Preface to the lecture, 1

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Fig. 8.8:     Table of dual correspondences 

(as a supplement to chapter 3.3 and fig. 4.2). 

unified theory




8.8 Information


The search for an answer for numerous philosophers and physicists was tantamount to the 

search for a world formula. Of course mustn't be forgotten that a formula only is a 

mathematical description and never the physical reality itself. It is a mathematical tool in 

the hand of a person and not the world or the cosmos itself, which he tries to understand. 

What keeps the world together in the heart of hearts, has to be more than only a pure 

apparatus of formulas. Actually the fundamental field equation tells us more. It reveals us 

a basic principle basing on duality in which the dual partners mutually dictate target 

values and goals. This principle convinces by its simplicity and efficiency. Apart from the 

"self regulation" it obviously also has the fundamental possibility of a "self 

organization" and the "generation of information". The field equations of the 

hydromagnetic field thus are the starting-point for the formation not only of matter and 

energy, but also of information. Accordingly holds:


Information is nothing but a structure of electromagnetic vortex fields!


This statement is new and to a large extent incompatible with the conception world of 

Norbert Wiener, who goes as the founder of cybernetics. From N. Wiener stems the 

sentence: "information is information, not matter and not energy".


We hold against it that obviously a fairly direct connection exists. We have worked out 

that only the vortex can show a stable adaptive regulatory circuit structure. Only the 

vortex and not the wave exists in two forms of formation dual to each other, and the 

principle of duality again is the prerequisite for the formation of information, of self 

organization and finally for the evolution. In fig. 8.8 well-known dual partnerships are 

listed. From it follows in a consistent way that for the production of information without 

exception the electromagnetic vortices should be considered.


But how can this so important duality occur, how can it form? This question is closely 

associated with the question of the formation of vortices. The signal flow diagram (fig. 

8.7) to that says that the dual regulatory circuits F


 and F


 can only exist by the coupled 

circuit, which provides them the necessary target values and at the same time forwards the 

respective information. In this way of the oscillations and the more or less damped wave 



 and F


 communicate with each other.


The electromagnetic wave serves solely the 

mediation of information and energy.


With that falls a central role upon the wave, so that vice versa is valid:


Without wave no vortices, no duality and 

consequently no evolution can exist.


According to the to date state of knowledge the basic principle of cybernetics forms the 

basis for matter and energy as well as for information. Since the wave can only serve the 

transmission of information, the principle of duality and the vortex will function as 

carriers of information. We are entitled, to speak of vortex information, this by no means 

is characterized by special frequencies or modulations of frequencies. This is prevented by 

the property of the vortices which allows them to change the frequency. On the other hand 

various configurations of vortices are possible and numerous combinations and modula- 

tions are conceivable.


If technical apparatus generate vortices, then they produce information. Here a serious 

danger with regard to the environmental compatibility can not be excluded!




philosophy of nature


Equivalent things: 



elements of the fundamental field equation 5.7 



elements of the Greek philosophy of nature 






(impulses of growth) 


Fig. 8.9:    The theory of four elements of the old Greek 

philosophy of nature (Aristotle and others) 

unified theory




8.9 Philosophy of nature


Seen in the view of the philosophy of nature now two dual points of view are possible.


The optimistic one would be:


We and our environment on the one hand are a result of the cybernetic principle and on 

the other hand of our observation point of view which should be valued relativistically. 

If really everything should be electromagnetism, a phenomenon which can't be grasped 

directly by humans, then the pessimist would come to the conclusion: everythins is 

nothing. What we observe is nothins but a deception of the senses. Perhaps therefore 

famous philosophers of antiquity, like Empedokles or Demokritos have ended their life in 

the crater of the Etna. According to the theory of the atom of Demokritos (470 to 380 

B.C.) the formation of matter, earth and celestial bodies will occur by means of formation


of vortices!


Empedokles (482 to 420 B.C.) was the first to develop a theory basing on four elements,


which was continued and improved by Plato (428 to 348 B.C.) and Aristotle (384 to 322


B.C.). Accordingly these elements are changeable into each other and mixable with each


other. From them all bodies are build up.


The terms "air, water, fire and earth", with which the philosophers have described the four


elements, are of course not identical with the ones in our translation and conception world,


but they were used in a philosophical sense as a substitute for the description of the


respective basic principle.


There also have been different approaches, to translate these terms differently, e.g. by an


assignment to the four states of matter (solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma). But the ancient


texts don't get easier to read in that way.


Fig. 8.9 shows the obvious assignment to the four building parts of the fundamental field 

equation 5.7. It would be worth an attempt, to exchange the terms in the translations of 

ancient texts and to translate air with wave, water with potential vortex and fire with eddy 

current. The term earth has two sides, which should be translated with potential instead of 

wood and current instead of metal.


Let's try the translation this way with the theory of Plato

, by correspondingly translating 

anew the talk of Timaios about the formation of the world. The perception of smell then is 

described as follows: " the potential vortex turns into waves (or) the wave into 

potential vortices, the smells are formed during this transition, and smells are smoke or 

fog. But fog is the transition of waves into vortices, the transition of the vortex into waves 

however smoke".


Plato here provides an indisputable and conclusive interpretation of the fundamental field 

equation. In this equation the potential vortex acts as damping term in the wave equation, 

what in the case of waves rolling up to vortices will show to the observer in the way that 

the electromagnetic waves and therefore also the light will be damped. We say, the 

visibility gets worse and speak of fog. If the damping phenomenon disappears again, as 

the potential vortices break up, then Plato speaks of smoke.


Numerous ancient texts, which until now only could be "interpreted" philosophically, in 

this way turn out to be a rational textbook description of natural scientific phenomena. 

They anyway only get readable and understandable for the general public with the modern 

technical terms.


: Platon: Samtliche Werke 5, Rowohlts Klassiker Nr. 47, S. 188, 66e


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