The scientific and pedagogical

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air. Consequently, it covers also the human evolution. 
A man is believed to be a part of biosphere with plants and animals being his basic 
food, which are at the same time raw material for industry. Rational use of natural 
resources is the major condition of avoiding untimely depletion of these major sources of 
human food [5, p. 28]. 
Collecting historical facts about natural resources and their reserves is of great 
importance for their effective use. For example, in 1975, natural resource reserves of 
former USSR were estimated at 4 billion rubles, including 840 billions for forest reserves
540 billions for agricultural resources, 460 billions for fossils, 250 billions for water 
reserves, 30 billion for fish stocks, and 26 billion for animal stocks. 
In general, in spite of a lot of official structures being involved in the estimation of 
natural resource reserves, the current situation in this field is far from being perfect. For 
many years, the estimation of reserves was not carried out, and the use of them was 
reckless. The reserves of every kind of natural resources must be properly estimated, every 
kind of them should be used in a reasonable way.  
According to current legislation, environmental protection is being carried out 
mainly in two directions: 
timely revelation of open and covert violations of law concerning natural resources  
and elimination of their consequences; 
protection of natural resources without pollution and creating conditions for natural  
      recovery process. 
Two basic factors must be taken into account when dealing with rational use of 
natural resources: 
achieving pre-planned economic effects; 
avoiding waste. 
Based on the historical facts, one can claim that, the ecology in the 21
 Century is 
developing on the basis of “biological spectrum” of “functional system” principle. The 
best way for any country to speed up this development and to avoid any kind of ecological 
crisis is to enter the worldwide security system. 
Since the dawn of the mankind, there was a kind of human  impact  on  the  nature,  
which, from time to time, had open or covert results. 
Many sources claim that the term of “ecology” came from Greek words aykos 
(which means house, habitat) and logos (which means science). This science studies the 
relationship between organic and inorganic nature. 
It should be especially noted that the word of “ecology” has been first mentioned 
by American naturalist Henry David Thoreau in 1858. Since 1866, it has been widely used 
and further developed by German biologist Ernst Haeckel [3]. 
Comparing ecological processes to those happening in the human body, Heraclitis 
once said: “Our bodies are like the flowing rivers, with everything inside them being 
constantly renovated.” 
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) has written some 500 works about the animals, describing 
their conduct and habits. 
In the 18
 Century, French naturalist Buffon (1707-1788) has written 44 volumes 
of “History of Nature”. 
Azeri scientists have also made great contributions to the science of ecology. For 
example, in 1970 Hasan Aliyev founded the scientific journal “Nature  of  Azerbaijan”.  In  

1976, he also wrote The Alarm where he stressed the continuous degradation of nature in 
Azerbaijan and urged for immediate actions to stop this disaster.        
The contributions of Azeri national leader Heydar Aliyev to the protection of 
environment in the former Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic were enormous. Those 
who dared to harm the environment with their reckless actions had to answer for that to 
Heydar Aliyev, the then First Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. Those 
years, the factor of Heydar Aliyev was decisive in the protection of environment in 
Azerbaijan [2]. 
Many ecologists have conducted scientific researches in Azerbaijan. V.P. Smirnov-
Loginov (1927), A.S. Preobrazhenski (1932), I.A. Shluga, E.P. Korobova, D.Y. Vilenski 
(1934), B.I. Hasanov, R.G. Mamedov (1961) have dedicated their works to the nature of 
Absheron Peninsula. We can also mention later works by M.E. Salayev, M.P. Babayev 
(2004) and V.H. Hasanov (1987-2004). 
In conclusion, let’s recall the quote by German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte: 
“Demand is the mother of ideas, and the activity is their cradle.” 
As a main result of this research, we state again the importance of more 
comprehensive activities in the field of ecology and environmental protection. 
1. В.П. Смирнов-Логинов. ”ПочвыАбшеронского полустрова”. Баку, 1927, 99 с. 
2. Akademik Həsən Əliyevin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş “Ekologiya: Təbiət və 
cəmiyyət problemləri” Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfransı. Bakı, 2007, 8-9 noyabr, səh.34 
3. Р. Дажо. “Основы экологии”. Перевод с французского В.И. Назарова,  редакция 
проф. В.В. Алптова. Издательство «Прогресс», Москва, 1975, 415 с., стр.9 
4. R.M. Xasayev, A.A. Xəlilova, Ə.M. Ələsgərov, G.Ə. Nəsibova. “Sənaye  ekologiya- 
sının əsasları”, Bakı, “Elm”, 1997, 135 s., səh.4-15 
5. Ə.Ə. Məmmədov, S.Y. Paşayeva, A.A. Xəlilova,  Ə.M. Ələsgərov,  S.M. Abutalıbo- 
va. “Ətraf mühitin monitorinqi”, dərs vəsaiti, Bakı, “Təhsil” NPM, 2005, 254 s., səh.4-
6, 28. 
6. S.A. Levin. "Ecosystems and the biosphere as complex adaptive  systems".  1998,  Eco- 
systems 1 (5): 431-436.  doi:10.1007/s100219900037. CiteSeerX: 
Ü. Ə.Məmmədov 
Məqalədə ekologiya anlayışı,  ətraf mühitin mühafizəsinin və ekologiyanın bir 
elm kimi formalaşdığı tarix, ekologiya elminin tarix elmi və digər elmlərlə qarşılıqlı 
əlaqəsi tədqiq edilmişdir. Bir çox alim, filosof və tanınmış şəxslərin ekologiya ilə bağlı 
düşüncələri də məqalədə yer almışdır. 

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