Theme: while-reading skills and activities. Introduction

Chapter 2. Approaches to teaching reading skills effectively

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Chapter 2. Approaches to teaching reading skills effectively
2.1. Recommended instructional techniques for reading as communication

For at least two reasons, understanding the natural method of reading will be helpful for language teachers. First, we can base instructional tactics for reading skills on the basic techniques we are familiar with in reading. Second, this information can be applied to the reading skills provided by Intended learning objectives. Strategic reading can help readers accomplish reading's skills-oriented goal.

The reading model we discussed in the previous part, which normally develops from strategic reading, uses the following instructional tactics.
Pre-while-Post (P-W-P) Strategy
The three-phase method of teaching reading, which is what our curriculum recommends, is known as strategic reading. The three stages of this reading strategy are listed below:

The instructor aims to do the following during the pre-reading phase:
•Start by brainstorming.

• To inspire students by providing a cause for reading in order to provide some language preparation for the text; • To introduce and spark interest in the topic/sub-theme.

Teachers can use the helpful questions listed below to help them better prepare for this stage:

What information, thoughts, or attitudes do the students already have about the subject of the work, and how might they draw on this information?

Why should anyone desire to read the material, and can students have the same or similar reactions? Answers to the question will provide suggestions for how to introduce the book, inspire students, and simultaneously incorporate language.
Some pre-reading activities


Prepare one or two straightforward questions relevant to the reading's subject. Request that the students form two rows facing one another. After that, urge your students to exchange questions with one another while reminding them that they only have 60 seconds to do so. One of the rows rotates after the 60 seconds are up, giving each student a new friend. Several times, repeat the procedure.

2. Discussion

Encourage the students to take part in a debate regarding the reading's subject. Prepare four or five sentences summarizing different viewpoints on the reading. Place them throughout the classroom after reading them to the students. Encourage the students to move to a location close to the viewpoint they agree with the most. Encourage that group to then come up with reasons for agreeing with that specific statement. Following this, the students can engage in conversation with members of various groups to discuss their ideas and justifications.

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