The Misreading’s of the Wayward Series The rising trend of declaring Muslims disbelievers you kafir! issue

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The Misreading’s of the Wayward Series

The rising trend of declaring 

Muslims disbelievers








In the name of God, the Most Merciful, Most compassionate

All praise belongs to God, Lord of all the worlds, and greetings and 

salutations be upon the most honorable of the Prophets and the Messengers, 

our liege lord and Prophet, Muhammad, the truthful one, and all upon his 

household and companions.

A Sudden Phenomenon

Deviance of thought

In recent times, the phenomenon of declaring other Muslims disbelievers 

(Kafir) has spread among the Muslim community. Many people have 

adopted a very lax approach concerning the declaration of disbelief, such 

that hearing to the expression: “you disbeliever” has become the norm. 

Such laxity has caused the spread of tribulation, the audacity to shed blood, 

the violation of human dignity, disobedience towards parents and severing 

of family ties. Many such people have even taken to fighting, on the 

misconceived grounds that it is their obligation to correct ‘invalid’ Islamic 

doctrine. Many Muslims have fallen prey to this bizarre notion, due to 

widespread religious illiteracy, as well as tactful scheming by proponents 

of  such  ideas.      

 Is it permissible for

 a Muslim to say to

 another Muslim “you


No,this is categorically not permitted.

The Prophet, , said:

‘Any person who says to his brother: “you 

disbeliever”, then it refers to one of them. It is 

either true or it returns back to the one who 

said it’.

 ( al-Bukhārī and Muslim)

‘He who labels another a disbeliever or says: “you enemy 

of God”, and it is not the case, then the claim returns upon 


 (al-Bukhārī and Muslim) 

‘No one labels another a disbeliever except that it refers 

to one of them; he (the labeled person) is either a disbeliever, 

or (the labeler) has disbelieved due to his accusation ’.


Ḥibbān in his Ṣaḥīḥ in the book of faith)


 But, are there not among the Muslims those who are

deemed disbelievers due to their actions?

 However, Allah says: 

And whosoever does not judge according

 to what God has revealed, then they are the disbelievers


 Doesn’t this mean that every leader who does not implement the

 Shari’ah (Sacred Law), and likewise all those are content with such

 governance, are Kafir?

1  The words of Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, were translated in meaning and not literally due to 

the difficulty of understanding the literal meaning of his statement. 

Everyone who testifies the testimony of faith, there is no deity save for 

God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, is pleased by good deeds 

and dislikes bad deeds 

is considered a believer


ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb said: “the Messenger of Allah, may peace 

and blessings be upon him and his household, said: ‘One whose 

good deeds please him, and bad deeds upset him, is a believer’. 

I wish I would have known regarding the case in which someone 

says to his brother “You disbeliever” - and this brother is someone 

whose good deeds please him, and bad deeds upset him - why the 

label of disbelief against him takes precedence over testifying to his 

belief (iman).”


Abu Sufyān said: “I asked Jābir: did you ever used to call any 

one from the people of the qibla a disbeliever? He replied: ‘


’ ‘Or 

a polytheist?’ I asked, to which he said: ‘

I seek refuge in God

, and 

became alarmed.’”

Absolutely not.

 This interpretation is entirely incorrect. The Prophet’s 

Companions, their Successors and the vast majority of scholars 

interpreted the meaning of disbelief [in the verse] here as a disbelief 

lesser than absolute disbelief, meaning, that it is a grave sin, but 


not remove its perpetrator from the fold of Islam.

An Erroneous Notion


 Why are there many sheikhs and preachers then, who

 repeatedly stress that ‘those who do not govern according to

what God has revealed are disbelievers’?

 Who has said

 that it means ‘a

 disbelief lesser

 than absolute


 Are there any Muslims

 today who commit major

polytheism (al-Shirk al-

 Akbar), removing them

 from the fold of Islam?

This has been stated by Ibn ʿAbbās, Hudhayfah, 

Ṭāwūs, Mujāhid, Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal, Ibn ʿAbd al-

Barr, and most of the Quranic commentators like 

Ibn  Jarīr,  Fakhr  al-Dīn  al-Rāzī,  al-Baghawī,  al-

Khāzin,  al-Qurṭubī  and  others.



 There are no Muslims who 

commit major polytheism, and thus 

fall into disbelief. 

2  This is mentioned in detail in part one of this series.

3  Al-MufḥimlimāʾUshkila min Talkhīs Muslim, By Abū al-Abbās Ahmad al-Qurtubi, 2/116.

The statement of the Prophet ﷺ as narrated by ‘Uqba b. ‘Amir: Indeed, 

by God,

 I do not fear for you that you will commit polytheism after me

however, I fear that you will compete with each other over worldly gain..’  

(al-Bukhārī and Muslim) 

Know  that  whoever  spreads  such  an  idea  has  adopted  the  creed  of  the 

Khawārij (Seceders), and not of orthodox mainstream Ahl al-Sunnah.

Imam al-Qurṭubī states in his book al-Mufhim: The literal meaning of Allah’s, 

Most Exalted, saying: ﴾

And whosoever does not judge according to what 

God has revealed, then they are the disbelievers

﴿, is cited as evidence by 

those who charge others with unbelief for the committing sins, they being 

the Khawārij, yet they have no proof for their claim therein.

Al-Imāmal-Samʿānī said in his explanation of the Quran: ‘…and know that 



 infer from this verse that whoever does not judge according to 

what God has revealed is a disbeliever, whilst the 

Ahl al-Sunnah

 assert that 

one does not fall into disbelief by abandoning the divine law.’

The Delusions of Some Preachers

What is the evidence for this?


Yes, the Prophet  said that and the Hadith is authentic. However, the 

Hadith does not end there, and this fact is often concealed by those who 

cite it as evidence for accusing Muslims of polytheism. They don’t mention 

this and it is just one example of how their deception and misinformation. 

The mainstream scholarly community affirmed the general 

understanding of the hadith, namely, that the Muslim community will 

compete for worldly gain thus leading to its own decline. They negated 

any fear that the community, in general, will fall into major polytheism 

just as the Prophet, peace be upon him, informed.

The great scholar Ibn Abd al Barr confirms this in his book, al-Tamhid, 

‘…and he who fears for the Muhammadan Community that which 

their own Prophet did not fear, has undoubtedly come forth with a 





The full Hadith is as follows: 

Āʾishah said that she heard the Messenger of God ﷺ say: “‘A night and 

day will not pass before al-Lāt and al-ʿUzzā are worshipped.’ So I asked: 

‘O Messenger of God, I assumed that when God revealed: 

﴾It is He who 

has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, so that it 

may prevail over all [false] religion, however hateful this may be to the 




, the matter was complete?’ He replied: ‘There will surely be 

of this what Allah has decreed, then He will send a pleasant wind, and 

everyone who has a mustard grain seed’s weight of  belief in their heart 

will die,

 and there will remain only those who have no good within them, 

and they will thus return to the religion of their forefathers.


 (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)

4  Al-Tamhīd li māfī al-Muwaṭṭaʾmin al-Maʿānīwa al-Asānīd. The chapter of the letter ‘Yāʾ’, p. 264.

5  (9:33)

Is this really possible? What does the Hadith go on to state?

How did the scholars understand this Hadith?

 But did the Prophet  not say in a hadith reported by al-Bukhārī

and Muslim: ‘a night and day will not pass before al-Lāt and al-

Uzzā are worshipped?’


 Aren’t grave worshippers, those who circumambulate around

 graves (with the intention of worship, just as is performed

around the Ka

ʿbah) and revere them, polytheists?

The  act  of  circumambulation  around  graves  is  Forbidden  (Haram), 

but not polytheism (Shirk). For it to constitute polytheism, the person 

who is circumambulating the grave would have to intend worship 

of the person in the grave. This, however, is not the case. People 

who circumambulate graves intend drawing near to Allah through 

their action. This is forbidden (Haram) in the Sharia, since Allah has 

permitted  us  to  circumambulate  the  Kaʿbah  alone. 

Al-Lat and al-Uzza are both idols that used to be worshipped during 

the pre-Islamic period of ignorance (jahilliyah). The Prophet’s words 

here make it clear that the worship of these idols will not return until 

the souls of all the believers are taken at the end of time when the 

major signs of the final hour appear. This has not happened in our 

time since iman (faith) has not ceased to exist.

Not at all

; the difference between the two is huge. The polytheists clearly 

admit that they worship the idols in order to draw near to God, however, 

ignorant Muslims, who circumambulate graves,

 do not

 believe (nor do 

they intend) that they are 


 the dwellers of the graves. 

Also, circumambulation around something does not necessitate the 

worship  of  that  thing.  We  circumambulate  around  the  Kaʿbah,  yet  we 

are not worshipping it. Circumambulation as a general action is only 

considered  worship  of  Allah  (ʿibada) when it is performed around the 

Kaʿbah  and  nothing  else.  In  the  same  way,  those  who  circumambulate 

around graves are not worshipping the graves, but they are committing 

Bidʿa (innovation), since the act of circumambulation has only ever been 

specified  for  the  Kaʿbah.

6  (39:3)

Erroneous Belief Concerning the Muslims

 Yes, but did the polytheists not make the same claim in the Quran, that

 they worship idols to draw near to Allah? 

We worship them for no

 other reason than that they bring us nearer to God.



  Similarly, those

who circumambulate around graves desire to draw close to Allah?


Those who do this and have made it a norm are upon misguidance and 

plain error. The Prophet ﷺ clearly warned us about such a thing 1400 years 

ago. Hudhayfa said: 

“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: ‘

Verily what I fear for you

 is a man who 

reads  the  Qurʾān  until  its  splendor  is  seen  on  his  face.  He  is  a  zealous 

supporter of Islam, but then he changes the meaning of the Quran to 

whatever God willed. Thus he becomes detached from it, casting it aside. He 

then approaches his neighbor with a sword and

 accuses him of polytheism 


’”  Ḥudhayfah  continued:  “I  asked:  O  Prophet  of Allah,  which  of 

them is more fitting of (the accusation of) polytheism? The accused or the 

accuser?” The Prophet replied: “Rather the accuser.”


 Yet there are many sheikhs, preachers and ‘practicing’ Muslims who

 label other Muslims Kafir and accuse them of shirk (polytheism). How

can this be the case?

 Is there any other evidence that worshipping anything or anyone

other than Allah will never return amongst Muslims?

Yes,  there  are  many  proofs.  From  amongst  them  are  the  following  two 

Hadith of the Prophet :

On the authority of  Jābir b. ʿAbd Allah: “I heard the Prophet  

say: ‘The devil has despaired that worshippers (musallūn) will worship 

him within the Arab peninsula. However, he will sow discord amongst 


Reported by Muslim in his Ṣaḥīḥ.

On the authority of Ibn Masʿūd: “The Messenger of God ﷺ said: 

Iblīs has despaired that idols will be worshipped in the lands of the 

Arabs. However, he will be content with less than this from you, namely, 

despicable deeds and these will be the cause of your destruction.’”


7  Reported by al-Ḥākim in al-Mustadrak, and authenticated and agreed with by al-Dhahabī.

8  Reported by Ibn Ḥibban (81), al-Bukhārī in al-Tārīkh al-Kabīr (2907), and al-Bazzār (2793).


 If we are to accept that the all the bloodshed and mayhem perpetrated

 by fanatical movements within many Muslim communities stems from

 accusing other Muslims of shirk (polytheism), does that mean then that

 scholars should remain quiet about violations of Sharia and the rise of

reprehensible innovations prevalent in some Muslim societies?

 So the killings, murders and bloodshed that we see today

 of those Muslims who are being accused of disbelief and

polytheism is all invalid?

The role of the scholars is to preserve the Sharia and propagate correct 

practice. If innovations and violations prevail in a community then the 

scholars have the obligation of correcting these. However, they must be 

mindful of the following:

Absolutely.  Whoever kills another Muslim for these reasons has fallen 

into great danger and committed a major sin. His sin is like the sin of 

one who kills all of mankind. Alla 

 said: ﴾

On account of [his deed], We 

decreed to the Children of Israel that if anyone kills a person– unless in 

retribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land– it is as if he 

kills all mankind, while if any saves a life it is as if he saves the lives of 

all mankind. Our messengers came to them with clear signs, but many of 

them continued to commit excesses in the land.


The Messenger of Allah  said: ‘To insult a Muslim is a sin and to fight 

him is 



(al-Bukhārī and Muslim) 

May Allah protect us from 

the grave sin of charging other Muslims with 

Kufr  (disbelief)

 and accusing them of Shirk (polytheism); and may He 

relieve the Umma of all its tribulations, the manifest and the hidden. 

The correct method of dealing with the 

faults of fellow Muslims


The process of correcting wrongs must be conducted 


gentleness, kindness and love

. This was the example of our Prophet, 

peace be and blessings be upon him. 

The Muslim community in general is 

protected from falling into 

disbelief or polytheism

. Any Hadith that indicate the contrary have a 

particular context and a very specific purport, and do not apply to our 

situation  today.  

One who seeks to correct the wrongs and shortcomings of others 


remove any trace of bad opinion

, or ill feeling towards the person 

they are addressing, and his/her actions and beliefs. They must also be 

aware that committing a wrong act 

does not authorize them to charge 

a person with kufr (disbelief) or shirk (polytheism)

. If not, then any 

advice and attempt to correct wrongs will be of no avail and will never 

produce the intended results.

A scholar is obliged to respect the standards laid out by Islamic 

scholarship. One of these is to appreciate and respect specialisation in 

the domain of the Islamic sciences. A specialist in Hadith is not allowed 

to  issue legal verdicts (Fatwa) if he is not a mufti; likewise the mufti is 

not allowed to undertake more advanced forms of Ijitihad (independent 

legal reasoning) if he is not qualified to do so. 

Though religious preachers and speakers who have no 

qualifications or licences (ijaza) in Islamic law (fiqh) are required to 

guide and encourage the masses, but they are not allowed to issue legal 

opinions on what is right or wrong. Not everyone who speaks on Islam 

is a qualified scholar. 

Declaring someone a disbeliever requires a legal judgment from a 

court, due to the gravity of the matter. Historically, it has never been 

allowed for ordinary Muslims to take it upon themselves to dispense 

such a duty. Any Muslim who cares about their religion should be 

careful of committing such a serious sin.


Introducing the misrepresentation and 

distortion series

The Messenger of God, May the peace and blessings of God be 

upon him and his household, said: 

‘This knowledge will be transmitted from every generation by 

its upright; they negate from it the distortions of the extreme, the 

false claims of the falsifiers, and interpretations of the ignorant.’

Some of those that possess misapprehensions have understood 

the discourse of God in a manner which does not agree with the 

academic methodology inherited from the pious predecessors 

(al-salaf al-ṣāliḥ), and does not harmonize with  the  objectives 

and greater values of the divine revelation…

They  have  taken  some  verses  of  the  noble  Qurʾān  which 

were revealed in regard to the non-Muslims, and made them 

applicable  to  the  Muslims…

They have adopted verses which came as exceptions and applied 

to them general rulings…

They have distorted the meanings of the words of God in a 

manner that has led to the establishment or formation of grave 

erroneous concepts within the minds of the general Muslim 

populace, a result of which are mannerisms and actions that 

have  no  correlation  with  the  true  intrinsic  religion  of  Islam…

We shall become acquainted through the parts of this continuous 

series about the distortions of the meanings of the verses of 

the Noble Qurʾān and the Prophetic traditions (hadith) which 

the adherents of these distorted ideas have fallen within, their 

misguidance concerning legal rulings, and their embracing of 

wrong conceptions. All of which distanced them from God’s 

intended meanings, as well as His Prophet’s and the righteous 

predecessors  (salaf  al-ṣālih)  that  followed.

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