The horse who wanted safety

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The horse who wanted safety

The horse who wanted safety
On the lawns of a forest grazed a handsome horse. He was a fast runner. But, he was often frightened by a tiger that passed by now and then.
One day, as the horse was grazing, a man passed that way. He asked the man, “Sir, aren’t you afraid of lions and tigers.
The man laughed aloud and answered, “Me! Look what I have.” He showed rifle and continued, “Should any animal approach me I can shoot and kill him.”
The horse asked, “If that is so, sir, will you help me?”
The man replied, “Of course. I will. What will you do for me?” The horse said, “Anything you want of me, I will do”.
The horse told the man about the tiger. The man said,
“If you let me saddle you and take you with me, you need not be afraid of the tiger.”
The horse was too happy. The man led the horse into town and let him in a stable. Now, the horse thought to himself, “I am indeed safe here. But I don’t have any freedom.”

Xavfsizlik izlagan ot

Bir o’rmonning maysazorida kelishgan ot o’tlab yurar edi. Ammo u ba’zida goh-goh o’tib-qaytib yuradigan yo’lbarsdan qo’rqar edi.
Bir kuni, ot o’tlab yurganida, bir kishi o’sha yo’ldan o’tib qolibdi va ot kishidan so’rabdi “Janob, sherlar va yo’lbarslardan qo’rqmaysizmi?”.
Haligi kishi baland ovozda kulib javob beribdi, “Men! Qara menda nima bor” U militig’ini ko’rsatib, davom etti, “agar qandaydir hayvon menga yaqinlashsa men uni otib o’ldira olaman.”
Ot “Janob, agar unday bo’lsa menga yordam bera olasizimi?” deb so’rabdi.
Haligi kishi javob beribdi, “Albatta yordam beraman, evaziga menga nima qilib berasan?”
Ot “
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