Sathya sai international organisation

Experience the Divine within

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Experience the Divine within

Swami told us that Divinity is within us and all we need to do is stop looking outside of ourselves and turn our vision inward to experience our Divinity:

When people worship Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi externally in pictures or icons, they are giving physical forms to the subtle potencies that are within them. The unfortunate predicament of man today is that he is not recognizing the powers within him and developing respect for them. He goes after the external, attracted by the physical forms. The relationship between the material and the subtle has to be understood. The remedy for man's life is contained within himself. But man seeks remedies from outside. Here is an illustration of what happens in the world.

A hotel and a drug store are adjacent to each other. When a hotel server gets a headache, he goes to the neighbouring pharmacy for a pill to cure his ache. When the pharmacist gets a headache, he goes to the hotel shop for a cup of coffee as his cure, instead of taking his own pills.

In a similar way people today tend to ignore the Divinity within themselves, but hanker after many external objects. There is no need to go in search of the Divine. Men must develop firm faith in the Divinity within them. All that is needed is to turn the vision inward to experience the Divine within.

SSS 27.27, October 9, 1994,


1. Madhusudan Naidu claims to have exclusive rights to communicating with Sukshma Baba because he is always doing Swami's work whereas others are only doing Swami's work part of the time. He says that it is difficult to be able to see and hear Swami in the subtle body.
2. Sathya Sai Baba says that, "think of Swami. I will certainly appear before you. Not only that, I will even talk to you" (SSS 40.13) and all we need to do to hear Swami is to follow our conscience. Swami even takes it one step further and says that we are divine and that "All that is needed is to turn the vision inward to experience the Divine within" (SSS 27.27).
3. Madhusudan Naidu says that we must become completely unselfish before we can see Sukshma Baba.
4. Sathya Sai Baba says that we can become completely unselfish only by achieving Self Realisation, but that anyone can see Him by visualizing Him inside with love, or even just contemplating on Truth for 11 seconds.
5. Madhusudan Naidu tells us that only he and a few others can hear Sukshma Baba.
6. Sathya Sai Baba says that everyone can hear His voice within as the conscience.

1. Why would Madhusudan Naidu claim a monopoly on communicating with Swami, the inner resident of every heart?


A different perspective on Love

Madhusudan Naidu's first spoke about love in his third talk in Kodaikanal in March 2014. He said that students should develop pure love because it will give them a lot of power and he illustrates this by talking about how Sathya Sai Baba's love attracted presidents and prime ministers.

Love is extremely powerful and that too, selfless love is the most powerful thing on earth. It can achieve anything. Like a magnet it will attract everything to itself. Swami had ministers - some Prime Ministers and Presidents - to ordinary watchmen, security guards and poor village folk. What could Swami have given? Swami had nothing with Him but pure love. He only treated everybody with pure love and that is why nobody could leave Him and go easily. They would come to Puttaparthi and while going, they would all be crying, because they didn't feel like leaving Puttaparthi despite all the hardships.

This is one thing that all the children should develop. If you develop that love it will give you a lot of power. People think that money is power, position is power, authority is power. Is it true Tigrett?
Tigrett: Absolutely not.
It is not, it is not. True power is only love and pure love.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 16, 2014, p.6
It was only after saying that love will grant power that Madhusudan Naidu revised his message and claimed that there is nothing like selfish love anyway and started using some of Sathya Sai Baba's statements, such as "Love is selflessness."
Whereas, Sathya Sai Baba demonstrated a consistent and complete understanding of love and spoke about the different types of love:

Love is of three types. The first one is based on gross selfishness, binding the ego-mind to a feeling of possession. Such an individual does not bother about the sufferings of others. To him, all that matters is his property and his wealth. This kind of love will not make anyone really happy and no one will develop any affection for such a person. He, in turn, will not be concerned about his own respect, but will think only of fulfilling his basic desires.

The second type of love consists of pretending to love people who are wealthy, physically strong, and in positions of power with a view to derive some benefit from them. A large number of people exhibit only this kind of love. Status and wealth are not permanent, therefore this type of love is also not the right one as it is based on the self-interest of deriving benefits from others.

The highest type of love is bereft of any selfishness and of any pretension of love for people in authority and affluence. This type of love is based on the knowledge that the eternal and universal Atma pervades everyone and everywhere. If a person develops such equal-mindedness by regarding the entire world as one, then he will cultivate the highest type of love.

SSIB 1973.15: June 4, 1973,
Sathya Sai Baba Sai said that the reason we are to develop love is to lead us to the selfless love, which is our reality:

Those who have recognised My Love and experienced that Love can assert that they have glimpsed My reality, for the path of Love is the royal road that leads mankind to Me. I am the embodiment of Love; Love is My instrument.

SSS 12.38: June 19,1974,


1. Madhusudan Naidu says “This is one thing that all the children should develop. If you develop that love it will give you a lot of power.” He said that Swami had ministers, prime ministers and ordinary devotees attracted to Him by His love.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that love is selfless and has no trace of self interest in it. It seeks no reward and that pretending to love people who are wealthy, physically strong, and in positions of power with a view to derive some benefit from them is also not the right one as it is based on the self-interest of deriving benefits from others.”

1. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that He is Love and that His message is Love. If Madhusudan Naidu is in communication with Sathya Sai Baba why is his teaching on the fundamental message be so different to what Swami said.

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