The Ten Times Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

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12. Always Say “Yes”
To really go at it in life and in business, you have to say yes to everything. It's
something you'll see successful people do time and again—not because they can
but because they 
to say yes. They eagerly engage in life and realize that
the word “yes” has more life and possibilities in it—and is clearly so much more
positive than “no.” When a client asks me to do something, I say, “Yes, I will be
happy to/would love to/want to make it work for you.” I have a saying: “I never
say no until I have to.” It's a great way to tell someone no (that is, if you
must). When given an option to do or not do something, always say
yes! Life is to be lived—something that becomes impossible to do when you're
constantly saying no. Although many suggest that it is critical to know what to
say no to, the reality is most people don't venture out and don't experience
enough in life. They refuse to take on new things and experiences as often as
they should. You know that you have an automatic “no” in you all ready to go—
one that is backed with a 100 reasons why you can't, shouldn't, or don't have
time to do something. Give this a try: Say yes for now until you become so
successful that you are forced to add “no” to your arsenal and start managing
your time and efforts. Until then, make “yes” part of your successful habits. Say
yes to your kids, spouse, clients, boss, and most importantly, to yourself. It will
propel you to new adventures, new solutions, and new levels of success.
13. Habitually Commit
The successful fully and consistently commit to activities—some of which
require them to put it all on the line. This goes back to the concept of being “all
in” that I described earlier. It also relates to operating with some level of danger
and refusing to play it safe. Unsuccessful people rarely commit to anything

entirely. They are always talking about “trying,” and when they do commit, it is
normally in destructive acts and habits. Commitment is actually one of the things
of which there 
a shortage. Far too many individuals and organizations fail to
commit fully to their activities, duties, obligations, and responsibilities to see
things all the way through. To acquire success, it is vital that you quit testing the
water's temperature and simply jump in! Devoting yourself to something all the
way means that there's no backing out. It is just like when you jump into a body
of water; once you decide to go for it, you can't stop yourself midair.
I would prefer a person who is able to fully commit over one who is
completely educated any day. Commitment is a sign that someone is pledging
him- or herself completely to a position, issue, or action. Successful people see
past the problems and are able to keep their focus on the promise they've made
to themselves or others. They keep their eyes on the outcome or action the entire
time. When I commit to ensuring success for myself, my family, a project, or my
company, it means that I will do whatever is necessary to make that pledge a
reality and fulfill my commitment. Commitments are not something for which
you can make excuses, nor are they something you negotiate with or on which
you can “give up.” Commit fully as though you are already successful and
demonstrate that commitment to all those with—and for—whom you work.

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