A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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Regional conservation assessments
Regional park district plans
Agricultural lands designated on Department of Conservation farmland maps
The specific categories of open space that must be included in the inventory are set forth below.
Open space for natural resources
Requirement Description:
The inventory must identify open space for natural resources, including, but not limited to:  
Areas required for the preservation of plant and animal life, including habitat for fish and wildlife species.
 Such areas 
may include:
• Areas designated in HCPs and NCCPs
• Critical habitat identified pursuant to the Endangered 
Species Act (ESA) 
• Conservation easements
• Marine protected areas (MPAs)
• Areas identified in greenprints and Regional Conservation 
Assessments (RCAs)
• Parks and trails
• Areas designated by federal, state, regional and local 
agencies and governments as important habitat
• Existing forest and woodland areas set aside for mitigation
• Areas important for habitat connectivity
Areas required for ecologic and other scientific study 
 Such areas may include preserves, parks and other 
land used by universities to study agricultural systems, wildlife 
habitats, and other natural systems.
Rivers, streams, bays and estuaries; riparian areas; and 
coastal beaches, lakeshores, banks of rivers and streams, 
Simple improvements can create better spaces for recreation and activity
Image by Urban Advantage, Canopy

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S A M P L E   O F   O P R   R E C O M M E N D E D   D A T A   F O R   C O N S I D E R A T I O N   I N   A N A L Y S I S   O F   T H I S   E L E M E N T
S A M P L E   O F   O P R - R E C O M M E N D E D   D A T A   F O R   C O N S I D E R A T I O N   I N   A N A L Y S I S   O F   T H I S   E L E M E N T
Intent of Analysis
Recommended Data
Identification of protected areas to preserve
Marine protected areas (MPAs), critical habitat areas, areas identified 
in local conservation plans
Potential effects of development on water sources
Watershed maps
Intent of Analysis
Recommended Data
Identification of areas to protect in order to maintain groundwater 
Groundwater supply agency, DWR, urban water management plans
Open Space For Managed Production Of Resources
Requirement Description:
The inventory must include lands that are used for the production, enhancement, or maintenance of natural resources.  
Forest lands must be maintained in an efficient way to support the continued cultivation of timberland (
Gov. Code § 51101, § 
). With an increasing state population, these forest areas need to be protected against encroaching development to preserve 
their ecological services as well as economic vitality. Timberland Production Zones are designated for the production of timber 
or compatible uses and should not be converted for urban services.
Forest and rangelands information is available from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s 
Forest and Range Assessment
. Information regarding agricultural lands is available from the Department of Conservation’s 
maps and inventory,
California Protected Areas Database

CCED - California Conservation Easement Database

Conservation Easement Database (NCED)
, and 
Conservation Easements Registry

Many local governments also produce their own information regarding locally important lands.
Areas required for recharge of groundwater basins: Information regarding groundwater recharge should be available from urban 
water management plans and integrated water resource management plans. Cities and counties must also confer with any 
locally designated groundwater sustainability agency (
Bays, estuaries, marshes, rivers and streams that are important for the management of commercial fisheries: Information on 
fisheries is available from the 
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Areas containing major mineral deposits, including those in short supply: Information regarding mineral resources is available 
from the 
Department of Conservation
and watershed lands
.  Virtually all waters within a jurisdiction should be identified in the open space element. Upland areas 
connected to such waters should also be identified. Such areas may be identified in basin plans, watershed plans, and other 
planning documents produced by the State Water Resources Control Board, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and other 
regional entities.

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Open Space For Outdoor Recreation
Requirement Description:
The open space inventory must reflect open space currently used or planned for outdoor recreation. A city or county should 
consult with any regional park and open space district in identifying such areas. Jurisdictions should inventory existing 
recreational space, including marine protected areas adjacent to landside parks, and assess present and future demand based on 
population, demographic, and development trends. Including existing and planned open space for recreation on the land use 
map can help coordinate future development with anticipated recreational needs. 
Access to open space for recreation impacts individual and community health, and should be planned equitably and with 
accessibility considerations, to ensure underserved communities are included. 
S A M P L E   O F   O P R - R E C O M M E N D E D   D A T A   F O R   C O N S I D E R A T I O N   I N   A N A L Y S I S   O F   T H I S   E L E M E N T
Intent of Analysis
Recommended Data
Determine level of access to open space facilities
Transit, bike, and pedestrian paths and routes leading to open space 
Ensure equitable distribution of recreational open space facilities
Demographic information alongside maps of current and planned open 
Open Space for Public Health and Safety
Requirement Description:
Clean air and water, recreational and natural spaces, farms, ranches, and open spaces conducive to active transportation and 
healthy lifestyles foster health benefits for communities. The inventory should include areas that require special management 
or regulation because of hazardous or special conditions. These areas are important for protection or enhancement of public 
health. Hazardous conditions specifically identified in the statute are:
• Earthquake fault zones
•  Unstable soil areas
•  Flood plains
•  Watersheds
•  Areas presenting high fire risks
•  Areas required for protection of water quality and water reservoirs
•  Areas required for protection and enhancement of air quality
(Gov. Code 65560(b)(4)).  Information about those areas is available through the State of California 
Geoportal site
. Much of the 
information and policies related to hazards will also be relevant to the 
safety element
. For additional ideas on data and analysis, 
see the 
healthy communities
 section and 
safety element.

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