9-sinf Ixtisoslik fanlaridan choraklik summativ baholash test savollari. 1-20 matematika, 21-30 fizika, 31-45 ingliz tili. O‘quvchi (F. I. Sh)

Choose the correct answer I love computers – until a problem

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    Bu səhifədəki naviqasiya:
  • _______
31. Choose the correct answer
I love computers – until a problem ______up!
A) stands B) comes C) becomes
32. Choose the correct answer
I can’t ______up a new name to use on this social networking site.
A) turn B) think C) give
33. Choose the correct answer
Mum and Dad don’t _______of us watching too much TV.
A) approve B) spend C) look
34. Choose the correct answer
We value_______ in this office – it costs nothing to be nice to each other.

  1. attraction B) payment C) politeness

35. Choose the correct answer
The job is not very _________but there is a chance of promotion
A) payment B) well- paid C) occupation
36. Choose the correct answer
We _______over the sea when I fell asleep
A) fly B) flew C) were flying
37. Choose the correct answer
I have been friends with her ________ two years.
A) since B) for C) lately
38. Choose the correct answer
He ________ games all morning – that’s why his eyes hurt.
A)has played B)has been playing C)was playing
39. Choose the correct answer
The boss is ________ than I had expected.
A)much nicer B)more nicer C)nice

40. Choose the correct answer
In 1849 a servant girl wrote home to her brother from Port Adelaide, South Australia: "I have accepted a situation at £20 per annum, so you can tell the servants in your neighborhood not to stay in England for such wages as from £4 to £8 a year, but come here." Letters such as these, which were circulated from kitchen to kitchen and from attic to attic in English homes, were the best recruiting agents for the colonies, which were then so desperately in need of young women to serve the pioneers who were trying to create a new life for themselves in their chosen countries. Other girls read about the much better prospects overseas in newspapers and magazines, which also published advertisements giving details of free or assisted passages.
Those women who went to the colonies as servants ___________ .
A) were all recruited through agents back in England
B) missed their families greatly
C) played the most important role in attracting others
41. Read the text and find if the statement True, False or Not Given.
When I walked into the office that cold winter's morning, I was quite worried about my new job. I suddenly remembered that I had had that feeling once before, on my first day at school. Naturally, I was no longer a schoolboy and I had got over my shyness with people, or so I thought. But that was exactly how I felt when I entered the room and everybody turned to look at me – like a small, shy boy who was lost in a world that was completely new to him. However, just as it had done all those years before, the feeling soon disappeared as people started smiling and welcoming me to the office.
After I had met the other workers and found my desk, it was time to meet the boss. I had, of course, met him once before in the interview. But my application for the job now seemed so long ago and I had completely forgotten what he looked like. After a few minutes had passed, he called me into his office. He was very pleasant as he explained that he wanted me to be happy there and I should ask him if I had any questions. For my first day, he gave me a pile of papers and told me to read them in preparation for a report that he wanted me to write. ‘Take your time,’ he said, ‘We're interested in doing a good job, and there's a lot of information there’. I spent the rest of the day reading the notes and trying to understand them. Soon, of course, everything became much easier and at the end of the first week, I felt like I had been there my whole life.
There was a small boy in the office. ___________

  1. True B) False C) Not Given

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