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Bibliometric Analysis in Historiographical Studies 



for the 1994-2005 period, compared with an average of 5 per year between 

1980 and 1993. 

A thorough study of the creative heritage of any one figure gives way 

to generalisations and classification. Over the years, the thesis titles 

examined featured more personalities. However, among the leading lights of 

the Russian expatriate community there remain many whose works have 

not yet been the object of research in this particular genre of academic 

paper, the thesis. 



This paper has identified and demonstrated the capabilities and limits of 

applying scientific bibliometric techniques, proving that such methods are 

effective tools for studying the historiography of Russian emigration and 

the Russian expatriate community. With their help, the direction and pace 

of development of emigration studies as an academic area has been 

identified, along with the dynamics of academic interest in the subject; the 

contribution of individual regions, establishments and authors to the 

development of the field; the intensity of research centres (including 

academic institutes); and the integrative communication between branches 

of academia and the subject matter before them. The only thing that is 

objectively beyond the limits of applied bibliometrics is consideration of the 

actual texts of academic papers, because this kind of measurement is only 

amenable to formal sources. Therefore, to reflect the diversity of 

information contained in theses and their abstracts, in addition to such 

quantitative methods, it is necessary to use traditional, qualitative methods 

of document analysis. 



Bibliometric Analysis in Historiographical Studies (Based on the Example of 

Theses on Russian Emigration Written between 1980 and 2005) 




The object of this article involves the study of theses and their abstracts on the topic of 

“Russian emigration.” The purpose of the study to identify and analyse dominant 

tendencies in the development of Russian humanities in terms of its understanding of the 

history of the Russian diaspora.  

Cognitive features were identified through historiographical study that used 

knowledge-based systems and bibliometric indicators to characterise the distribution of 

institutions as well as the branches and specialities of theses on the history of emigration 

from Russia, explore the number of theses defended in a given period, pinpoint centres of 

activity for the study of this subject, and identify characteristics and trends in the study of 

Russian emigration in different stages of the country’s history. These methods proved the 

effectiveness of using bibliometrics to analyse the body of thesis-based research dealing 

with the phenomenon of emigration.  

www.cclbsebes.ro/muzeul-municipal-ioan-raica.html   /   www.cimec.ro

A. A. Pronin 



The theoretical significance of this study arises from the proposal of an algorithm 

for perceiving theses as a form of academic work and a historiographical phenomenon, as 

well as the establishment and systematisation of the dominant tendencies in the 

development of Russian human sciences in terms of comprehending the problems of the 

Russian emigration history. Furthermore, the results obtained confirm the emergence of 

emigration studies as a new direction in Russian humanities, outlining the dynamics of its 

development, defining the discipline-specific “core” of emigration-related research and that 

taking place in allied branches of academia, and showing the pace of the subject’s 

development. Three academic branches (philology, philosophy and history) were identified 

within which the main developments in knowledge of Russian emigration history and the 

Russian expatriate community have taken place. 

This article will be of use to academics and professors within higher education 

institutions whose professional interests are related to the history of Russian emigration, 

when conducting specific academic research or summarising their field.




Bibliographical Abbreviations 



Balayan 2004 

-  Galina V. Balayan, Informatsionnyye metody istoricheskogo 

issledovaniya v rossiyskoy istoriografii posledney treti XX veka, thesis, 

candidate of Historical Sciences (07.00.09), Moscow, 2004. 

Bibliographic Index 1990 

-  Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel’ literatury po bibliometrii, informetrii i 

naukometrii (otechestvennaya i zarubezhnaya literatura), compiled by 

M. G. Kalinina and T. I. Rutkovskaya, Leningrad, 1990. 

Documentary 1983 

- G. V. L. Gedrimovich, Zucheniye dokumental’nykh potokov dlya 

otsenki bibliograficheskikh posobiy, in Dokumental’nyye potoki po 

yestestvoznaniyu i tekhnike i problemy bibliografii, coll. of scientific 

works, edited by N. K. Krupskoy, T. 76, Leningrad, 1983, p. 


Efimov 1978 

- A. N. Efimov, Informatsiya: tsennostt’, stareniye, rasseyaniye

Novoye v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike, Seriya Matematika-

Kibernetikam, 5, 1978, Moscow. 

Fokeev 2008a 

- Valeriy A. Fokeev, Bibliograficheskaya nauka i praktika: 

terminologicheskiy slovar’, Saint Petersburg, 2008. 

Fokeev 2008b 

- Valeriy A. Fokeev, Metodologicheskiye issledovaniya, in Mir 

bibliografii, 2, 2008, p. 6-11. 

Gedrimovich 1968 

-  Gertrude V. Gedrimovich, Rasseyaniye publikatsiy v mirovoy 

periodike, in Nauch.-tekhn. Inform, 1, 1968, 11, p. 12-17. 

Gedrimovich, Minkina 1976  -  Gertrude  V. Gedrimovich, V. A. Minkina, Metodicheskiye 

sovety po izucheniyu informatsionnykh dokumental’nykh 

potokov, Leningrad, 1976. 



1972 - Gertrude V. Gedrimovich, 

L. V. Zilbermints, 


otrazheniya i kriterii otbora mirovoy literatury dlya tekushchikh 

bibliograficheskikh izdaniy, in Nauch.-tekhn. Inform, 1, 1972, 3, p. 


Gliantsel 2004 

-  V. Gliantsel, Ispol’zovaniye bibliometricheskikh pokazateley pri 

vyrabotke nauchnoy politiki: vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniya, in NTB

10, 2004, p. 43-47. 

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