The Ten Times Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

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will work
for anyone.
This short story isn't even really about me; it is a guide for what 
have to
do. You have no idea how many people throughout my life have laughed,
criticized, and raised their eyebrows about the things I wanted to do. You don't
know about the hundreds of thousands of phone calls I have made that went

nowhere or the thousands of e-mails to which no one responded. You have no
idea how many people—even my supporters—suggested to me that I may be
pushing beyond the limits and putting myself at risk. I have spent 30 years
preparing and studying, making mistakes, and taking action—all of which has
allowed me to develop some level of discipline that I have not always had.
Training and learning are absolutely critical to your follow-through and the
development of courage, persistence, unreasonable thinking, and especially
discipline. I keep reminding myself that when it comes to dreams and goals,
there is no being reasonable or rational and there is no distinguishing between
the possible and the impossible. I think you will agree that it is impossible for
you to ever do anything exceptional if you continue to live your life with
thinking and actions that are mediocre.
Big thinking, massive actions, expansion, and risk taking are necessary for
your survival and future growth. Staying small and quiet are just ways to
continue being small and quiet. Keep thinking this way, and sometime in the
very near future, no one will be able to see you, hear you—or be aware that you
ever existed. Commit to 10X thinking and 10X action. 
is the major
difference between success and the alternative. It is not about intelligence,
economics, or even who you know—because without massive action, none of
those things matter.
I still have many of my own long-term goals and targets to meet. I haven't yet
made the show, 6 billion people do not yet know me, and there are countless
other things I still want to do—many I haven't even thought of yet! However, I
do know that I am moving in the right direction. I also know, and want you to
know again, that this is not about me being more special or having some unique
quality; it is simply about operating with 10X thinking and 10X actions.
Make your fire so big and so hot that others will have no choice but to sit
around it in amazement. You will never have all the answers, your timing will
never be perfect, and there will always be obstacles and difficulties. However,
you can always count on one thing: Taking massive actions consistently and
persistently and then following up with more fourth-degree actions are the only
ways to guarantee the success you desire. Always go all in on massive action.
Let the rest of the world operate at the first three degrees of action, and watch
them spend their lives fighting over the bits and pieces left behind.
Look around you and you will see the world filled with average people,
average thinking, and—at best—average actions. Take another look. What you
see behind this acceptance of average are people who have given up
on their dreams and who cease to live with a dynamic purpose. They are instead

willing to settle for whatever their estimation of “normal” is. When you're
choosing the people whom you will learn from, look for the exceptional—those
who stand out because of the way they approach their lives. Don't worry about
how they are special or different from you. Focus on how they think and act and
how you can duplicate that. Success is not a choice or an option; it's your duty to
operate at the right level of thoughts and actions. So follow through on your
responsibility to leave a footprint on this planet—so that when you are done with
your tour of duty, you will be remembered for approaching your life with
nothing less than the biggest of dreams and the most remarkable actions.
Remember: Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility, and by thinking
at 10X levels and taking 10X actions, I am certain you will create more success
than you have even dreamed of!

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