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Swap carbs for cauliflower

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Swap carbs for cauliflower
It seems we are finally getting the message that diets high in processed carbohydrates such as pasta and regular bread don’t work well for most of us. Enter the humble cauliflower. It used to be just boiled or covered in cheese sauce, but it can do so much more. To create an alternative to couscous or rice, try seasoning and roasting it in a little high-quality oil before putting it in a food processor. To make a cauliflower pizza base, add egg and finely grated cheese such as Parmesan or pecorino with some Italian herbs. Bake without toppings for 15 minutes, then add some toppings and bake.

When it comes to making healthier lifestyle choices, there are many ways in which we could all do a little better by ourselves - whether it be nutritionally, emotionally or physically. And with all the ongoing uncertainty we face with ongoing restrictions, social distancing and limited spaces to work out, it’s more important than ever to look after our physical and mental health. 

There are, thankfully, a few easy changes you can make to your lifestyle that will have a big impact on your day-to-day wellbeing. Here, we reveal the best steps to take towards a happy, healthy lifestyle as we navigate these difficult times.

1. Get enough (quality) sleep

Why? Sleep deprivation impacts your body far more than you realise: it can affect concentration and stress levels, increase blood pressure, weaken your immune system and lead to overeating (normally junk food). But getting a good night’s sleep is about more than the length of time spent asleep – it’s about the quality, too. Creating a healthy sleeping routine is key to unlocking the power of sleep.
How? Make sure you plan for seven to eight hours of sleep a night and wake up at the same time every day – this will train your brain to recognise on its own when it’s time to wake up. Switching off your television and putting down your phone 30 minutes or so before bedtime can help you drift off to sleep, as will reducing your caffeine and alcohol intake. You should avoid alcohol three hours before bed, and caffeine for five.
Stay accountable with the Cathay app, which allows you earn miles and rewards just by logging your sleep.

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