A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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C H A P T E R   4 :   R E Q U I R E D   E L E M E N T S
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AB 1553  (Keeley, Chapter 762, Statutes of 2001) requires OPR to provide guidance for local jurisdictions to incor-
porate Environmental Justice Considerations
(1)  Propose methods for planning for the equitable distribution of new public facilities and services that increase and 
enhance community quality of life throughout the community, given the fiscal and legal constraints that restrict the 
siting of these facilities.
(2)  Propose methods for providing for the location, if any, of industrial facilities and uses that, even with the best 
available technology, will contain or produce material that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or 
chemical characteristics, poses a significant hazard to human health and safety, in a manner that seeks to avoid over-
concentrating these uses in proximity to schools or residential dwellings.
(3)  Propose methods for providing for the location of new schools and residential dwellings in a manner that seeks to avoid 
locating these uses in proximity to industrial facilities and uses that will contain or produce material that because of its 
quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, poses a significant hazard to human health and safety.
(4)  Propose methods for promoting more livable communities by expanding opportunities for transit-oriented development 
so that residents minimize traffic and pollution impacts from traveling for purposes of work, shopping, schools, and 
Since 2003, the General Plan Guidelines have provided guidance on incorporation of EJ considerations for local jurisdictions. 
That guidance includes 
(1)  Methods for equitable distribution of new public facilities and services; 
(2)  methods to consider siting of polluting facilities that seek to minimize over concentration of health and safety hazards; 
(3)  methods for siting new schools and residential dwellings to avoid proximity to industrial areas; and 
(4)  methods for promoting livable communities to maximize transit-oriented development so residents minimize traffic and air 
pollution impacts. That guidance is updated in this chapter as well as other relevant portions of the general plan guidelines.
The guidance contained in this section addresses specific EJ goals, policies, and objectives for disadvantaged communities and 
information to be addressed as required by 
SB 1000
. The statute highlights several requirements while acknowledging that these 
requirements are a starting point, and by no means exhaustive. Local jurisdictions are encouraged to more broadly address EJ, 
health, and equity in their communities. Additional considerations are expanded upon in both the 
Healthy Communities
Equitable and Resilient Communities
The EJ goals, policies, and objectives will reflect each required statutory requirement. For instance, reduction of pollution 
exposure will be directly linked to 
land use
open space
 policies are important 

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C O R R E L A T I O N S   A M O N G   E L E M E N T S

Identified in statute     

Closely related to statutory requirements
Land Use
Open Space
Definitions of Disadvantaged and low-income community
SB 1000
 requires specific general plan content “if the city, county, or city and county has a disadvantaged community” (
Code § 65302(h)

‘Disadvantaged communities’
 means an area identified by the California Environmental Protection 
Agency Pursuant to 
Section 39711
 of the Health and Safety Code 
OR an area that is a low-income area that is 
disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and other hazards that can lead to negative health effects, 
exposure, or environmental degradation” (
Gov. Code § 65302(h)(4)(A)
The statute further defines “low-income area” to mean “an area with household incomes at or below 80 percent of 
the statewide median income 
OR with household incomes at or below the threshold designated as low income by the 
Department of Housing and Community Development’s
 list of state income limits
 adopted pursuant to 
Section 50093

(Gov. Code § 65302(h)((4)(C)
Timeline for adoption, review, and update
Several jurisdictions have already adopted EJ goals, policies, and objectives into their existing general plan through healthy 
community, social equity, or environmental justice frameworks. A quick timeline checklist is provided below to ensure 
compliance with the new statute:
• A local government has already adopted all the related goals, policies, and objectives in the completeness checklist in their 
existing general plan ➞ upon the next revision of two or more elements concurrently on or after January 1, 2018 ➞ Review 
existing EJ goals, policies, and objectives
• A local government does not meet the completeness checklist ➞ upon the next revision of two or more elements concurrently 
on or after January 1, 2018 ➞ The jurisdiction must create EJ goals, policies, and objectives as highlighted in statute
 Disadvantaged community is defined slightly differently by SB 1000 and SB 244. For jurisdictions with fringe or island communities, also see the 
OPR guidance on SB 244 
 The Government Code uses a slightly different definition to identify “disadvantaged unincorporated communities” that must be addressed in the general plan pursuant to section 65302.10.
components to promoting physical activity. Policies in the
 element need to address protection of disadvantaged 
communities. Policies should address the impact of increasing hazards, such as extreme heat, flooding, and drought, on 
disadvantaged communities.

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