Aa history Lovers 2010 moderators Nancy Olson and Glenn F. Chesnut page

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On Dec. 14, 1934, a failed stockbroker named Bill Wilson was struggling with

alcoholism at a New York City detox center. It was his fourth stay at the

center and nothing had worked. This time, he tried a remedy called the

belladonna cure - infusions of a hallucinogenic drug made from a poisonous

plant - and he consulted a friend named Ebby Thacher, who told him to give

up drinking and give his life over to the service of God.

Wilson was not a believer, but, later that night, at the end of his rope, he

called out in his hospital room: "If there is a God, let Him show Himself! I

am ready to do anything. Anything!"
As Wilson described it, a white light suffused his room and the presence of

God appeared. "It seemed to me, in the mind's eye, that I was on a mountain

and that a wind not of air but of spirit was blowing," he testified later.

"And then it burst upon me that I was a free man."

Wilson never touched alcohol again. He went on to help found Alcoholics

Anonymous, which, 75 years later, has 11,000 professional treatment centers,

55,000 meeting groups and some 1.2 million members.
The movement is the subject of a smart


comprehensive essay by Brendan I. Koerner in the July 2010 issue of Wired

magazine. The article is noteworthy not only because of the light it sheds

on what we've learned about addiction, but for what it says about changing

behavior more generally. Much of what we do in public policy is to try to

get people to behave in their own long-term interests - to finish school,

get married, avoid gangs, lose weight, save money. Because the soul is so

complicated, much of what we do fails.

The first implication of Koerner's essay is that we should get used to the

idea that we will fail most of the time. Alcoholics Anonymous has stood the

test of time. There are millions of people who fervently believed that its

12-step process saved their lives. Yet the majority, even a vast majority,

of the people who enroll in the program do not succeed in it. People are

idiosyncratic. There is no single program that successfully transforms most

people most of the time.
The second implication is that we should get over the notion that we will

someday crack the behavior code - that we will someday find a scientific

method that will allow us to predict behavior and design reliable social

programs. As Koerner notes, A.A. has been the subject of thousands of

studies. Yet "no one has yet satisfactorily explained why some succeed in

A.A. while others don't, or even what percentage of alcoholics who try the

steps will eventually become sober as a result."
Each member of an A.A. group is distinct. Each group is distinct. Each

moment is distinct. There is simply no way for social scientists to reduce

this kind of complexity into equations and formula that can be replicated

one place after another.

Nonetheless, we don't have to be fatalistic about things. It is possible to

design programs that will help some people some of the time. A.A. embodies

some shrewd insights into human psychology.
In a culture that generally celebrates empowerment and self-esteem, A.A.

begins with disempowerment. The goal is to get people to gain control over

their lives, but it all begins with an act of surrender and an admission of


In a culture that thinks of itself as individualistic, A.A. relies on

fellowship. The general idea is that people aren't really captains of their

own ship. Successful members become deeply intertwined with one another -

learning, sharing, suffering and mentoring one another. Individual repair is

a social effort.
In a world in which gurus try to carefully design and impose their ideas,

Wilson surrendered control. He wrote down the famous steps and foundations,

but A.A. allows each local group to form, adapt and innovate. There is less

quality control. Some groups and leaders are great; some are terrible. But

it also means that A.A. is decentralized, innovative and dynamic.
Alcoholics have a specific problem: they drink too much. But instead of

addressing that problem with the psychic equivalent of a precision-guidance

missile, Wilson set out to change people's whole identities. He studied

William James's "The Varieties of Religious Experience." He sought to arouse

people's spiritual aspirations rather than just appealing to rational

cost-benefit analysis. His group would help people achieve broad spiritual

awakenings, and abstinence from alcohol would be a byproduct of that larger


In the business of changing lives, the straight path is rarely the best one.

A.A. illustrates that even in an age of scientific advance, it is still

ancient insights into human nature that work best. Wilson built a remarkable

organization on a nighttime spiritual epiphany.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6680. . . . . . . . . . . . Troubling Epigram

From: emmspeter . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/29/2010 5:32:00 AM

Can anybody please help me with the following:
I have frequently heard people in A.A. meetings use the epigram, especially


addressing newcomers, "You can leave this meeting and need never drink


I wondered if anyone can tell me when and how, in A.A. history this epigram


into use and exactly what is implied in its message to the newcomer.
This request may seem curious, if not an attempt at being divisive. The

truth is

that when the phrase is used, especially in isolation with no further


or clarification, I am left feeling a little troubled and I know that many

newcomers are too. The fact is I was hoping that, as with all A.A. epigrams


slogans, this one might have a traceable etymology and original intended and

explicit meaning.
++++Message 6681. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: No major changes in the first


From: emmspeter . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/29/2010 9:56:00 PM
--- In AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com, Roy Levin wrote:


> The local nest of book thumpers here in Santa Monica are always making fun


this fellowship slogan, as they do with many other fellowship "folk slogans"

which don't appear in the book. The essence of their jibe is "We're asked to

turn our will and our lives over to the care of God," but it's suggested not


make any major changes in the first year. It is rather ironic looked at in




> --- On Fri, 6/18/10, Richard H wrote:



> From: Richard H

> Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] No major changes in the first year

> To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

> Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 6:56 AM



> Â Hi Roy. Many of the slogans and pithy epigrams employed by the


of A.A. today have little bearing on A.A. literature, history or tradition.


particular epigram that you refer to, I believe (and I may well be wrong)

can be

attributed to the philosophies of Terrence Gorsky, an internationally


expert on substance abuse, mental health, violence, & crime. He is best


for his contributions to relapse prevention. According to Gorsky, an


can expect to suffer from post acute withdrawal syndrome for a period of up


18 - 24 months following initial abstinence. During that period the brain's

neurotransmitters are attempting re-establish a healthy homeostasis. The

suggestion is that during this period of homeostatic readjustment one should


make major decisions.

All this is very interesting and maybe even based in sound scientific fact


rationale. However, the 'Big Book Thumpers', as you refer to them, are


Its simply not A.A. and therefore to promote such would be to endorse a

philosophy that is outside the interests of A.A.

When in doubt I always refer to the ample, conference approved, literature


our fellowship and draw my conclusion from that:

As Bill Sees It
The Hour of Decision, p. 202
"Not all large decisions can be well made by simply listing the pros and

cons of

a given situation, helpful and necessary as this process is. We cannot


depend on what seems to us to be logical. When there is doubt about our


we wait upon God and listen for the voice of intuition. If, in meditation,


voice is persistent enough, we may well gain sufficient confidence to act


that, rather than upon logic.
"If, after an exercise of these two disciplines, we are still uncertain,

then we

should ask for further guidance, and, when possible, defer important


for a time. By then, with more knowledge of our situation, logic and


may well agree upon a right course.
"But if the decision must be now, let us not evade it through fear.

Right or wrong, we can always profit from the experience."

Letter, 1966
Hope this helps.
In sobriety and fellowship.



> Warm greetings from West Virginia Area 73 Archives,


> Many members share the suggestion that no major changes be made in the


year of your sobriety to newcomers. Does anyone know of any source for this

train of thought? AA or otherwise.


> See ya in San Antonio,


> Richard Humway

> Area 73 Archivist













> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

++++Message 6682. . . . . . . . . . . . St Benedict''s 12 Steps

From: Jenny or Laurie Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/30/2010 10:03:00 AM

Has anyone noticed the similarities between AA's 12 Steps (and Traditions)


'The Call to Humility: St Benedict's 12 Steps'? E.g. 'A sermon from St


"Holy scripture proclaims to us brothers: 'Everyone who exalts himself shall


humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted' (Luke 14:11)." CF

Tradition 12.

... 'The second step of humility is reached when a man (sic) not loving his


will does not bother to please himself but follows the injunction of the


"I came not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me" (John 6:38).


is also said that "self-will has its punishment, necessity its crown" (Acta

Martyrum). CF Steps 2,3 and 11.

... 'The fifth step of humility is achieved when a monk, by humble


discloses to his abbot all the evil thoughts in his heart and evil acts he


carried out. The Scripture tells us to do this: "Reveal your way to the Lord


hope in Him" (Psalm 37:5). Also, "Confess to the Lord because He is good,

because His mercy endures forever" (Psalm 106:1). CF Steps 4,5 and 10.

... 'The eighth step of humility is reached when a monk only does that which


common rule of the monastery and the examples of the Elders demands. CF

Traditions 1 and 2.

'The twelfth step of humility is reached when a monk shows humility in his


and in his appearance and actions. Whether he is in the oratory, at the

"work of

God", in the monastery or garden, on a trip, in the fields; whether sitting,

standing or walking ...' (CF Step 12 - in all our affairs ...)

'When a monk has climbed all 12 steps, he will find that perfect love of God

which casts out fear, by means of which everything he had observed anxiously

before will now appear simple and natural ...'

And differences? 'The ninth step of humility is achieved when a monk,


silence, only speaks when asked a question, for, "In many words you shall


sin" (Proverbs 10:19). And, "A talkative man shall not prosper upon the


(Psalm 140:11).' CF "Preach the gospel always - if necessary, use words."


Francis of Assisi), and, "Take the cotton wool out of your ears and put it


your mouth." (AA saying) Maybe our more garrulous AA members should mark


words, but we share our experience, strength and hope and carry the message

- we

don't stay silent.

'The tenth step of humility is reached when a man restrains himself from

laughter and frivolity, for "The fool lifts his voice in laughter."

(Ecclesiastes 21:23) CF "There is a vast amount of fun about it all. I


some would be shocked at our seeming worldliness and levity. But just


there is deadly earnestness. Faith has to work 24 hours a day in and through


or we perish." (Bill's story, Big Book).
Laurie A.


We want to hear all your funny, exciting and crazy Hotmail stories. Tell us

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

++++Message 6683. . . . . . . . . . . . sponsorship

From: Patrick Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/30/2010 1:47:00 PM

About the questions on 'where did sponsorship start'...After things got


good at St Thomas Hospital in Akron (guys bringing drunks to the hospital


dropping them off ) Sister Ignatia told them if they dropped them off they


to come back upon their discharge and pick them up and (sponsor them) take


to AA meetings at Kings High School. That was the first real, 'hands on'

sponsorship.--Pat M.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6684. . . . . . . . . . . . Barry L.''s sobriety date and place

of orgin and entering AA

From: marathonmanric . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/4/2010 1:38:00 PM
San Antonio, you out did yourself.
The convention was fabulous and it was my honor to finally meet the

moderator of

this group Glenn C.
I'm clear now that the alcoholics that entered AA and help establish the


tradition, one in New York where Bill asked if he had a problem with alcohol


the one in Akron where Dr. Bob asked "What would the master do?" are


people and I had been under the impression that Barry Leach was one of these


Can anyone advise from research, when and where did Barry L, (author of


sober), coming in Alcoholics Anonymous.
Your reply will be greatly appreciated.
Ric the GratefulCamel in Salinas, Ca
++++Message 6685. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: Barry L.''s sobriety date and

place of orgin and entering AA

From: J. Lobdell . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/5/2010 5:23:00 PM
Barry L. once (or perhaps more often) said he knew Bill W almost thirty


meaning he met him some time after 1941, and I have somewhere come across a

reference to Barry L. in AA in NYC at least by 1945, though I can't put my

finger on it now. Others may have more exact data but I'm guessing Barry L.


in toward the end of WW2, that is 1944-45.But I'm sure his sobriety date


is available somewhere, possibly on line.
> To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

> From: Gratefulcamel@comcast.net

> Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 17:38:12 +0000

> Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Barry L.'s sobriety date and place of orgin and

entering AA


> San Antonio, you out did yourself.


> The convention was fabulous and it was my honor to finally meet the


of this group Glenn C.


> I'm clear now that the alcoholics that entered AA and help establish the


tradition, one in New York where Bill asked if he had a problem with alcohol


the one in Akron where Dr. Bob asked "What would the master do?" are


people and I had been under the impression that Barry Leach was one of these




> Can anyone advise from research, when and where did Barry L, (author of


sober), coming in Alcoholics Anonymous.


> Your reply will be greatly appreciated.


> Ric the GratefulCamel in Salinas, Ca




> ------------------------------------


> Yahoo! Groups Links





The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with



:T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_5 [13]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6686. . . . . . . . . . . . Forward to 2nd Edition Question -

Oxford Tenents

From: jillanfinson . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/5/2010 2:39:00 PM
"On page 263 in the 4th Edition the tenants were already adjusted because of


wording on Tenant 6, but they were similar to the Oxford Group's Tenents. If


read page 8 it says he couldn't accept all the tenets of the Oxford Group

but he

goes on to list the 5 he could accept. Read the 5 that he could accept and

you'll find the only one not listed is the first Tenet, which is complete

deflation, mentioned on p. 263, but not in the 2nd forward." Question - Is


the tentent Bill is refering to in the forward to the 2nd edition, that he

couldn't accept - complete deflation? If not, why is it left out and the


from p. 263 are remaining? THANK YOU! Jill

++++Message 6687. . . . . . . . . . . . Unanswered questions

From: Baileygc23@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/6/2010 5:22:00 AM

In Pass it ON, it mentions Bill W as being called the greatest social.etc.

One of the history group might have been involved in the witting of that

book, and the question is, does he have a reference beyond Dr Bob for the


In the book it also mentions Bill W saying in 1940 that he had opposition

to efforts to integrate AA. Bill W prior to 1940 was trying to make AA

acceptable to different persons of any and all persuasions.
hristian faiths, and eventually was working to make it acceptable to any

and all.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

++++Message 6688. . . . . . . . . . . . Forward to 2nd Edition Question -

Oxford Tenents [sic]

From: John Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/6/2010 8:33:00 AM
The word is "tenets", not tentets, tentents or tenants. A tenet is a

fundamental principle or dogma, from the Latin tendre ["to hold"]. A tenant


an inhabitant of land, as distinguished from an "owner".

Pass It On, at 197, gives the early version of six Steps or Precepts, which

differ somewhat from Doctor Bob's early six Steps on p. 263 of Big Book. The

fifth precept is, "we tried to help other alcoholics, with no thought of


in money or prestige." Unfortunately, the idea of "no thought of reward"


to be included in the

final version of the Twelve Steps. Hence, we are bombarded with gratitude


rewards meetings, where the members tell us what they've "gotten out" of AA.

Historically, AA has been a "give" program, not a "get" program. The idea of

"helping without reward" somewhat survived as the principle behind Tradition

Twelve [help others, don't get caught].

The ideas of ego-deflation and spiritual growth are themes pertinent to all

the Steps. Those two ideas didn't need to be limited or expressed in



John Lee

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6689. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Forward to 2nd Edition Question

- Oxford Tenents [sic]

From: Baileygc23@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/6/2010 5:38:00 PM
It does say the steps were to prepare us to be of maximum service to God

and those around us.

Dr Bob did say, the steps simmered down in the last to love and service.

I do not think there is much danger of ego deflation in the rooms, unless

it is by new comers while still new.

When we talk about tenets, Bill W did say there was no dogma.

In a message dated 7/6/2010 1:09:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

johnlawlee@yahoo.com writes:

The ideas of ego-deflation and spiritual growth are themes pertinent to

all the Steps. Those two ideas didn't need to be limited or expressed in

separate steps.

John Lee

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6690. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: Barry L.''s sobriety date and

place of orgin and entering AA

From: Li Lightfoot . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/8/2010 3:10:00 AM
In a speaker tape Barry says he was "spiritually dead in 1945" when he came


AA. I must assume that is the year he got sober.

--- On Mon, 7/5/10, J. Lobdell wrote:
From: J. Lobdell

Subject: RE: [AAHistoryLovers] Barry L.'s sobriety date and place of orgin


entering AA

To: aahistorylovers@yahoogroups.com

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 2:23 PM

Barry L. once (or perhaps more often) said he knew Bill W almost thirty


meaning he met him some time after 1941, and I have somewhere come across a

reference to Barry L. in AA in NYC at least by 1945, though I can't put my

finger on it now. Others may have more exact data but I'm guessing Barry L.


in toward the end of WW2, that is 1944-45.But I'm sure his sobriety date


is available somewhere, possibly on line.
> To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

> From: Gratefulcamel@comcast.net

> Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 17:38:12 +0000

> Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Barry L.'s sobriety date and place of orgin and

entering AA


> San Antonio, you out did yourself.


> The convention was fabulous and it was my honor to finally meet the


of this group Glenn C.


> I'm clear now that the alcoholics that entered AA and help establish the


tradition, one in New York where Bill asked if he had a problem with alcohol


the one in Akron where Dr. Bob asked "What would the master do?" are


people and I had been under the impression that Barry Leach was one of these




> Can anyone advise from research, when and where did Barry L, (author of


sober), coming in Alcoholics Anonymous.


> Your reply will be greatly appreciated.


> Ric the GratefulCamel in Salinas, Ca




> ------------------------------------


> Yahoo! Groups Links





The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with



:T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_5 [13]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6691. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Forward to 2nd Edition Question

- Oxford Tenents [sic]

From: John Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/7/2010 8:34:00 AM
My citation about Doctor Bob and "shibboleths" was incorrect. Doctor Bob


"no shibboleths in AA", in his 1948 Grapevine article "The Fundamentals-In


john lee

--- On Tue, 7/6/10, Baileygc23@aol.com wrote:

From: Baileygc23@aol.com

Subject: Re: [AAHistoryLovers] Forward to 2nd Edition Question - Oxford



To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 9:38 PM

It does say the steps were to prepare us to be of maximum service to God
and those around us.
Dr Bob did say, the steps simmered down in the last to love and service.
I do not think there is much danger of ego deflation in the rooms, unless
it is by new comers while still new.
When we talk about tenets, Bill W did say there was no dogma.
In a message dated 7/6/2010 1:09:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
johnlawlee@yahoo.com writes:
The ideas of ego-deflation and spiritual growth are themes pertinent to
all the Steps. Those two ideas didn't need to be limited or expressed in
separate steps.
John Lee
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6692. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Forward to 2nd Edition Question

- Oxford Tenents [sic]

From: John Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/7/2010 7:41:00 AM
Bill used the word "tenet" when writing about the Oxford Group, not about

AA. He

was a very inclusive guy, who developed the 3rd Tradition, after all. Keep


mind that while the Steps are "suggested", AA has never suggested any


way to recover from alcoholism. It is suggested that you use your

parachute if

you fall out of an airplane. No other suggestion has been developed for


falls in the past 90 years.

The early members very clearly used the Oxford idea of ego-deflation to


the steps. If most members don't continue ego-deflation, it's because most

members don't take all 12 Steps. My financial amends were very


and expensive. I give up my right to manage my life, every morning around


That's continuing ego-deflation.

I don't recall Bill Wilson commenting about "dogma", but Doctor Bob did, in



"On Cultivating Tolerance". Bob wrote, "There are no shibboleths in


That might have been true in 1948, but nowadays there are many. Members


to bring up secret passwords, wolf-whistles and chanting, to show their

knowledge of the program [sic]. It's a way to feel superior and block the

message to newcomers. ["Who are you?", "We think not...", just as two


of shibboleths].Â

--- On Tue, 7/6/10, Baileygc23@aol.com wrote:
From: Baileygc23@aol.com

Subject: Re: [AAHistoryLovers] Forward to 2nd Edition Question - Oxford



To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010, 9:38 PM

It does say the steps were to prepare us to be of maximum service to God
and those around us.
Dr Bob did say, the steps simmered down in the last to love and service.
I do not think there is much danger of ego deflation in the rooms, unless
it is by new comers while still new.
When we talk about tenets, Bill W did say there was no dogma.
In a message dated 7/6/2010 1:09:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
johnlawlee@yahoo.com writes:
The ideas of ego-deflation and spiritual growth are themes pertinent to
all the Steps. Those two ideas didn't need to be limited or expressed in
separate steps.
John Lee
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6693. . . . . . . . . . . . 2010 Convention

From: Patricia . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/13/2010 11:41:00 AM


maybe it could be of some interest - links about AA SAN ANTONIO CONVENTION -

good 24 !!!






�tv report



l [18]

�Vid�os http://www.kreizker.net/article-congres-2010-53378347.html





convention pictures





�TWITS http://www.kreizker.net/article-let-s-tweet-again-53502340.html


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6694. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: 2010 Convention

From: Arthur S . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/13/2010 7:56:00 PM

It probably wouldn’t hurt to have some postings on the history of the

anonymity Traditions – what they mean, why they exist and how they should



There were announcements after announcements at the International asking


members not take photos showing the faces of other members and not post


of member’s faces on the internet.
As a history group we really should know better
Cheers - Arthur
- - - -
From: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

[mailto:AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Patricia

Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 10:41 AM

To: patricia dixon

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] 2010 Convention

maybe it could be of some interest - links about AA SAN ANTONIO CONVENTION -

good 24 !!!



tv report




Videos http://www.kreizker.net/article-congres-2010-53378347.html





convention pictures



TWITS http://www.kreizker.net/article-let-s-tweet-again-53502340.html


++++Message 6695. . . . . . . . . . . . AA on NPR

From: hjfree2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 7:35:00 AM

Last week NPR "On Point" did a focus piece on AA.

Some might find it of interest

++++Message 6696. . . . . . . . . . . . Everyone knows the reason

From: hjfree2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 7:19:00 AM

Perhaps I've missed it or don't know how to search but can someone fill in


reason everyone knows from page 51
"This world of ours has made more material progress in the last century than


all the millenniums which went before. Almost everyone knows the reason."

++++Message 6697. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: 2010 Convention

From: Lynn Sawyer . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 12:20:00 AM

Dear Arthur,

I agree w/you. Are you gonna post the info. you mentioned? Guess a panoramic

shot from the rear of the big room would be ok, as you couldn't see any


Lynn S.


Sacramento, CA


++++Message 6698. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: 2010 Convention

From: Jenny or Laurie Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 2:54:00 AM

Yeah, it's like herding cats! Most of the shots are taken from behind, only


handful of individuals can be identified and of course there's no way of


whether or not they are alcoholics (well, not by looking at them anyway).


you to page 253 "Pass It On: Bill Wilson and the AA message", which is a

photograph of the 1955 St Louis convention, and the end papers of "Dr Bob


the Good Oldtimers", a photograph of a different(?) convention. I remember


Mauser, late archivist at GSO in New York, giving a presentation in which he

showed us newspaper clippings of public information meetings in which early


sat behind a screen or wore masks to carry the AA message to non-alcoholics.

Incidentally, he said he thought Dr Bob would be spinning in his grave at


way his house in Akron has become some sort of shrine.
++++Message 6699. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: 2010 Convention

From: Angelica Creates! . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 2:16:00 PM

From John K. and Ellen
- - - -
From: "John Keller"

(keller at ociofcharlotte.com)

I think that's a great idea, Arthur.
John K
- - - -
From Ellen

(angelicabeads at yahoo.com)

I couldn't agree more! At the big meeting on Saturday night in San Antonio,


Mexican man who didn't speak English somehow managed to bring professional


small) filming equipment in to the stadium and filmed the entire meeting,

speakers and all! I was livid. I went and found AA security, but they only


him he had to stop filming, and didn't make him clear the film. I'm afraid


the deterioration of our tradition of anonymity in light of the internet and

independent TV, etc. GSO cannot really do anything about this, first because

they've not got the power, and secondly because of the tradition that states

that we do not engage in controversy. I wonder how seeing their pictures in

newspapers and magazines, on the internet and on TV is going to affect the

ability of AA to attract newcomers, who may be very concerned with remaining

unidentified. It's amazing how many old-timers don't even follow this

Thanks for mentioning this, Arthur. It's a really big deal to some of us.


++++Message 6700. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: Everyone knows the reason

From: Laurence Holbrook . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 4:37:00 PM

1) This world of ours has made more material progress in the last century

than in all the millenniums which went before.

2) Almost everyone knows the reason.
[Continue on reading for the answer]
3) Students of ancient history tell us that the intellect of men in those

days was equal to the best of today.

4) Yet in ancient times, material progress was painfully slow.
5) The spirit of modern scientific inquiry, research and invention was

almost unknown.

6) In the realm of the material, men's minds were fettered by superstition,

tradition, and all sort of fixed ideas.

7) Some of the contemporaries of Columbus thought a round earth


8) Others came near putting Galileo to death for his astronomical heresies.
9) We asked ourselves this: Are not some of us just as biased and

unreasonable about the realm of the spirit as were the ancients about the

realm of the material?
10) Even in the present century, American newspapers were afraid to print an

account of the Wright brothers' first successful flight at Kittyhawk. Had

not all efforts at flight failed before? Did not Professor Langley's flying

machine go to the bottom of the Potomac River? Was it not true that the best

mathematical minds had proved man could never fly? Had not people said God

had reserved this privilege to the birds? Only thirty years later the

conquest of the air was almost an old story and airplane travel was in full


4 & 5 restates the problem - 6, the reason 'everyone knows' - 7 & 8 contain

examples - 9 Bill's suggestion that we remove superstition, tradition and

all sort of fixed ideas about religion and the realm of the spirit - 10

another example -

Personal note - I really got this - I always thought the reason ancient

people had limited developement was because they were stupid - I never

realized that it was bias, prejudice and particularly fear of retaliation if

you thought differently from the 'establishment' -

Only a couple hundred years ago here in the US - the Puritans left England

because they believed differently about religion from the establishment -

damned if the Puritans didn't do that same thing - they burnt folks at the

stake that dared to admit they believed differently from the Puritans -

I dunno 'bout y'all, but I'm not sure I'd be real excited to express my

ideas on a Higher Power to a Puritan -

From: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

[mailto:AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of hjfree2001

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:20 AM

To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Everyone knows the reason
Perhaps I've missed it or don't know how to search but can someone fill in

the reason everyone knows from page 51

"This world of ours has made more material progress in the last century than

in all the millenniums which went before. Almost everyone knows the reason."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6701. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Everyone knows the reason

From: Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/14/2010 4:01:00 PM

--- In AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com, "hjfree2001"
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