Preface to the lecture, 1

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Consequences resulting from the derivation of the Schrodinger 

equation from the fundamental field equation 5.7:






The relation between the energy of oscillation and the mass is 

described by the relation named after Albert Einstein


E = mc



(6.1 = 5.24)


Fig.  6.1:    Derivation of the Schrodinger equation, 

power of proof and consequences


theory of objectivity




6. Theory of objectivity


6.1 Proof


A new theory only has chances on acknowledgment if it is provable. For that physical


phenomena in the sense of the new theory are calculated and independently of this


experiments are being carried out. If the calculations are confirmed by reproducible


measurement results, then with that the correctness of the approach is proven.


In the here presented case we have chosen the field-theoretical approach instead of the


usual quantum physical approach. As a consequence of this we had found as a new


phenomenon the vortex of the electric field. With regard to the normally used Maxwell


theory this resulted in changed field equations in a dual formulation. If both equations,


each of which describes a source-free vortex field, are inserted into each other the result is


an only in time and space formulated, generally valid and hence fundamental field


equation (5.7, fig. 5.1).


This equation has many special cases; one of them, the Schrodinger equation, could be 

derived by using an approach which was harmonic in time. We renounced to give special 

solutions of the Schrodinger equation, because these are printed in numerous text books. 

On the other hand experiments are known, which are capable to confirm the theoretical 

solutions and thus to prove the Schrodinger equation. The eigenvalues of the equation 

describe for instance the shell-shaped structure of the atoms with the by Niels Bohr given 



Now this already proven equation was derived from the new field-theoretical approach. 

Thus for the special case, the area where the Schrodinger equation is valid, the new theory 

can be said to be proven (fig. 6.1).


We still are not content with that and put another stone on top: we will calculate the 

quantum properties of the elementary particles for ourselves. These until now have only 

been measured. Today is merely sought for symmetries and for models of explanation, like 

e.g. the quark-hypothesis. From a calculation science is miles and miles away. We will 

compare the calculation results with the measurement values. Then everyone can check 

and compare for him or herself.


The conditions in an elementary particle are completely different. Here it concerns the 

vortex itself, whereas the model of the atom merely describes vortex properties, so-called 

actions at a distance. The differences in size and distances for an atom lie more than five 

powers of ten over those of a particle!


Here a new problem of causality comes to light, at which we now must have a critical 

look: the question of the by Einstein postulated constancy and universality of the speed of 

light. Seen from a relativistic and subjective point of view of an observer, Einstein by all 

means may be right. But may such a theory be generalized? How are the measurements 

concerning the speed of light and the relativity of space and time to be judged when 

looking at them objectively?


The current measurements of speeds faster than light speak a clear language and represent 

a challenge (fig. 3.1, violation of the principle of causality no. 5).




Law of conservation of energy




field theoretical approach (vortex particles):


The amount of energy bound in the inside of the particle is identical 

with the free and measurable amount of energy on the outside of 

the particle.


(If the number of particles is left unchanged): __________________


In an isolated system the sum of the energy is constant ____________


(particle  =  electromagnetic vortex) ___________________________


Energy is a state description of electromagnetism.


Fig. 6.2:   Derivation of the law of conservation of energy


The electron as a spherical capacitor (see fig. 4.3):

theory of objectivity




6.2 Law of conservation of energy


Let the starting-point for our considerations be the electromagnetic wave in a particle-free 

vacuum. Here no vortices appear, so that the plane wave can propagate undamped with the 

speed of light, and in this way a transport of energy takes place. Electric and magnetic 

energy each are the same magnitude.


Let's now imagine the symmetry is disturbed as the wave is "slowed down" on one side. 

As a possible result the wave rolls up to a spherical vortex.


As we will see such a process is possible, for instance at impact on a strong field. Thus


part of the energy is bound in the inside. This part from now on withdraws itself from


every possibility to measure it. We can only measure the second part of the field energy,


with which the particle interacts with its neighbourhood.


W e   c a n  assume that: _______________________________________________________


The amount of energy bound in the inside of the particle is identical with the free and 

measurable amount of energy on the outside of the particle.


The same energy W


 = 0,51 MeV, we attribute to the electron for reason of its mass with 

the  help of the Einstein relation (6.1), is also bound in its inside. This conclusion is also 

applicable to other elementary particles and with that to all matter.


We here again recognize the principle of the duality between the to the outside striving 

eddy current in the inside of the elementary vortex and the concentrating potential vortex


on the outside. Thus also seen energetically both are of the same magnitude. 

Whereas in the case of the electromagnetic wave it concerns a symmetrical oscillation 

around "zero", by the process of quantization, by the rolling up to a spherical vortex, there 

forms an energetic state of space different from zero. The order of magnitude is 

determined by the number of elementary vortices, of which the particles and all matter 



Anti-matter forms the opposite energetic state and this again is for the particles of matter 

available in their inside in a bound form.


As long as we do not artificially produce new elementary vortices and thus keep the 

number of available vortices constant, the energetic state will not change, or as it is 

formulated in text books: _____________________________________________________


In an isolated system the sum of the energy is constant.




law of conservation of energy is not an axiom, but follows without compulsion from


the vortex theory. It is not elementary, but a consistently derivable consequence of the


field-theoretical approach, according to which solely the field acts as cause for all other


physical phenomena, also for the conservation of energy! Because the cause of it is the


electromagnetic field, the following has to hold: ______________________________


Energy is a state description of electromagnetism.


Now we finally can explain why energy can be converted. Different forms of energy only


are different forms of formation of the same phenomenon!


Of course this statement of the field-theoretical approach does not yet explain what, for 

instance, the temperature has to do with electromagnetism. I ask for some patience; no


question will be left unanswered.


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