Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men

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Clancy To The Rescue

San Gabriel, LB Area, Verdugo Hills Councils

Divide audience up into six groups. Assign each group a response to do whenever their word is spoken in the story. Practice as you assign parts. If your group is small, have everyone react to the last two items. If group is larger, divide into seven groups and assign STEAM. ASLEEP only occurs once at the very end.

CLANCY: Feel your muscles, like a strong man

HORSES: Slap Thighs

YELL: Use your hand over your mouth

FIRE ENGINE: High-pitched siren sound

BELL: Swing arm like a clapper saying,
“Clang, clang, clang!”

HOSE: Shh-sh-sh sound like water from a hose

STEAM: Everyone makes high pitched Sssss sound

ASLEEP: Everyone snores

If you like HORSES, you would have enjoyed living back in the 1800's when they had old-fashioned STEAM type FIRE ENGINES pulled by HORSES. One of the FIRE ENGINES was driven by the greatest hero ever, CLANCY! Yes, Sir! CLANCY was a real hero. Every day when there was no fire, he would take the HORSES out for exercise, trotting them gently up and down the streets. If there were children along the way, CLANCY would always stop and let them pet the HORSES.

Sometimes the alarms were in the daytime, but sometimes they were at night. When the alarm sounded at night, one man would YELL up to the firemen above, and the men would run to the FIRE ENGINE where the STEAM was started up, and away they would go to the fire, clanging the BELL, with CLANCY driving the HORSES.

One night most of the men were in bed and the others were playing checkers when the alarm sounded. Where was the fire? At the mayor's big two-story house! The YELL was given and quick as a flash the firemen were up and on their way. CLANCY stopped the HORSES and YELLED,

"Keep the STEAM up men." They started the fire HOSE and began to squirt water on the fire. CLANCY strained to see upstairs where the mayor's wife was trapped. Flames were everywhere! CLANCY YELLED, "You'll have to jump!" The mayor's wife was afraid, so CLANCY threw her a rope and she came right down into the middle of the net.

The firemen kept fighting the fire. They got the HOSE on it and kept up the STEAM in the FIRE ENGINE. Before long, the fire was out, so they turned off the HOSE, got back on the FIRE ENGINE and went back to the fire house, clanging the BELL. To CLANCY and the other firemen, it was all in a day's work. The tired firemen went back upstairs and soon were sound ASLEEP.

Smokey Bear (A true story)

Santa Clara County Council

Divide the audience into six groups. Assign each group their words for the story. Each time their word is mentioned in the story, the assigned group enthusiastically says the designated sound words. Practice as you make assignments and have a practice session before starting the story.

Big Tree - I am so big!

Middle-Sized Tree - See my pretty leaves

Baby Tree - I'm just a bush

Camper - I love this beautiful forest

Fire - Crackle, crackle

Smokey - Only you can prevent forest fires

Babbling Brook - Assign one person,
they get up and run through the group, babbling

The distribution of the words in this story is not close to even. There are FIRE appears 8 times, Middle Sized Tree and Camper twice. Watch your assignments.

One upon a time in a beautiful lush green forest, there stood three trees, the BIG TREE, the MIDDLE-SIZED TREE and the BABY TREE. A BABBLING BROOK coursed its way through the forest. A CAMPER made a FIRE for his breakfast without clearing the area for 10 feet and then went for a hike without making sure the FIRE was dead out. The FIRE threw some sparks into some dried grass. It started smoldering. The BABBLING BROOK was not close enough to put out the sparks. In a short time, the dry forest was ablaze. The animals heard the sounds of the FIRE. smelled the smoke, and tried to flee. A bear cub couldn't see where his mother had gone so he did what she had taught him when there was danger. He climbed the BIG TREE. The FIRE roared by. It burned up the BABY TREE and MIDDLE-SIZED TREE. It singed the BIG TREE with the bear cub clinging to the top. After the FIRE, a ranger found the bear cub still in the top of the BIG TREE and got him down. He was singed and scared. The ranger healed his burns and raised him. He called him SMOKEY. He became the symbol to remind CAMPERS and hikers to be careful with FIRE and protect the BIG TREES, the MIDDLE-SIZED TREES and the BABY TREES so we can enjoy the forest with the BABBLING BROOKS running through them. Remember, "Only you can prevent forest FIRES!" the one who says that is SMOKEY Bear.


Santa Clara County Council

Divide the audience into LEFT and RIGHT and have them stand up and sit down when they heard their word. You could also divide the audience into LEFT, RIGHT and WRIGHT.

Johnny WRIGHT was very excited as he talked to his parents. "I want to become a Cub Scout," he said. "I am the only boy LEFT in the neighborhood that isn't one. Peter invited me to his Blue & Gold banquet tonight to see if scouting is RIGHT for me. Can we go?"

Mr. WRIGHT called Peter's dad to get directions. When he got off the phone he told everyone, "It's at First Baptist Church. We go south on 125, take a LEFT on Cherry St. then our first LEFT into the parking lot…let's go! Johnny ran RIGHT out and got into the car. At the church they went in and had a great time. The Cub Scouts got great awards, put on skits, sang songs and had a ball. The Cubmaster came over and talked to Johnny. "Why do you want to be a Cub Scout…"Because at school all the kids talk about the fun they have here, and I feel LEFT out, and my friend LEFT his Cub Scout cap at my house, right on my desk so I tried it on, I look cool in it." Johnny replied. One of the leaders looked at Johnny's parents. "Would you like to help out? It's fun and rewarding". Mr. WRIGHT looked at Mrs. WRIGHT they both fidgeted nervously…"We thought parents brought their boys, then LEFT. We didn't know we had to help." "Oh, you don't have to" explained one of the leaders, "but if no one is willing to give of their time, soon there will be no scouting LEFT. The more parents that help…the less work for us all. You could be den leaders and help boys to stay on the RIGHT track, or you could be on the committee and attend a meeting once a month to help make the RIGHT decisions for our Pack. There are many positions with different levels of time commitment, I'm sure we could find one that's just RIGHT for you…I hope I haven't LEFT out any information…so, would you like to help?"

RIGHT on, exclaimed Johnny's folks. Johnny just beamed. He knew he had made the RIGHT decision by coming to the Blue & Gold.

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