Short Stories in English for Beginners

magic . If you drank the water, it gave you special powers

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Short Stories In English for Beginners Book

. If you drank the water, it gave you
special powers
‘What type of powers?’ asked one of the guards.
‘If a person drank the water, he or she became very strong.’
Alfred cupped his hands. He drank some of the water.
‘It tastes normal,’ he said.
‘Of course,’ said Lars. ‘It’s normal water now. It was magic a long time
Alfred dried his hands and asked, ‘So, what happened? Why isn’t the
water magic now?’
Lars looked at him and began to tell the story. ‘Both Andur and Arthuren
wanted power. They would do anything for it. One day they heard about a
magic fountain. A fountain that made people strong. Immediately, both
kings wanted it. They raced to the woods. When they met at the fountain,
the fighting started.’
‘What did they do?’ asked Alfred.
‘Both kings called in their 
. The battle went on for days, weeks
and then months. It was an ugly scene. During the battle, the men drank as
much water as they could. They wanted to be strong to win. They let their
horses roll in it. They walked through it. They 
in it. They took all
the water. Soon the water became 
. It could no longer be used.
He looked at the guards. ‘After some time, the fountain dried up. The
rains came and created the lake. But it was not magic water.’
Alfred looked at him. ‘So that was the end of the magic water?’
‘Not quite,’ replied Lars. He gave Alfred a serious look. ‘Arthuren had a
small amount of magic water saved. And he knew a 
. You can make
magic water. You need to have some of the original magic water and time,
but it’s possible.’
‘So that’s the secret …’ began Alfred.
‘Well, that’s part of the secret. Come now. Let’s leave these woods.’

The group continued on their way. Soon, they left the woods. The sun
was out. The trees weren’t as tall. They had a beautiful view of the
‘Where are we?’ asked Alfred.
‘We’re nearly at Arthuren’s castle. It’s good that we didn’t run into any
Alfred looked at him. ‘Are there really dangers in those woods?’
Lars looked back. ‘Yes. Why do you think we travelled in the day? They
mostly come out at night.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘I didn’t think you would come,’ said Lars. He laughed. Then he said,
‘OK, let’s go.’
The group could soon see a town. In it, there was a large castle. The
guards had never been in another kingdom before.
‘Is this it?’ asked Alfred.
‘Yes, this is the kingdom. And that is Arthuren’s castle. We are taking the
gold there.’
Alfred paused. ‘Lars,’ he began, ‘there’s something I haven’t asked you
‘What’s that?’
‘What’s this gold for? Is it a 
‘King Andur lost the battle of the Silent Woods. So now he must pay his
brother in gold every five years.’
‘Why does he pay? Can’t they make 
‘They made peace. But Arthuren has something that King Andur doesn’t.
Andur must buy it.’
Alfred looked at Lars in surprise. ‘What does Arthuren have?’
‘More magic water. Andur purchases it to keep his people happy. They
use it to make strength potions. Like these two potions here.’ Lars took out
the potions he had bought.
‘I have heard about the potions! Do they really work?’

‘They do,’ said Lars. He put the potions away and looked at Alfred. ‘But
they only work if they are made from real magic water. Come now. It’s time
to go.’

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