Sathya sai international organisation

Swami's attitude to money Sukshma Baba asking for donations by his own admission

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Swami's attitude to money

Sukshma Baba asking for donations by his own admission

Madhusudan Naidu’s supporters deny that he collects donations from devotees, however in the first talk, given on 13 May 2014 'Sukshma Baba' admits that he asked the above mentioned Dr Ram Shetty for money:

When Bhagawan mentioned to Dr. Ram Shetty that, “I need a little help from you to continue my hospital.” Do you know what he said? He said, “Swami, you tell me, shall I sell my house and give it to You?”

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014
Madhusudan Naidu (as Sukshma Baba) directly asking a devotee for donations is completely different to Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s own principle with regard to money:

I have not stretched My hand before anyone till date for any kind of help. If there is anyone in this vast concourse of devotees in this hall whom I had approached for money, they may rise and point out to Me. There is none, surely. Whatever I need in My Avataric Mission comes from within only.

SSS 41.18: November 23, 2008,

“There are some people who are doing business in the Name of Sai. They are cheating others, pretending to be devotees of Sai. I do not approve of such behaviour. They are not devotees at all. They are going to different parts of the country and also abroad to make money in the name of Sai. It is a big crime. I do not ask for even a single paisa from others. I never approve of such business. Whoever it may be, if somebody approaches you with such a crass motive, tell him to get out at once. Do not allow business to enter the field of spirituality.”

SSS 35.11: 22 July, 2002,
Madhusudan Naidu claims later in the same speech that Sri Sathya Sai Baba asked Tigrett to sell the Hard Rock Café and give Swami the money for the building of the Super Specialty Hospital:

Tigrett is here, who was also a young boy who started with a lot of enthusiasm to serve society. Business happened by and by. You all may not know because all of you may not have been there when he was running his businesses. He is here today because Swami called him and told him one thing, “I want to build a Super Speciality Hospital in Puttaparthy. What can you do for Me?” And Tigrett said, “Whatever you say, Swami.” And Swami said, “Sell your business, and we will use the money to build the hospital.” And within a week he returned back and did whatever was required to bring whatever Swami needed to Puttaparthi.

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 13, 2014

Madhusudan contradicts both Sathya Sai Baba and Isaac Tigrett.

In this account, Madhusudan Naidu claims that Sri Sathya Sai Baba asked Tigrett for money to build the hospital, however at the discourse where Swami announced that the hospital would be built, He said:

The advent [of this Avatar] took place sixty four years ago. All these years, this hand has not stretched at any time to seek anything from anyone. I have not asked anyone. I will never ask anyone and there will never be an occasion for it.

SSS 23.34: November 23, 1990,
Madhusudan Naidu’s words also contradict what Isaac Tigrett himself said in a talk at the annual Pennsylvania Retreat in 1992, only months after the hospital opened. Isaac explained that he sold the Hard Rock Café chain and then took the money and offered it to Swami. Isaac also reiterates emphatically that Swami didn't ask for the money:

"Swami brought someone, just in the nick of time, because I was near death and exhaustion from expanding my business all over the world, who offered me too much money for it. And I consider it to be a sign from God .... and sold the Hard Rock Cafe ....
I went to him and said , "Swami, I have this money .... ".... " I know , I know , I know " .... you know .... and he said , "We are going to build a hospital ".... "so what do you want me to do with it ?" .... He said , "We'll build a hospital" .... I said ,"great."
I want to say one word about this Sai Baba and money business . Because everybody says that ," .... Sai doesn't take any money .... ". Sai needs nothing . He blessed me by allowing me to give him some money. He didn't ask for it. He arranged it".


In his talk in Singapore on 16 July 2007, Isaac also spoke about the struggle he went through before taking the money to offer to Swami:

I was in my room in the ashram when trying to see Baba. I wanted to give him my cheque but something seemed to stop me. I walked over there to the mandir but then started to sweat. I couldn’t move. I didn’t know what was going on with me. It was as if I was being physically manipulated. I walked back to my room and I thought. Why Why? What’s wrong? What am I doing wrong? In giving the cheque for the hospital, is it giving me some sort of an ego trip? Is this like, “I” am doing a good thing? A generous guy? Then if finally dawned on me, “Don’t do this for you. There is no you. Only us.” And I realized what I wanted to say, believe, and how and why, I had to offer this gift of money as service.
As soon as I got the message straight in my head. Sai Baba let me walk right into that interview room and I said, “Swami, this is a gift for you to do whatever you wish with. And it is from all of us. It is especially from all the ones who would like to give it, but don’t have it to give, they just have their love. We love you. We adore you. We want to help you. This is from all of us.”
In the talk on 16 May 2014 Madhusudan again praises Tigrett for giving money:

Swami said "Tigrett I have a wish to build a super speciality hospital in Puttaparthi". First he did not believe what I was saying. I also told him that "As I have announced I want to build it in one year"…Do you know how much he had given for the Super Speciality Hospital? He may not like it if I tell, but in those days, it is today's equivalent of Rs 100 crores. That is what he had given for the first Super Speciality Hospital."

Madhusudan Naidu, Kodaikanal, May 16, 2014


1. Madhusudan Naidu says that he asked Dr Ram Shetty “I need a little help from you to continue my hospital.” He also claims that Sri Sathya Sai Baba directly asked Isaac Tigrett to sell his business and give him the money from the sale so he could build the Super Specialty Hospital in Puttaparthi. This contradicts Swami’s own words as well as Isaac Tigrett's own account from 1992, just months after the hospital was opened.
2. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says "I have not stretched My hand before anyone till date for any kind of help." (SSS41.18). The advent [of this Avatar] took place sixty four years ago. All these years, this hand has not stretched at any time to seek anything from anyone. I have not asked anyone. I will never ask anyone and there will never be an occasion for it." (SSS 23.24).

1. Sri Sathya Sai Baba affirmed on many occasions that He had never and would never ask anyone for money. Why then would Madhusudan Naidu ask Dr Ram Shetty for money?
2. Why would he also claim Swami had asked Tigrett for money for the Super Specialty Hospital?

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