A study On The Effects Of Reading On Writing Performance Student Ubaydullayev Rahmatilla Abstract

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A Study On The Effects Of Reading On Writing Performance
Ubaydullayev Rahmatilla
Abstract : This study was conducted to investigate the effects of reading on writing performance among Faculty of Civil Engineering students. A total of twenty students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering had been identified and selected for the purpose of this research. This group of students is taking an English language course that is UHB 2422 Advanced English for Academic Communication. There were two writing sessions. The first session required the students to write an essay according to the topic given without reading the materials on related topic. Then, they were required to answer the questionnaire regarding their personal views on writing without reading text. On the other hand, in the second session of writing, the students were given a text to read and later produced a mind map based on their understanding of the text. The text then was taken and they were asked to write an essay on the given topic. They were required to answer the questionnaire regarding their personal views on writing with reading text. Observation was also made during both writing sessions. The results showed that reading has positive effects on the students writing. The findings of this study were discussed and recommendations for future research were also suggested.
Keywords : effects of reading, writing performance


Reading is a very complex process which requires an active participation on the part of the reader. Some scholars have pointed out their point of view about the reading process to highlight the complexity of reading. According to Roy Harris (2000), the message in the printed text is not something given in advance - or given at all - but something created by the interaction between the writer and reader as participants in a particular communicative situation. To Smith (1997) reading is asking questions of printed text and reading with comprehension becomes a matter of getting your questions answered. This means reading is a thinking process in which it requires the reader to understand and perhaps to use different skills in gaining the information from the text such as inferring, questioning, predicting, and drawing conclusions.
Reading involves many complex skills that have to come together in order for the reader to be successful. For example, proficient readers recognize the purpose for reading, approach the reading with that purpose in mind, use strategies that have proven successful to them in the past when reading similar texts for similar purposes, monitor their comprehension of the text in light of the purpose for reading, and if needed adjust their strategy use. Proficient readers know when unknown words will interfere with achieving their purpose for reading, and when they won't. When unknown words arise and their meaning is needed for comprehension, proficient readers have a number of word attack strategies available to them that will allow them to interpret the meaning of the words to the extent that they are needed to achieve the purpose for reading.

Writing, on the other hand, is the learned process of shaping experiences into text, allowing the writer to discover, develop, clarify and communicate thoughts and feelings. It requires the development of thinking skills. According to Applebee (1984) and Emig (1977), writing is the externalization and remaking of thinking, and to consider writing as separate from the intentions and beliefs of the writer is not to address composition as a reflective tool for making meaning.

In this research, the focus will be on the effects of reading on writing performance among students at the tertiary level of education. The results of this research should be able to open their mind towards the importance of reading to improve their writing performance and perhaps could motivate them to read more. Besides that, the students could see the difficulties in writing that they might face if they do not have the habit of reading.

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