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that stale cake out of the Erin’s King picked it up in the 

wake fifty yards astern. Live by their wits. They wheeled, 


The hungry famished gull 

Flaps o’er the waters dull. 

That is how poets write, the similar sounds. But then 

Shakespeare has no rhymes: blank verse. The flow of the 

language it is. The thoughts. Solemn.  

Hamlet, I am thy father’s spirit 

Doomed for a certain time to walk the earth. 

—Two apples a penny! Two for a penny!  

His gaze passed over the glazed apples serried on her 

stand. Australians they must be this time of year. Shiny 

peels: polishes them up with a rag or a handkerchief. 

Wait. Those poor birds. 

He halted again and bought from the old applewoman 

two Banbury cakes for a penny and broke the brittle paste 

and threw its fragments down into the Liffey. See that? 

The gulls swooped silently, two, then all from their 

heights, pouncing on prey. Gone. Every morsel. 

Aware of their greed and cunning he shook the 

powdery crumb from his hands. They never expected that. 

Manna. Live on fish, fishy flesh they have, all seabirds, 

gulls, seagoose. Swans from Anna Liffey swim down here 





sometimes to preen themselves. No accounting for tastes. 

Wonder what kind is swanmeat. Robinson Crusoe had to 

live on them. 

They wheeled flapping weakly. I’m not going to throw 

any more. Penny quite enough. Lot of thanks I get. Not 

even a caw. They spread foot and mouth disease too. If 

you cram a turkey say on chestnutmeal it tastes like that. 

Eat pig like pig. But then why is it that saltwater fish are 

not salty? How is that? 

His eyes sought answer from the river and saw a 

rowboat rock at anchor on the treacly swells lazily its 

plastered board. 

Kino’s 11/- Trousers 

Good idea that. Wonder if he pays rent to the 

corporation. How can you own water really? It’s always 

flowing in a stream, never the same, which in the stream 

of life we trace. Because life is a stream. All kinds of places 

are good for ads. That quack doctor for the clap used to be 

stuck up in all the greenhouses. Never see it now. Strictly 

confidential. Dr Hy Franks. Didn’t cost him a red like 

Maginni the dancing master self advertisement. Got 

fellows to stick them up or stick them up himself for that 

matter on the q. t. running in to loosen a button. 





Flybynight. Just the place too. POST NO BILLS. POST 

110 PILLS. Some chap with a dose burning him. 

If he ...? 



No ... No. 

No, no. I don’t believe it. He wouldn’t surely? 

No, no. 

Mr Bloom moved forward, raising his troubled eyes. 

Think no more about that. After one. Timeball on the 

ballastoffice is down. Dunsink time. Fascinating little book 

that is of sir Robert Ball’s. Parallax. I never exactly 

understood. There’s a priest. Could ask him. Par it’s 

Greek: parallel, parallax. Met him pike hoses she called it 

till I told her about the transmigration. O rocks! 

Mr Bloom smiled O rocks at two windows of the 

ballastoffice. She’s right after all. Only big words for 

ordinary things on account of the sound. She’s not exactly 

witty. Can be rude too. Blurt out what I was thinking. 

Still, I don’t know. She used to say Ben Dollard had a base 

barreltone voice. He has legs like barrels and you’d think 

he was singing into a barrel. Now, isn’t that wit. They 

used to call him big Ben. Not half as witty as calling him 

base barreltone. Appetite like an albatross. Get outside of a 





baron of beef. Powerful man he was at stowing away 

number one Bass. Barrel of Bass. See? It all works out. 

A procession of whitesmocked sandwichmen marched 

slowly towards him along the gutter, scarlet sashes across 

their boards. Bargains. Like that priest they are this 

morning: we have sinned: we have suffered. He read the 

scarlet letters on their five tall white hats: H. E. L. Y. S. 

Wisdom Hely’s. Y lagging behind drew a chunk of bread 

from under his foreboard, crammed it into his mouth and 

munched as he walked. Our staple food. Three bob a day

walking along the gutters, street after street. Just keep skin 

and bone together, bread and skilly. They are not Boyl: 

no, M Glade’s men. Doesn’t bring in any business either. I 

suggested to him about a transparent showcart with two 

smart girls sitting inside writing letters, copybooks, 

envelopes, blottingpaper. I bet that would have caught on. 

Smart girls writing something catch the eye at once. 

Everyone dying to know what she’s writing. Get twenty 

of them round you if you stare at nothing. Have a finger 

in the pie. Women too. Curiosity. Pillar of salt. Wouldn’t 

have it of course because he didn’t think of it himself first. 

Or the inkbottle I suggested with a false stain of black 

celluloid. His ideas for ads like Plumtree’s potted under 

the obituaries, cold meat department. You can’t lick ‘em. 

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