha : small pencil or pen; pencil stub; scion, cutting.

Qalamdon : pen holder.

Qalami 1 : coarse, striped, handwoven fabric.

Qalami 2 : handwritten (with a reed pen).

Qalamkash : penman, writer.

Qalamkashlik : abstr. Of qalamkash.

Qalampir : red pepper (s. Garmdori); cloves.qalampirgul bot.mignonette.

Qalampirmunchoq : string of cloves.

Qalamqosh : s. Qalam qosh.

Qalamrav : obs. Territory, kingdom.

Qalamtarosh : pen knife, pocket knife.

Qalandar : wandering mendicant dervish; ascetic, recluse, hermit; name of an Ozbek melody.

Qalandarbachcha : apprentice of a wandering dervish.

Qalandarbachchalik : abstr. Of qalandarbachcha.

Qalandarxona hist. : lodge for wandering dervishes.

Qalang'i qasang'i : riffraff, rabble.

Qalash  : v.i. Coop. Of qala ; to lie in a heap, to be piled up. ~ib yot  to be in a heap or pile, to lie all over the place in heaps. [qalashtir , qalashtiril ]

Qalay(i) : tin.

Qalay : how?; well now, so. ~siz? How are you?

Qalayla  : v.t. To solder (s. Kavsharla ); to coat with tin. [qalaylan , qalaylat , qalaylattir ]

Qalayli : stannic.

Qalb 1 : (Arabic) heart. ~i shod full of joy. (chin) ~dan from the bottom of one's heart, sincerely.

Qalb 2 : (Arabic) deceitful, underhanded; false, fake; cheat, swindler.

Qalbaki : fake, phony, forged.

Qalbakichi : faker, falsifier, forger, crook.

Qalbakilash  : v.i. To become phony or insincere (s. Soxtalash ). [qalbakilashtir , qalbakilashtiril ]

Qalbakilik : fakeness, phoniness; falseness, deception, forgery.

Qalban : (Arabic) inside, in one's heart; sincerely.

Qalbdosh lit. : soul mate.

Qalblik : underhandedness, deceitfulness.qaldir quldir ono.trembling, rumbling noises.

Qaldira  : v.i. To tremble, to rumble. Tili ~di a cat got his tongue. [qaldirat ]qaldirg'och zool.swallow; harbinger, messenger.

Qaldiroq : trembling, rumbling.

Qalin 1 : thick; dense; heavy (clothing); close (friends); deep (snow); packed, crowded. Odam ~ crowded with people.

Qalin 2 : bride price.

Qalinchi : servant working to pay off bride money paid by the master.

Qalinlash  : v.i. To thicken, to become dense; to become close (friends); to become numerous or crowded.

Qalinlat  : v.t. To thicken.

Qalinlik : thickness; closeness.

Qalliq : fiancé, young married woman; (coll.) Fiancé

Qallob : (Arabic) cheat, swindler.qallobchilik coll.s. Qalloblik.

Qalloblik : swindling, cheating, chicanery.qalmoq 1 coll.s. Qarmoq.

Qalmoq 2 : Kalmuck.

Qalmoqcha : Kalmuck style or language.

Qalmoqi : Kalmuck (in style).

Qaloq 1 : dried snot.qaloq 2 dial.bunch of sticks used as a whisk (s. Chilcho'p).

Qalov : v.n. Of ~ini top  to build properly (fire); to find the key to (doing s.t.).

Qalpoq : calpac; hat, headgear, cap ; helmet; skullcap (s. Do'ppi); cover, shade; head (nail).

Qalpoqchi : s. Qalpoqdo'z.

Qalpoqdo'z : calpac or hat maker.

Qalpoqdor : having a large head or cap.

Qalpoqli : wearing a hat; covered or shaded (by); having a large head or top.

Qalq  : s. Qalqi .

Qalqi  : v.i. To bob; to float; to drift; to rise, to jump up; to appear, to come forth, to well up; to waver; (dial.) To trip; to gag. ~ib o'rnidan tur  to get up or jump up from one's place. ~ yiqil  to trip and fall. [qalqit , qalqish ]

Qalqiq : floating; convex, jutting, protruding.

Qalqon : shield. O'zini ~ qil  to use o.s. As a shield.

Qalqoncha : small shield; thorax.

Qalqonsimon : shield shaped; thyroid.

Qalqovich : float.

Qalquvchan : floating.

Qalt qalt : ~ titra  to shiver or shake badly.qaltilla  coll.s. Qaltira .

Qaltira  : v.i. To tremble, to shake, to shiver; to have spasms of greed. [qaltiran , qaltirat , qaltirash ]

Qaltirama : shaking, trembling; ?? (shaking, spastic disease); tetanus.

Qaltiroq : shake, shiver, tremor; trembling, shaking.

Qaltis : dangerous, tricky; critical, crucial. ~ odam dangerous person, person to be careful about. ~ yedi to be harmed. ~ ket  to make a critical mistake.

Qaltislik : riskiness, precariousness, dangerousness; critical or dangerous situation.

Qama  : v.t. To imprison, to put in jail; to confine, to corral; to stuff (into); (coll.) To ventilate with. [qamal , qamalish , qamat , qamattir , qamash ]

Qamal  : v.i. Pass. Of qama ; to lock o.s. In, to confine o.s.; to be trapped, to be caught, to be stuck (inside). [qamalish ]

Qamal : siege, encirclement. ~ qil  or ~ga ol  to encircle, to besiege, to lay siege to.

Qamar lit. : (Arabic) moon (s. Oy).
Qamariya lit. : (Arabic) lunar (year, calendar; s. Muharram, safar, rabbiulavval, rabbiulssoniy, jumodilavval, jumodissoniy, rajab, sha'bon, ramazon, shavvol, zulqa'da, zulhijja).

Qamash  : v.i. To be set on edge (teeth); to be dazzled (eyes). [qamashtir ]

Qamchi : whip. ~ bos /~ irg'it  to flail with a whip. ~ o'ynat  to twirl or flash a whip. ~sidan qon tomgan murderous, ruthless. ~ soch long beautiful braided hair.

Qamchila  : v.t. To whip, to flog; to prod, to force. Otni ~  to get a move on, to get going. [qamchilan , qamchilat , qamchilash ]

Qamchilash  : v.t. Coop. Of qamchila ; to whip one another.qamchin coll.s. Qamchi.qamchingul bot.a type of buckwheat.qamg'oq bot.baby's breath.qamich coll.s. Qamish.qamish bot.reed. ~dan bel bog'la  to roll up one's sleeves, to pitch into.

Qamishit : (Russian)

Qamishquloq : having long and erect ears (horse).

Qamishzor : reed bed.

Qamishzorlik : place covered with reed beds.

Qamoq : prison, jail.

Qamoqxona : prison, jailhouse.

Qamra  : v.t. To surround, to encircle; to hold, to draw in; to include. [qamrat ]qamsa  dial.s. Qamra .

Qamti : face to face. ~ qil /qo'y  to bring face to face.qanaqa coll.s. ~si which kind? (bu) ~si (bo'ldi)?! How the heck did this happen?, What's this? ~siga however.qanaqangi coll.s. Qanday.

Qancha : how much?, how many? ~(dan) ~ so many.

Qand : cube sugar. ~ choy tea with sugar. ~ kasalligi diabetes. ~ingni ur!/e! Bravo!Qanda obs.

Qand qurs : sugar, candy, etc.

Qandak : ~ o'rik a type of apricot.qandala zool.bedbug.qandalat coll.s. Qandolat.qandaqa coll.s. Qanday.

Qanday : what kind?; how?; (after V+~ qilib how? ~ bo'lmasin/~ qilay What am I to do?Qandaychangi dial.s. Qanday.

Qandaydir : some (kind) or other.

Qandday/dek : sweet as sugar; fine; in one lump sum. ~ qilib sanab ol  to count one's money in one nice lump sum, in one nice wad.

Qanddon : sugar dish.

Qandil : (Arabic) candelabra, chandelier; (bot.) A type of apple.qandim bot.Calligonum, a desert shrub.

Qandin : sweet, juicy.

Qandli : sugared, sweetened. ~ diabet diabetes mellitus (s. Shakarli diabet).

Qandolat : candy made from a nuts or fried chickpeas surrounded by a shell made of fruit syrup and flour; general term for locally made sweets.

Qandolatchi : maker of traditional candies and sweets.

Qandolatfurush : candyman (seller of traditional sweets).qandoq coll.s. Qanday.

Qani 1 : where? (for s.t. In that should be in the near vicinity).

Qani 2 : please, well, here. ~ Endi if only, wouldn't it be nice if.

Qanji(r)g'a (Mong.) : saddle bow straps.

Qanjiq : bitch; whore.qanjir zool.merganser.

Qanoat : (Arabic) contentment, happiness; confidence, surety. ~ hosil qil /Et  to be content with; to be satisfied.

Qanoatlan  : v.i. To be content, to content o.s. With. [qanoatlantir ]

Qanoatlanarli : satisfactory, adequate.

Qanoatlanarsiz : unsatisfactory.

Qanoatlantirarli : satisfactory.

Qanoatli : content.

Qanoatsiz : dissatisfied, discontented.

Qanor (qop) : large sack.

Qanora : meat hook.

Qanot quyruq : wings and tail; supporter, helper, protector.

Qanot : wing; fender; guardrail; flank; supporter, protector. ~ qoq  to flap one's wings; to fly off. ~ini qayir /~ bag'ishla /~ yoz /o'z ~i ostiga/~i ostida bo'l  to be under the wing of. ~i ostida saqla  to take under one's wing, to protect. ~ chiqar  to sprout wings.

Qanotlan  lit. : v.i. To grow wings; to yearn; to spread out. [qanotlantir ]

Qanotli : winged.

Qanotsiz : wingless.qanqay  coll.s. Qaqqay .

Qanqi  dial. : v.i. To wander around aimlessly.

Qanshar : bridge of the nose; forepart, nose (of an object).

Qantar  : v.t. To tether a horse so that it cannot reach its food; to starve, to leave w/o food or water; (coll.) To leave idle, to let rest. [qantaril , qantarish ]

Qantar : ~ og'di winter is half over. ~ga ol  (dial.) To hibernate.

Qantariq : seclusion or tethering away from food, forced starvation (of horse, etc.).qantarla  dial.s. Qantar .

Qantarliq : (horse, etc.) Tethered away from food.

Qanzi  : v.i. To grow hard (dough). [qanzit ]

Qapchi  dial. : v.i. To bounce back, to recoil; to jump up (from one's place).

Qapish  : v.i. To press tightly against; to sink in, to become hollow. [qapishtir ]

Qappay  : v.i. To bulge, to swell. Cho'ntagi ~  to have one's pockets bulge, to become rich. ~gan raqamlar exaggerated numbers. [qappaytir ]

Qappaytir  : v.t. Caus. Of qappay . Qorin ~  to stuff o.s.qaptal dial.side.qaq qaq ono.cackling, clucking sound.

Qaqa(q)la  : v.i. To cluck, to cackle (chicken). [qaqa(q)lan , qaqa(q)lat , qaqa(q)lash ]qaqajon dial.s. Qaqildoq.

Qaqanoq : dish made from the beestings of a sheep.qaqas dial.remote.

Qaqildoq : blabbermouth, know it all (girl).

Qaqilla  : s. ~b kul  to cackle, to chortle. [qaqillash ]

Qaqir ququr : things, stuff, junk.

Qaqir : dried up land.

Qaqirla  v.i : s. Qaqilla . [qaqirlash ]

Qaqola  : s. Qaqaqla . [qaqolat , qaqolash ]qaqqa coll.s. Qayoqqa.

Qaqqay  : v.i. To stand still as a post, to stand with one's feet rooted to the ground. ~gan odam person who dislikes work or is inept. [qaqqayish , qaqqaytir ]

Qaqra  : v.i. To become parched. [qaqrat ]

Qaqroq : parched.

Qaqsha  : v.i. To throb with pain; to shudder; to dry up; to plead, to beg. [qaqshat ]

Qaqshatqich : crippling, debilitating.

Qara  v.i., : v.t. To look, to look at, to face; to consider, to think (of, about); to look after, to take care of; to belong to; to depend on. Tomondan ~ganda when looked at from this angle. ~b qol  to just stare at. ~b tur /~b tur(ing)! Look!, Watch! Seni ~ yu Look at you! Qaysi yuz bilan ~(ydi)?! To be ashamed. ~b chiq  to take a look at, to look through. Bolaga ~ tur  to take care of a child. Bunga siz qanday ~siz? What do you think about this? Aql yoshga ~maydi Brains don't depend on age. Oftobga ~gan uy a house facing the sun. [qaral , qaran , qarat , qaratil , qarash ]

Qarab : converbial of bo'yiga ~ according to height. Toshkentga ~ towards Tashkent.qarag'ay bot.pine. Akang ~ I myself; We ourselves.

Qarag'ayzor : stand of pine trees.

Qaraganda : compared to, in relation to; judging by, looking at; according to.

Qaralmish : (gram.) Possessed object (taking a possessive ending).

Qaram : dependent (on), belonging to, subservient, subjugated.

Qarama qarshi : conflicting, opposed; facing, opposite one another.

Qarama qarshilik : conflicting nature, oppositeness; conflict.

Qaramasdan : s. Qaramay.

Qaramay : (+ga) w/o looking, w/o taking into consideration; in spite of, regardless of.

Qaramlik : dependency, subjection.

Qaramoq : ~ida bo'l  to be under the jurisdiction of; to be supported by, to be provided for by.

Qarash  v.i., : v.t. Coop. Of qara ; to help, to lend a hand. ~ib yuboraymi? Can I help?

Qarash : v.n. Of ~ qil  to look at meaningfully, to shoot a glance at.

Qarashli : under, belonging to.

Qarat  : v.t. Caus. Of qara ; to attract, to direct (attention). O'ziga ~  to make look at; to win over, to get control over. Birovning yuzini yerga ~  to make ashamed. [qaratil , qarattir ]

Qarata : facing, toward, to.

Qaratqich : ~ kelishigi genitive case.qarchig'ay zool.a type of sparrowhawk.

Qardosh : brother, sister, fellow. ~ tillar related languages.

Qardoshlarcha : fraternal, brotherly.

Qardoshlik : fraternity, brotherliness, closeness.

Qarg'a  : v.t. To imprecate, to curse. [qarg'al , qarg'an , qarg'at , qarg'ash ]qarg'a zool.crow; spade (cards). ~ shoyi multicolored silk material.qarg'ajiyda bot.wild oleaster.

Qarg'an  : v.i. To curse to o.s.

Qarg'ash : cursing; curse, imprecation.

Qarg'ish : curse, imprecation. ~ urgan cursed. ~ga qol /uchra  to be cursed, to be denounced.qarg'ishla  dial.s. Qarg'a .

Qari 1 : old (person). ~ qiz spinster. Keksa ~ clever and smartmouthed child.qari 2 hist.unit of length equal to 145 cm. (in Khiva). Xon ~ unit of length equal to 215 cm. (in Turkistan).

Qari  : v.i. To grow old; to wither; to become wrinkled. Safar ~di It's time to go home., The journey is over.; His life is almost over. [qarit ]

Qari qartang : elderly people.

Qari quri : s. Qari qartang.

Qari yosh : old and young.

Qarich : span (distance between outspread thumb and little finger). Bir ~ bola little tot. Tili bir ~ loudmouthed, boisterous.

Qarichla  : v.t. To measure in spans.

Qarichlik : bir ~dan since being a wee child.

Qarilarcha : like the elderly; old fashioned.

Qarilik : old age.

Qarilla  : s. Qag'illa .

Qarimsiq : old looking, haggard.

Qarimsiqlik : haggardness.

Qarimta : return favor, kindness; revenge. ~si qayt  to be paid back (with kindness or vengeance).

Qarimtali : ~ dunyo merciless fate.

Qarindosh urug' : kith and kin, close and distant relatives.

Qarindosh urug'chilik : s. Qarindoshchilik.

Qarindosh : relative; sibling.

Qarindoshchilik : familial relations, kinship ties; kindness or favor based on kinship ties.

Qarindoshlik : relation; familial relations.qarish coll.s. Qarich.qarishqul coll.wolf (s. Bo'ri).

Qariya : elderly person.

Qariyb : (Arabic) nearly.

Qarma  dial. : v.t. To surround, to encircle.

Qarmoq : fishhook; hook, snare, trap.qaro lit.black, dark (s. Qora).

Qarobat : obs. (Arabic) kinship, relationship.

Qarog' : eye, pupil; light/apple of (one's) eye.qarol hist.slave (s. Qul); servant.

Qarollik : servitude, slavery.

Qaroqchi : highwayman, brigand. Yetti ~ the Big Dipper, the Plow. Kichik yetti ~ the Little Dipper.

Qaroqchilik : robbery, stealing, thievery. ~ qil  to make a living robbing and stealing.

Qaror : (Arabic) decision, resolution; stability, peace; (lit.) Halting place, home. ~ ber  to make a decision. Bir joyga ~ topdi a decision was reached. ~i yo'q odam restive, unsettled person; unreliable person. ~ top  to find peace. ~ga kel  to reach a decision. ~ chiqar  to to come up with a decision.

Qarorbozlik : making of meaningless, impractical decisions.
Qarorgoh : headquarters.

Qarorsiz : unsettled, restless.

Qarorsizlan  : v.i. To become restless or unsettled.

Qarorsizlik : unsettledness.

Qarov : v.n. Of qara ; observation.

Qarovchi : active part. Of qara ; breadwinner, keeper (of family); caretaker.

Qarovsiz : abandoned, forsaken.

Qarovsizlik : abstr. Of qarovsiz.qarqara zool.heron. Ekinlar ~day bo'lib turibdi the crops are growing well.qarqunoq zool.shrike.qarr ono.cawing sound.

Qars qurs : s. Qars.qars ono.clacking or cracking noise; clapping, applause. ~ ur  to clap. ~ ikki qo'ldan chiqadi s. Qarsak.

Qarsak : clapping, applause. ~ chal  to clap, to applaud. ~ ikki qo'ldan chiqadi It's takes two to ......??

Qarsakbozlik : applause.

Qarsakchi : clapping person.

Qarshi : opposed to, against, contrary, counter; opposite, facing; opposite side. ~ hujum/~ bor  to head towards; to go against. ~ kel  to oppose; to run into, to come across. ~ ol  to meet, to greet; to take, to accept. ~ tur /~ qo'y  to pit against one another; to set facing each other. ~ quda father  or mother in law of one's child. ~ chiq  to meet, to greet; to oppose. ~sida opposite, facing; faced with; compared with.

Qarshila  : v.t. To meet, to greet. [qarshilan , qarshilash ]

Qarshilash  : v.i. Coop. Of qarshila ; to to become hostile towards one another.

Qarshilik : opposition, resistance. ~ qil  to oppose, to show opposition. Materiallar ~i (study of) resilience, strength of materials.

Qarshima qarshi : facing, opposite; opposed, pitted against one another.

Qarsilla  : v.i. To make a cracking or clacking sound. [qarsillat ]

Qarsillama : crackling, crispy.

Qarsillat  : v.t. Caus. Of otni ~ib ket  to make a horse gallop. Qo'lni ~  to snap one's fingers.qarsoq zool.corsac fox.qart qurt ono.chomping noise (of animal).

Qarta 1 : horse's fatty large intestine; a dish made from this.

Qarta 2 : (Russian) card(s); field, parcel cropland.

Qartaboz : avid card player.

Qartabozlik : abstr. Of qartaboz; card playing.

Qartalashtir  : v.t. To divide into parcels (smaller fields).qartang arch.old person.

Qartay  : v.i. To grow old.

Qarz : (Arabic) debt; duty. Qancha ~im bor? How much do I owe? ~ga on loan. ~(ga) ber  to loan. ~(ga) ol  to borrow. ~ni/~ga bot  to be sunk in debt. ~ni uz  or ~dan qutul  to pay off a debt, to get rid of one's debts. ~ beruvchi lender. ~ gap message that must be passed on to s.o. Else. ~ salom greetings which must be passed on to s.o. Else. ~i qiyomat or qiyomat ~i debt which must be paid in one's lifetime. Ham farz, ham ~ both a duty and an obligation. U ~dan chiqmaydi He's always in debt.

Qarz qavola : friendly loan.

Qarz qurz : debts of all kinds.

Qarzdor : debtor; indebted.

Qasam : (Arabic) oath, vow. ~ ich  to swear, to vow, to pledge. ~ urgan cursed, damned. ~ ber  to make a mess of.

Qasamxo'r : one who constantly makes insincere vows.

Qasamyod : solemn oath. ~ qil /Et  to swear, to vow.

Qasava : turban like headdress of white gauze wrapped around a cardboard base worn by middle aged and older women.

Qasd : (Arabic) strong intention, design, determination; vengeance. Nima ~ing bor? What do you want?, What are you trying to do?; What do you have against...? Birovning joniga ~ qil /birovning ~iga tush  to pursue, to track (in order to kill). ~ida bo'l  to be in pursuit of; to intend to kill. Joningda ~ing bormi? Do you want to kill yourself?

Qasdan : (Arabic) intentionally.

Qasddor : evil intentioned.

Qasdlan  rare : v.i. To vow; to design to kill.

Qasdlash  : v.i. To become hostile or swear enmity towards one another.

Qasdma qasdga/qasdlikka : with a vengeance, viciously.

Qashi  : v.t. To scratch. Bosh ~shga/~gani vaqt yo'q no time even to scratch one's head. Yelkani ~  to flog with a whip (lit., 'to scratch the back'). [qashin , qashit ]

Qashla  : v.t. To scratch; to clean with a horse comb (horse); to butter up, to dupe. [qashlan , qashlat ]

Qashlag'ich : curry comb, horse comb.qashov dial.s. Qashlag'ich.

Qashqa : blaze (on forehead of animal); scar or mark on the face or forehead. Otning ~siday ma'lum/taniqli known by everyone.qashqaldoq zool.coot.qashqarbeda bot.sweet clover, melilot.

Qashqarcha : Qashqar style, Uighur style; veranda; Uighur (language); name of a melody. ~ ayvon glassed in veranda.qashqargul bot.aster.

Qashqari : from Qashqar.

Qashqarlik : person from Qashqar; Uighur.qashqir zool.wolf (s. Bo'ri).

Qashshang : impudent, brazen; headstrong (horse).

Qashshoq : poverty stricken, destitute; beggar, indigent.

Qashshoqlan  : s. Qashshoqlash .

Qashshoqlash  : v.i. To become poverty stricken.

Qashshoqlik : destitution, abject poverty.

Qashshshanglik : insolence. ~ qilma  Don't be insolent.

Qasida : (Arabic) laudatory poem of at least twelve lines.

Qasidachi : s. Qasidago'y.

Qasidago'y : poet of a qasida; eulogizer.

Qasidanavis : s. Qasidago'y.qasir 1 ono.cracking sound.

Qasir 2 : obs. (Arabic) aqli ~ dim witted.

Qasir qusur : crashing and cracking noises, din.

Qasira qusur : s. Qasir qusur.qasirg'a lit.whirlwind.

Qasirla  : v.i. To make a crashing or cracking noise. [qasirlat ]

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