World War 1 Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross

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Born: at Leitchs, Maryland

Home Town: Annapolis, Maryland

Starr, Charlie L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charlie L. Starr, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company I, 38th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., near Romagne, France, October 9, 1918. During the attack on Hill 253 Sergeant Starr was wounded in the arm by a machine-gun bullet. Disregarding his wound, he continued to lead his platoon through heavy machine-gun and artillery fire, until he was wounded a second time.

  • General Orders No. No. 35, War Department, 1920

Born: at Lamoille, Illinois

Home Town: Lamoille, Illinois

*Statham, George B.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to George B. Statham, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Machine-Gun Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Division, A.E.F., near Tuilerie Farm, France, November 4, 1918. Although he was the only remaining member of his gun crew, Private Statham courageously operated his gun until he had put one enemy machine-gun nest out of action. He continued with his heroic work until he was killed.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Selma, Alabama

Home Town: Cordele, Georgia

Stavroulakis, Emmanuel

(First Award)


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Emmanuel Stavroulakis, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., south of Soissons, France, July 18, 1918. After its leader had been killed, Corporal Stavroulakis took command of a patrol and led it in an attack on a machine-gun position and captured the crew.

  • General Orders No. No. 35, War Department, 1920

Born: at Greece

Home Town: Estherville, Iowa

Other Award: Distinguished Service Cross w/OLC (WWI)

Stavroulakis, Emmanuel

(Second Award)


The Distinguished Service Cross (First Oak Leaf Cluster) is presented to Emmanuel Stavroulakis, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., south of Soissons, France, July 19, 1918. After two others had been killed in the attempt, Corporal Stavroulakis carried an important message through heavy fire to battalion headquarters. Upon his return he led a patrol in attack on an enemy machine-gun position. Although wounded in both legs, he continued in the attack until the enemy machine gun was captured.

  • General Orders No. No. 35, War Department, 1920

Born: at Greece

Home Town: Estherville, Iowa

Other Award: Distinguished Service Cross (WWI)

Stavrum, Edwin R.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Edwin R. Stavrum, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Division, A.E.F., west of Chateau-Thierry, France, June 6, 1918. Lieutenant Stavrum was severely wounded in the left shoulder during the first phase of the attack. In spite of his wound he conducted his platoon to its objective and exposed himself to heavy fire in order to organize his position for defense.

  • General Orders No. No. 27, War Department, 1920

Born: at La Crosse, Wisconsin

Home Town: LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Stearns, David W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to David W. Stearns, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 4th Engineers, 4th Division, A.E.F., near St. Thibault, France, August 6, 1918. Corporal Stearns was a member of a platoon ordered to precede the infantry, to construct footbridges across the Vesle River. Enemy sniper, machine-gun, and artillery fire was so intense that four attempts of his platoon failed. Acting upon his own initiative, Corporal Stearns made his way along the river in the face of the deadly fire, and, for one hour, reconnoitered the enemy's positions, reporting back to his commanding officer with information of the greatest value.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Waldport, Oregon

Home Town: Portland, Oregon

Steede, Walter J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Walter J. Steede, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company E, 168th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., in the Forest De Fere, near Nesles, northeast of Chateau-Thierry, France, July 26 to August 2, 1918. Private Steede distinguished himself during the advance of his regiment in the Forest De Fere, by his voluntary, authorized and untiring efforts in carrying in the wounded, both by day and by night, under the most severe and dangerous circumstances, and especially when the town of Sergy was under heavy bombardment, July 29 - 31, 1918.

  • General Orders No. No. 102, War Department, 1918

Born: at Grand Rapids, Michigan

Home Town: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Steele, Frank S.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Frank S. Steele, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 167th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., near Beuvardes, France, July 26, 1918. Corporal Steele, although severely wounded in the right shoulder, continued to lead his squad forward through heavy machine-gun fire. Later with a few others he took up a position in a sunken road and repulsed an enemy counterattack. His devotion to duty was an excellent example to the entire command.

  • General Orders No. No. 53, War Department, 1920

Born: at Rising Fawn, Georgia

Home Town: Abernat, Alabama

Steele, Richard Wilson


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Richard Wilson Steele, Second Lieutenant (Air Service), U.S. Army Air Service, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 166th Aero Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., near Bois-de-Barricourt, France, October 23, 1918. While on a bombing raid back of the German lines Lieutenant Steele, accompanied by his pilot, was attacked by six German pursuit planes. They were forced to leave the formation in which they were traveling owing to engine trouble; the enemy began riddling their plane with machine-gun fire. Lieutenant Steele fought them on all sides and is credited by members of the 11th Aero Squadron, who were flying over him several thousand feet, with having brought down one of his opponents. He was wounded twice in the leg and twice in the arm, and continued fighting although each time he was hit he was knocked down into the observer's cockpit. At last, however, only his tail gun was in working condition, the other two having been disabled by bullets, and Lieutenant Steele sank unconscious into the cockpit.

  • General Orders 7, War Department, 1919

Born: at Omaha, Nebraska

Home Town: Oak Park, Illinois

Steele, Walter P.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Walter P. Steele, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., near Soissons, France, July 18, 1918. Corporal Steele advanced alone upon an enemy machine-gun nest, shot three of the crew, and continued his efforts to silence the guns until he was wounded.

  • General Orders No. 15, War Department, 1919

Born: at Paducah, Kentucky

Home Town: Roseclare, Illinois

*Stegar, Bernard A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Bernard A. Stegar, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 107th Infantry Regiment, 27th Division, A.E.F., near St. Thibault, France, October, 18, 1918. When a comrade was severely wounded by machine-gun fire, Private Stegar went to his rescue, crossing open spaces subjected to intense fire by the enemy. He was wounded as he advanced, but he continued forward and reached the side of his wounded comrade, when he was again hit by a machine-gun bullet and instantly killed.

  • General Orders 71, War Department, 1919

Born: at Marlin, Texas

Home Town: Marlin, Texas

Steimel, William J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William J. Steimel, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 2d Engineers, 2d Division, A.E.F., near Bois-de-Belleau, France, June 12, 1918. Although wounded in several places by an enemy hand grenade, Private Steimel refused to go to the rear until his mission was completed. After receiving first aid, he again returned to the front line, although the entire line was at that time being subjected to a severe shelling.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Tipton, Maine

Home Town: Debow, Arkansas

Stein, Fred C.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Fred C. Stein, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 125th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Romagne, France, October 9, 1918. Corporal Stein charged and captured a strong enemy machine-gun neat and immediately turned the gun on the enemy. He was twice wounded while changing the position of the gun, but continued to operate it under heavy shell and machine-gun fire until he received a third wound in the arm, which made it impossible for him to further operate the gun.

  • General Orders No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Coleman, Michigan

Home Town: Atlanta, Michigan

Steiner, George C.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to George C. Steiner, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Division, A.E.F., near Blanc Mont Ridge, France, October 3, 1918. Sergeant Steiner, severely wounded on the battle line with his company, remained on duty until the objective was gained and the position consolidated.

  • General Orders No. 21, War Department, 1919

Born: at Long Island City, New York

Home Town: Cleveland, Ohio

Steiner, John Jefferson Flowers


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John Jefferson Flowers Steiner, Major (Corps of Engineers), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 1st Battalion, 2d Engineers, 2d Division, A.E.F., near Medeah Ferme, France, October 9, 1918. In command of his battalion in the front line, Major Steiner personally conducted a reconnaissance. Exposed to enemy fire, he obtained valuable information after other patrols had failed. An attack was then organized, in which two machine-guns were captured and a dangerous salient eliminated.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Montgomery, Alabama

Home Town: Montgomery, Alabama

Steinhilber, Cloyd W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Cloyd W. Steinhilber, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 354th Infantry Regiment, 89th Division, A.E.F., near Barricourt, France, November 1 - 2, 1918. When his company commander was seriously wounded First Lieutenant Steinhilber took an automatic rifle from a dead soldier and held off the enemy for two hours, defending the wounded officer until assistance could be obtained. Next day, while in command of his company, he was himself wounded, losing an eye and puncturing the nose, but continued to urge his men forward, inspiring them by his example under heavy machine-gun fire.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Seward, Nebraska

Home Town: Highland Park, Michigan

Steininger, Roy H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Roy H. Steininger, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 9th Infantry Regiment (Attached), 2d Division, A.E.F., near Medeah Ferme, France, October 4, 1918. After several men of his company had been wounded, Private Steininger repeatedly left cover, exposing himself in an open field to enemy machine-gun fire, in order to bring in wounded and administer first aid.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Mifflintown, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Chester, Pennsylvania

Steinkraus, Herman W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Herman W. Steinkraus, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 127th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near the Bois-de-Bantheville, France, October 15, 1918. Continuing in command of his company, after he had been instructed to go to the rear for treatment for an infected leg, Lieutenant Steinkraus skillfully extricated his company with few casualties, when it became suddenly exposed to intense machine-gun fire from both flanks. Reinforcing his command with stragglers he organized a strong right flank guard by utilizing captured German machine-guns and succeeded in maintaining his position.

  • General Orders 66, War Department, 1919

Born: at Cleveland, Ohio

Home Town: Cleveland, Ohio

Stembridge, Roger W.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Roger W. Stembridge, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 21st Machine-Gun Battalion, 7th Division, A.E.F., near Vieville-en-Haye, France, October 31, 1918 to November 1, 1918. Although wounded by a shell fragment and suffering from the effects of an anti-tetanic serum, Lieutenant Stembridge continued to lead his platoon through the night of October 31 and the offensive operation of November 1, under heavy enemy shell fire, encouraging his men by his gallant conduct.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Baldwin County, Georgia

Home Town: Milledgeville, Georgia

Stenseth, Martinus


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Martinus Stenseth, First Lieutenant (Air Service), U.S. Army Air Service, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 28th Aero Squadron, 3d Pursuit Group, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., over the Argonne Forest, France, October 22, 1918. Lieutenant Stenseth went to the rescue of a French plane attacked by six enemy Fokker planes with twelve additional enemy planes hovering in reserve. Attacking the enemy with vigor, single handed, he drove down and destroyed one enemy plane and put to flight the remainder. His gallant act in the face of overwhelming odds proved an inspiration to the men of his squadron.

  • General Orders No. 9, War Department, 1923

Born: 6/11/1890 at Heiberg, Minnesota

Home Town: Minneapolis, Minnesota

*Stensson, Carl H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Carl H. Stensson, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Eighteenth Company, Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action near St. Etienne, France, October 3, 1918. Private Stensson displayed great courage in serving as a stretcher bearer during the operations at Blanc Mont Ridge. When his helper was wounded, he went into an open road swept by machine-gun, fire to rescue him and was killed in his self-sacrificing attempt.

  • General Order No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Framingham, Massachusetts

Home Town: Framingham, Massachusetts

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

Stephens, Joseph W. G.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Joseph W. G. Stephens, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company E, 26th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., near Soissons, France, July 19, 1918. When necessity arose for a company to advance to an important position in the fighting near Soissons, Captain Stephens led his command through a heavy shelled area with conspicuous bravery, reached his objective and directed his men to a successful attack until so seriously wounded as to necessitate his evacuation.

  • General Orders No. No. 132, War Department, 1918

Born: at Wicomico church, Virginia

Home Town: Wicomico Church, Virginia

Stephenson, Carlton


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Carlton Stephenson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division, A.E.F., near Catillon, France, October 18, 1918. Severely wounded, Corporal Stephenson remained with his automatic rifle section in an exposed position, covering the withdrawal of his company. Although almost surrounded, he inflicted severe losses on the enemy and held this position throughout the day.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Johnston County, North Carolina

Home Town: Clayton, North Carolina

Stephenson, Charles F.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charles F. Stephenson, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 105th Engineers, 30th Division, A.E.F., at Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. As Corporal Stephenson and his squad were engaged in planking over a shell hole, they were fired on from the side. Locating the course of the fire by the flash, he attacked the enemy position with his rifle, killing one German, taking two prisoners, and clearing the adjacent shell holes. His quick initiative and bravery saved the lives of his men and prevented an interruption of their work.

  • General Orders 98, War Department, 1919

Born: at Johnston county, North Carolina

Home Town: Rocky Mount, North Carolina

Stern, Henry R.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry R. Stern, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 311th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division, A.E.F., near Vieville-en-Haye, France, September 20, 1918. During an enemy attack on the position held by his platoon, after being severely wounded in the leg by a machine-gun bullet, Lieutenant Stern remained in a position subjected to heavy machine-gun fire, and refused to accept aid until after the attack had been repulsed. His deed greatly encouraged his men.

  • General Orders No. No. 2, War Department, 1920

Born: at New York, New York

Home Town: New York, New York

*Stevens, Harry A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harry A. Stevens, Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 5th Machine-Gun Battalion, 2d Division, A.E.F., near Somme-Py, France, October 3, 1918. While leading his platoon in attack, Lieutenant Stevens fell mortally wounded but refused to be taken to the dressing station until he had directed the advance of his platoon and assured himself that it would not be checked.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Rutherford, New Jersey

Home Town: Brooklyn, New York

*Stevens, John H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John H. Stevens, Second Lieutenant (Air Service), U.S. Army Air Service, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 147th Aero Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., near Chateau-Thierry, France, July 2, 1918. Lieutenant Stevens, with four other pilots, attacked 12 enemy aircraft (type Pfalz) flying in two groups well within the enemy lines. As soon as the enemy planes were sighted Lieutenant Stevens maneuvered to get between them and the sun, and with great difficulty gained the advantage. While three of the other American officers dived on the lower formation Lieutenant Stevens and Second Lieutenant Kenneth L. Porter engaged the upper formation in a bold and brilliant combat, two planes of which they crashed to the earth.

  • General Orders No. 1, War Department, 1919

Born: at Lynchburg, Virginia

Home Town: Albion, New York

Stevens, Levi


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Levi Stevens, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 125th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Romagne, France, October 9, 1918. Commanding a small detachment, First Lieutenant Stevens charged and captured a strong enemy machine-gun nest, his personal activity and courage aiding greatly in the success of the exploit. Although wounded and under heavy fire, he organized a position from which his detachment could effectively turn the captured gun on the enemy.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Trenton, New Jersey

Home Town: Alpena, Michigan

Stevens, Matt


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Matt Stevens, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company E, 125th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., throughout the advance across the River Ourcq and to Fismes, France, on the south bank of the Vesle River, July 31 to August 8, 1918. Corporal Stevens, then a private was a runner for his company and was engaged day and night in carrying messages throughout machine-gun and artillery fire. He did his work without fear or hesitation, thereby keeping constant liaison with higher authority. During times not so occupied he administered aid to the wounded, crawling to stricken comrades at imminent risk of his own life, through areas swept by machine-gun fire. Through disregard of danger he was the means of saving many wounded men.

  • General Orders No. No. 117, War Department, 1918

Born: at St. Johns, Michigan

Home Town: St. Johns, Michigan

*Stevenson, Alfred


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Alfred Stevenson, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 111th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division, A.E.F., near Fismette, France, August 10, 1918. Sergeant Stevenson and another soldier voluntarily went through heavy machine-gun fire to carry an important message to an advanced unit. Attracted by the cries of a wounded soldier while they were returning they went to his assistance and, in doing so, Sergeant Stevenson was mortally wounded.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Chester, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Chester, Pennsylvania

*Stevenson, Jens L.

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