Destination-b1-tarjimalari pdf

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I haven't fully recovered from the flu. - Men gripdan to'liq sog'ayganimcha yo'q.
S Salty - sho'r
This soup is very salty. - Bu sho'rva juda sho'r.
S Slice - kesmoq, tilimlamoq, bo'lmoq
I'll slice some bread. - Men ozgina non bo'laman.
S Slice - tilim, burda, bo'lak
Cut the bread into thick slices. -Nonni qalin bo'laklarga bo'ling.
S Sour - nordon
If it's too sour, add some sugar. - Agar juda nordon bo'lsa, ozgina shakar qo'shing.
S Spicy - achchiq, kuchli ta'mli
Curry should be spicy! - Kuri (o'tkir ziravorlar bilan tayyorlangan hind taomi) achchiq bo'lishi kerak!
S Stir - aralashtirmoq, aylantirmoq
Stir the sauce gently over a low heat. - Qaylani quyi haroratda astalik bilan aralashtiring.
S Suffer - biror kasallikdan aziyat chekmoq
I'm suffering from a cold at the moment. - Men ayni damda shamollashdan aziyat chekyapman. S Taste - tatib ko'rmoq
The dinner was one of the best meals I've ever tasted. - Kechki ovqat (hayotim davomida) tatib ko'rgan taomlarim ichida eng zo'rlaridan biri bo'ldi.
S Taste - ta'm, maza
I love the taste of chocolate. - Men shokolad ta'mini yaxshi ko'raman.
S Treatment - davo
What's the best treatment for this disease? - Bu kasallikka eng yaxshi davo nima?
S Vitamin - vitamin
Oranges contain lots of vitamin C. - Apelsinlar juda ko'p C vitaminini o'z ichida mujassam qiladi.
Phrasal verbs
S Cut down (on) - biron narsaning iste'molini kamaytirmoq, kamroq bajarmoq
I'm trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I eat. - Iste'mol qiladigan shakar miqdorimni kamaytirishga harakat qilyapman.
S Fall down - yiqilib tushmoq
I fell down and hurt my knee. - Men yiqilib tushdim va tizzamni shikastlab oldim.
S Get over - sog'aymoq
It can take weeks to get over an illness like that. - Bu kabi kasallikdan sog'ayish uchun haftalab vaqt ketadi.
S Go off - aynib qolmoq

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