Sathya sai international organisation

Did Swami publicly praise those who gave land or money?

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Did Swami publicly praise those who gave land or money?

In the first talk, given on 13 May 2014, Madhusudan Naidu as Sukshma Baba praises Sri B N Narasimhamurthi, Isaac Tigrett, C Srinivas and Srinivas' friend, Kishore, for donating money or land to his cause. He says:

Because of his wish to have an educational institution, today we all know that Narasimhamurthy has already gone and purchased the land at Bijapur for the next campus.

"Swami also doesn’t want to forget mentioning about Sreenivas’ very good friend. He says if there has to be a friendship in the world, it has to be like this. Mr. Kishore, who is a very good friend of Sreenivas, is the one who supported the entire Raipur Hospital project, single-handedly. He has spent more than Rs. 100 crores to build the hospital and he pledges to do more".

While He praised devotees for their spirit of sacrifice, Sri Sathya Sai Baba didn't praise people in public discourses for donating money and very rarely even mentioned those who had. Why?

Today this Sai Krishna is directing His play with so many thousands of Arjunas. Nimitha Maathram Bhava Savyasaachin! ("Be only my instrument, Oh Arjuna"). You are only instruments. Do not arrogate to yourselves any authority or power and claim credit for any achievement. All your name and fame are due to your association with Sai organisations and the use of the Sai label. Without the Sai imprimatur where will you be? It is the Sai name that has conferred on you distinction and recognition. Therefore, bear in mind the name of Sai and carry on your work.

SSS 20.30: November 24, 1987,

You have no reason to feel proud when you are able to help another, for your skill or wealth or strength or courage or official position that gave you the chance to serve was the gift of God, whether you recognise it or not. You are only offering this God's gift to another God's gift, namely the poor, the illiterate, the weak, the diseased, the grieving, the broken-hearted, who seek your help.

SSS 10.35: November 22, 1970,
Swami said it was His mission to remove people's egos, rather than give them further cause for pride or ego. Swami also condemned the behaviour of Gurus who accumulate wealth and pander to those who donate money to them:

Let the Gurus condemn the accumulation of wealth and blame them for the misuse they are making of it; let them be unsparing in their condemnation; that is the sign of the Guru who knows his mission. On the other hand such Gurus ignore and tolerate evil in the would-be donors, because they are afraid any condemnation will dry up their source of income. Thus, they ruin the disciples by desisting from giving them the drastic drug they need, urgently, for their spiritual health. It has become a tragicomedy this hunt for moneyed disciples who can be fleeced. It has been developed by some sanyaasis (ascetics) into a fine art. The time has come to expose and punish such saadhus (noble souls) and that will be one task in the Dharmasthaapana (establishment of righteousness) for which I have come. The brokers that these Gurus have scattered over the country have also to be broken.

SSS 1.31: September 29, 1960,
Sri Sathya Sai Baba also never encouraged worldly relationships (as Madhusudan did with Sreenivas’ friend Kishore), advising instead that God is the only true friend:

Consider God as your mother, father, friend and everything. He alone is the father and mother, friend and relation, wisdom and wealth to every individual… There is only one permanent friend: God. If you want to experience true love, have full faith in God. God's love is steady. It never diminishes. You may undergo any amount of suffering, yet you belong to God. You are His and He is yours. No third person can come between you and God. … God alone is your true friend. You may forget Him, but He will never forget you. He will be with you even after your death. Hence, treat God as your true friend. Ultimately, you will become one with Him. … God alone is your true friend. That is the reality. … Develop such firm conviction. Then God will always take care of you.

SSS 37.23: October 17, 2004,


1. Madhusudan Naidu publicly praises those who have donated land or money to his mission and said "These are not ordinary people. These are saints and sages who have reincarnated in various forms".
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said: "You have no reason to feel proud when you are able to help another, for your skill or wealth or strength or courage or official position that gave you the chance to serve was the gift of God, whether you recognize it or not." (SSS 10.35).

1. Sri Sathya Sai Baba did not praise devotees for donating money or land. Why would Madhusudan Naidu do this?

Donors praised as reincarnated saints and sages

Madhusudan Naidu holds those who donate land or money up as ideals:
These are not ordinary people. These are saints and sages who have reincarnated in various forms. This is one secret Swami tells us today.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

Sukshma Baba claims Swami is dependent on the donations of rich devotees

Madhusudan Naidu admits that he asked Dr Shetty for money and openly praises those who donate money or land to his cause. He also claims that Sri Sathya Sai Baba asked Isaac Tigrett for money. He then claims that Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s mission is dependent on donations from rich people:
Because of such people only, Bhagawan’s mission is continuing, otherwise it would have stopped long, long ago.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

But did Sri Sathya Sai Baba say that His Mission was dependent on the donations of the rich?

You all know very well that huge amount of money is required for such stupendous projects. But I did not ask anybody to give even a naya paisa. My Sankalpa (Will) is all-powerful.

Zeal and zest are more efficient instruments for service than gifts and donations.

SSS 9.18: September 10, 1969,

I do not involve Myself in money matters.

If any help is needed, come to Me. Swami shall provide without hesitation. Do not collect a single paisa as donation. There are those who donate a hundred rupees and make a thousand rupees worth of self-glorification out of it. Swami is not interested in such activities.
Marketing with Swami’s name is highly disgusting and distressful. There can be no commerce in matters of devotion. Even the salty ocean may yield drinkable water, but this kind of devotion is worthless. … Swami never solicits donations from anybody nor has He agents for propagating His Message. I do not have any association whatsoever with these deceitful persons. Swami needs no material wealth. The only need of Swami is genuine love. Give love and take back love. That is the only exchange. With that love, fulfil your life. There is no devotion greater than love. Any little service performed with love is enough.

Do not have any dealings with people who are doing commercial transactions in the name of Sai. Send them packing with a namaskar. If you need anything, ask Me. I have never deceived or let down anybody; nor will I ever do so. Untruth will not be uttered by Me. My wish is that no such undesirable act should be perpetrated on any of the genuine devotees…

SSS 35.11: July 22, 2002,


1. Madhusudan Naidu, speaking of those who had contributed money or land to his mission said "These are not ordinary people. These are saints and sages who have reincarnated in various forms".
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said: "You have no reason to feel proud when you are able to help another, for your skill or wealth or strength or courage or official position that gave you the chance to serve was the gift of God, whether you recognize it or not." (SSS 10.35).
3. Madhusudan Naidu, speaking of those who had given land or money to him, said: "Because of such people only, Bhagawan’s mission is continuing, otherwise it would have stopped long, long ago."
4. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says "You all know very well that huge amount of money is required for such stupendous projects. But I did not ask anybody to give even a naya paisa. My Will is all-powerful. Zeal and zest are more efficient instruments for service than gifts and donations. (SSS 9.18). I do not involve Myself in money matters. If any help is needed, come to Me. Swami shall provide without hesitation. Do not collect a single paisa as donation. (SSS 35.11)

1. Sri Sathya Sai Baba said that He did not ask anybody to give even a naya paisa and that His Will is all-powerful Why then would Madhusudan Naidu claim that Swami now says it was only because of the donations of rich men that He was able to continue His mission?

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